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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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nanekxót audio  I am bending it
nanįhxót audio  you are bending it
nanalxót audio it (trees, brush) are bent over
tanelket audio it is bent back
xanén' inttheyh audio you are bending over
xanén' xúghék-'ah audio  I am bent over, hunched over
jêg audio general term, but especially referring to blueberries
ch'inłuut audio unripe berries, but especially referring to blueberries
nit-sįį' audio blueberry (less commonly used than jêg)
naaxęy jêg audio nagoonberry, frogberry
nihmá' audio silverberry
tsaanttheetl audio high bush cranberry
SYN currant
ntl'ét audio low bush cranberry
nkáatl audio salmonberry
dendéyh audio bearberry
jîiz ndǎagh' audio bearberry
naht'êez audio blackberry
SYN crowberry
danch'ǒg' audio raspberry
daníhdûuy audio red currant (berry) (Ribes triste)
Wudzih Ddhěl' Ndiig' audio LITERALLY 'caribou mountain creek'
k'eddh audio next to, besides
menh k'eddh łóoghihhaał audio I am walking around beside the lake.
dóo iin nk'eddh dixdéltth'ih? audio who all is sitting next to you?
SYN alongside
ch'etth'íh shíi nsųų audio the best
kentsįįth ch'etth'íh shíi nsųų ts'į́' éltsiin si1nt'eh audio these look like the best moccasins
êy tth'íh shíi nsųų audio  it is better than that one \de
daateg audio
shtlęę iin daateg didhihdah audio  I'm sitting between my friends
naattheh audio
wunaattheh audio beyond him
wułǐig' wunaattheh aahaał audio his or her dog is walking ahead him or her
shgaanłǔudh' audio  my bicep
chox audio  big
dendîig chox nek-'ęh audio  I see a big moose
ncháax audio  it is big
dendîig ncháax audio  the moose is big
k'eltah audio the constellation popularly called "Big Dipper" was used to tell time
wudá' audio it's bill, beak
SYN beak ALSO chin
SEE tie
wushíi xnél'en' audio
k'įį audio birch tree
ch'elaats'eyh audio peeled birch bark
dahshú' audio birch catkins
k'įįł audio birch sap
k'įį ts'ědl' outer birch bark (paper)
łuudh audio dwarf birch
SYN buckbrush, mountain willow
tsúgaay audio general term for birds
tsúgaay t'ox audio bird nest
ts'enîin nadįhtęę audio she had a baby
wutsénn' audio  her birth canal, vagina
mexunłeey dzêenn' audio  his or her birthday

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