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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Coffin Dichinh AJ+ES
Didiyogginh vigidichin. AJ+ES That's the deceased's coffin.

Cold Izre AJ+ES
Izre xelanh. AJ+ES It's cold.
Tr'al ts'i izre. AJ+ES It's not too cold.

Cold, flu
Quth diyeloq. AJ+ES He has a cold.
Quth diseloq. AJ+ES I've got a cold.

Ngitthegh ningitth'iq. AJ Comb your hair.  
Gitthegh nigitth'iq. ES Comb your hair.  

Comb Vitthe' etth'iq AJ+ES
Xiday sigivitthe' etth'iq? AJ+ES Where is my comb?

Come One, one' AJ+ES

Yuxudz go ninuxdał. AJ+ES All of you come here.
Yuxudz yuxogh srigisddheyh go ninuxdatl. ESWe are glad that you all came.
Yuxudz yuxogh srigidisddhinh go ninuxdatl.AJ We are glad that you all came.
Ndada' tohoł? AJ+ES When will he come?

See "Kashim"

Gan-ghiłnik AJ+ES She is cooking.  
Nelang an-ghiłnik. AJ+ES She's cooking meat.
Soxo gan-ghingiłnik.AJ+ES Cook for me.

See "Fry", "Bake", "Boil"

Ngi'egh dina xiłt'a. AJ+ES The weather is cool. lit. Outside it's good for people.

Ningiłq'a. HM+ED Cool it off. Tea, soup, other hot item
Sigitol nidhiq'a'. AJ+ESMy tea cooled off.

Viq'ato ditast'eł. HM I'll copy her.

Siq'ato didhet'an. HM+KH Don't copy me. lit. Don't do after me.

Corpse Gidhag HM+KH lit. Something's corpse
Xiday gidhag? HM+KH Where's the corpse?

Ndadz vidiłgho hiy? AJ+ES How much does it cost?
Getiy vidiłghoy ngichox. Getiy viłghoy ngichox. AJ+ES It really costs a lot.

Cottonwood T'ighith AJ+ES sci. Populus balsamifera

Nigidzagh t'ighith q'idothdo ts'i dalneth. ES The owl is sitting on a cottonwood and hooting.

Diliquth. AJ+ES He's coughing
Digiquth. AJ+ES I'm coughing.
Getiy quth ngitl'iddh diseloq. Getiy quth ngitl'ith iy diseloq.AJ+ES I have had a really bad cold/cough.

Cousin -oghida', -eda
Soghida' AJ+ES My female cousin
Q'iydong soghida' ghinidhiso. AJ Yesterday I went to visit my cousin.
SedaAJ+ES My male cousin
-'isda AJ+ES Cousin, man's side

Gogidet vitiq'oy ndine'on. JD This is the cover.
Vitiq'oy ndine'oyh. RD+JD Cover it. Box, can, pot.

Vitiq'oy idiniłcheth RD+JD A cover made of fabric.

Crackers Didligging HM+RD+JD
Didligging isonh. HM+RD+JD I am eating crackers.
Didligging niy HM+RD+JD Cookies lit. Sweet crackers
Didligging keddhHM+RD+JD Jersey Creams lit. Soft crackers
Didligging k'idz RD+JD Soda crackers lit. Little crackers

Cradle Ts'imitl KH+AJ Traditionally made from a blanket and two suspended ropes.
Sigitr'ixineganh viłandlidak ts'imitl yet. KH My baby went to sleep in the swing.  
Gog ts'imitl yengiłtayh. HM+ED Lay the baby in the swing.

See "Swing"


Tr'onhay HM+JD High bush cranberry sci. Viburnum edule

DinathdloyHM+JD+RD High bush cranberry sci. Viburnum edule
Dinathdloy dichin tetth'og do' vaxa dixili'anh. HM+JD They make the edge of the basket with cranberry sticks.
Nenhtl'it HM+RD+JD Low bush cranberry sci. Vaccinium vitis
Nenhtl'it qodhiso. HM+RD+JD I went for low bush cranberries.
Niłtiy gag HM+RD+JD Bog cranberry lit. Crane berry sci. Oxycoccus
Niłtiy gag sringitl q'idz yineyax. HM+RD+JD Bog cranberries grow on moss.

Crane Niłtiy HM+RD+JD
Niłtiy giłq'ats. JD+HM The cranes are dancing.
Niłtiy nigenthiyił. HM+RD+JD Cranes started to fly away.

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