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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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dhih'éł audio I bit it
łii shíi'éł audio the dog bit me
tnínts'íik audio it is bitter
ch'ondeyh tnínts'îig t'êey ghishná' audio medicine usually tastes bitter
ldîil tatnínts'îig audio strong (bitter) tea
SYN sour
dat-sęyh audio  it is black
wuche' chíi shę́ę' xdát-sęyh audio the tip of his tail is completely black
dat-sęy audio  the black one
jâan tthíishúus dát-sęy sínt'eh audio this is a black hat
naht'êez audio
SYN crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
ch'ak nęy audio rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus)
nayitnet&e;es audio  she or he is blackening it
xtnat-tl'éts audio she or he blacked out
wuluthéth audio it's bladder
wuk'á' audio blade or edge
seey k'á' na'ihk'aax audio  I am sharpening my knife blade
yits'į́' xédadénį́htset audio she or he blamed him or her
yits'į́' xédaxdénį́htset audio she or her blamed him or her
ts'ěd' audio blanket, cloth blanket
ch'ethéth ts'ěd' audio skin blanket
wudzih théth ts'ěd' audio caribou skin blanket (with hair on)
ch'ets'iiz ts'ěd' audio caribou skin blanket when the hair is wearing off.
deł xúnłęę audio
shinłá' dhiht'eddh éł deł xúnłęę audio I cut my hand and it is bleeding
shintsįį deł audio my nose is bleeding
niłtah nenínhąą audio  liquids are blended, mixed together
shaa nítjélnęyh audio I received a blessing
wudǎagh' kó́l audio she or he is blind
naneldzeyh audio light blinks off and on
SEE wink
tuułot audio
minłá' k'et tuułot nídélneyh audio a blister appeared on his or her hand
xats'í'áldox audio  it is snowing and windy
wudaxdéltsįį audio  it is blocked
dâatth'i'ilshaay éł dedaxdéltsįį audio she or he came in the house in fear and so blocked up the house
deł audio
shintsįį deł audio my bloody nose
ch'inkąąy audio boiled blood (from moose, caribou)

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