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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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on or under the ground
saiyut or saiyuurat

Here is a cache.
Saiyut uvva.

2. cache with poles supporting it
uŋaluurat or uŋalut

A cache is used for storage.
Uŋalut suuraqaġviurut.

3. an open platform supported by poles also used as a place for storage
qakutit or ikiġġat

Put it on the platform cache.
Iḷḷiuŋ qakutinun.

4. a cache, originally used as an ice cellar
siġḷuaq or siġḷiuuraq

The berries are in the cache.
Asriat siġḷuami ittut.
calendartatqiqsiutit, tatqiḷiqutit or tatqich

Where is the calendar?
Naami tatqiqsiutit?

She gave me a calendar.
Tatqiḷiqutinik aatchuġaaŋa.
nuġġaq, dl. nuġġaak, pl. nuġġaich

The cow moose had a calf with her.
Tiniika aġnasraluq nuġġaqaġniqsuaq.

2. calf during first winter
nuġġaaġruk, dl. nuġġaaġruuk, pl. nuġġaaġruich

This is a calf during its first winter.
Una uvva nuġġaaġruk ukiivaaluktuaq.

3. calf during second winter -prime skin-
nuġġaatchiaq, dl. nuġġaatchiak, pl. nuġġaatchiat

This is a calf during its second winter.
Nuġġaatchiaq malġuŋnik ukiiruaq uvva.

to call as through a telephone; to call out someone’s name or kinship relation tuqłuq-

He called out her name and she came to him.
Tuqłuqługu atqa aggiqsitkaa. or
Tuqłuġaa, aasriiñ ilaanukhuni.

2. to call out over a long distance as across a river

he is calling out, he is hollering
tuqłularuq, dl. tuqłularuk, pl. tuqłularut

My older sister is calling.
Aakauraġa tuqłularuq.
to be calm, of water
quunniq- or quunitchiaq-

it is calm
quunniqsuq or quunitchiaqtuq

The river is calm when there is no wind.
Quunniqsuq kuuk anuġaitman.

2. to be calm, patient and complacent

He is calm.

Stay calm!

to camp for the night, to settle at a place during visit or stay, as in a hotel or friend’s house, etc.

he has camped
nullaqtuq, dl. nullaqtuk, pl. nullaqtut

The man has camped at our place.
Aŋun nullaqtuq uvaptitnun.

2. to settle, to put up camp

He has settled to camp across the river.
Inillaktuq kuugum igḷuanun.

3. to go out camping into the country; to go to fish camp

She went camping up the river.
Aullaaqtuq qavuŋa.

iknipiaq, dl. iknipiak, pl. iknipiat

Why don’t you build a campfire?
Sukman iknipialiunġitpich?

2. to cook on a campfire

It is good to cook on a campfire.
Iknipiaqtuqtuni nakuuruq.

3. to roast on a campfire

Pike roasted over a campfire is delicious.
Iknipiakun argiqsaq siulik nakuułallaktuq.

a small metal can
qattautchikaq, dl. qattautchikaak, pl. qattautchikat

There were many cans.
Apai, qattautchikat iñugiaŋniqsuat.

2. a five-gallon metal can
qaugrulik, dl. qaugrullak, pl. qaugrulgich

People used five-gallon cans for water buckets.
Iñuich qattaqaġuuruat qaugruliŋnik.

3. can -to be able-
tla- or -tḷa- after strong I [v-v]

to read

She can read.

to walk

He can walk.

to arrive, to reach

I can reach the destination.

uqummiaqataaq or qummiaqataaq, dl. uqummiaqataak, pl. uqummiaqataat

Candy can ruin a person’s teeth.
Uqummiaqataam miqutlagai iñuum kigutai.

cane; walking stick
ayaupiaq, dl. ayaupiak, pl. ayaupiat

My grandfather has a cane.
Taataruaġa ayaupiaqaqtuq.

-tlait-, -tḷait- after strong I [v-v]

he cannot do
pitḷaitchuq or sutlaitchuq

to speak, talk

I cannot talk.

to walk

She cannot walk.

to be able to do

She cannot do it.
qayaqa skin canoe, kayak
qayaq, dl. qayyak, pl. qayyat

The kayak is smaller than a boat.
Qayaq mikitluktuq umiamiñ.

Canyons are dangerous for rafting.
Quġlut iqsiñaqtut umiaġluktuni.
nasraun, dl. nasrautik, pl. nasrautit

A cap is used when it is cold.
Nasraun atuġnaqtuq alappaaŋupman.
-tlapiaq or -tḷapiaq after strong I
-lit., quite able-

he is capable of doing it
pitḷapiaqtuq or sutlapiaqtuq

She is capable of going.
to capsize
pałuq-, kitñu-

It has capsized.
pałuqtuq, or kitñuruq

My father, who was in a kayak, has capsized.
Taataga qayaqtuqtuaq pałuqtuq.

boat captain, rich man, king, boss
umialik, dl. umiallak, pl. umialgich

The captain is the driver of a boat.
Umialik umiam aqutigigaa.

car aksraktuaq, dl. aksraktuak, pl. aksraktuat

There are many cars in Anchorage.
Aksraktuat iñugiaktut Anchorage-mi.
to care for, to entertain
inatchi-, inat-

she is caring for the baby
inatchiruq, dl. inatchiruk, pl. inatchirut

She has taken care of the baby for two hours.
Inatchiruq malġuŋni sassaġnaaŋni.

he is caring for her
inatkaa, dl. inatkaak, pl. inatkaat

She is caring for her younger sister.
Inatkaa nukatchiani.

2. to take care of, to watch over someone or something

He is taking care of the dogs.
Qaunaksriruq qipmiñik.

3. to take care of, watch over

she is taking care of him
qaunagigaa, dl. qaunagigaak, pl. qaunagigaat

The mother is taking care of her son.
Qaunagigaa aġnam iġñi.

to be careless

he is careless
qaunatqiitchuq, dl. qaunatqiitchuk, pl. qaunatqiitchut

The mother is careless with the children.
Qaunatqiitchuq aana iyaalugruaġnik.

tuttu, dl. tuttuk, pl. tuttut

Caribou is a prime source of food for the Iñupiat.
Tuttu niqigigaat Iñupiat.

2. male animal
aŋusraluq, dl. aŋusraluk, pl. aŋusralut

I saw a male caribou.
Qiñiġiga aŋusraluq tuttu.

3. large bull -just matured-
nukatagaaġruk, dl. nukatagaaġruuk, pl. nukatagaaġruich

This caribou is a large bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagaaġruk.

4. young bull -two to three years-
nukatagaurag, dl. nukatagaurak, pl. nukatagaurat

The caribou is a young bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagauraq.

5. one-year-old bull
aŋayukłiq, dl. aŋayukłik, pl. aŋayukłich

The one-year-old bull is smaller than the two-year- old bull.
Aŋayukłiq mikitluktuq aŋayukłiaġruŋmiñ.

6. two-year-old bull
aŋayukłiaġruk, dl. aŋayukłiaġruuk, pl. aŋayukłiaġruich

The two-year-old bull is smaller than a bull.
Aŋayukłiaġruk mikitluktuq aŋusralumiñ.

7. caribou bull -mature-
paŋniq, dl. paŋnik, pl. paŋniġich

Bull caribou are larger than regular caribou.
Paŋniġich aŋitluktut tuttuniñ.

8. female caribou
kulavak, dl. kulavaak, pl. kulavaich

The female caribou has a calf.
Kulavak tuttu nuġġaqaqtuq.

9. female animal

10. cow with a fawn
nuġġalik, dl. nuġġallak, pl. nuġġalgich

This is a female caribou with a fawn.
Uvva tuttu aġnasraluq nuġġalik.

11. cow without a fawn
nuġġaiḷaq, dl. nuġġaiḷak, pl. nuġġaiḷat

This is a female caribou without a fawn.
Uvva tuttu nuġġaiḷaq aġnasraluq.

12. young cow before conceiving -in second year-
kulavauraq, dl. kulavauraak, pl. kulavaurat

The young cow is running away.
Kulavauraq aullaqtuq.

13. herd of cows and calves

There are many herds of cows and calves on the tundra.
Tiqittuq iñugiaktut natiġnami.

14. animal fetus
ivḷauq, dl. ivḷauk, pl. ivḷaut

The caribou fetus is small.
Tuttum ivḷauŋa mikiruq.

15. caribou appendix
kivviq, dl. kivviik, pl. kivviich

The caribou appendix is good to eat.
Kivviq niġiruni nakuuruq.

16. group of caribou

There are a few caribou.
Tuttuġaurat iñugiakitchut.

17. huge herd of caribou

There is a huge herd of caribou on the tundra.
Tuttuġaaġruich iñugiaktut natiġnami.

18. tanned caribou, soft soled mukluks used in winter
iḷiqnilik, dl. iḷignillak, pl. iḷiqnilgich

19. caribou or reindeer skin pants -fur out-

The caribou skin pants were made by his wife.
Qaġliik aġnaata piḷiak.

milluyuuq, dl. milluyuuk, pl. milluyuut

The caribou bot fly is bigger than a common fly.
Milluyuuq aŋitluktuq nuviuvaŋmiñ.

to engage in wrongdoing or revelry, to carouse

A person who engages in wrongdoing comes to a sad end.
Siḷakpiqsuaq nakuuruamun tikitḷaitchuq.

she is carousing

That one is carousing over there.
Taamna taamani siḷakpiqsuq.
carry to carry using the hands or arms

he is carrying something
saagaqtuq, dl. saagaqtuk, pl. saagaqtut

She is carrying a bucket.
Saagaqtuq qattamik.

2. to carry on one’s shoulders

he is carrying something on his shoulders
kakaaqtuq, dl. kakaaqtuk, pl. kakaaqtut

He is carrying a child on his shoulders.
Kakaaqtuq iyaalugruaġmik.

3. to carry on one shoulder

she is carrying things on her shoulder
iqsruktuq, dl. iqsruktuk, pl. iqsruktut

He is carrying a box on his shoulder.
Iqsruktuq suluutmik.

4. to carry wood in, to bring wood inside

she is bringing wood inside
qiruksiruq, dl. qiruksiruk, pl. qiruksirut

My son is carrying wood in.
Iñauraġa qiruksiruq.

Cartilage makes a crunching noise when eaten.
Natatqulaaq niġiruni mapkuluktuaġaqtuq.

2. cartilage connecting ribs to breastbone

to carve, to whittle

she is carving
sanaruq, dl. sanaruk, pl. sanarut

He is carving wood.
Sanaruq qiruŋmik.

she is carving it
sanagaa, dl. obj. sanagik, pl. obj. sanagai

He is carving the wood.
Sanagaa qiruk.

2. carving tool
mitlik, dl. mitliik, pl. mitligich

The carving tool is used when they make wooden dippers, baskets or snowshoes.
Mitlik qalutchi’amiŋ, aimmi’amiŋ suli tagluli’amiŋ atuġuugaat.
to catch fish

he is catching fish
qaluktuq, dl. qaluktuk, pl. qaluktut

The man is catching fish.
Aŋun qaluktuq.

2. to catch what is thrown

he catches it
akkuaġaa, dl. akkuaġaak, pl. akkuaġaat

She catches the ball.
Akkuaġaa aqsraaq.

3. to catch a game animal

he has caught a game animal
aŋuruq, dl. aŋuruk, pl. aŋurut

He has caught a game animal for our food.
Aŋuruq niqiksraptitnik.

4. to catch up with someone or something

she has caught up with him
aŋugaa, dl. aŋugaak, pl. aŋugaat

The dogs caught up with him.
Qipmich aŋugaat.

You won’t catch me.

to be caught, to be snagged

it is caught on a snag -it is ended, finished, stopped-
naattuq, dl. naattuk, pl. naattut

The net got caught on an old tree that was under the water.
Kuvraq naattuq napaaqtuġruaġmun.

qiḷak, dl. qiḷaak, pl. qiḷaich

The ceiling of the house is white.
Tupqum qiḷaŋa qatiqtuq.

2. sky, heavens

The sky is blue.
Qiḷak uquaqtaaŋuruq.

wild celery
ikuusuk, dl. ikuusuuk, pl. ikuusuich

Wild celery is green.
Ikuusuk suŋaaqtuq.

to be certain

it is certain, there is no doubt
nalupqinaitchuq, dl. nalupqinaitchuk, pl. nalupqinaitchut

It is certain that he will go.
Nalupqinaitchuq, aullaġniaqtuq.

[comprised of many links]

The chain is used for dogs.
Pituich atuġaqtut qipmiñun.

chair aquppiutaq, dl. aquppiutak, pl. aquppiutat

The chair is big.
Aquppiutaq aŋiruq.
quġvik, dl. quġviik, pl. quġviich

A chamber pot must be clean.
Quġvik salumaruksrauruq.

to exchange

he has exchanged something
simmiqsuq, dl. simmiqsuk, pl. simmiqsut

They have exchanged their gifts for others.
Simmiqsuk aatchuutiksraġmiknik.

he changed something or he exchanged it
simmiġaa, dl. simmiġaak, pl. simmiġaat

The girl exchanged her toy with the boy.
Aġnauram simmiġaa inattuani nukatpiaġruum pianun.

2. to change, to become different

She has changed.

charcoal, charred wood
auma, dl. aumak, pl. aumat

Wood turns to charred wood when it burns.
Aumaliraqtuq qiruk ikipmani.
to charge at an object, as when a dog rushes towards an object

He is charging -of an angry animal or person-
upaktuqtuq, dl. upaktuqtuk, pl. upaktuqtut

The dog goes after the rabbit.
Qipmim upaktuġaa ukalliatchiaq.

2. to buy on credit, to charge

He has bought merchandise from the store by charging.
Akiqsruqtuq suuranik tauqsiġñiaġviŋmiñ.
to chase

she is chasing -someone or something-

He is chasing a dog.
Malikatairuq qipmimik.

He is chasing it.

She is chasing the rabbit.
Malikataġaa ukalliq.

to check on

Go and check on the children.
Takullakkich iyaalugruich.

Oh, I just came by to check on you.
Tamaani takullałhiñaqtuami.

iqsraq, dl. iqsrak, pl. iqsrat

The cheek is part of the face.
Iqsraq kigiññami ittuq.

satqak or qatigaak

His chest is ticklish.
Satqaŋa qaallakturuq
to chew

he is chewing
tamuqtuq, dl. tamuqtuk, pl. tamuqtut

The boy is chewing gum.
Nukatpialugruaq kutchumik tamuqtuq.

She is chewing it.

He is chewing the gum.
Tamuġaa kutchuq.

black-capped chickadee
misiqqaaqauraq, dl. misiqqaaqaurak, pl. misiqqaaqaurat

The chickadee spends the winter here.
Misiqqaaqauraq ukiumi ittaqtuq maani.

2. boreal or brown-capped chickadee
iknisaiḷaq, dl. iknisaiḷak, pl. iknisaiḷat

The brown-capped chickadee is a bird.
Iknisaiḷaq tiŋmiurauruq.

3. Yukon chickadee
misiqqaaqaq, dl. misiqqaaqak, pl. misiqqaaqat

The Yukon chickadee is a bird.
Misiqqaaqaq tiŋmiurauruq.
iyaalugruaq or iḷaalugruaq, dl. iyaalugruak, pl. iyaalugruich

The child is running.
Iyaalugruaq aqpaqsruqtuq.

2. an illegitimate child lit. one without a father
taataiḷaq, dl. taataiḷaak, pl. taataiḷat

Her illegitimate child grew big.
Taataiḷaŋa agliruq.

3. the oldest child
aŋayukłiq, dl. aŋayukłiik, pl. aŋayukłiich

My oldest child is a girl.
Aŋayukłiġa aġnauruq.

4. a child raised by someone -not an adopted child-
iñuguqtitaq, dl. iñuguqtitak, pl. iñuguqtitat

He raised the child as his own son.
Iñuguqtitaq iġñiġmisun iñuguqtitkaa.

5. youngest child
nukaqłiq, dl. nukaqłiik, pl. nukaqłiich

My youngest child is sick.
Nukaqłiġa sakniuqtuq.
chill to become chilled [of body]

he has become chilled

My mother, who is outside, has become chilled.
Aanaga qiunŋuliġaa aniiqsuaq.

2. to feel chills

I feel chills.

3. to be chilly, of weather

It is chilly.

The weather is chilly.
Siḷa qiunŋunaqtuq.
tavlu, dl. tavluk, pl. tavlut

The chin is below the lips.
Tavlu qaqłuk ataakni ittuq.

2. chin tattoo

The tattoo on the woman’s chin is a dark color.
Aġnam tavluġutaa pauyyaġiksuq.

a chip
iqaaġniq, iqaaŋniq

2. to chip off
iqaaq-, iqaak-

it has chipped
iqaaqtuq or iqaaktuq, dl. iqaaqtuk, pl. iqaaqtut

The wood has chipped.
Iqaaqtuq qiruk.

3. wood chip
ulimmakuq, dl. ulimmakuk, pl. ulimmakut

Gather wood chips!
ice chisel -a metal point on a long pole for chopping ice or making fishing and water holes through ice-
tuuq, dl. tuuk, pl. tuut

Where is my ice chisel?
Tuuġa naami?
wild chive
paatitaaq, dl. paatitaak, pl. paatitaat

Wild chives are used when cooking.
Paatitaat atuġnaqtut niqniaqtuni.

to choke

he is choking
niġḷiktuq, dl. niġḷiktuk, pl. niġḷiktut

Look, he is choking!
Aa! Iñña niġḷiktuq!

2. to choke

I choked on my food as I was eating.
Irukkaipiuŋa akku niġiuraġniallaġma.

3. to choke on something; to stop or block an opening

She almost died by choking on a cracker.
Pipsukallaqqayaqtuq simikhuni qaqqumik.

to choose or get

he has chosen

The woman chose the best printed calico.
Aġnaq piksraġniqsuq qaagiksaamik kalikumik.

2. to choose from a variety

I chose these because they are pretty.
Tigusriruŋa ukuniŋa aarigaaŋuniqmata.

to chop wood

is chopping wood
qirriuqtuq, dl. qirriuqtuk, pl. qirriuqtut

My father is chopping wood.
Taataga qirriuqtuq.

2. to chop with an ice chisel

he is chopping with an ice chisel

The man is chopping ice.
Aŋun tuuqtuq sikumik.

She is chopping it with an ice chisel.

He is chopping the ice with an ice chisel.
Tuuġaa siku.
church -building-
aŋaayyuvik or agaayyuvik, dl. aŋaayyuviik, pl. aŋaayyuviich

They use the church on Sunday.
Aŋaayyuvik atuġaġigaat Minġuiqsiiġmi.

2. to believe in Christianity
aŋaayyusriqi- or agaayyusriqi-

he is a believer
aŋaayyusriqiruq, dl. aŋaayyusriqiruk, pl. aŋaayyusriqirut

There are many Christians in the church.
Aŋaayyusriqiruat iñugiaktut aŋaayyuviŋmi.

3. church elder -lit., one who leads-
aŋalati, dl. aŋalatik, pl. aŋalatit

My father is an elder in the church.
Aŋaayyuviŋmi taataga aŋalatauruq.
to turn in a circle, to go around, to revolve

to revolve, it turns around
kaivittuq, dl. kaivittuk, pl. kaivittut

The boat is circling.
Umiaq kaivittuq.

2. a circle
any settlement of people, city, town, village, nation, country
nunaaqqiq, dl. nunaaqqik, pl. nunaaqqich

The city is large.
Nunaaqiq aŋiruq.

2. a big place, a large village, a city
nunaaqqiqpak, dl. nunaaqqiqpaak, pl. nunaaqqiqpaich

The city is large.
Nunaaqqiqpak aŋiruq.

to clap hands
pattak- or pattaktuq-

she is clapping
pattaktuq, dl. pattaktuk, pl. pattaktut

They were really clapping in church.
Pattaktułallaktut aŋaayyuviŋmi.

Clap your hands!
Pattakkich argaktin! or
Pattaktukkich argaktin!

dew claw
kuvluġuq, dl. kuvluġuk, pl. kuvluġut

The dew claw is part of the caribou’s foot.
Kuvluġuq tuttum isigaiñi ittuq.

qiku, dl. qikuk, pl. qikut

Clay is gray.
Qiku qirġiaqtaaŋuruq.

to be clean, neat, not messy

it is clean
salumaruq, dl. salumaruk, pl. salumarut

The house is clean.
Salumaruq tupiq.

2. to be clean

You are clean.

It is clean.

3. cleanliness, holiness

to be obvious, to be clearly visible

it is clear, easy to see, obvious
nalunaitchuq, dl. nalunaitchuk, pl. nalunaitchut

It is easy to see an animal’s trail in the willows.
Nalunaitchut aŋŋugauram tumai avraurat iḷuatni.

2. it is clear, translucent, light enough to see through
qaummaqtuq or qaummaġiksuq, dl. qaummaqtuk, pl. qaummaqut

The drinking glass is clear enough to see through.
Qaummaqtuq nakasruŋŋuaq.

3. it is clear, clouds have dispersed

Today the weather is clear.
Siḷa uvluvak niptaqtuq.
to be clever

he is clever
pisaasruqtuq, dl. pisaasruqtuk, pl. pisaasruqtut

The man is clever at everything.
Aŋun pisaasruqtuq suraġapayaaqami.

a cliff
ipnaq, dl. ipnak, pl. ipnat

The cliff is dangerous to climb.
Ipnaq iqsiñaqtuq mayuqtuni.
climb to climb

he is climbing
mayuaqtuq, dl. mayuaqtuk, pl. mayuaqtut

He is climbing the tree.
Napaaqtumun mayuaqtuq.

2. to climb, to ascend

she is climbing

Don’t climb!

We will ascend to heaven.
Mayuġisirugut pakmuŋa.
clock clock, watch, hour
sassaq, dl. sassak, pl. sassat [Russ.]

The clock has stopped.
Sassaq nutqaqtuq.

2. timepiece, clock
tuqtuqtaq, dl. tuqtuqtak, pl. tuqtuqtat [Eng.]

The clock is to keep the time of the day.
Tuqtuqtaq naipiqqun uvlum qanuġiḷisilaaŋanun.
to close

it is closed -e.g. the chimney draft-
umiktuq, dl. umiktuk, pl. umiktut

she closed it
umikkaa, dl. umikkaak, pl. umikkaat

She closed the store.
Umikkaa tauqsiġñiaġvik.

2. to close an opening

she closes it
mulikkaa, dl. mulikkaak, pl. mulikkaat

He closes the box.
Mulikkaa suluun.

Close the openings of the tent carefully.
Muliktummaaġigḷugu palapkaaq.
nukihaaq or ukihaaq, dl. nukihaak, pl. nukihaat

The cloth at the store is very pretty.
Nukihaaq piññaqnaqtuq tauqsiġñiaġviŋmi.
clothes, garments

My clothes are clean.
Atnuġaatka puyaitchut.

2. to put on clothes, to dress

She is putting on her clothes.

He is dressing her.

Put your clothes on!

cloud nuviya, dl. nuviyak, pl. nuviyat

Clouds are black when it is going to rain.
Nuviyat qiġñiġaqtut siḷaluguġiaqman.
-see berry-

club; upper hind leg of caribou, reindeer
anautaq, dl. anautak, pl. anautat

The young man is holding the club.
Anautaq nukatpiam tigummiyaa.

kalluk, dl. kalluuk, pl. kalluich

Coal can be used for fire wood.
Kalluk ikniqautautlaruq.

2. coal scuttle
kalluqaġvik, dl. kalluqaġviik, pl. kalluqaġviich

The coal scuttle is big.
Kalluqaġvik aŋiruq.

outside garment, coat, jacket
quppiġaaq, dl. quppiġaak, pl. quppiġaat

The coat is warm.
Quppiġaaq uunaqtuq.
kuukpiaq, dl. kuukpiak, pl. kuukpiat

Coffee is expensive.
Kuukpiaq akisuruq.

2. to drink coffee
kuukpiaqtuq -

he is drinking coffee
kuukpiaqtuqtuq, dl. kuuqpiaqtuqtuk, pl. kuuqpiaqtuqtut

My grandpa is drinking coffee.
Taataruaġa kuukpiaqtuqtuq.

3. coffee pot
kuukpiaqtuġvik, dl. kuukpiaqtuġviik, pl. kuukpiaqtuġviich

The coffee pot is empty.
Kuukpiaqtuġvik imaitchuq.
to be cold
alappaaŋu or qiunaq-

it is cold -as of atmosphere, weather-
alappaaŋuruq or qiunaqtuq

The weather is cold.
Siḷa alappaa. or
Siḷa alappaaŋuruq.

The house is cold when there is no fire.
Qiunaqtuq tupiq ikniġitñami.

2. It is cold!

3. to catch a cold

to have a cold

he has a cold
nuvaktuq, dl. nuvaktuk, pl. nuvaktut

My child has a cold.
Qitunġauraġa nuvaktuq.

My baby has caught a cold.
Paipiuraġa nuvaksiruq.

4. to be cold, to be cooled off -as of an object or surface-

it is cold, cool
nigliñaqtuq, dl. nigliñaqtuk, pl. nigliñaqtut

The water is cold.
Imiq nigliñaqtuq.

qutuk, dl. qutuuk, pl. qutuich

The collarbone breaks easily.
Qutuk naviyauruq.

2. to break one's or someone else's

He broke his collarbone.

colon; large intestine
iqłu, dl. iqłuk, pl. iqłut

The large intestine is wider than the small intestines.
Iqłu siḷitluktuq iŋaluaniñ.

comb to comb hair

he is combing his hair
iḷḷaiqsuqtuq, dl. iḷḷaiqsuqtuk, pl. iḷḷaiqsuqtut

I combed my hair.

2. to comb hair, to untangle

he is combing it, he is untangling it
iḷḷaiġaa, dl. iḷḷaiġaak, pl. iḷḷaiġaat

She is combing her daughter’s hair.
Iḷḷaiġai paniŋmi nuyai.

3. a comb

Where is my comb?
Iḷḷaigutitka naami?
to come, to arrive

he has come or he came
aggiqsuq, dl. aggiqsuk, pl. aggiqsut

She came yesterday.
Aggiqsuq ikpaksraq.

2. to come here [to a general area]

She has come here.

She had come here.

Come here!

3. to come here [to a specific spot]

Come here! [to a specific spot]

4. Come!

to comfort someone

he is comforting -another or others-

2. to comfort

she is comforting her

She is comforting her. mother.
Arakkaa aanani.

to command

he commanded him
atanniġaa, dl. atanniġaak, pl. atanniġaat

He commanded his son not to go.
Atanniġaa iġñi aullaqunġitḷugu.

2. to give -specific- commands
atanniqsuq-, atanniqsui-

he is giving commands

He is giving commands to his employees.
Atanniqsuiruq savaktimiñik.

commandment, order
tilliñ, dl. tillisik, pl. tillisit

The man followed his orders.
Aŋutim tillisiusriani atuġaa.
qargi, dl. qargik, pl. qargich

The community house in our village is large.
Qargi aŋiruq nunaaqqiuraptitni.

to be comparable to

to have a likeness in

she is like, he is comparable
atriqaqtuq, dl. atriqaqtuk, pl. atriqaqtut

It is comparable to that.
Taavruma atrigigaa.

to comprehend, to finally understand

The child has understood his lessons.
Iyaalugruaq puttuqsriruq iḷḷiksaaġmiñik.
to be confident, to be without doubt, to be sure

he is confident
nalupqisrunġitchuq, dl. nalupqisrunġitchuk, pl. nalupqisrunġitchut

The teacher is confident.
Aglaktitchiri nalupqisrunġitchuq.

to conjure

He is conjuring spirits.

to be connected to something

it is connected to something
ataruq, dl. ataruk, pl. atarut

The rope is connected to the net.
Akłunaaq ataruq kuvramun.

to regain consciousness from sleep, faintness, drunken stupor, daydreaming, etc.

he has become conscious
qauġriruq, dl. qauġriruk, pl. qauġrirut

He has recovered from unconsciousness.
Qauġriruq alapiŋaruaq.

2. to regain consciousness, revive

it has regained consciousness
aŋiruq, dl. aŋiruk, pl. aŋirut

The fox, which was knocked unconscious by a person, regained consciousness.
Iñuum anaukkaŋa kayuqtuq aŋiruq.

to be content

he is content, she is at peace, he feels at home
tutqiksuq, dl. tutqiksuk, pl. tutqiksut

After being gone, he was content to be back.
Tutqiksuq piiḷġaaqhuni utiqami.

to continue

he is continuing

She is continuing with her work.
Sivutmuuruq savaaġmiñik.
to have convulsions

The baby has convulsions.
Iyaalugruuraq qiluraġaqtuq.
cook to cook
niqniaq- or nikniaq-

he is cooking
niqniaqtuq, dl. niqniaqtuk, pl. niqniaqtut

My older sister is cooking a rabbit.
Aakauraġa niqniaqtuq ukallimik.

2. to cook
-iuq [initial consonant of the last syllable is geminated and the final vowel- consonant cluster is deleted]


to cook fish

She is cooking fish.

sourdock [pl.]

He is cooking sourdock.


She is cooking soup.

3. -liuq

breadstuffs, biscuits

She is making biscuits.

there is more to this postbase, but the information given is to make the reader aware that it exists when speaking of 'cooking'.
qaqquayaaq, dl. qaqquayaak, pl. qaqquayaat

The cookie is sweet.
Qaqquayaaq siiġñaqtuq.
to become cool

has become cool
niglaqtuq, dl. niglaqtuk, pl. niglaqtut

My food has become cool.
Niqautiga niglaġniqsuq.

The weather has become cool.
Siḷa niglaġaa.

2. to cool off

Cool off his food!

kanŋuyaq, dl. kanŋuyak, pl. kanŋuyat

Copper is expensive.
Kanŋuyaq akisuruq.

to copy, imitate

she is copying
tuvraqtuq, dl. tuvraqtuk, pl. tuvraqtut.

He is copying the children.
Tuvraqtuq iyaalugruaġnik.

she is copying him
tuvraġaa, dl. tuvraġaak, pl. tuvraġaat

They copied the pretty mukluks she made.
Tuvraġaich kammiałaniak.

iqirġuq, dl. iqirġuk, pl. igirġut

I cleaned the corner.
Iqirġuq salummaġiga.

2. corner of the mouth
iqi, dl. iqqik, pl. iqit

The corner of his mouth is sore.
Iqiŋa atniġñaqtuq.

to be correct

it is right, good, correct fitting
nalaunŋaruq, dl. nalaunŋaruk, pl. nalaunŋarut

That is correct.
Taamna nalaunŋaruq.

2. she is correcting one who willfully erred
isiḷġiqsuiruq, dl. isiḷġiqsuiruk, pl. isiḷġiqsuirut

He is correcting those who do wrong.
Isiḷġiqsuiruq kinniqiruanik.

3. he is correcting her
isiḷġiġaa, dl. isiḷġiġaak, pl. isiḷġiġaat

He is correcting his son’s error.
Isiḷġiġaa iġñi kinnaksautaagun.

4. she is correcting him
nalġuqsruġaa, dl. nalġuqsruġaak, pl. nalġuqsruġaat

The father is correcting his son’s writing.
Taataŋan nalġuqsruġai iġñiŋan aglaani.

5. he is correcting his own errors

My older brother is correcting what he did wrong.
Aniŋaga natqiksruqtuq savalluatanġisaġmiñik.

cotton -used for tinder- from cotton grass; pussy willow buds; cottonwood buds
, dl. palliksrak, pl. palliksrat

The cotton is soft.
Palliksraq niġummaqtuq.

to cough

he is coughing
quhiqsuq, dl. quhiqsuk, pl. quhiqsut

The boy coughs at night.
Nukatpialugruaq quhiġuuruq unnuami.

2. to feel the urge to cough, as in a bad cold

She has the urge to cough.

country, nation

2. the country, uninnhabited area

I love it when I am out in the country.
Nakuaġigiga iñuiaami itnama.

cousin -by mother’s sister-

my cousin -by my mother’s sister-
aġnaqatiga, dl. aġnaqatika, pl. aġnaqatitka

My cousin is older than I.
Aġnaqatiga utuqqautluktuq uvamniñ.

Cousin! [direct address]

2. cousin -by father’s brother-

my cousin -by my dad’s brother

There is your cousin.
Tara aŋutiqatin.


3. cousin by either one’s father’s sister or mother’s brother, cross cousin

My cousin came.
Iḷḷuġa aggiqsuq.

to cover, to put a lid on

he has covered it
matugaa, dl. matugaak, pl. matugaat

She has covered the net.
Matugaa kuvraq.

to covet, crave, desire

She desires a new jacket.
Kaviuqtuq quppiġaamik.


The crab lives in the sea.
Putyuun taġiumi ittuq.
a crack
quppaq, dl. quppaak, pl. quppaich

The ice has a crack in it.
Quppaqaqtuq siku.

2. to crack with teeth

he cracks it with his teeth
qaqquġaa, dl. qaqquġaak, pl. qaqquġaat

The dog cracks the bone.
Qaqquġaa sauniq qipmim.

3. to crack in two, to split in two

The ice has cracked.
Qupiruq siku.

He split the wood.
Qupigaa qiruk.

There is a crack in this cup.
Quppaq marra qallutmi.
cracker cracker of which pilot bread, saltine crackers and jersey cream crackers are the most common
qaqquliktaq, dl. qaqquliktak, pl. qaqquliktat

I like pilot bread.
bog cranberry
qunmun asriaq, dl. qunmun asriak, pl. qunmun asriat

Bog cranberries are delicious.
Qunmun asriat niġiruni nakuurut.

2. highbush cranberry
uqpiŋñaq, dl. uqpiŋñaak, pl. uqpiŋñat

The highbush cranberry grows on the bank.
Uqpiŋñaq nauraqtuq qipalaum qaaŋani.

3. lowbush cranberry
kikmiññaq, dl. kikmiññak, pl. kikmiññat

The cranberry is red.
Kikmiññaq kaviqsaaŋuruq.

lesser sandhill crane
tatirgaq, dl. tatirgaak, pl. tatirgaich

The sandhill crane has long legs.
Tatirgaq kanaaqpaqaqtuq.

to be cranky, -especially of a child- lit., to want to be the boss

he is cranky
atanġusruktuq, dl. atanġusruktuk, pl. atanġusruktut

The child is cranky.
Iyaalugruaq atanġusruktuq.

2. to be cranky, always trying to get his/her way

he is cranky
atanġuturuq, dl. atanġuturuk, pl. atanġuturut

3. he is cranky, he is in a bad mood
siġḷiqiraqtuq, dl. siġḷiqiraqtuk, pl. siġḷiqiraqtut

to crawl

he is crawling
paamġuqtuq, dl. paamġuqtuk, pl. paamġuqtut

The baby is crawling on the floor.
Paipiuraq paamġuqtuq natiġmi.

a crease, corrugation
qaugruk, dl. qaugruuk, pl. qaugruich

Here is a crease.
Uvva qaugruk.

kuuġuuraq, dl. kuuġuurak, pl. kuuġuurat

The creek flows in to the river.
Kuuġuuraq saġvaqtuq kuuŋmun.

to crimp mukluk soles, originally with teeth

she is crimping soles
kigiraqtuq, dl. kigiraqtuk, pl. kigiraqtut

She is crimping two pair of mukluk soles.
Kigiraqtuq malġuiñik atuŋaŋnik.

to croak, to crow, to quack, to make the noise of an animal

it is croaking

The frog croaks in the evening.
Qalġuġaqtuq naaġaayiq unnuami.

to be crooked

it is crooked, bent
saquŋaruq, dl. saquŋaruk, pl. saquŋarut

The river is not straight.
Saquŋaruq kuuk.

2. to have been bent, crooked

It has been bent. It is crooked.


The crop is part of a bird.
Puviaq ittuq tiŋmiurami.

cross; cross beam
sanniġutaq, dl. sanniġutak, pl. sanniġutat

2. a place for crossing
ikarraq, dl. ikarraak, pl. ikarraich

There is a trail at the place for crossing.
Ikarraq tumitchiaqaqtuq.

3. to go across, to cross

he is going across
ikaaqtuq, dl. ikaaqtuk, pl. ikaaqtut

He is going across to the other side.
Ikaaqtuq taichuŋa igḷuanun.

he has crossed it
ikaaġaa, dl. ikaaġaak, pl. ikaaġaat

He has crossed the river.
Ikaaġaa kuuk.

4. to cross to the other side
ichuŋaq- or taichuŋaq-

He has gone across to there.
iḷḷuq, dl. iḷḷuuk, pl. iḷḷut

My cross cousin is my dad’s nephew or niece.
Iḷḷuġa taataa uyuġugigaa.

cross fox, blue fox
qianġaq, dl. qianġak, pl. qianġat

The cross fox’s fur is a mixture of orange and black.
Qianġam qaaŋa kaviaqtaaq suli qiġñiqtaaq avugiik.
cross piece of a platform
igḷaaq, dl. igḷaak, pl. igḷaat

The meat cache has cross pieces.
Ikiġġat igḷaaqaqtut.

2. front cross piece
apuġun, dl. apuġutik, pl. apuġutit

The front cross piece is used on a sled.
Qiḷiġiñi apuġun atuqtuq.

3. crossed ropes

There are crossed ropes on a sled.
Saniġaġutit qiḷġiñiittut.

white-winged cross-bill
siyyuum qipiŋaruq, dl. siyyuum qipiŋaruk, pl. siyyuum qipiŋarut

The cross-bill has white wings.
Siyyuum qipiŋaruq qatiqtaanik israġuqaqtuq.

to cut something crosswise
kiplui -

he is cutting crosswise
kipluiruq, dl. kipluiruk, pl. kipluirut

He is cross-cutting lumber.
Kipluiruq qiruŋnik.

to be cross-eyed

he is cross-eyed
nakuŋaruq, dl. nakuŋaruk, pl. nakuŋarut

The little boy is cross-eyed.
Nukatpialugruaq nakuŋaruq.

crowberry, blackberry
paunġaq, dl. paunġak, pl. paunġat

Blackberries are picked during the fall.
Paunġat ukiaġmi pukugaġigaich.

to crucify -lit., to nail

They crucified him.

to crunch with the teeth
qaqquq -

he is crunching
qaqquqtuq, dl. qaqquqtuk, pl. qaqquqtut

The dog is crunching the bone.
Qipmiq qaqquqtuq sauniġmik.

2. to crunch noisily

He is chewing noisily on candy, nuts and crackers.
Qaqqularuq uqummiaqataaniglu, qaqquġnaniglu suli qaqquliktanik.

cry to cry

he is crying
qiaruq, dl. qiaruk, pl. qiarut

The baby is crying.
Paipiuraq qiaruq.

2. to cry fitfully -of a baby-, to act ill

he is crying fitfully
qiñunaqtuq, dl. qiñunaqtuk, pl. qiñunaqtut

The baby is crying fitfully.
Qiñunaqtuq iyaalugruaq.
crystal rock -crystal bead-
qayuŋnilik, dl. qayuŋnillak, pl. qayuŋnilgich

The crystal rock is shiny.
Qayuŋnilik qivliqtuq.

a cube
iqirġulik, dl. iqirġullak, pl. iqirġulgich

Give me the cube.
Iqirġulik qairruŋ uvamnun.

cuff of a sleeve; fur on sleeve of a parka
aiġun, dl. aiġutik, pl. aiġutit

The fur on the sleeve of the parka is wolverine.
Aiġun qapviuruq.

cup cup; bailing can for boat
qallun or qallugauraq, dl. qallutik, pl. qallutit

The cup is used for drinking coffee.
Qallun atuġnaqtuq kuukpiaqtuqtuni.

One bailing can is in the boat.
Atausriq qallun umiami ittuq.
a curly headed person

2. to curl hair

She has curled her hair.
Akałakkai nuyani.

3. to lie curled up -of a body-
imu-, see also fold

It lay curled up.

The dog lay curled up in a corner.
Qipmiq imullaŋniqsuq kaŋiġaluurami.
Hudsonian curlew
siuttuvak, dl. siuttuvaak, pl. siuttuvaich

The Hudsonian curlew is a bird.
Siuttuvak tiŋmiurauruq.

curtain taaġutaq, dl. taaġutak, pl. taaġutat

The window has a curtain.
Igaliq taaġutaqaqtuq.

2. curtain
ukkuaq, dl. ukkuak, pl. ukkuat

The house has curtains.
Tupiq ukkuaqaqtuq.

3. to close the curtain, to draw the drapes

Close the curtains on the window.
Ukkuallauŋ igaliq.
kiḷḷiq, dl. kiḷḷiik, pl. kiḷḷiich

The cut is bleeding.
Kiḷḷiq aunaaqsruqtuq.

2. to cut oneself, to inflict a small wound on oneself

she has cut herself
kiḷiqsuq, dl. kiḷiqsuk, pl. kiḷiqsut

He has cut himself with a knife.
Kiḷiqsuq saviŋmik.

3. to cut oneself or another suddenly

He has cut her quite accidentally.

He cut her by bumping her.
Kiḷiqsiġaa apuqługu.

4. to cut in two, to sever

He is cutting it in two.

5. to cut in two, sever -quite suddenly, quickly-

He has severed it.

6. to cut oneself with an ax

He cut himself with an ax.

He cut himself with an ax yesterday.
Ipiġaqtiqtuq ikpaksraq.

7. to cut fish for drying

she is cutting fish

She is cutting it.

She is cutting the salmon.
Siikkaa qalugruaq.

to be cute, to be precious looking

he is cute -of a baby-, she is precious looking
igliŋnaqtuq, dl. igliŋnaqtuk, pl. igliŋnaqtut

Her baby is cute.
Igliŋnaqtuq paipiuraŋa.

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