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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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qalukisaq, dl. qalukisak, pl. qalukisat

The butterfly is pretty.
Qalukisaq piññaqnaqtuq.

iqquk, dl. iqquuk, pl. iqquich

Buttocks are for sitting.
Iqquuk aquppisiginaqtuk.

to buy, to purchase

he is buying or he has bought
tauqsiqsuq, dl. tauqsiqsuk, pl. tauqsiqsut

The woman has bought some groceries.
Aġnaq tauqsiqsuq niqinik.

he has bought it
tauqsiġaa, dl. tauqsiġaak, pl. tauqsiġaat

He has bought the ball.
Tauqsiġaa aqsraaq.

by means of, with this one, near the speaker, not in motion, visible
dl. ukuŋnuuna, pl. ukunuuna

I will go home with this person.
Uumuuna iñukun aŋiḷaaġisiruŋa.

2. by means of, with that one, visible or specified

Be sure and go with that one. [person]
Taavrumuuna aullauraqna.

3. by means of, with these

It is scary to ride on these.
Makunuuna usriaqsiqsuni iqsiñaqtuq.

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