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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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iḷḷuq, dl. iḷḷuuk, pl. iḷḷut

My cross cousin is my dad’s nephew or niece.
Iḷḷuġa taataa uyuġugigaa.

cross fox, blue fox
qianġaq, dl. qianġak, pl. qianġat

The cross fox’s fur is a mixture of orange and black.
Qianġam qaaŋa kaviaqtaaq suli qiġñiqtaaq avugiik.
cross piece of a platform
igḷaaq, dl. igḷaak, pl. igḷaat

The meat cache has cross pieces.
Ikiġġat igḷaaqaqtut.

2. front cross piece
apuġun, dl. apuġutik, pl. apuġutit

The front cross piece is used on a sled.
Qiḷiġiñi apuġun atuqtuq.

3. crossed ropes

There are crossed ropes on a sled.
Saniġaġutit qiḷġiñiittut.

white-winged cross-bill
siyyuum qipiŋaruq, dl. siyyuum qipiŋaruk, pl. siyyuum qipiŋarut

The cross-bill has white wings.
Siyyuum qipiŋaruq qatiqtaanik israġuqaqtuq.

to cut something crosswise
kiplui -

he is cutting crosswise
kipluiruq, dl. kipluiruk, pl. kipluirut

He is cross-cutting lumber.
Kipluiruq qiruŋnik.

to be cross-eyed

he is cross-eyed
nakuŋaruq, dl. nakuŋaruk, pl. nakuŋarut

The little boy is cross-eyed.
Nukatpialugruaq nakuŋaruq.

crowberry, blackberry
paunġaq, dl. paunġak, pl. paunġat

Blackberries are picked during the fall.
Paunġat ukiaġmi pukugaġigaich.

to crucify -lit., to nail

They crucified him.

to crunch with the teeth
qaqquq -

he is crunching
qaqquqtuq, dl. qaqquqtuk, pl. qaqquqtut

The dog is crunching the bone.
Qipmiq qaqquqtuq sauniġmik.

2. to crunch noisily

He is chewing noisily on candy, nuts and crackers.
Qaqqularuq uqummiaqataaniglu, qaqquġnaniglu suli qaqquliktanik.

cry to cry

he is crying
qiaruq, dl. qiaruk, pl. qiarut

The baby is crying.
Paipiuraq qiaruq.

2. to cry fitfully -of a baby-, to act ill

he is crying fitfully
qiñunaqtuq, dl. qiñunaqtuk, pl. qiñunaqtut

The baby is crying fitfully.
Qiñunaqtuq iyaalugruaq.
crystal rock -crystal bead-
qayuŋnilik, dl. qayuŋnillak, pl. qayuŋnilgich

The crystal rock is shiny.
Qayuŋnilik qivliqtuq.

a cube
iqirġulik, dl. iqirġullak, pl. iqirġulgich

Give me the cube.
Iqirġulik qairruŋ uvamnun.

cuff of a sleeve; fur on sleeve of a parka
aiġun, dl. aiġutik, pl. aiġutit

The fur on the sleeve of the parka is wolverine.
Aiġun qapviuruq.

cup cup; bailing can for boat
qallun or qallugauraq, dl. qallutik, pl. qallutit

The cup is used for drinking coffee.
Qallun atuġnaqtuq kuukpiaqtuqtuni.

One bailing can is in the boat.
Atausriq qallun umiami ittuq.
a curly headed person

2. to curl hair

She has curled her hair.
Akałakkai nuyani.

3. to lie curled up -of a body-
imu-, see also fold

It lay curled up.

The dog lay curled up in a corner.
Qipmiq imullaŋniqsuq kaŋiġaluurami.
Hudsonian curlew
siuttuvak, dl. siuttuvaak, pl. siuttuvaich

The Hudsonian curlew is a bird.
Siuttuvak tiŋmiurauruq.

curtain taaġutaq, dl. taaġutak, pl. taaġutat

The window has a curtain.
Igaliq taaġutaqaqtuq.

2. curtain
ukkuaq, dl. ukkuak, pl. ukkuat

The house has curtains.
Tupiq ukkuaqaqtuq.

3. to close the curtain, to draw the drapes

Close the curtains on the window.
Ukkuallauŋ igaliq.
kiḷḷiq, dl. kiḷḷiik, pl. kiḷḷiich

The cut is bleeding.
Kiḷḷiq aunaaqsruqtuq.

2. to cut oneself, to inflict a small wound on oneself

she has cut herself
kiḷiqsuq, dl. kiḷiqsuk, pl. kiḷiqsut

He has cut himself with a knife.
Kiḷiqsuq saviŋmik.

3. to cut oneself or another suddenly

He has cut her quite accidentally.

He cut her by bumping her.
Kiḷiqsiġaa apuqługu.

4. to cut in two, to sever

He is cutting it in two.

5. to cut in two, sever -quite suddenly, quickly-

He has severed it.

6. to cut oneself with an ax

He cut himself with an ax.

He cut himself with an ax yesterday.
Ipiġaqtiqtuq ikpaksraq.

7. to cut fish for drying

she is cutting fish

She is cutting it.

She is cutting the salmon.
Siikkaa qalugruaq.

to be cute, to be precious looking

he is cute -of a baby-, she is precious looking
igliŋnaqtuq, dl. igliŋnaqtuk, pl. igliŋnaqtut

Her baby is cute.
Igliŋnaqtuq paipiuraŋa.

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