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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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tree bark
amiġaq, dl. amiqqak, pl. amiqqat

Bark can be used for house roofing.
Amiġaq atuġnaqtuq tupqum qiḷaŋanun.

a wooden barrel
qattaġruk, dl. qattaġruuk, pl. qattaġruich

Barrels are good for storing berries in.
Qattaġruich asriaqaġvigiksut.

to be bashful, shy

he is bashful, self-conscious
kanŋusruktuq, dl. kanŋusruktuk, pl. kanŋusruktut

She was bashful when he spoke to her.
Kanŋusruktuq uqqaaġigvigipmani.

wash basin
iġġuġviuraq, dl. iġġuġviurak, pl. iġġuġviurat

The wash basin is full.
Iġġuġviuraq immaukkaqtuq.


The length of the sled is fourteen feet.
Qiḷġich taktilaaqaqtut qulit sisamat isigaksaġniqtun.

to play basketball
aqsrarriqi-, aqsraaq-

he is playing basketball
aqsrarriqiruq, dl. aqsrarriqiruk, pl. aqsrarriqirut
dl. aqsraaqtuk, pl. aqsraaqtut

They are playing ball at school.
Aqsraaqtut aglagviŋmi.

2. basketball players
aqsraaqtit, aqsrarriqirit

bathe to bathe, to wash, to take a bath

She is bathing.

He is bathing in the river.
Uvvaqtuq kuuŋmi.

2. to bathe, to wash, to take a bath

She is bathing.

She bathed when she got dirty.
Iġġuqtuq puyatnami.

she is bathing or washing him
iġġuġaa or uvvaġaa

She is washing the child.
Uvvaġaa iyaalugruaq. or Iġġuġaa iḷaalugruaq.
-lit., the edge of ocean-
taġium siñaa

There are lots of sea shells on the beach.
Taġium siñaani uviḷut iñugiaktut.

suŋauraq, dl. suŋaurak, pl. suŋaurat

Beads make pretty trimming.
Suŋaurat qupagiksut.

2. to work with beads, to do beadwork

She is doing beadwork.

My daughter is doing beadwork.
Paniga suŋaurriqiruq.

beak, bill
siyyuuk, dl. siyyuuk, pl. siyyuich

All birds have beaks.
Siyyuuk tiŋmiupayaani ittuk.
a beam or ray of light
qaumaniq, dl. qaumannak, pl. qaumanġich

I see a beam of light up there.
Qaumaniq pitcha tautukkiga.

niliġnaq, dl. niliġnak, pl. niliġnat

Beans are good to eat.
Niliġnat nakuurut niġiruni.

bear black bear
iyyaġriq, dl. iyyaġrik, pl. iyyaġrich

The black bear is eating a fish.
Iyyaġriq niġiruq qaluŋmik.

2. brown bear, grizzly bear
akłaq, dl. akłak, pl. akłat

The brown bear is big.
Akła aŋiruq.

3. polar bear
nanuq, dl. nannuk, pl. nannut

The white polar bear lives in the ocean.
Qatiqtaaq nanuq iñuuniaġaqtuq taġiumi.

The polar bear dived under the ice.
Nanuq nakkaqtuq sikum ataanun.

4. bear, black or brown

The man’s beard is long.
Aŋutim umŋi takirut.

2. to grow a beard

A man grows a beard on his chin.
Aŋun ummiraqtuq tavlumigun.

to beat another in a contest, fight. etc., to win from another

he beats him -in contest-
akiiḷiyaa, dl. akiiḷiyaak, pl. akiiḷiyaat

My older brother beat the man in a footrace.
Aniŋama akiiḷiyaa aŋun aqpaliutraqamik.

He beats his opponent.
Igḷuni akiiḷiyaa.

2. to be beaten, to not win

He is beaten.

He got hurt, so he lost.
Atniqsiqhuni akiiḷipchaqtuq.

beaver aqu, dl. aquk, pl. aqut

The color of a beaver is brown.
Aqu qaaqaqtuq iliktamik.

2. beaver; beaver skin
paługtaq, dl. pałuqtak, pl. pałuqtat

I’m going to tan my beaver skins.
Pałuqtautitka qitummaŋniaġitka.

3. beaver dam
iglu or saputit, dl. igluk, pl. iglut

We saw a beaver dam.
Qiñiqtugut aqum saputaiñik.

He is crying because he is sad.
Qiaruq takku aliasrukhuni

to become; to turn into another form; to undergo change; to metamorphize -as in folktales-
plus [ġ]uq [n-n]
plus [ġ]uq is used with a noun that ends in a ‘q’ or a vowel plus [g]uq is used with a noun that ends in a ‘k’


She became a wolf.

The flower became a berry.
Nauriuraq asriaġuqtuq.


The bear turned into a human being and spoke to him.
Akłam iñuguutiplugu uqaġvigigaa.

The bed is high.
Siñigviich kiŋiktut

see bumblebee

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