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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be blocking the way, to be in the way

it is blocking the way, it is in the way
avriaqutauruq, dl. avriaqutauruk, pl. avriaqutaurut

The puppy is in the way.
Qipmiuraq avriaqutauruq.


A block and tackle pulls heavy objects.
Kiyipigaurat nuqitchiraqtut uqumaiḷanik.

auk, dl. auk, pl. augich

The blood is red.
Auk kaviqsuq.

Blood flows through the veins.
Auk igliġuuruq taqqatigun.

taqaq, dl. taqqak, pl. taqat

People have blood vessels.
Iñuich taqaqaqtut.
to blow, to blow out

He blew out the candle.
Supillakkaa kialuuraq.

2. to blow repeatedly

He is blowing into the air- hole of a woodstove.
Supumiksuq supluaqtuġvikun.

3. a blowhole
suppuqtaġvik, dl. suppuqtaġviik, pl. suppuqtaġviich

The whale breathes through his blowhole.
Aġviq aniqsaaġuuruq suppuqtaġviŋmigun.


Some people eat unrendered blubber.
Iñuich iḷaŋich nutaġġiñġaqtuġuurut.

2. rendered blubber strips in oil
uqsruġaq, dl. uqsruqqak, pl. uqsruqqat

I want some rendered blubber.

3. blubber strips aged in seal skin poke or whale meat mixed with blubber and whole blood and aged for taste
mikigaq, dl. mikikkak, pl. mikikkat

Point Hope people make mikigaq.
Tikiġaġmuit mikigaliuġaqtut.

the color blue, something blue
uquaqtaaq, dl. uquaqtaak, pl. uquaqtaat

to be blue

it is blue
uquaqtuq, dl. uquaqtuk, pl. uquaqtut

The cloth is blue.
Nukiihaaq uquaqtuq. or Ukihaaq uquaqtuq.
to blush from modesty, shyness or confusion

She is blushing.

2. to blush from embarrassment, to look embarrassed

He is blushing from embarrassment
kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq, dl. kigiñaġiiḷiqsuk, pl. kigiñaġiiḷiqsut

She is blushing with embarrassment.
Kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq kanŋusruliqhuni.

to be boastful

he is boastful
kamasraaqtuq, dl. kamasraaqtuk, pl. kamasraaqtut

The man is boastful.
Aŋun kamasraaqtuq.

2. to boast, to brag

she is boasting, she is bragging

She is boasting of her new house.
Uqaviksuq tupitchiaqami.

boatumiaq, dl. umiak, pl. umiat

The boat stays in the water during the summer.
Umiaq imiġmi itchuuruq auraġmi.
timi, dl. timik, pl. timit

The person’s body is in pain.
Iñuum timaa atniġñaqtuq.

It is not good when one’s body is aching.
Nakuunġitchuq timi una atniġñaqman.

2. body hair, pubic hair
mitquq, dl. mitquk, pl. mitqut
see also feather, hair

The body is hairy.
Timi mitquuruq.
ayuaq, dl. ayuak, pl. ayuat

A boil is painful.
Ayuaq atniġñaqtuq.

2. to boil food

she is boiling meat or fish
igaapiaqtuq, dl. igaapiaqtuk, pl. igaapiaqtut

She is boiling food.

He is boiling fish.
Igaruq qaluŋmik.

She is boiling fish for lunch.
Igaapiaqtuq qaluŋmik aiḷiḷġutaksramik.

3. to boil

It is boiling.

Your soup is boiling.
Imiġaurriugan qalattuq.

She boils it.


In the old days, they hunted with bolas.
Taimani qiḷamitautinik aŋuniaġaqtut.

to be bold -to be sure of not being refused, to freely help oneself to another’s things-
attaqsranġit-, attaqsrait-

he is bold
attaqsranġitchuq, dl. attaqsranġitchuk, pl. attaqsranġitchut

The man is bold.
Aŋun attaqsraitchuq.

sauniq, dl. saunnak, pl. saunġich

A moose also has bones.
Tiniikaq sauniqaqmiuq.

2. bone end
isivluk, dl. isivluuk, pl. isivluich

Bone ends are ground and oil is obtained from them.
Isivluich kauŋnaqtut aasrii puiññivigiplugich.

3. a sled runner piece made of bone, used in traditional times
agluviñiq, dl. agluviññak, pl. agluviñġich

A piece of the sled runner has broken.
Qiḷġiñun agluviñiq naviŋniqsuq.


Books are to be read.
Makpiġaat agliqiaksraurut.

2. to look at a book, thumb through a book

The child is looking at books.
Iyaalugruaq makpiġaaqtuaġuraaqtuq.

-Eskimo boot, mukluk-
, dl. kammak, pl. kamŋich
see also sole

One mukluk is very big.
Kamik atausriq aŋiłallaktuq.

2. factory made boot, ready made boot
sakpakiq, dl. sakpakiik, pl. sakpakiich

My boot has a hole in it.
Sakpakiġa allaqaqtuq.

3. mukluk with ugruk soles
ugrulik, dl. ugrullak, pl. ugrulgich

Hard bottom mukluks with ugruk soles are used in warmer weather.
Ugrullak atuġnaqtuk itraitman.

4. soft-soled mukluks
iḷiqnilik, dl. iḷiqnillak, pl. iḷiqnilgich
see also caribou

5. boot upper, mukluk upper, -lit, body-
timi, dl. timik, pl. timit

The upper body of the mukluk is made out of caribou leggings.
Kamŋum timaa tuttum niutchiaŋañiñ iñiqsimaruq.

6. mukluk ankle strap, boot lace, shoelace
siŋiq, dl. siŋŋik, pl. siŋŋich

Some mukluk ankle straps are white.
Iḷaŋich kamŋich siŋŋich qatiqtut.

7. fancy mukluk trim
quli, dl. qulik, pl. qulit

The fancy trim on the mukluk is pretty.
Kamŋum qulaa piññaqnaqtuq.

8. mukluk fur trim
qulipak, dl. qulipaak, pl. qulipaich

The fur trim is brown.
Qulipak iliktauruq.

to borrow

he has borrowed something
attaqsiruq, dl. attaqsiruk, pl. attaqsirut

The woman has borrowed a skin scraper.
Aġnaq attaqsiruq ichuutmik.

2. to borrow

he has borrowed something
atauksraqtuq, dl. atauksraqtuk, pl. atauksraqtut

She has borrowed my washtub.
Atauksraqtuq iġġuġvimñik.

3. to borrow

Go and borrow some coffee.
Simmiḷiaksriallaktiġiñ kuukpiamik.

you both, they both

we both, both of us

both of them

Get both of them.
Iluqaaknik pikkik.

2. both sides

The person’s sides are aching.
Saniqqak iñuum igḷuktun atniġñaqtuk.

to bother

she is bothering him
iḷaksiagaa, dl. iḷaksiagaak, pl. iḷaksiagaat

She is bothering the one who was listening.
Iḷaksiagaa naalaġniruaq.

Don’t bother her.

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