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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xeyh audio ALSO spruce roots
SYN rawhide stripes
ch'enxet audio thin snowshoe webbing
ts'enîin gaay audio
SYN infant
ch'egaay audio baby animal
k'įį tth'áatl audio
ts'enîin tl'ǔul' audio
wu'aat kôl audio
yaandíi audio toward the back
k'éetah audio back to where it was
yaandíi k'éetah nîi'itshah audio he, she or it went back to where he was.
shnén' audio my back
shinxǎan' audio my upper back
SEE spine
shinchenn' audio my backbone
shnehts'ųų audio my spinal cord
SYN spine
chenent'aagh audio
chenent'aagh ts'į́' áahaał audio he or she is walking backwards
ts'antleeg audio bad, poor quality
łâan éł t'êey ts'antleeg ts'į́' éltsįį audio it is poorly made
ts'axuntleeg audio it's bad, not safe, be on the lookout
tęy ts'axuntleeg audio the road is bad
tidaxghintthet audio a situation, place turned bad, is not normal
tidaxdintthet audio a situation, place is bad
wutaatthį́į' audio he has bad breath
ts'ant'êey wushíi tnáaltthet audio she or he is in a very bad mood
miiní' shíi tnáalttthet  she or he is in a very bad mood
ttheł théth audio old time women's skin bag for holding tools
saak a bag, sack
ssǎag' audio my bag
tthí' kedz audio
ch'etey wutthí' kedz xúnłęę audio the old man is bald
wutthí' xághíntleek audio he went bald, lost his hair LITERALLY 'his hair wore out'
ihtsoł audio  I am baling fish
ch'ukêg audio
ch'uxeel audio  old time willow ball
wuk'éch'údet-tl'ûun audio  it is bandaged, wrapped LITERALLY 'something is tied up'
k'onit'êey audio
SYN handkerchief
meth audio audio  river bank
meth níideex audio the bank is crumbling
łéets éet'eey audio
SYN frybread
kentsįįth ehdenh audio
nah'ôg kentsįįth ehdenh natedaak audio  she or he is outside walking barefoot
ehttheh audio  it is barking
łii iin xehttheh audio the dogs are barking
ch'ée'aldíik audio it is giving a warning bark
naxáh'enh audio it bark, senses something out of the ordinary.
ch'elaats'eyh audio tree bark
ch'elaht'ûudz audio outer bark
ch'elahts'eyh shax audio old time bark house
unétshąą audio she is bashful
SYN shy
imperfective paradigm audio
uné'íshshąą ts'unétshąą
uné'ítshąą uné'átshąą
unétshąą uxnétshąą

ts'éhxeh gaay unétshąą audio the little girl is bashful

taatleex tth'áak audio wash basin
k'įį tth'áak audio  birch bark basket
k'įį tth'áatl audio baby basket
tth'áak ét-tl'uun audio woven basket
xéltsedz audio
dechenh xěl' audio
SYN club
k'éch'eltséł audio he is bathing
dêech'egtséł audio  I am bathing
łéets néltsel audio
łéets néltsel ektseyh audio  I am making batter
SEE is
taamâagh audio
SYN shore
nat-tl'êdz audio
nat-tl'êdz nihkón' audio shiny beads
ch'enih'ées audio I am doing beadwork, sewing with beads
imperfective paradigm audio
ch'enih'ées yits'ene'ées
ch'enin'ées ch'enah'ées
yine'ées ch'axne'ées

wudá' audio its beak
SYN bill ALSO chin
ch'ets'edz gaay audio kidney beans LITERALLY 'little kidney'
shos audio bear (general term)
shos sęy audio black bear (Urus americanus)
ch'éliitthǒgh' audio brown bear
SYN grizzly bear (Urus arctos )
Sht'ey Ndiig
Sht'ey Teyy' Nda'
dendéyh audio
jîiz ndǎagh' audio (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
shdaaxá' audio my beard
SYN whiskers
łaydehnęy audio she or he beat him or her (at a game)
shlsǎaz' ładedheknęyh audio  I lost my money (in a game)
ładedhegnęyh audio I lost (at a game)
ch'ehxeł audio he is beating it (drum)
imperfective paradigm audio
ch'ekxeł yits'ehxeł
ch'įhxeł ch'ahxeł
ch'ehxeł ch'axehxeł

yi'éł ch'enehtthék audio she or he is beating it, stirring it
tsá' audio (Castor canadensis)
tsá' íin xaa'ół audio beavers are swimming together
tsá' kę̌ę' audio beaver lodge
gha audio
k'á xníntthogh n'éł tihdâal, ishndaay gha audio I can't stay with you long because I'm working
xanich'ulnęy gha ch'e dádéhnęy audio  he is keeping quiet because he is intimidated.
êy gha sú' táhchąą le' sų́ų' tahchąą lé' audio  because of that it will probably rain
éł audio
ghįhshâaddh éł xúltlet. audio it's slippery because it snowed.
âan, k'exahtseyh audio come along, lets go (said along with a motioning gesture)
ts'į́' xáattheł audio
xey ts'į́' xáattheł audio  it's becoming winter
dáhdzeł audio
ALSO rack, drying rack
téeł audio
rug, mat, mattress
ch'elahdziid audio
ch'elahdziid t'ox audio
SEE bug
ch'et-ttheh audio
ch'et-ttheh nach'ih'áatl audio  I ate before them
nuhttheh audio ahead of you all
nuhttheh dą́'ą tah ts'enihthet audio I woke up way before you all
SEE plead
nandîidz audio behind (nearby)
łii deshax nandîidz eedah audio the dog is sitting behind its house
nnandîidz sits'enal'iin nek-'ęh audio I see a window behind you
yaadíi tah nek-'ę́ę' audio I saw him way behind on the trail.
delttheel audio
stsǎadl' audio my belly
SYN abdomen
sts'uuk'ée audio my belly-button
SYN navel
wughandá' xúudlaay audio he's surrounded by his belongings
SYN possessions
daashěz' audio
daashěz' chíh tęy xunłeen sixúnt'eh audio there is also a trail from down below
théth audio
nthédh' nt'ih? audio where is your belt?
nanekxót audio  I am bending it
nanįhxót audio  you are bending it
nanalxót audio it (trees, brush) are bent over
tanelket audio it is bent back
xanén' inttheyh audio you are bending over
xanén' xúghék-'ah audio  I am bent over, hunched over
jêg audio general term, but especially referring to blueberries
ch'inłuut audio unripe berries, but especially referring to blueberries
nit-sįį' audio blueberry (less commonly used than jêg)
naaxęy jêg audio nagoonberry, frogberry
nihmá' audio silverberry
tsaanttheetl audio high bush cranberry
SYN currant
ntl'ét audio low bush cranberry
nkáatl audio salmonberry
dendéyh audio bearberry
jîiz ndǎagh' audio bearberry
naht'êez audio blackberry
SYN crowberry
danch'ǒg' audio raspberry
daníhdûuy audio red currant (berry) (Ribes triste)
Wudzih Ddhěl' Ndiig' audio LITERALLY 'caribou mountain creek'
k'eddh audio next to, besides
menh k'eddh łóoghihhaał audio I am walking around beside the lake.
dóo iin nk'eddh dixdéltth'ih? audio who all is sitting next to you?
SYN alongside
ch'etth'íh shíi nsųų audio the best
kentsįįth ch'etth'íh shíi nsųų ts'į́' éltsiin si1nt'eh audio these look like the best moccasins
êy tth'íh shíi nsųų audio  it is better than that one \de
daateg audio
shtlęę iin daateg didhihdah audio  I'm sitting between my friends
naattheh audio
wunaattheh audio beyond him
wułǐig' wunaattheh aahaał audio his or her dog is walking ahead him or her
shgaanłǔudh' audio  my bicep
chox audio  big
dendîig chox nek-'ęh audio  I see a big moose
ncháax audio  it is big
dendîig ncháax audio  the moose is big
k'eltah audio the constellation popularly called "Big Dipper" was used to tell time
wudá' audio it's bill, beak
SYN beak ALSO chin
SEE tie
wushíi xnél'en' audio
k'įį audio birch tree
ch'elaats'eyh audio peeled birch bark
dahshú' audio birch catkins
k'įįł audio birch sap
k'įį ts'ědl' outer birch bark (paper)
łuudh audio dwarf birch
SYN buckbrush, mountain willow
tsúgaay audio general term for birds
tsúgaay t'ox audio bird nest
ts'enîin nadįhtęę audio she had a baby
wutsénn' audio  her birth canal, vagina
mexunłeey dzêenn' audio  his or her birthday
dhih'éł audio I bit it
łii shíi'éł audio the dog bit me
tnínts'íik audio it is bitter
ch'ondeyh tnínts'îig t'êey ghishná' audio medicine usually tastes bitter
ldîil tatnínts'îig audio strong (bitter) tea
SYN sour
dat-sęyh audio  it is black
wuche' chíi shę́ę' xdát-sęyh audio the tip of his tail is completely black
dat-sęy audio  the black one
jâan tthíishúus dát-sęy sínt'eh audio this is a black hat
naht'êez audio
SYN crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
ch'ak nęy audio rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus)
nayitnet&e;es audio  she or he is blackening it
xtnat-tl'éts audio she or he blacked out
wuluthéth audio it's bladder
wuk'á' audio blade or edge
seey k'á' na'ihk'aax audio  I am sharpening my knife blade
yits'į́' xédadénį́htset audio she or he blamed him or her
yits'į́' xédaxdénį́htset audio she or her blamed him or her
ts'ěd' audio blanket, cloth blanket
ch'ethéth ts'ěd' audio skin blanket
wudzih théth ts'ěd' audio caribou skin blanket (with hair on)
ch'ets'iiz ts'ěd' audio caribou skin blanket when the hair is wearing off.
deł xúnłęę audio
shinłá' dhiht'eddh éł deł xúnłęę audio I cut my hand and it is bleeding
shintsįį deł audio my nose is bleeding
niłtah nenínhąą audio  liquids are blended, mixed together
shaa nítjélnęyh audio I received a blessing
wudǎagh' kó́l audio she or he is blind
naneldzeyh audio light blinks off and on
SEE wink
tuułot audio
minłá' k'et tuułot nídélneyh audio a blister appeared on his or her hand
xats'í'áldox audio  it is snowing and windy
wudaxdéltsįį audio  it is blocked
dâatth'i'ilshaay éł dedaxdéltsįį audio she or he came in the house in fear and so blocked up the house
deł audio
shintsįį deł audio my bloody nose
ch'inkąąy audio boiled blood (from moose, caribou)
shdǎagh' t'êl audio my eyes are bloodshot
xanihshąą audio  blossom, sprout
xt'aghihdlâay k'ót'êey ch'exanihshaan audio I planted something and it is already blossoming, sprouting
ch'esék audio
ALSO shirt
ekshok audio I am blowing on it
yehshok audio she or he is blowing on it
stsįį ch'ishxį́įth audio  I am blowing my nose
chiitah ish-thį́įth audio  I am blowing my nose
The same Tanacross word covers the colors blue through green.
deldlêedz audio
jâan tthíishúus deldlêedz sínt'eh audio this is a blue hat
jêg audio berries in general, but usually referring to blueberries
nit-sį́į' audio ripe blueberries
ch'inłuut audio unripe (green) blueberries ALSO hail
ch'indą̌ąy' audio flower of blueberry (that grows into berry)
dzendaax audio
SYN cliff
Included here are words for boats and traveling by boat.
ts'eyh audio modern boat or skiff
k'įį ts'eyh audio birch bark canoe
wudzih theth ts'eyh audio caribou skin boat
lxǒdz' audio large skin boat
ts'eyh tl'á' audio stern of a boat
ghihkeeł audio I'm going by boat
imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihkeeł ts'aakeeł
ghinkeeł ghahkeeł
aakeeł xaakeeł

naghishkeeł audio I'm boating back

wushenh audio his or her whole body ALSO spirit
ch'ethěeg' audio dead body
SYN corpse
ssék audio my torso, upper body
xaał audio
SYN swamp
Different words are used for the act of boiling or if something is boiling.
ekmeets audio I'm boiling it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekmeets yits'ehmeets
įhmeets ahmeets
yehmeets xiyehmeets

shaadeh sâay ehmeets audio my older sister is boiling rice
xiyikadameets dehnęyh audio it (meat) is par-boiled
tnelxots audio it is boiling
tuu tnelxots audio the water is boiling
ldîil gha tuu tnelxodz sínt'eh audio this is boiling water for tea
dátl'ánélxots audio it boiled over

tth'enh audio
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO paper
kench'ǒdl' audio  mukluks
ch'edzaa théth kench'ǒdl' audio caribou legging mukluks
mâagh audio border or edge (of something)
wumâagh nanettl'uun sínt'eh audio it is sown along the edges ALSO edge
thuułshiid audio (Aegolius funereus)
ts'ondéh shédhéhxęę audio  I am bored literally 'boredom is killing me'
ts'axnintthenh audio she or he is bored, has nothing to do, lethargic
nah'ôg ehchaan éł ts'axnintthenh audio it is raining outside so she or he is bored
shexunłęę  I was born
Fairbanks deh ch'e shexunłeen audio I was born in Fairbanks
mexunłęę audio  she or he or it was born
Saagescheeg deh ch'e mexunłeen audio she or he was born in Ketchumstuk (and has passed away)
SEE loan
ch'egú' audio
yi'éł nách'éhłaay audio  he's bothering it
sh'éł nádájéhłaay audio  that sound is bothering me
sų́'ų wu'éł nách'ų́hłaay audio don't bother it
wukeetl'aa audio it's bottom ALSO sole
shkentsįįth keetl'aa audio the bottom of my moccasin
yadegket audio  I am bouncing it
yach'ehdeth audio  it is bouncing (up and down)
shég yik'et ts'į́' yach'ehdeth audio  it is bouncing up and down on it
ts'ehtįį' audio  a bow
ts'ehtįį' tl'ǔul' audio bow string
tutiił xěez' audio
chenhtiił audio ALSO casket, coffin
tsiil audio  boy
tsiil gaay audio young boy
wu'éł natihdaag audio my boy or girlfriend LITERALLY 'the one I usually go around with' ALSO girlfriend
dach'áa' dadetdlíh audio  she or he is bragging about him or her self
dach'áa' ég'ęh audio I did something to brag about
nektl'uuł audio  I am braiding it
imperfective paradigmaudio
nektl'uuł ts'enehtl'uuł
nįhtl'uuł nahtl'uuł
yinehtl'uuł xyinehtl'uuł

shtthí' néktl'uuł audio  I am braiding my hair
niłtthí' xnéltl'uuł audio they are braiding each other's hair

shtthiixą̌ą' audio my brain
ch'elaa'eł audio  tree branch
ch'ethuchěnn' audio stump of branch remaining after branch is broken off or a knot in wood
k'á niljéd audio
łeedón' audio
detxotl audio it is broken down, not working
aałel etxotl audio the car is broken down
shgáan' étx audio my arm is broken
łatnetxotl audio broken up
perfective paradigmaudio
dedhekxoł dzehxoł
dedhįhxoł dedhahxoł
yidehxoł xiydehxoł

xátnekxótl audio I broke it apart
tl'uuł k'enéldox audio the rope broke

łuut téedéek audio  the ice is breaking up
tenh téedéek audio  the ice is ready to move, break up
sht'úu' audio my breast
shyuutth'ěnn' audio my breastbone
shdaashěey' audio my breath
ishsheyh audio  I am breathing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ishsheyh ts'etsheyh
itsheyh atsheyh
etsheyh xetsheyh

xtsiił audio ALSO fish weir
yaanâan xtsiil kenin'ah audio a bridge crosses the water
xdelgeyh audio it is bright
yinin'ąą audio she or he brought it
jah yinin'ąą audio she or he brought it here
tthíish_úus nin'ąą audio she or he brought a hat
dayinintąą audio he brought it in (stick-like object)
neeshax nîits'iltęę audio we brought him back to our house
xûuy iin éł taghinłeeł audio bring those things with you too
xaghį́htęę audio she or he brought him, her or it (animal) out (by reaching into something)
tehmíił shíi ts'enh łuug xaghį́htęę audio s/he brought out a fish from inside the fishnet
shchêl shaa tsets nîidelsheek audio my younger brother is bringing in wood for me
ch'eyutth'ěnn' audio
shlsǎaz' kôl audio I'm broke
SEE break
wu'éł ts'axuthîid audio
wu'éł jet-thîid audio
tuuth audio
SYN soup
Tanacross has different words for older and younger brothers.
shundaagh audio my older brother
shchêl audio my younger brother
Tanacross has different words for referring to a man's brother-in-law or a women's brother in law.
shłenh audio my brother-in-law (man's)
shxeh audio my brother-in-law (women's)
The same word includes yellows and browns.
deltthogh audio the brown one
jâan eek deltthogh sínt'eh audio this is a brown coat
deltthox audio it is brown
ch'eliitthǒgh' déltthox audio grizzly bears are brown ALSO yellow
tsetl audio bruise, black and blue mark
wudǎagh' tsetl ni'it-'ąą audio somebody gave him or her a black eye
iltúuts audio it is swollen, bruised
xetnélttheey éł wutthí' iltúuts audio it (for example, a rock) fell down and bruised his/her head
ts'étl audio
ts'étl tah nihshah audio  I went through the brush
Brushman are the topic of many stories.
gųų audio Brush Indian. People in stories that lived apart from society and were often intent in capturing children or women.
SYN wildman ALSO bug, insect, worm
taxunxos audio  bubble
xashotl audio  bubbling
xashotl edeex audio it is bubbling up
łuudh audio
SYN mountain willow, dwarf birch
nadh'aay audio
SYN pail
tleełttheedl audio
k'éłttheel audio (Bucephala albeola)
gųų audio general term for any kind of bug
SYN insect ALSO worm, brushman, wildman
kinds of bugs
tehk'ąąy audio an orange and white bug that lives at the bottom of lakes, has and moves sideways.
tehtsá'a audio water bug that can fly in the air
ts'ąądihttheeg audio water bug, bloodsucker
ts'aketl'aag a kind of bug or beetle
SEE make
k'áatthé' audio
SYN ammunition
ch'elahdziid audio
mech'edhektés audio I bumped it
xets'ésdhektés audio I bumped my elbow
xegótdhektés audio I bumped my knee
nén' xánéltók audio the ground is bumpy
mech'ekcheth audio  I bundled it, tied it together
wugaał sęy
ts'aan audio (Lota lota)
SYN lingcod
dechenh ch'etxeez audio
SYN wood burl
deek'én' audio it is burning
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e deek'en'? audio what's that burning on the table?
neldzeey k'ech'ii'aadl k'et deek'én' audio a lit candle is burning on the table
natet-łeg deek'én' audio  the car is running LITERALLY 'the car is burning'
eltétl audio it burst
taatsah audio she or he or it buries (something)
deshí'i' taatsah audio it buries it's food
dzenh deshí'i xey ukah etsah audio muskrat buries his food for winter
audio  someone will bury something
ts'étl audio
ts'étl tah dhihdah audio I live in the bush
xoksaas audio I'm keeping busy, passing time
imperfective paradigmaudio
xoksaas ts'axahsaas
xųhsaas xahsaas
xahsaas xaxahsaas
xoksaas audio I'm keeping busy, passing time
imperfective paradigmaudio
xoksaas ts'axahsaas
xųhsaas xahsaas
xahsaas xaxahsaas
t'o audio
k'áhmén dą́'ą xesadin'á', t'o k'ahdú' k'oth xu1nł̨ę audio it was sunny this morning, but it's cloudy now
nayeh'oł audio  he is butchering it
na'ek-'oł audio I am butchering it now
basdlah audio audio
mintl'ách'étdaax audio she or he has butterfingers, drops things
SYN clumsy
laalêel audio
shtl'á' audio my butt
ch'etsǒl' audio
ughihkéet audio I bought it
perfective paradigmaudio
ughihkéet yuts'ughinkéet
ughinkéet ughahkéet
yughinkéet xyughinkeet

wukęy' k'á' ughinkéet audio her husband bought a gun

imperfective paradigmaudio
u'ihkéet yits'ukéet
u'inkéet u'ahkéet
yuukéet xiyukéet
ghá' audio
ts'enîin etdzuug gha wunąą yédadée'ah audio  the mischievous child was scolded by his or her mother

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