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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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gųų audio general term for any kind of bug
SYN insect ALSO worm, brushman, wildman
kinds of bugs
tehk'ąąy audio an orange and white bug that lives at the bottom of lakes, has and moves sideways.
tehtsá'a audio water bug that can fly in the air
ts'ąądihttheeg audio water bug, bloodsucker
ts'aketl'aag a kind of bug or beetle
SEE make
k'áatthé' audio
SYN ammunition
ch'elahdziid audio
mech'edhektés audio I bumped it
xets'ésdhektés audio I bumped my elbow
xegótdhektés audio I bumped my knee
nén' xánéltók audio the ground is bumpy
mech'ekcheth audio  I bundled it, tied it together
wugaał sęy
ts'aan audio (Lota lota)
SYN lingcod
dechenh ch'etxeez audio
SYN wood burl
deek'én' audio it is burning
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e deek'en'? audio what's that burning on the table?
neldzeey k'ech'ii'aadl k'et deek'én' audio a lit candle is burning on the table
natet-łeg deek'én' audio  the car is running LITERALLY 'the car is burning'
eltétl audio it burst
taatsah audio she or he or it buries (something)
deshí'i' taatsah audio it buries it's food
dzenh deshí'i xey ukah etsah audio muskrat buries his food for winter
audio  someone will bury something
ts'étl audio
ts'étl tah dhihdah audio I live in the bush
xoksaas audio I'm keeping busy, passing time
imperfective paradigmaudio
xoksaas ts'axahsaas
xųhsaas xahsaas
xahsaas xaxahsaas
xoksaas audio I'm keeping busy, passing time
imperfective paradigmaudio
xoksaas ts'axahsaas
xųhsaas xahsaas
xahsaas xaxahsaas
t'o audio
k'áhmén dą́'ą xesadin'á', t'o k'ahdú' k'oth xu1nł̨ę audio it was sunny this morning, but it's cloudy now
nayeh'oł audio  he is butchering it
na'ek-'oł audio I am butchering it now
basdlah audio audio
mintl'ách'étdaax audio she or he has butterfingers, drops things
SYN clumsy

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