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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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neek (5) tell, talk, explain, report, witness, gossip, disagree, prophesy, interpret, preach, narrate, defraud, call
tell, report about it; witness, testify about it
O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (na act) for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O
tell the story of it; talk into it
O-ka-S-l-neek (na act) for S to tell the story of O; for S to talk into O
explain it
(N een) k̲unáax̲ daak O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (Ø act) for S to explain O (to N)
tell on, inform on, betray (secret)
kei O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (Ø motion) for S to tell on, inform on, betray O
tell a story, narrate; preach
sh ka-S-d-l-neek (na act) for S to preach, narrate, tell a story
x̲oox̲ (2) call, summon
call him/her; summon him/her
O-S-ø-x̲oox̲ (g̲a act) for S to call, summon O
ask for it
(N éedáx̲) O-ka-S-l-x̲óox̲ (na event) for S to ask for O (from N)
eex' (2) call out, invite
call out to him/her; shout to, holler at him/her
O-S-ø-.éex' (na act) for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O
invite him/her
O-S-ø-.éex' (g̲a event) for S to invite O, ask O to a party
yeil' (2) calm, peaceful
calm, peaceful (esp. of bodies of water)
ka-du-ø-yéil'~ (ø event) for something (esp. bodies of water) to be calm, peaceful
calm, peaceful (of weather)
k̲u-ka-du-yéil'~ (ø event) for the weather to be calm, peaceful, without storm
x̲eiʰ stay, camp
stay overnight; camp out overnight
O-ø-x̲eiʰ~ (ø event) for O to stay overnight, spend the night, camp out overnight
teeʰ1 (13) be, born, care, think, need, busy, want, feel
care about it; think about it, consider it; have an opinion about it
N daa O-tu-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N
need, lack, require it
N eetéenáx̲ O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to need, lack, require N
like, similar to him/her/it
N yáx̲ O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be like, similar to N
N daat át k̲u-d-s-teeʰ~ (g̲a state) for N to be busy, occupied with things
appear before him/her; apparent to him/her
N wak̲shiyeex' yéi O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to appear to N; for O to be apparent to N
born; exist; live
O-k̲u-d-s-teeʰ~ (g̲a state) for O to be, be in existence, live; for O to be born
grateful, thankful, satisfied
sh tóog̲aa O-d-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be grateful, thankful, satisfied
still, quiet; stop functioning
tleiyéi yéi O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.)
be (for the weather to be a certain way)
(yéi) k̲u-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for the weather to be (that way)
feel like doing, want to do; feel that way
(yéi) O-tu-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to want to do, feel like doing (that); for O to feel a certain way
be (a certain way)
(yéi) O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be (that way)
be, stay, remain there; live, dwell there
N-x' yéi O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be, stay, remain at N; for O to dwell, live at N
be, become
P-x̲ O-s-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be P (a member of a group); for O to become P
taak̲2 care for, take care
care for him/her, take care of him/her
N daat~ O-ya-s-taak̲~ (Ø event) for O to care for, take care of N
yeek̲2 bite, carry
bite him/her/it; carry it in one's mouth (of animal)
O-S-ø-yeek̲~ (ga event) for S to bite O; for S to carry O in mouth (of animal)
yaa2 (5) carry, spread, anchor
carry it on one's back; pack it on one's back
O-S-ø-yaa~ (ga event) for S to carry O on back; for S to pack O
anchor it (boat)
O-sha-S-s-yaa~ (na event) for S to anchor O (boat)
carry things on one's back; pack things
at S-ø-yaa~ (ga event) for S to carry things on back; for S to pack things
spread it out; unfold it
P-x̲ O-ka-S-ø-yaa~ (g̲a motion) for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (singular) O along P
anchor (a boat)
sha-S-d-s-yaa~ (na event) for S to anchor, lower anchor
teeʰ2 (19) give, take, carry, expect, stormy, blame, baptize, postpone
carry it, take it (general, often compact object) IX
P-dáx̲ O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ga motion) for S to pick O up off of P
carry it, take it (general, often compact object) VII
P-dé O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (general, often compact object) to P
anticipate, forsee; expect, consider likely to happen or arrive
O-shu-S-s-teeʰ~ (na state) for S to anticipate, forsee, expect O; for S to consider O likely to happen or arrive
postpone it
O-shu-ka-S-ø-teeʰ~ (na event) for S to postpone O
expect him/her/it; anticipate it
O-shu-S-s-teeʰ~ (na state) for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive
carry it, take it (solid, complex object) VII
P-dé O-S-s-teeʰ~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (solid, often complex object) to P
carry it, take it (solid, complex object) IX
O-S-s-teeʰ~ (ga motion) for S to carry, take O (solid, often complex object)
install it there, hang it there
P-x̲ O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (g̲a motion) for S to install, hang, place O at P
hang it up there (esp. to dry)
P-x̲ O-sha-ya-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to hang up O at P (esp. to dry)
stormy, rough (of weather)
a-ya-d-teeʰ~ (g̲a event) for the weather to be stormy, rough
give, take, hand it to him/her (round, spherical object)
N jee-t~ O-ka-S-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (round object) to N
blame it on him/her; bring it (shame, joy) onto him/her
P-t~ O-shu-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to bring O (abstract, esp. shame, blame, joy) onto P
feed it to him/her/it; give it to him/her/it to eat
N x̲'éix̲ O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (na event) for S to feed O to N; for S to give O to N to eat
feed him/her/it
N x̲'éix̲ at S-ø-teeʰ~ (na event) for S to feed N, give food to N (for immediate consumption)
baptize him/her
héen-t~ O-ya-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to baptize, immerse (singular) O in water or pour water upon O as a religious rite
put it on (shirt, dress, etc.)
káx̲ O-S-d-teeʰ~ (g̲a event) for S to put on O (shirt, dress, etc.)
bring it out, unearth it; pick it up (general, often compact object)
kei O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) or S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O
put it down, leave it (round, spherical object)
yan O-ka-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (round object)
put it down (solid, often complex object)
yan O-S-s-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (solid, often complex object)
taan (29) think, feel, give, take, carry, cover, bend, habit, end, rain, snow, speak, rough, rely
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (singular subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-ø-taan~ (ø act) for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (singular subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-taan~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to change mind about N; for (singular) S to think over and reconsider N
wash over it (of waves) V
N kanax̲ ji-ya-s-taan~ (Ø motion; CV́C Hort/Pot) for waves to wash over N
cover it (esp. pot) with something
at S-ø-taan~ (g̲a event) for S to cover (esp. pot, etc.), put on lid
carry it, take it (container or hollow object) VIII
O-S-ø-taan~ (ga motion) for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object)
bend it (long, simple object)
O-ka-S-taan~ (na event) for S to bend O (usually long, simple object) over
like to do it; in the habit of doing it
O-ka-u-S-sh-tán (ga state) for S to be in habit of doing O; for S to do O frequently because S enjoys doing it
carry it, take it (container or hollow object) II
P-t~ O-S-ø-taan~ (ø motion) for S to carry, take O (usually a hollow object) to P
extend to it; end there
P-t shu-ka-ø-tán (position) for something to extend to, end at P
sit there (of container or hollow object)
P-t ø-tán (position) for a container or hollow object to sit at P
precipitate (rain, snow, etc)
daak s-taan~ (ø event) for rain, snow to fall
speak, talk to him/her (singular subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-ø-taan~ (ø motion) for S to speak, talk to N
call him/her on the phone VII
N jeedé x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (na motion) for (singular) S to call N on telephone
give, take, hand it to him/her (long, complex object)
N jee-t~ O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (usually long, complex object) to N
call him/her on the phone II
N jee-t~ x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (ø motion) for S to call N on telephone
put trust in, rely on, have faith in
N káa yan tu-S-ø-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N
rough (of ocean)
ji-s-taan~ (na event) for the ocean to be rough
bring it out, unearth it; pick it up (usually long, complex object)
kei O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O
raise one's hand I
kei ji-S-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to raise a hand
speak, talk, make speech (singular subject)
x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (na event) for (singular) S to speak, talk, make a speech
put it down (small, stick-like object)
yan O-ka-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually quite small, stick-like object)
put it down, leave it (long, complex object)
yan O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually long, complex object)
hit, reach the beach (of waves)
yan ji-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for waves to hit, reach the beach
lower one's hand
yan~ ji-S-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to lower a hand
stop speaking, stop talking (singular subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to stop talking
yóo ka-ø-tán (position) for something to be bent
speak to, talk to (singular subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-ø-taan~ (ø act) for (singular) S to speak to, talk to
bend over, lean down (singular subject)
yínde sh ka-S-d-taan~ (na motion) for (singular) S to bend over, lean down
decide, make up one's mind; feel, think (a certain way)
(yéi) tu-S-d-taan~ (na event) for (singular) S to decide, make up one's mind (that way)
jeil (3) carry, take
carry it, take it VII
P-dé O-ka-S-ø-jeil~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O to P (esp. to one place, making several trips)
carry, take stuff VII
P-dé at ka-S-ø-jeil~ (na motion) for S to carry, take things to P (esp. to one place, making several trips)
reach one's hand through it, around it
P-náx̲ ya-u-S-ø-jeil~ (ø motion) for S to reach a hand through, around P
nook1 (7) carry, sit, get up
situtated there (of building)
d-nook~ (g̲a event) for a building to be situated there
carry him/her/it (live creature) VII
P-t O-S-s-nook~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (live creature) around at P
seat him/her
O-S-s-nook~ (g̲a event) for S to seat O
lift him/her/it up (live creature)
kei O-S-s-nook~ (ø motion) for S to lift up O (live creature)
rise, get up (singular subject)
sha-S-d-nook~ (ø event) for (singular) S to get up, rise
sit down (singular subject)
S-ø-nook~ (g̲a event) for (singular) S to sit, sit down (esp. act of sitting)
put him/her/it down, leave him/her/it (live creature)
yan~ O-S-s-nook~ (ø motion) for S to put down, leave O (live creature)
aax̲2 (4) give, take, carry, lie2
carry it, take it (textile-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet, etc.) VII
P-t O-S-ø-.aax̲~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (a textile-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet) around at P
lie there (of hide-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet)
P-t ø-.áx̲ (position) for a hide-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet to lie at P
give, take, hand it to him/her (textile-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet, etc.)
N jee-t~ O-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (textile-like object) to N
take it off (shirt, dress, coat, etc.) I
kaax̲ kei O-S-d-.aax̲~ (Ø motion) for S to take off O (shirt, dress, coat, etc.)
een1 (5) give, take, carry, pick
pick it
O-S-ø-.een~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to pick O (esp. berries) into a container
carry it, take it (container full of liquid or small objects) II
P-t~ O-S-s-.een~ (ø motion) for S to carry O (container full of liquid or small objects) to P
give, take, hand it to him/her (container full of liquid or small objects)
N jee-t~ O-S-s-.een~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (container full of liquid or small objects) to N
bring, carry it inside (of container full of liquid or small objects)
neil O-S-s-.een~ (ø motion) for S to bring O (container full of liquid or small objects) inside
put it down; leave it (container full of liquid or small objects)
yan~ O-S-s-.een~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (a container full of liquid or small objects)
aat2 (17) think, give, take, carry, lie2, speak, turn, change mind
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (plural subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (plural subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N
button it up
aanáx̲ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (Ø act) for S to button up O
lying there (to have small objects lying there)
P-t O-ka-S-l-.át (position) for S to have O (small objects) lying at P
lie there (of small objects)
P-t ka-l-.át (position) for small objects to lie at P
lie there (of several things; of dead or unconscious persons or animals)
P-t l-.át (position) for several things to lie at P; for several persons or animals to lie dead, unconscious, or incapacitated at P
carry them, take them (esp. baggage) VII
P-dé O-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for S to carry, take (plural) O (esp. baggage) to P
speak, talk to him/her (plural subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to speak, talk to N
give, take, hand it to him/her (small, round or hoop-like objects)
N jee-t~ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (ø event) for S to give, take, hand O (small, round or hoop-like objects) to N
give, take, hand them to him/her (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
N jee-t~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings) to N
lying down (of human) (plural subject)
(P-t) sh S-d-l-.át (position) for (plural) S to be lying down (at P)
speak, talk, make speech (plural subject)
x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (na event) or (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech
turn the wheel (boat, car) I
kei O-ya-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to turn O (boat, car)
put it down, leave it (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
yan~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
lie down (of human) (plural subject)
yan~ sh S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to lie down
stop speaking, stop talking (plural subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to stop talking
speak to, talk to, converse (plural subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse
ch'aak'w carve
carve it
O-ka-S-ø-ch'áak'w~ (ø act; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to carve O (usually smaller, detailed work) using a knife
shaat (4) catch, hold, change mind
catch it; grab him/her/it; arrest him/her/it; trap him/her/it
O-S-ø-sháat~ (ga event) for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O
gust (move in gusts (of weather)) II
P-t~ a-ya-ø-sháat~ (Ø motion) for the wind, weather to move in gusts to P
hold it; capture it; hold it captive
O-S-l-sháat~ (g̲a act) for S to hold, retain O in one's grasp; for S to capture, hold O captive
change one's mind
k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-sháat~ (ø motion) for S to change one's mind
aa3 (7) grow, turn on, flow, run (fish), quake, daylight, celebrate
grow it (plant); turn it on (hose)
O-ka-S-s-.aa~ (na act) for S to cause O (plant) to grow; for S to turn on O (hose), cause O to flow
celebrate, set apart (a particular day)
O-k̲ei-S-s-.aa~ (na event) for S to celebrate O, set apart O (a particular day)
grow (of plant); flow, pour forth (of water)
ka-ø-.aa~ (na act) for a plant to grow; for a stream of water to flow, pour forth
grow (of plant)
ka-s-.aa~ (na act) for a plant to grow
daylight (become daylight, dawn)
k̲ei-ø-.aa (na event) for it to become daylight, dawn
run, migrate (of fish) VII
ya-ø-.aa~ (na motion) for fish to run, migrate
run, migrate (of fish) II
P-t~ ya-ø-.aa~ (Ø motion) for fish to run at P
shaat (4) catch, hold, change mind
catch it; grab him/her/it; arrest him/her/it; trap him/her/it
O-S-ø-sháat~ (ga event) for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O
gust (move in gusts (of weather)) II
P-t~ a-ya-ø-sháat~ (Ø motion) for the wind, weather to move in gusts to P
hold it; capture it; hold it captive
O-S-l-sháat~ (g̲a act) for S to hold, retain O in one's grasp; for S to capture, hold O captive
change one's mind
k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-sháat~ (ø motion) for S to change one's mind
aat2 (17) think, give, take, carry, lie2, speak, turn, change mind
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (plural subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (plural subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N
button it up
aanáx̲ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (Ø act) for S to button up O
lying there (to have small objects lying there)
P-t O-ka-S-l-.át (position) for S to have O (small objects) lying at P
lie there (of small objects)
P-t ka-l-.át (position) for small objects to lie at P
lie there (of several things; of dead or unconscious persons or animals)
P-t l-.át (position) for several things to lie at P; for several persons or animals to lie dead, unconscious, or incapacitated at P
carry them, take them (esp. baggage) VII
P-dé O-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for S to carry, take (plural) O (esp. baggage) to P
speak, talk to him/her (plural subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to speak, talk to N
give, take, hand it to him/her (small, round or hoop-like objects)
N jee-t~ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (ø event) for S to give, take, hand O (small, round or hoop-like objects) to N
give, take, hand them to him/her (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
N jee-t~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings) to N
lying down (of human) (plural subject)
(P-t) sh S-d-l-.át (position) for (plural) S to be lying down (at P)
speak, talk, make speech (plural subject)
x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (na event) or (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech
turn the wheel (boat, car) I
kei O-ya-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to turn O (boat, car)
put it down, leave it (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
yan~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
lie down (of human) (plural subject)
yan~ sh S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to lie down
stop speaking, stop talking (plural subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to stop talking
speak to, talk to, converse (plural subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse
k̲aa1 (7) ask, charge, confess, order, say, send, tell
instruct him/her; give him/her orders to do
áa O-ji-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to instruct, give O orders (to do)
send him/her on a mission, errand
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to send O (esp. on a mission or errand, or to deliver a message)
confess, acknowledge, declare; charge, set the price, charge for
(N éede) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
insult him/her, offend him/her by what one says
sh tugéit O-ya-S-d-s-k̲aa~ (Ø event) for S to insult, offend O by what one says
tell him/her (a certain thing)
(yéi) O-daa-ya-S-ø-k̲á (act) for S to tell O (a certain thing)
say (a certain thing); confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
(yéi) ya-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
tell, say to him/her; ask him/her to do
(yóo) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that)
keil'1 flee, run, chase
chase him/her/it out into the open
daak O-l-kéil'~ (ø motion) for S to chase O into the open
aat' (5) cold, cool, chill
chill it; make it cold
O-S-s-.áat'~ (ø act) for S to make O cold, cool
cold (of weather)
k̲u-s-.áat' (ga state) for the weather to be cold
cold (feel cold, of person)
O-sa-ø-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O (person) to feel cold
cold (of inanimate object)
s-.áat' (Ø state) for an inanimate object to be cold
cold (of face)
O-ya-d-s-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O's face to be cold
x̲oot'2 (2) chip
chip it out
O-S-ø-x̲óot'~ (Ø act) for S to chop O (wood); for S to chip O out (with adze)
chop it up; split it (wood)
O-ka-S-l-x̲óot' (g̲a act) for S to chop up O; for S to split O (wood)
t'ook shoot, choose
shoot it (with bow and arrow); choose it (in gambling with sticks)
O-S-ø-t'óok~ (ø event) for S to shoot O (with bow and arrow); for S to choose O (in gambling with sticks)
s'oow chop
chop it
O-S-ø-s'óow~ (na act) for S to chop O (esp. chopping down trees, chopping off branches)
hein own, claim
own, claim it
O-S-ø-héin (na state) for S to own, claim O (esp. clan property)
xaats' clear
clear (of sky), be clear, cloudless
a-ka-ø-xáats'~ (na event) for the sky to be clear, cloudless
tl'eit' (2) climb
climb up along it I
N daax̲ kei S-d-l-tl'éit'~ (ø motion) for S to climb up along N (tree, rope, etc.) by holding on tightly
climb up along it IX
N yáx̲ S-d-l-tl'éit'~ (ga motion) for S to climb up along the face of N (mountain, cliff, fence, etc.)
yeesh (4) cover, pull, open (by pulling), close (by pulling)
pull it (light object) over it; cover it with it IX
N káx̲ O-S-ø-yeesh~ (g̲a motion) for S to pull O (fairly light object) over N; for S to cover N with O
pull it (light object)
P-dáx̲ kei O-S-ø-yeesh~ (ø motion) for S to pull O (a fairly light object) up out of P
pull it down; close it (window) by pulling down IX
P-x̲ O-S-ø-yeesh~ (g̲a motion) for S to pull O down along P; for S to close O (window) by pulling down along P
pull it up; open it (window) by pulling up I
(kínde) kei O-S-ø-yeesh~ (Ø motion) for S to pull O up; for S to open O (window) by pulling up
l'oox (2) close2
close one's eyes (really closed, as when sleeping)
ka-S-d-l'oox~ (Ø event) for S to close eyes
closed (of eyes)
(N waak̲) ka-d-l'oox~ (Ø event) for N's eyes to be closed
góos' cloudy
k̲u-l-góos' (ga state) for the sky to be cloudy
x̲eech (4) club, spill, slam, throw
club him/her/it; hit him/her/it on the head
O-sha-S-ø-x̲eech~ (ø event) for S to club, hit O on the head
throw it to him/her/it (liquid) II
P-t~ O-ka-S-ø-x̲eech~ (Ø motion) for S to throw O (esp. liquid) to P
slam it shut (door, lid)
P-t~ O-shu-S-ø-x̲eech~ (Ø motion) for S to slam O (door, lid) at P
spill, upset it
yax̲ O-ka-S-ø-x̲eech~ (ø event) for S to spill, upset O
g̲ook clutch
clutch, hold tightly
O-ka-S-ø-g̲ook~ (Ø event) for S to clutch, hold tightly onto O
aat' (5) cold, cool, chill
chill it; make it cold
O-S-s-.áat'~ (ø act) for S to make O cold, cool
cold (of weather)
k̲u-s-.áat' (ga state) for the weather to be cold
cold (feel cold, of person)
O-sa-ø-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O (person) to feel cold
cold (of inanimate object)
s-.áat' (Ø state) for an inanimate object to be cold
cold (of face)
O-ya-d-s-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O's face to be cold
seik̲'w (3) stain, dye, color
dye it; stain it; color it
O-ka-S-l-séik̲'w~ (ø act; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to stain, dye, color the surface of O
stained, dyed, colored
O-ka-d-séik̲'w~ (ø event) for O to be stained, dyed, colored
dye, color, stain (face, hair, etc.); put on one's makeup
ya-ka-S-d-l-séik̲'w~ (ø act; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to put on makeup
yeis' discolored, colored, bruised
bruised; discolored; colored
O-ka-d-yéis'~ (ø event) for O to be colored, discolored, bruised
k'eet' (3) leave, go, come
leave, go, come to it (of group of people) II
P-t~ O-ka-d-k'éet'~ (Ø motion) for O (group of people) to all leave, go or come to P
go (of group of people) VII
P-dé O-ka-d-k'éet'~ (na motion) for O (group of people) to all leave, go or come to P
pick berries
k̲u-S-ø-k'éet'~ (ø act; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to pick berries (esp. pick in quantity to take home)
daak̲1 sober up, come to
sober up, regain consciousness, come to
N daa a-ø-daak̲~ (na event) for N to sober up
aa2 (2) examine, kiss, consider, think over, come to senses
examine, inspect it; judge, assess it
N daa ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (na act) for S to examine, inspect, look into, judge, assess N
kiss him/her
N x̲'éi-t~ ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (ø motion) for S to kiss N
x'aak̲w (3) forget, comfortable
N ká-t~ O-sa-ø-x'aak̲w~ (ø event) for O to forget N
comfortable, sit or lie comfortably
sh ka-S-d-j-x'aak̲w~ (na event) for S to be comfortable, sit or lie comfortably
comfortable, sit or lie comfortably
yan~ sh ka-S-d-j-x'aak̲w~ (Ø motion) for S to be comfortable, sit or lie comfortably
naa3 order, send, command, give
send him/her there; order him/her to go there; give it (in accordance with clan relationship
O-ka-u-S-ø-náa (na act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to order (esp. to go), send, command O; (fig.) for S to give O (esp. in accordance with clan relationship)
sheix̲' praise, commend
praise him/her; commend him/her
O-ka-S-ø-shéex̲'~ (ø act) for S to praise, glorify O; for S to approve, commend O; for S to comment on O
shee2 compose
compose a song
at ka-S-l-shee~ (na event) for S to compose songs (esp. about opposite clan)
kashóok' tlageiyí
(Lit: electric brain)
xeech exert, concentrate
exert one's full strength on it; concentrate on it
O-S-ø-xeech~ (ø event) for S to exert one's full strength on, strive for O; for S to concentrate on, put effort into O
k̲aa1 (7) ask, charge, confess, order, say, send, tell
instruct him/her; give him/her orders to do
áa O-ji-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to instruct, give O orders (to do)
send him/her on a mission, errand
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to send O (esp. on a mission or errand, or to deliver a message)
confess, acknowledge, declare; charge, set the price, charge for
(N éede) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
insult him/her, offend him/her by what one says
sh tugéit O-ya-S-d-s-k̲aa~ (Ø event) for S to insult, offend O by what one says
tell him/her (a certain thing)
(yéi) O-daa-ya-S-ø-k̲á (act) for S to tell O (a certain thing)
say (a certain thing); confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
(yéi) ya-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
tell, say to him/her; ask him/her to do
(yóo) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that)
g̲aat (7) dizzy, confused, sprinkle, sift, wander
sift it
O-ka-S-l-g̲áat~ (Ø act) for S to sift O
sprinkle it, scatter it carefully
O-ka-S-l-g̲átch (na act) for S to sprinkle, scatter O carefully
wander, wander around trying to find the way
P-t yaa k̲u-S-d-l-g̲áat (na motion) for S to wander around at P; for S to wander around at P trying to find the way
trap it, catch it in trap (deadfall or other, but not fishtrap)
O-S-d-s-g̲aat~ (Ø event) for S to trap, catch O in trap (deadfall or other, but not fishtrap)
dizzy (be dizzy)
N daa yaa k̲u-ø-g̲áat~ (Ø event) for N to be dizzy
dizzy (make him/her dizzy)
N daa yaa k̲u-S-l-g̲áat~ (Ø event) for S to make N dizzy
forget him/her/it
yaa O-k̲u-S-l-g̲áat~ (Ø event) for S to forget O
xaat1 (4) pull tight, tie, connect
connect, attach, tie it there
(P-dé) O-ka-S-s-xaat~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to connect, attach, tie O (to P)
connected, attached, tied there
P-(dé) ka-s-xaat~ (Ø state; CV́C Hort/Pot) for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) P
tight (of lid, rope, etc.)
ka-ø-xaat~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for a lid, rope, etc. to be tight
pull it tight
O-ka-S-s-xaat~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to tighten, pull on O (something fastened at the other end)
aa2 (2) examine, kiss, consider, think over, come to senses
examine, inspect it; judge, assess it
N daa ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (na act) for S to examine, inspect, look into, judge, assess N
kiss him/her
N x̲'éi-t~ ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (ø motion) for S to kiss N
deek' (2) constipate
constipate him/her; plug it
O-S-s-déek'~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to constipate, plug O
constipated, plugged
O-d-s-déek'~ (Ø event; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for O to be constipated, plugged
yeik2 hold, contain
hold more, contain more; hold a lot (of container)
l-yék (ga state) for something to hold more, contain more; for something to hold a lot
ee (3) cook
at (ø act) for S to cook
cook it (ø act) for S to cook O
yan~ ø (ø motion) for food to be cooked, done cooking
tseek cook, barbecue, broil
barbecue it; broil it
O-S-l-tseek~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to broil O slowly, cook O directly over live coals, barbecue
x̲'aal'1 cook, dip
cook herring eggs by dipping briefly in boiling water and oil
O-ka-S-sh-x̲'áal'~ (Ø event; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to cook O (herring eggs) by dipping in boiling water and oil
aat' (5) cold, cool, chill
chill it; make it cold
O-S-s-.áat'~ (ø act) for S to make O cold, cool
cold (of weather)
k̲u-s-.áat' (ga state) for the weather to be cold
cold (feel cold, of person)
O-sa-ø-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O (person) to feel cold
cold (of inanimate object)
s-.áat' (Ø state) for an inanimate object to be cold
cold (of face)
O-ya-d-s-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O's face to be cold
Ch'a keetáanáx!
wooch een yéi jidané
kaa2 copy, make a face
copy him/her/it; copy what s/he said; make a face at him/her
O-ka-S-d-kaa (na act) for S to copy O
deex' (2) cork up, shut, cover
cork it up (bottle); shut, cover his/her/its mouth
O-x̲'e-S-ø-déex'~ (ø event) for S to cork up (bottle), shut mouth of O
plug it (a hole)
O-S-ø-déex'~ (Ø event) for S to plug up O (a hole in a surface)
kook̲ cough
a-S-d-s-kook̲~ (Ø state) for S to cough
toow (6) read, count, teach, learn
read it, count it
O-S-ø-tóow (na act) for S to read O
teach him/her
P-x' at S-l-tóow (ø act) for S to teach P
teach it to him/her
P-x' O-S-l-tóow (ø act) for S to teach O to P
study; teach oneself
sh tóo at S-d-l-tóow (ø act) for S to study, teach oneself
study, learn it; practice it
sh tóo O-S-d-l-tóow (ø act) for S to study, learn O; for S to practice, rehearse O
read, count
S-d-tóow (na act) for S to read, count
yeesh (4) cover, pull, open (by pulling), close (by pulling)
pull it (light object) over it; cover it with it IX
N káx̲ O-S-ø-yeesh~ (g̲a motion) for S to pull O (fairly light object) over N; for S to cover N with O
pull it (light object)
P-dáx̲ kei O-S-ø-yeesh~ (ø motion) for S to pull O (a fairly light object) up out of P
pull it down; close it (window) by pulling down IX
P-x̲ O-S-ø-yeesh~ (g̲a motion) for S to pull O down along P; for S to close O (window) by pulling down along P
pull it up; open it (window) by pulling up I
(kínde) kei O-S-ø-yeesh~ (Ø motion) for S to pull O up; for S to open O (window) by pulling up
deex' (2) cork up, shut, cover
cork it up (bottle); shut, cover his/her/its mouth
O-x̲'e-S-ø-déex'~ (ø event) for S to cork up (bottle), shut mouth of O
plug it (a hole)
O-S-ø-déex'~ (Ø event) for S to plug up O (a hole in a surface)
taan (29) think, feel, give, take, carry, cover, bend, habit, end, rain, snow, speak, rough, rely
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (singular subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-ø-taan~ (ø act) for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (singular subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-taan~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to change mind about N; for (singular) S to think over and reconsider N
wash over it (of waves) V
N kanax̲ ji-ya-s-taan~ (Ø motion; CV́C Hort/Pot) for waves to wash over N
cover it (esp. pot) with something
at S-ø-taan~ (g̲a event) for S to cover (esp. pot, etc.), put on lid
carry it, take it (container or hollow object) VIII
O-S-ø-taan~ (ga motion) for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object)
bend it (long, simple object)
O-ka-S-taan~ (na event) for S to bend O (usually long, simple object) over
like to do it; in the habit of doing it
O-ka-u-S-sh-tán (ga state) for S to be in habit of doing O; for S to do O frequently because S enjoys doing it
carry it, take it (container or hollow object) II
P-t~ O-S-ø-taan~ (ø motion) for S to carry, take O (usually a hollow object) to P
extend to it; end there
P-t shu-ka-ø-tán (position) for something to extend to, end at P
sit there (of container or hollow object)
P-t ø-tán (position) for a container or hollow object to sit at P
precipitate (rain, snow, etc)
daak s-taan~ (ø event) for rain, snow to fall
speak, talk to him/her (singular subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-ø-taan~ (ø motion) for S to speak, talk to N
call him/her on the phone VII
N jeedé x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (na motion) for (singular) S to call N on telephone
give, take, hand it to him/her (long, complex object)
N jee-t~ O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (usually long, complex object) to N
call him/her on the phone II
N jee-t~ x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (ø motion) for S to call N on telephone
put trust in, rely on, have faith in
N káa yan tu-S-ø-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N
rough (of ocean)
ji-s-taan~ (na event) for the ocean to be rough
bring it out, unearth it; pick it up (usually long, complex object)
kei O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O
raise one's hand I
kei ji-S-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to raise a hand
speak, talk, make speech (singular subject)
x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (na event) for (singular) S to speak, talk, make a speech
put it down (small, stick-like object)
yan O-ka-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually quite small, stick-like object)
put it down, leave it (long, complex object)
yan O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually long, complex object)
hit, reach the beach (of waves)
yan ji-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for waves to hit, reach the beach
lower one's hand
yan~ ji-S-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to lower a hand
stop speaking, stop talking (singular subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to stop talking
yóo ka-ø-tán (position) for something to be bent
speak to, talk to (singular subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-ø-taan~ (ø act) for (singular) S to speak to, talk to
bend over, lean down (singular subject)
yínde sh ka-S-d-taan~ (na motion) for (singular) S to bend over, lean down
decide, make up one's mind; feel, think (a certain way)
(yéi) tu-S-d-taan~ (na event) for (singular) S to decide, make up one's mind (that way)
shook' cramp, shock
cramps; shocked (by electricity)
O-ka-d-l-shóok'~ (ø event) for O to have cramps; for O to get shocked (by electricity)
g̲waat'1 (2) crawl
crawl VII
P-t S-d-g̲wáat'~ (na motion) for S (esp. child) to crawl around on hands and knees at P
crawl I
daak S-d-g̲wáat'~ (Ø motion) for S (esp. child) to crawl out (into the open) on hands and knees
tloox' crawl, creep
crawl on one's belly VII
P-dé S-ø-tlóox'~ (na motion) for S to creep, crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground (usually when stalking game) toward P
shoo2 crazy
sh ka-S-d-l-shoo~ (na event) for S to go crazy
sh kahaadí
tloox' crawl, creep
crawl on one's belly VII
P-dé S-ø-tlóox'~ (na motion) for S to creep, crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground (usually when stalking game) toward P
nei (3) weave, knit, crochet, respect
knit it; weave it; crochet it; mend it (net)
O-ka-S-s-nei~ (na act) for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net)
respect him/her
N yáa a-ya-u-S-ø-néi (ga act) for S to respect, regard highly, think highly of N
knit; weave; crochet
ka-S-d-s-nei~ (ø act) for S to knit, weave, or crochet
teex̲' crooked, wicked, lock, screw, wind
wind it
O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (na event) for S to wind O
teix̲' (3) crooked, wicked, lock, screw, wind
screw it on it II
P-t~ O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (Ø motion) for S to screw O into P
crooked; wicked
O-ka-d-s-téix̲'~ (ø event) for O to be crooked, wicked
lock it
x̲'éi-t~ O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (ø event) for S to lock O
k̲'eek' crowded
crowded, jammed together
O-d-k̲'éek'~ (Ø event) for O to be crowded, jammed together
haa (14) dig, gather, time for it, hungry, obvious, want, remind, polish, injure, crowded, plant, have a turn
polish, rub until shiny
N daatx̲ k̲u-ka-S-s-haa~ (na act) for S to polish N; for S to rub N until shiny
remind, cause to remember, bring to mind
N káa daak O-sa-S-l-haa~ (Ø event; CV́V Hort/Pot) for S to remind O about N
garden; dig
a-ka-S-ø-haa~ (na act) for S to garden, dig
plant it (using spade); dig it
O-ka-S-ø-haa~ (na act) for S to plant O
crowd, crowded, gather VII
P-t~ O-ya-d-haa~ (Ø motion) for O to move in, come around, crowd at P (of large numbers, esp. people, birds)
time for it
P-t~ k̲u-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for the time to come for P
gather it; pick it up; take it up
O-ya-S-s-haa~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to gather up, pick up, take up O
have a turn
N ée-t~ k̲u-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for N to have a turn
hungry (make him/her hungry)
N ée-t~ yaan-->O-S-s-haa~ (Ø motion) for S to make N hungry
N ée-t~ yaan ø-haa~ (ø motion) for N to be hungry
dig it up
kei O-ka-S-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for S to dig O up
injure oneself
sh tóo a-sha-S-d-l-háa (Ø event) for S to injure oneself
obvious; clearly visible
tlél ga-u-ø-háa (ga state) for something to be obvious, clearly visible
want (often with strong feeling); decide, be decided about, intend to; agree to, be willing to
(yéi) O-sa-S-ø-haa~ (na state) for S to want O (a certain way); for S to be decided about O; for S to agree to O
g̲aax̲ (4) cry
cry (make him/her cry), cause him/her to cry
O-ka-S-s-g̲aax̲~ (na event) for S to make O cry, cause O to cry
ask for it; cry for it
O-S-d-s-g̲áax̲ (g̲a act) for S to cry for, ask for O
cry loudly; cry out, scream out (in fear or pain)
ka-S-d-g̲aax̲~ (ga act) for S to cry loudly (of child, or person in great pain), to cry out or scream (in fear or pain)
cry, weep; mourn, lament (singular subject)
S-ø-g̲aax̲~ (ga act) for (singluar) S to cry, weep; for (singular) S to mourn, lament
tee2 (7) lie2, sit, cry, wear, take off (shirt, dress, coat)
lying there (to have a round, spherical object lying there)
P-t O-ka-S-ø-téen (position) for S to have (round, spherical) O lying at P
sit there (of solid, complex object)
P-t s-téen (position) for a solid, often complex object to sit at P
carry it, take it (general, often compact object) II
N jee-t~ O-S-ø-tee~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (general, esp. abstract objects) to N
cry, weep, mourn, howl (plural subject)
g̲ax̲-S-s-tee~ (ga act) for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves)
take it off (shirt, dress, coat, etc.) I
kaax̲ kei O-S-d-tee~ (Ø motion) for S to take off O (shirt, dress, coat, etc.)
wear it; have it on
kát O-S-d-tee~ (position) for S to wear O
yát N jee-t~ O-S-ø-tee~ (Ø motion) for S to get N pregnant with O (baby)
neix̲ (2) save, heal, cure
save him/her/it; heal, cure him/her/it
O-S-s-neix̲ (g̲a event) for S to save O; for S to heal, cure O
saved, healed, cured, recovered; satisfied
O-ø-neix̲~ (g̲a event) for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied
s'eik̲ (2) tan, smoke, cure
tan it; smoke it; cure it by placing in smoke
áx̲ a-ka-S-l-s'eik̲~ (na event) for S to tan, smoke, cure something by placing in smoke
smoke (cigarettes, etc.)
sh x̲'a-S-d-s'eik̲ (na act) for S to smoke (cigarettes, etc.)
jee1 wonder, curious, anxious
wonder about it; curious, anxious about it
O-ka-S-ø-jeek (na act) for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O
k̲'eik'w1 (2) cut, wound
cut him/her/it (human body, accidentally)
O-S-ø-k̲'éik'w~ (ø event) for S to cut O (human body), usually accidentally; for S to wound O with a sharp instrument
cut oneself
sh S-d-k̲'éik'w~ (ø event) for S to cut himself/herself, usually accidentally; for S to wound himself/herself with a sharp instrument
xaash (6) cut, saw
cut it, saw it
O-S-ø-xaash~ (na act) for S to cut O with knife, saw O
cut, saw it off
O-S-ø-xaash~ (Ø act) for S to cut, saw O off (esp. cutting something off or cutting wood)
cut it up; carve it; slice it
O-ka-S-ø-xaash~ (g̲a event) for S to cut O in several pieces; for S to carve O (on surface); for S to slice O (e.g., bread)
cut his/her hair
O-sha-S-l-xaash~ (na act) for S to cut O's hair
cut it (esp. rope-like object)
O-S-l-xaash~ (na act) for S to cut O (esp. rope-like object)
S-d-xaash~ (na act) for S to cut
Óos'k'! / Óots'k'!

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