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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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the bottom one
atliq, dl. atliik, pl. atliich

The cache at the bottom is filled with food.
Atliq siġḷuuraq immaukkaqtuq.

2. the bottom of a body of water, boat, jar or any container; floor

it’s bottom, floor

The bottom of the lake is muddy.
Narvam natqa isruqtuq.

for hunting
qiluiññaq, dl. qiluiññaak, pl. qiluiññaich

The man is making a bow.
Aŋun qiluiññaliruq.

2. arrow
gaġrupiaq, dl. qaġrupiak, pl. qaġrupiat

The bow has arrows.
Qiluiññaq qaġrupiaqaqtuq.

3. arrow pouch

Arrow pouches were made of skin.
Siksisat piḷiuġuunikkaŋich iḷiqniġmiñ.

to bow

she is bowing, he is bending low
punŋaruq, dl. punŋaruk, pl. punŋarut

The man is bowing low while going towards the animal.
Aŋun punŋaruq pisrullaġmi aŋŋutim tuŋaanun.

2. to bow down, to bow one’s head

he bends over, he bows down

Japanese bow in greeting.
Yaapaniit sikitchuurut qiñġuti’amiŋ.

piŋaluuraq, dl. piŋaluurak, pl. piŋaluurat

A bowl is a little deep dish.
Piŋaluuraq, iḷḷuaġiksauraq puggutaq.

suluun, dl. suluutik, pl. suluutit

The box is smelly.
Suluun tipituruq.

2. to box

to punch

she boxed him
qakiġaa, dl. qakiġaak, pl. qakiġaat

He boxed the man.
Qakiġaa aŋun.

3. to have a boxing match

a professional boxer

The boxers will have a boxing match.
Qakiqtautraqtik qakigtautraġniaqtuk.

boy -lit., small man-
aŋugauraq dl. aŋugaurak, pl. aŋugaurat

The boy is smaller than a man.
Aŋugauraq mikitluktuq aŋutmiñ.

2. boy
nukatpiaġruk, dl. nukatpiaġruuk, pl. nukatpiaġruich

The boy is talking to the girl.
Nukatpiaġruk uqaqtuq aġnauramun.

3. small boy
nukatpialugruaq, dl. nukatpialugruak, pl. nukpialugruich

The small boy is playing on the swing.
Nukatpialugruaq aġiunaqtuq aŋihisautmi.
to brag
nanġaq-, uqavik-

he is bragging, he is praising himself
nanġaqtuq, dl. nanġaqtuk, pl. nanġaqtut

He is bragging about himself.
Iŋmiñun nanġaqtuq.

He praised my work.
Nanġaġai savaatka.

2. he is bragging, he is praising himself
uqaviksuq, dl. uqaviksuk, pl. uqaviksut

He bragged about my work.
Uqaviutigigai savaatka.

to braid
piḷiġaq-, piḷġaq-

she is braiding something

She is braiding her own hair.
Piḷiġaqtuq nuyaġmiñik.

he is braiding it
piḷiġaġaa , dl. piḷiġaġaak, pl. piḷiġaġaat

She is braiding her daughter’s hair.
Piḷiġaġai paniŋmi nuyai.

brainqaqisaq, dl. qaqisak, pl. qaqisat

An animal’s brain can be used for tanning skins.
Qaqisaq atuġnaqtuq imaqsiruni ammiñik.
-on sled-
kinitagun, dl. kinitagutik, pl. kinitagutit

The sled brake is at the back of the sled.
Kinitagun ittuq aquatni qiḷġich.

2. to use the brake

she is using the brakes
kinitaktuq, dl. kinitaktuk, pl. kinitaktut

He is using the brake on the sled when going down the hill.
Kinitaktuq atqaaqsi’ami atqaġiami.

akiġuq, dl. akiqquk, pl. akiqqut

The branch of the tree broke.
Napaaqtum akiġua naviktuq.

bread qaqqiaq

to bake bread

She is baking bread.

2. breadstuffs

breadstuffs, such as bread, crackers, hotcakes, cakes, etc.
qaqquq, dl. qaqquk, pl. qaqqut

to bake or cook breadstuffs, to bake cake

She is baking breadstuffs.
She is baking cake.
to break or tear into pieces, to dismantle
suqumit- or siqumit-

he is tearing it
suqumitkaa, dl. suqumitkaak, pl. suqumitkaat

He is tearing a paper box into pieces.
Suqumitkaa kaliikkaq suluun.

2. to break in two

it has broken in two
naviktuq, dl. naviktuk, pl. naviktut

My jigging stick has broken in two.
Aulasrautiga naviktuq.

3. to break something in two

Break off a piece and give me some.
Naviksiḷḷagutin aatchullaŋŋa.

4. to destroy, to break

she has broken it
piiyaġaa, dl. piiyaġaak, pl. piiyaġaat

The little boy has broken his toy airplane.
Aŋugauram piiyaġaa tiŋmisuutiŋŋuani.

-on the shore-

to eat breakfast

he is eating breakfast

She ate breakfast this morning.
Uvlaaq itqutchiqsuaq.

It is breakfast time now.
Itqutchiġñiaqsiruq uvva.

one breast, milk

both breasts

The woman’s breasts are full.
Aġnam milluk immiqsuk.

2. to breastfeed someone

she is breastfeeding

3. to breastfeed

she is breastfeeding him

The mother is breastfeeding the baby.
Iyaalugruaq aanaŋan miluktitkaa.

4. nipple of breast

5. breast bone -sternum-
sakiak, dl. sakirrak, pl. sakiagich

The caribou’s breast bone is very delicious because it has some fat on it.
Tuttum sakiaŋi kayumiktut takku qaunnaqaqhutiŋ.


one breath

to breathe

Breathing is essential to everyone.
Aniġniq iñuich atuġaat.

He is breathing.

His breathing can be heard.
Aniġniŋa tusraġnaqtuq.


The bride is happy.
Nuliaksraun quviasruktuq.


The bridegroom is handsome.
Uiksraun iñugiksuq.
ikautaq -comprised of one piece [as a log], -dl. ikautak, pl. ikautat -a regular bridge which is comprised of many pieces-

The bridge collapsed.
Ikautat piiyaqtut.

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