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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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See "House"

Cache Tso ED+KH
Genoq'uth tso yeghitlo. ED+KH I put flat fish in the cache.

See "Sweets"

Calendar No'oy gilegiq ED+KH lit. Moon paper
No'oy gilegiq nił'anh. ED+KH She's looking at the calendar.

Yiqo xinayh. ED+KH He's calling.  
Ngiqo xitasał. ED+KH I'll call you.


Calm Deghatl ED+KH
Yeqin deghatl. ED+KH The Yukon is calm.

Camera Vaxa dinayeg alzrey ED+KH lit. With it our image is taken
Siginayeg vaxa alzrey ixedhinix. ED My camera is lost.

Camp out
Nod tr'inadhoł. ED+KH We camped two nights.
Gidegh enohił. ED+KH She will camp out.

Camprobber Srixgga' LH+KH
Srixgga' getiy gini'eyh. LH+KH Camp robbers are always stealing.

Can Nilughozr tingił AJ+ES lit. Soldered pail They used to get solder by melting it off cans.
Nilughozr tingił dix didhi'onh. AJ The can is on the shelf.
Nilughozr tingił ngidixi didhi'onh. ES The can is on the shelf.

Can opener Vaxa giqo yadz gitidit'idh ED+KH lit. With it the top is cut open
Xiday vaxa qiqo yadz gitidit'idh? ED+KH Where is the can opener?

Candy Liniy AJ+ES lit. That which is sweet
Sraqay liniy q'adixet'a. AJ+ES Children love candy.

Cane Titth HM+ED
Sitiddh AJ+ES My cane
Sitiddh axa q'u'isdoyh. AJ+ES I walk around with my cane.

Canoe Tr'eyh AJ+ES
Sitr'eyh ye ghisqał. AJ I paddle in my canoe.
Sitr'ey yet ghisqał. ES I paddle in my canoe.

Q'eyh vedoy KH+ED Birchbark canoe A traveling canoe
Q'eyh vedoy yet ghiqał. KHHe's paddling a birchbark canoe.
Q'eyh vedoy ye ghiqał.ED He's paddling a birchbark canoe.

Canyon Deloy dotux AJ+ES lit. Mountains between
Deloy dotux xit'ox gheyo. AJ+ES He hid in the canyon.

Car Ngin' qidz q'idughol AJ+ES, JD+RD lit. That which travels on the ground
Ngin' q'idz q'idughol yet q'utr'ithidatl. AJ+ES We went by car. lit. We went by inside car.

Cards Galdi AJ+ES From Russian "karty", 'playing cards'.
Q'iydong galdi ditr'ighił'an'. AJ+ES We played cards yesterday.

Caribou Ghinoy AJ+ES
Ghinoy naghitl-'an'. AJ+ES I saw a caribou.

Carrot Nalyagh ded dithiqizr HM+ED lit. Vegetable skinny, red
Nalyagh ded dithiqizr yintlyax. HM+ED I'm growing carrots.

Carry The end of this verb changes to classify the kind of object that is carried.
Soxo ghing'oł. HM+RD Carry it for me. A 3-dimensional object
Tr'ixineganh k'idz ghingiłtał. JD+LH Carry the baby. Person or animal
Ghingqoł.HM+KH Pack it. Liquid in container
Ghingiłchith. HM+KH Pack it. Fabric
Ghingiłteł. HM+KHPack it. A bundled object
Ghingilał.HM+KH Pack it. Plural objects
Long ghilał. AJ+ES He's carrying lots of things. Loose objects
Dits'id ghilał. AJ+ES She's carrying her blankets. Loose objects
Gon soxo ghingilał. AJ+ES Carry these for me. Loose objects

See the grammar section on "Classificatory verbs". See "Pack"

Catch, grab
Yałdzodl ingiłyił. KH+AJ Grab the ball.

Caterpillar Nilividz ggex ngilanh ts'i q'u'iditth'ax. AJ lit. Butterfly worm is still crawling around.

Caulk, chink
Nixitth'ith. HM+ED He is caulking.
Sringitl axa nixitth'ith. HM+ED They're caulking with moss.

Cave in Xetlax HM+ED
Vith t'ogh getiy xetlax. HM+ED The bank is really caving in underneath.

Diliggaq ES+AJ It is cawing.
Yixgitsiy ngi'egh diliggaq. AJ+ES Raven is cawing outside.

Ceiling Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Up there
Ngidixi qunagh dhi'onh. HM+ED The light is on the ceiling.  
Duxts'in AJ+ES Ceiling  
Ngiduxts'in tlints'iyh getiy ngichox. AJThere's lots of soot on your ceiling.

See "Above"

Cemetery Tthogiqay ES+AJ lit. Village of old ones
Ndagh at tthogiqay? ES+AJ Where is the cemetery?
Tthogiqay xits'i xitathdatl. AJ+ES They went to the cemetery.

Center Tth'exinedr AJ+ES
Gogide tth'exinedr. AJ+ES Here is the center.
Xiyh tth'exinedr AJ+ES Middle of the winter. One of the names for "December".

Chain Dangan tl'eł AJ+ES lit. Iron rope
Dangan tl'eł nda'. AJ+ES Give me the chain.
Łek dangan tl'eł axa xithichith. AJ+ES The dog is tied with a chain.

Łek vaxa xithichith iy. AJ+ES Dog chain lit. With it the dog is tied

Chair Viq'iditr'athdoy AJ+ES lit. That which we sit on
Go viq'iditr'athdoy xiq'idz didhedo. Viq'idz ditrathdoy xiq'i didhedo. AJ+ES Sit on this chair here.

Chamomile, pineapple weed Tthogiqay tthigidray LH+KH lit. Graveyard short haircut sci. Matricaria matricarioides
Tthogiqay tthigidray siyix xu'egh getiy longh. KH+LH There is lots of chamomile by my house.

Sidon xiditsets. AJ My lips are chapped.

Yenadhiyet iy. ES+AJ He started to chase it.
Choghlugguy dlen enadhiyet. AJ+ES The fox is chasing the mouse.

Cheese Q'en'dots'a' AJ+ES
Q'en'dots'a' igheqat gidiqad. AJ+ES She bought cheese at the store.

Chest Doghon AJ+ES
Vidoghon imo. AJ+ES His chest hurts.
Sidoghon imo. AJ+ES My chest is sick.
Vidoghon chux xelanh. AJ+ES He has a big chest.

Gu'oł. AJ+ES He is chewing something.
Genoq'uth is'oł. AJ+ES I'm chewing flat fish.
Xełedz ngi'oł iy ngo genelnix.ES Chew it well or you'll choke on it.
Xełedz ngi'oł ngo genelnix. AJ Chew it well or you'll choke on it.

Chickadee Sigiggeq AJ+ES
Ngi'egh sigiggeq yidilighusr. ES Outside, chickadees are making noise. Chickadee sees something; it's a warning for people to get out of there fast.
Sigiggeq xiyh xiq'a itrix. AJ+ES Chickadee is crying for winter. They're winter birds so they're only warm in winter. They're cold in summer.

Chief Xunedhidon HM+KH
Diva qay xunedhidon? KH+HM Who is the village chief?

Nq'ołonh k'idz AJ+ES Little girl  
Nq'ołonh k'idz ngi'egh nixiniłghon'. AJ+ESA little girl is playing outside. 
Chel k'idzAJ+ES Little boy  
Chel k'idz ngi'egh xidilighusr. AJ+ES Little boys are playing outside.

See "Boy", "Girl"

Children Sraqay AJ+ES
Sraqay ndadz dixit'anh? AJ+ES What are the children doing?

Chin -yado'
Viyado' AJ+ES His chin
Viyado' k'idz xelanh. AJ+ES His has a little chin.

Gendlniq. HM+KH She started to choke.
Tth'inh endlniq. HM+KH She's choking on a bone.
Xot gehonh; nogenelnix.HM+KH Eat slowly; you will choke.

Niłtogidiłqoyh. AJ+ES She's chopping things in two.
Soxo niłtogidiłqoyh. AJ+ES He is chopping wood for me.
Chel dingonh oxo niłtogidiłqoyh.AJ+ES The boy is chopping wood for his mother.

Christmas Q'inodle chux JD+KH lit. Big prayer

See "Easter"

Church Q'inodle yix AJ+ES lit. Prayer house
Venhdida' q'inodle yix nasrodał. AJ+ES Tomorrow we'll go to church.

Cigarette Didljid AJ+ES
Didljid inagh iy; ngogh tr'ot'ix iy. AJ Don't touch that cigarette; it's bad for you.

City Qay xichux AJ+ES lit. Big village
Ngi'in Qay Xichux dhido. AJ+ES She's over in Anchorage.
Ngine' Qay Xichux dhisdo. AJ+ES I live in Fairbanks. lit. I live in upriver city.
Engan Qay Xichux dhido.AJ She lives in Seattle. lit. She lives in way outside city.

Claw, fingernail Logging AJ+ES
Dilogging axa xitrit. AJ+ES It scratches with its claws.

Clay Ethok łats HM+KH lit. Pot mud
Łats dithitl'idz iy axa tingił yixeghoyh. AJ+ES They used to make pots out of black clay.
Ethok łats diłdziq. HM+KH Clay is sticky.

Clean Ggusr qul AJ+ES lit. Dirt none
Ngiyixi ixidine'on vogh ggusr qul. AJ The floorboards are clean.
Ngiyix xiqidine'on vogho ggusr qul. ES The floorboards are clean.

Te giqilighing xiq'i hiy. AJ The water seems clear.
Yoyan' xelanh. AJ+ES It's clear weather. lit. Sky only it is.

Deloy q'idz xidhehoyh. AJ+ES Climb the mountain. lit. Go up the mountain.
Tso q'idz didhehoyh. AJ+ES Climb up in the cache.

See "Go"

Clock Viye xigighidl. AJ+ES lit. Inside it ticks, hits.
Nda nixinedhit viye xigighidl? AJ+ES What time is it by the clock?

Siyix xidon-gidineteyh. AJ+ES Close my house door.
Yashik vidon-gidineteyh. ES Close the box top.

Cloth Dithitl'en AJ+ES
Dithitl'en qig ES+AJ Silky cloth lit. Slippery cloth
Dithitl'en keddh ES+AJ Flannel lit. Soft cloth

Clothes Videloy AJ+ES lit. His clothes
Ngideloy ton-gilax. AJ+ES Wash your clothes.

Cloud Q'uth AJ+ES
Q'uth xelanh. AJ+ES It's cloudy.
Q'iydong q'uth xighela'. AJ+ES Yesterday it was cloudy.

Coals, charcoal, ashes T'asr AJ+ES
Viyet t'asr qul. AJ+ES There are no coals in there.

See "Parka"

Coffee Toł tl'idz AJ+ES lit. Black hot liquid
Alice, toł tl'idz q'at. AJ+ES Alice, I want coffee.

Coffin Dichinh AJ+ES
Didiyogginh vigidichin. AJ+ES That's the deceased's coffin.

Cold Izre AJ+ES
Izre xelanh. AJ+ES It's cold.
Tr'al ts'i izre. AJ+ES It's not too cold.

Cold, flu
Quth diyeloq. AJ+ES He has a cold.
Quth diseloq. AJ+ES I've got a cold.

Ngitthegh ningitth'iq. AJ Comb your hair.  
Gitthegh nigitth'iq. ES Comb your hair.  

Comb Vitthe' etth'iq AJ+ES
Xiday sigivitthe' etth'iq? AJ+ES Where is my comb?

Come One, one' AJ+ES

Yuxudz go ninuxdał. AJ+ES All of you come here.
Yuxudz yuxogh srigisddheyh go ninuxdatl. ESWe are glad that you all came.
Yuxudz yuxogh srigidisddhinh go ninuxdatl.AJ We are glad that you all came.
Ndada' tohoł? AJ+ES When will he come?

See "Kashim"

Gan-ghiłnik AJ+ES She is cooking.  
Nelang an-ghiłnik. AJ+ES She's cooking meat.
Soxo gan-ghingiłnik.AJ+ES Cook for me.

See "Fry", "Bake", "Boil"

Ngi'egh dina xiłt'a. AJ+ES The weather is cool. lit. Outside it's good for people.

Ningiłq'a. HM+ED Cool it off. Tea, soup, other hot item
Sigitol nidhiq'a'. AJ+ESMy tea cooled off.

Viq'ato ditast'eł. HM I'll copy her.

Siq'ato didhet'an. HM+KH Don't copy me. lit. Don't do after me.

Corpse Gidhag HM+KH lit. Something's corpse
Xiday gidhag? HM+KH Where's the corpse?

Ndadz vidiłgho hiy? AJ+ES How much does it cost?
Getiy vidiłghoy ngichox. Getiy viłghoy ngichox. AJ+ES It really costs a lot.

Cottonwood T'ighith AJ+ES sci. Populus balsamifera

Nigidzagh t'ighith q'idothdo ts'i dalneth. ES The owl is sitting on a cottonwood and hooting.

Diliquth. AJ+ES He's coughing
Digiquth. AJ+ES I'm coughing.
Getiy quth ngitl'iddh diseloq. Getiy quth ngitl'ith iy diseloq.AJ+ES I have had a really bad cold/cough.

Cousin -oghida', -eda
Soghida' AJ+ES My female cousin
Q'iydong soghida' ghinidhiso. AJ Yesterday I went to visit my cousin.
SedaAJ+ES My male cousin
-'isda AJ+ES Cousin, man's side

Gogidet vitiq'oy ndine'on. JD This is the cover.
Vitiq'oy ndine'oyh. RD+JD Cover it. Box, can, pot.

Vitiq'oy idiniłcheth RD+JD A cover made of fabric.

Crackers Didligging HM+RD+JD
Didligging isonh. HM+RD+JD I am eating crackers.
Didligging niy HM+RD+JD Cookies lit. Sweet crackers
Didligging keddhHM+RD+JD Jersey Creams lit. Soft crackers
Didligging k'idz RD+JD Soda crackers lit. Little crackers

Cradle Ts'imitl KH+AJ Traditionally made from a blanket and two suspended ropes.
Sigitr'ixineganh viłandlidak ts'imitl yet. KH My baby went to sleep in the swing.  
Gog ts'imitl yengiłtayh. HM+ED Lay the baby in the swing.

See "Swing"


Tr'onhay HM+JD High bush cranberry sci. Viburnum edule

DinathdloyHM+JD+RD High bush cranberry sci. Viburnum edule
Dinathdloy dichin tetth'og do' vaxa dixili'anh. HM+JD They make the edge of the basket with cranberry sticks.
Nenhtl'it HM+RD+JD Low bush cranberry sci. Vaccinium vitis
Nenhtl'it qodhiso. HM+RD+JD I went for low bush cranberries.
Niłtiy gag HM+RD+JD Bog cranberry lit. Crane berry sci. Oxycoccus
Niłtiy gag sringitl q'idz yineyax. HM+RD+JD Bog cranberries grow on moss.

Crane Niłtiy HM+RD+JD
Niłtiy giłq'ats. JD+HM The cranes are dancing.
Niłtiy nigenthiyił. HM+RD+JD Cranes started to fly away.

Vixiyo tr'ot'ix. HM+RD+JD She's cranky. lit. She's no good.
Yigginh getiy vixiyo tr'ot'ix. HM+RD+JD That person is really cranky.

Ghidiggisr. HM+RD+JD She's crawling.
Q'u'idiggasr. HM+RD+JD She's crawling around.
Gog ngin q'u'idiggasr.HM+RD+JD The baby is crawling around on the ground.

See "Wild"

Creek Srixno' HM+RD+JD
Srixno' didelingh. HM+RD+JD The creek is swift.

See "Raven"

Crowberry Niłanht'asr HM+RD+JD lit. Black berry sci. Empetrum nigrum
Niłanht'asr yił niginastth'aq. HM+RD+JD I made it vanhgiq with crowberries.

Crust on the snow Tthighileqogg HM+RD+JD
Tthighileqogg nixithitinh. HM+RD+JD It froze a crust on the snow.

Etrix. RD+JD She is crying.
Tr'ixineganh getiy ghetrax. HM+RD+JD The baby cried an awful lot.

Cup Vitazringitl HM+RD+JD lit. In it you drink liquid
Vitazringitl yet chay ghiszrisr. HM+RD+JD I drank tea in a cup.

Cupboard Tth'ok viye dhidloy. KH+LH lit. Dishes are put in it
Tth'ok viye dhidloy q'oded ntr'iłchet. KH+LH We're getting a new cupboard.


Nondiniy HM+RD+JD Red currant sci. Ribes triste
Nondiniy longh. HM+RD+JDLots of red currants.
Gag vedaHM+RD+JD Black currant lit. Berry's cousin sci. Ribes hudsonianum
Gag veda xitr'athdatl. HM+RD+JD We went for black currants.

Current Xelingh HM+JD lit. Swift water
Ado' deloy ghon' getiy xelingh. HM+RD+JD Down by the mountain it's really swift.

Xelingh no' LH+KH Against the current
Xelingh no' xixetroth. LH+KHIt's hard to go against the current.

Git'oth. HM+RD+JD She is cutting something.
Singonh łegg it'oth. HM+RD+JD My mother is cutting fish.
Vanhdong łegg ghist'oth.HM+RD+JD This morning I cut fish.
Nighandltth'in niłtongit'oth. HM+RD+JD Cut the bread.
Silo' dhist'ith. HM+RD+JDI cut my finger.

Cutting board Viq'idz niłtogidit'odh HM+KH lit. Something is cut on it

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