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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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See "Strips"

Tr'ixineganh k'idz KH+AJ
Tr'ixineganh k'idz xethdlanh. KH+AJ A little baby was born.  
Tr'ixineganh yegiłt'ik iy. KH+ED Baby is sucking the bottle.  
Gog HM+KH Baby  
Gog ngiłts'imitl. HM+EDSwing the baby. 

Idaghdhilinh KH+LH lit. Young man
Idaghdhilinh xititlchet. KH+LH The young man is going to get married.

See "Young"

-nesrin Lower back  
Sinesrin imo. HM+KHMy lower back hurts. 
-t'osin Upper back  
Sit'osin imo. KH My upper back hurts. A muscular kind of ache.

Q'agh ni'idiyo. HM+KH He turned back.  
Q'agh nixididatl. KH+HM They turned back.
Ndada' q'agh ntuxdidił?HM+KH When will you guys return?  

Aniq LH+KH Away from the river, outdoors
Rose yix aniq. LH+KH Rose's house is back there.  
Ngiyiq HM+KH Back there Indoors
Ngiyiq dhistanh. HM+KHI sleep back there. 

-nganh tth'in  
Vinganh tth'in HM+KH His backbone  
Vinganh tth'in imo athdlat. HM His backbone got sick/sore.  

Tl'oy ts'in' LH+KH
Ngitth'ol tl'oy ts'in' ye ghingit'ath. KH You put your pants on backwards.  
Tl'oy ts'in' ghihoł. KH+LH He was walking backwards.  

Tr'ot'ix. JD+RD lit. It's bad.
Sraqay getiy tr'oxidet'ix ts'in' dixitadhine'. KH+LH The children are acting badly.

See "Ugly", "Mean"

Nołchidl KH+AJ
Xiday siginołchidl? KH+AJ Where's my bag?  
Git'on dhith KH+LH Gunny sack lit. Leaf skin Leaf tobacco used to come in this type of bag
Git'on dhith genoq'uth viye ghitlo. KH+LHI put dried fish in a gunny sack. 

Te ngizringitl. KH+AJ lit. Bail water.
Te ngizringitl, tingił axa. KH+AJ Bail it with the bucket.  

Gitlt'a. KH+LH He baked something.  
Q'iydong łegg dhitlt'a. LH+KH Yesterday I baked fish.
Dlit'ay niy ngiłt'ath.KH+AJ Bake a sweet. Cake or cookies

Vits'i galnizr LH+KH lit. With it, it rises
Vits'i galnizr nda'. LH+KH Give me the baking powder.  

Vitthe nixididliqit. AJ He's bald. lit. Someone's head, the hair slipped off.
Vitthe nididliqit. KH He's bald. lit. Someone's head, the hair slipped off.

Yałdzodl KH+AJ
Yałdzodl ingiłyił. KH+AJ Grab the ball.  

Den-gi dhidlodi KH+AJ lit. Money is put there place

Vith KH+AJ Vith Ghon' is the name of the sand bluff near the mouth of the Anvik River.
Vith q'idz HM+RD River bank lit. On the bank
Vith q'idz ndidhit. KH+AJ He's standing on the bank.  
Vith xetlaxdi KH+AJ Cut bank lit. Where it falls over
Vith xetlaxdi q'udhedog. KHDon't walk around the cut bank. 

Tigiyaghiłtanh KH+AJ lit. He put someone in the water.
Tr'ixineganh tigiyaghiłtanh. KH+AJ The baby was baptized.

See "Priest", "Bishop"

Łiqutrey adinh KH+AJ lit. One without footwear
Łiqutrey adinh q'u'edoyh. KH He's walking around barefoot.  

Giloy ghe'oy LH+KH lit. That which is out in front
Giloy ay'oy enedz n-gidili'onh. KH The barge is bringing freight down from upriver.  

Yetthit. KH+AJ It is barking.  
Sileg yetthit. KH+AJ My dog is barking.  

Gilot'edz KH+AJ
Gilot'edz axa sanh yix xiłtse. KH+AJ He's making a bark smokehouse.  
Gałtim KH+AJ Bark, inner willow bark, cambium  
Gałtim axa dingiłchith. KH + AJYou tie it with cambium. 

Diggandidlyoy KH+AJ lit. That which stands up
Singonh jilonik diggandidlyoy yeghelo. AJ My mother put salt fish in the barrel.  
Singonh jilonik diggandidlyoy yegighelo. KH My mother put salt fish in the barrel.  

Viye dinalo' q'antr'iłdagh KH+AJ lit. What we wash our hands in
Xiday viye dinalo' q'antr'iłdagh? KH+AJ Where is the washbasin?  

Tetth'ok, tthet'ok AJ+KH
Tetth'ok viye gag tr'inihay. AJ The birchbark basket into which one picks berries  
Tthet'ok viye gag tr'inihay. KH The birchbark basket into which one picks berries  

Xuyh tth'ok KH Willow root coiled basket or plate.
Xuyh tth'ok iłtse ts'i xanxiniyh. KH She knows how to make a root tray.  

Noxidiniho iy KH lit. That which lacks eyes
Noxidiniho iy tthidangith tux q'ugandiyił. KH+AJ Bats fly around at night.  

Tonxidałtax KH He is bathing.  
Tonxidigitax. KH+AJ I'm taking a bath.  

Ntasoł ts'i xiq'at. KH+AJ I want to go (to the bathroom).  

Te q'avon JD+KH lit. Edge of the water
Te q'avon ghuhoł. JD+KH He is walking on the beach.
Te q'avon q'uxididał. HM They are walking on the beach.

See "Edge"

Nilugguy KH+AJ
Nilugguy q'at. KH+AJ I want some beads.  

Vido' KH+AJ His beak  
Vido' xichux xelanh. KH+AJ He has a big beak.  

Ggagg chux JD+KH lit. Big animal
Ggagg chux etthing dit'anh. JD+KH A big animal is going fishing.  
Gegha KH+AJ Brown bear lit. Older brother
Gegha vixinijit. KH+AJBrown bear is dangerous. 
SrisrKH+AJ Black bear  
Srisr naghitl-'an'. KH + AJ I saw a black bear.  

Vidogho' LH+KH
Vidogho' chux xelanh. LH+KH He has a big beard.  

In cooking

See "Stir"

Ditr'ughołzrenh JD+KH
Iy, ditr'ughołzrenh! JD+KH How beautiful!

See "Good"

Noya' KH
Noya' qan' iłtse. KH+AJ A beaver is making a house.  

Dixo'in LH+AJ lit. For it, for that reason
Yi'intr'ididatl xoghtr'entlnik dixo'in. KH+AJ We went home because we were tired.

Viq'idz ditr'athtan KH+AJ lit. That which we lie upon
Xiday sigiviq'idz ditr'athtan? KH+AJ Where is my bed?  

Ginodzets KH+AJ Bumble bee
Ginodzets dina'it'ith. KH+AJ Bumble bee stings us. lit. Bumble bee cuts us.

Toxtsa' KH+AJ Water beetle
Toxtsa' q'u'idivayh. Toxtsa' q'u'ndidivayh. KH+AJ Water beetles are swimming all around.  

See "Ahead"

Gidili'anh JD+JD She's begging for something.  
Den-gi idili'anh. JD+JD He's begging for money.  

Vitl'oy KH+AJ lit. Behind him
Vitl'oy łek q'u'edoyh. KH+AJ A dog was walking around behind him.  

Dinayetr JD+JD lit. Our breath Belief system or way of thinking

See "Breath"

Ło' xiningidhinh. KH+AJ You think it is true.
Ło' viningidhinh, he'? JD+KH Do you believe it?
Ło' vinisdhinh.JD+KH I believe it.
Ło' vinisdhin ts'in'. JD+KH I don't believe it.

See "Truth"

Xandalning KH+AJ
Xandalning iy idistth'onh. KH I heard the bell.  
Xandalning distth'onh. AJ I heard the bell.  

Dałtl'ezr KH+AJ
Vinixiłyigg dałtl'ezr di'ne. KH+AJ Early in the morning the bell robin sings.  

Thith KH+ED
Sidhith getiy dits'iq. KH+ED My belt is too tight.  

Tiłghat iy. KH+ED He's bending it.  
Ti'isr titlghit. HM+KH He's bending the dipnet.
Xutl entthi tidlighidKH The bent sled front  

Gag tr'intha'. KH+ED Let's pick berries.  
Gag noghli'anh. JD+RD There are going to be berries. They say this when it hails in the spring.
Ganhdlit JD+KH Cooked berries Berries, sugar, and flour or corn starch pudding

Vaxa ginałtig ED With it something is smashed.  
Sigivaxa ginałtig ixidhitlnix.
EDI lost my berry masher. 
Vaxa n-ginałtig
KH With it something is smashed.  
Sigivaxa n-ginałtig ixidhitlnix.
KH I lost my berry masher.  

Viq'idh KH+ED lit. By her
Niłq'idh tr'ididltth'e. KH + ED We're sitting beside each other.  

Yan' ngizrenh JD+JD lit. Only good
Gon yan' ngizrenh. JD+JD This one is the best.  

Vitotuq, dotuq KH+ED
Noghiniy didlang chux dotuq nineyo. ED Rabbit went between the trees.  
Noghiniy didlang chux totuq nineyo. KH Rabbit went between the trees.
XivitotuqHM Middle  
Xividotuq JD Middle  
Xivitotuq dhisdo. KHI'm sitting in the middle. 
Vidotuq dhisdo.ED I'm sitting in the middle.  

Chux JD+JD
Łek chux JD+JD A big dog  
Ngichox. JD+JD It's big.
Qay xichuxJD+JD Big village, city  
Gan chux iy! HM+KH What a big one!  

Niłdhodi viye tr'ixinił'an KH+ED lit. Far away in it we see
Dineg tr'iłtthonh viye tr'ixinił'an yet. KH+ED We saw a moose with the binoculars.  

Q'eyh KH+ED sci. Betula papyrifera
Q'eyh ch'il axa ntr'ixidiłq'oyh. KH+ED We build a fire with birch bark.  

Ggagg k'idz KH+ED lit. Little animal
Niłtiy ggagg k'idz ni'alyayh. KH+ED Crane brings back the little birds. From the story "Niłtiy".

Xethdlanhdi dran JD+JD lit. The time he was born day
Xethdlanhdi nonxididhit. JD It's your birthday. lit. The time you were born has come again.
Xidhitlanhdi nonxididhit. JD+JD It's my birthday.  

Tiginlayin chux JD+JD lit. The big one who puts people in water
Tiginlayin chux Łegg Jitno' neyo. JD+JD The bishop came to Shageluk.

See "Priest"

Yitldisr KH+ED He bit it.  
Łek yitldisr. KH+ED The dog bit him.  

Dithitl'its KH+ED
Ago dithitl'its axa dingit'anh. KH+ED Use the black ones.  
Dithizringh KH+ED Black  
Vina dithizringh. KH+EDHis face is black. 

See "Crowberry"

Xizrigh KH+ED
Xizrigh tol getiy ngizrenh. KH+ED Blackfish soup is really nice.  

Viq'idanganh HM+ED lit. Sharp metal

See "Sharp"

Sits'i xitathdlo. HM+ED He is blaming me.  

Ts'id KH+ED
Sits'id ixedhinix. KH+ED My blanket is lost.  

Noxidiniho. KH+ED It lacks eyes.

See "Bat"

Te xaniłtonh KH+ED lit. With water inside
Silo' te vaniłtonh. KH+ED I have a blister on my finger/hand.  

Sanhch'i dił dit'anh. KH+ED My nose is bleeding.  
Vilo' ghon' dił dit'anh. JD+JD Her hand is bleeding.  

Łit xiq'iy KH+ED lit. Smoke-like
Yo yan' łit xiq'iy. HM+ED The sky is blue.  

Niłyagh KH sci. Vaccinium uliginosum
Niłyagh yinighehan yiggandidhingił. KH+ED She spilled the blueberries she picked.  

Gitadlividz KH+ED lit. That which is short, flat
Gitadlivits yi'odz dineteyh. KH+ED Bring me that board.  

Valgats KH+ED From Russian "barkas", 'longboat'; English "barque". Older speakers may have pronounced this word "valggats" but most modern speakers say "valgats".
Valgats ye gheyo. KH+ED He went in the boat.  
Viye xididhiq'un HM+ED Steamboat lit. In it there is fire. Same as 'stove'

Dinazrik KH+ED A person's body  
Sizrik imo. KH+ED My body is aching all over.  

Ivatr KH+ED It's boiling.  
Nanhdal iłvatr. KH+ED She's boiling ducks.  

Xinighałtoddh, Xini'ałtodh KH+ED lit. Something that gets screwed in

Ngidegh Srixno' KH+ED lit. Down below creek

Vits'in An-ghun' ED lit. A place near us
Dina qul Vits'in An-ghun'. KH+ED Nobody is in Bonasila.  

Tth'inh KH+ED
Tth'inh ghoxihonh. KH+ED Clean the bones. When you're eating

Gilegik vituxodal KH+ED lit. Papers that are read
Vituxodal tr'idiniłdik. HM+ED We're writing a book.  

Giqałchin KH+ED
Sigiqałchin łats yan'. KH+ED My boots are muddy.  

Doght'an' ts'in' xiqul. KH+ED I've got nothing to do.  

Xethdlanh. KH+ED It was born.  
Gitr'ingithchagg xidhitlanh. KH+LH I was born in Anvik.
Toxin siyił xethdlan yixelanh.KH+AJ I have three brothers. lit. Three people were born with me.

Gatidli'an'. JD+JD He's starting to borrow it.  
Sigidiggadhi'oy idili'anh. JD+JD He's borrowing my knife.
Chay atagi'eł.JD+JD I'm going to borrow tea.  

Vigidinatiy JD+JD lit. His boss
Vigidinatiy ngizrenh. JD+JD His boss is good.  
Diva an gidinatiy? JD+JD Who's the boss?  

Niłyił xinedatl. JD+JD They both came. lit. With each other they came.

See "Together"

Tałdhit iy. HM+KH Don't bother it.  
Tałdhit anh. JD+JD Don't bother that person.
Sitałdhit.HM+KH Don't bother me.  

Yotig tingił HM+KH lit. Glass bucket
Yotig tingił yengingeł. HM+ED Pour it in the bottle or glass.  

Viqatl'ox KH+LH
Viqalnig siqatl'ox xi'itlts'iq. KH+ED I've got gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.  
-tl'o' Bottom, buttocks  
Vitl'o' ED+KHHis buttocks 
Ditl'o' q'ididltsitl.ED+KH He fell on his butt.  

Giłting' KH+ED
Giłting' axa q'o tatldik. KH+ED I'll use a bow to shoot an arrow.  

Valgats loy KH+ED
Valgats loy didhedo. KH+ED Sit in the bow.  

Tth'ok jingidh JD+JD lit. Round container
Tth'ok jingidh tiłtse. JD+JD He will make a bowl.  
Tth'ok jingidh k'idz KH+ED Little bowl  

Yashik KH+ED
Yashik yegilayh. KH He is putting something in the box.  

Chel KH+ED
Chel sogh xidineyo. HM+KH The boy came to visit me.  
Chel k'idz AJ+ES Little boy
Chel k'idz ngi'egh xidilighusr.ES Little boys are playing outside.  
Chiliqay KH+ED Boys  
Chiliqay xidilughusr ngi'egh. KH+EDThe boys were playing outside. 

Tthegh ndlitl'etl KH lit. Braided hair
Sidadr vitthegh ngingath ts'in' ndlitl'etl. KH+ED My younger sister has long hair and it is braided.  
Ngitthegh ningiłtl'etl. KH+ED Braid your hair.  

Vitthiłtled HM+ED His brains  
Dineg tthiłtled xitr'ixeneg ts'i yadz xiye ti'oyh. KH They are taking the moose brains out carefully.  

Gitthe' HM+ED
Gitthe' duxł'anh. ED+HM You guys get branches. To put bedding on when camping.
Ts'ivi'il JD+ED Spruce branches  

Nighandltth'in. KH lit. It is kneaded.
Nighandltth'in ngiłtse, he'? KH+ED Are you making bread?  
Dlit'ay KH+ED Fry bread  
Dlit'ay neg yi'eghoyh. JD+JDShe makes good fry bread.  

Diggiynetrit iy. KH+AJ He broke it.  

Vinixiłyiq JD lit. Early in the morning
Vinixiłyiq iy gihonh. JD+JD He's eating breakfast.

See "Early"

Tix xatadhit. JD+JD lit. Water happened.
Q'agh yit tix xidighedhit. KH+AJ We had an early breakup.
Uxidiniy tix xatithdhil ts'in'.KH+AJ Breakup will be late. lit. Hurry up breakup will not.
Yeqin yititldaq. KH+AJ The Yukon is starting to break up.  

Vimama' AJ Her breast  
Tr'ixineganh k'idz digimama' iłt'ik. KH+AJ The baby is breast feeding.  

Yetr HM+KH
Viyetr xelanh. KH+AJ He's alive.  
Diyetr idigheyo. KH+AJ He's out of breath. lit. He left his breath behind. As when running.
Viyetr xidighenek.KH+AJ His breath is gone. He died.

Getiy giłtr'eth. KH+AJ He's breathing hard.  

Ndine'oy KH+AJ
Ndine'oy viq'idz nontr'ididil. KH+AJ We/people cross on it.  

Xeli'en' KH+LH
Getiy xeli'en' ngi'egh. KH+LH It's really bright outside.  

Yi'odz ne'oyh iy. KH+AJ Bring it over here. Heavy object
Dlit'ay sits'i yi'odz ne'oyh. KH Bring me the fry bread. Pass me the fry bread.  

Gichoghiy KH+AJ
Gichoghiy tol itltsenh. KH+AJ I made brisket soup.  

Vaxa xiditsed KH+AJ lit. With it an area is swept
Vaxa xiditsed nda'. KH Give me the broom.  

Segha KH+AJ My older brother  
Segha dineg athdlanh. HM+EDMy older brother got a moose. 
SichidlKH+AJ My younger brother  
Sichidl togg łek t'anh. HM+ED My little brother has three dogs.  

Dithizring ilanh iy. HM+KH lit. It is dark colored.

Tingił HM+RD
Tingił ye te ghingqoł. HM+RD Carry water in the pail.  
Sitingił vuquyot'an'. KH+AJ My bucket has a hole in it.  

Q'oded yix xiłtse. KH+AJ He's building a new house.

See "Make"

See "Arrow"

Tlagg KH+AJ lit. Shabby, dilapidated
Ggagg tlagg KH+AJ Porcupine lit. Bum animal
Tth'oł tlagg yedhi'atth. KH+LH He's wearing bum pants.
Gan tlagg iy!KH+LH That is so bum!  

Xinthitthit. KH+LH He is bumping into something.  
Xidoy xinthitthit. KH He's bumping into the door.  

Xinthighisrdi HM+KH lit. The place where it bumps
Ting xinthighisr xixilongh. HM There are lots of bumps in the trail.  

Dlighal KH+AJ
Genoq'uth dlighal igheqat. KH+AJ He bought a bundle of flat fish.  

Dichigiłvit KH+AJ
Dichigiłvit tth'ok ist'anh. KH+AJ I have a burl bowl.  

Datht'a KH+AJ It burned.  
Silo' datlt'a. KH+AJ I burned my hand.  

Itołteł iy. KH+LH It's about to burst.  
Iy, itołteł iy. KH+LH Oh, it's starting to burst.  

Xinxide'onh ts'in' łats xiyen-ghiłdzax. KH Dig a hole and cover it up with earth.  

Xidijał KH+AJ
Getiy siyił xidijał. KH+AJ I'm really busy.  
Getiy dinayił xidijał. KH+AJ We're really busy.  

Ine' KH+AJ
Ngi'egh q'utasdoyh ine' siyił xidijał. KH+AJ I could walk around outside but I'm really busy.  
Imo ngilanh ine' gits'i'in tadhiyo. AJ+ES Even though he was sick he went hunting.  

Vasdliq KH+AJ From Russian "maslo", 'butter'.
Vasdliq aghisqat. HM+ED I bought butter.  

Nilividz ED
Nilividz q'unt'ox. ED+KH A butterfly is flying around.  

Xiqondit'oy ED lit. Put it through a hole.
Sigiviqondit'oy yadz ixidlningh. ED+KH My button fell off.  

Igheqat. ED+KH He bought it. lit. He paid for it.
Tritr itasqat. ED+KH I'm going to buy some firewood.  

See "With"

Nedz LH+KH
Qun nedz dhedo. LH+KH Sit by the fire.  

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