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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'ôgh shax audio
ts'íitsiy tl'uuł audio
ALSO chain
dahtsaa audio cache up above ground
tsaak'ée audio underground food cache
nîinekchúut audio I cached, stored my food
xey de'ukah shíi nîinekchuut audio I cache food for winter
yenínįhdíik audio it is put aside (saved, cached)
del'ek audio
sts'ědh' audio my calf
detsîig audio
detl'uun audio
Detl'uun Xe'etcheth audio LITERALLY 'calico tied to it'
shuusih audio she or he is calling my name
nu'ihsih audio I am calling your name
naa nesheegh, nsts'é xiyusiix? audio what is that plant called?
SEE name
xdeexeetl audio  it (weather) is calm, still
néeháał audio she or he camped (overnight)
perfective paradigmaudio
nédhihháał ts'enéeháał
nédhinháał nédhaháał
néeháał xnéeháał

kón' k'ée ts'enéeháał audio we camped (overnight) at the campsite
Tok nihhaak audio I usually spend the night in Tok
teddh dą́'ą shég' nédhihháał audio  I spent the night there last night

jîiz audio (Perisoreous canadensis)
SYN grey jay, jay
níndeyh k'ée audio camping site
dendeey iin níndeyh k'ée níxníndah audio  the people settled at the campsite
kón' dak'ée audio fireplace, customary camping site
kón' k'ée audio  camp
ch'etiił audio
SYN container
neldzeey audio
ALSO lamp
tétth audio
SYN staff, walking stick
k'įį ts'eyh audio
taathéth audio
naltthogh audio (Aythya valisineria)
ch'etl'aa audio ALSO valley ALSO headwaters
ch'etl'aa dég' téeshah audio he is climbing out of the head of the canyon
tthíishúus ét-tl'uun audio knitted cap
nákédéex audio it capsized, flipped over, rolled over
ts'eyh wu'éł nákédéex audio his boat capsized
SYN vehicle
natet-łeg audio audio
natet-łeg deek'én' audio the car is running
galdás playing cards
galdás éł nach'ehłeek audio he's playing with cards
xuuk'ánektá' audio I'm taking care of them
wuk'ánédhéktąą audio I took care of him or her
wuk'ánįhtá' audio take care of it
wuk'átnektá' audio I will take care of it
yik'ánehtá' audio he's watching over it
ts'edoghnih audio
ts'edogh nih há' tuu ghinkaał audio be careful carrying the water be careful
súu' de' audio be careful, watch out!
k'á sų́ų el'én audio  she or he is not being careful, not doing a good job
wudzih audio general term for caribou
deek'el audio bull caribou
dzih chox largest bull caribou
dahtsîig caribou calf (Rangifer tarandus)
dádhtaan audio enclosure that caribou were driven into
tthek audio
ch'edzaa théth audio
ch'inshǔ' audio caribou moss, lichen (Cladonia rangiferina)
SYN lichen
míił audio
tsaath audio wild carrot, Indian potato
SYN potato, roots (Hedysarum alpinum)
kaat store-bought carrots
Tanacross uses different words depending on the type of thing that is being carried or if more than one things is being carried. See Classificatory Verbs.
ghih'aał audio I am carrying it (compact object)
imperfective paradigmaudio
ghih'aał ts'aa'aał
ghin'aał ghah'aał
yaa'aał xiyaa'aał

ghihtiił audio I'm carrying it (sticklike object)

imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihtiił ts'aatiił
ghintiił ghahtiił
yaatiił xiyaatiił

ghekcheth audio I am carrying it (fabric, flexible object)

imperfective paradigmaudio
ghekcheth ts'aacheth
ghįhcheth ghahcheth
yaacheth xiyaacheth

ghihkaał audio I am carrying it (something in container)

imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihkaał ts'aakaał
ghinkaał ghahkaał
yaakaal xiyaakaał

ghekteeł audio I am carrying it (animate object)
ghihłeeł audio I am carrying them (multiple objects)

imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihłeeł ts'aałeeł
ghinłeeł ghahłeeł
yaałeel xiyaałeeł

k'á' ghíhtiił audio I'm carrying a gun
dayiníhtęę audio he carried him in (living)
k'á' chíh naxtelshíik audio they also carry guns
nâynettl'ú'u natełeek audio she is carry around her sewing
tuu na'atkaał audio he's packing water

seey saagh audio carving knife with a curved end used in making snowshoes
chenhtiił audio
SYN coffin ALSO box
ch'ukěg' dá'ehshéł audio he is catching a ball
da'ídhekshéł audio I caught it in mid-air (with one hand)
da'ú'dhihdíik audio I caught it in mid-air
da'úndíik audio he caught it
dayíidzek audio he caught (just barely)
ts'eyh kétl'á'eełáat audio he caught up with the boat
k'ę́y' gųų audio
gųų detshos audio black, hairy caterpillar
Gųų Shěddh' audio LITERALLY 'brushman ridge'
SEE chink
ch'e'enh audio
SYN den
delgax it is cawing
taandîidz deenii'aay audio
tsaak'ée audio
łuug tsaak'ée déghíhdlah dzenax ghultseyh gha audio I put fish in the cache to make fermented fish
tth'enk'ée audio
taandîidz audio
taandîidz tah shí' níxníndlah audio they put the food in the center
tandîidz xiyihdah audio he's in court (they are holding court for him)
ts'íitsiy tl'uuł audio
k'étl'ádíidaay audio
SEE different
det-ts'iits audio it is chapped; rough and dry
shthéth dét-ts'iits audio my skin is chapped
net-ts'iits \au it (his or her face) is chapped
t'ées audio
SEE burn
stâashnéninshúut audio  he chased me away
tâaxuneshók audio he (always) chases them away
SEE shiver
diitlog audio something cheap
jâan diitlog sínt'eh audio this one is cheap
SYN inexpensive
nashnin'aak audio he cheated me
naynin'aak audio she or he cheated him or her
sų́'ų nashtnun'aag audio  don't cheat me
shintl'ahmét audio my cheek
shxostl'aa audio the inside of my check
shaa dint'eyh audio I cherish him or her
shaa dint'eey audio my cherished ones
maa yidint'eyh audio he or she cherishes him or her
shchâay iin shaa dint'eyh audio I cherish my grandchildren
sdzehchíi audio my chest
sdzehchíi chetkeyh  I have a pain in my chest
sdzehtah my chest area
xaytnáldeetl audio he chewed it up
perfective paradigmaudio
xatnégdeetl xats'enáldeetl
xatníldeetl xatnáldeetl
xaytnáldeetl xaxeyináldeetl

nshí'i xunsų́ų xátnuldék tl'âan tuhndék déh audio chew you food well before you swallow it.

ts'egąąg audio
xáxkeh audio audio
Tthee Xaaddh' Ts'edenįįłęy
ts'enîin audio  child
ts'ínkeey iin audio  children
ntsûudl dą́'ą audio
SEE cool
łet daak'ée audio
łet xádétjuut deh audio
shdá' audio my chin
beak, bill
xnektthúuk audio I'm chinking it
imperfective paradigmaudio
xnektthúuk ts'axnehtthúuk
xnįhtthúuk xnahtthúuk
xnehtthúuk xahnehtthúuk

shax xnehtthúuk audio she or he chinking the house
dahtsáa xnektthúuk audio I am chinking the cache

wu'éł xnéltthûug audio
tsaał audio
SYN wind
ehjek audio she or he is chipping
shí' néltsįį ts'į́' yéhjek naadley the meat is frozen solid so he is chipping it instead
ekch'ék audio I am chipping it
yehch'ék audio he or she is chipping it
łuut ekch'ek audio I am chipping ice
ch'etthěel' audio
tsaath tthěel'  potato chips
tsets tthěel' audio wood chips
Different words are used depending on whether a solid or liquid caused the choking.
yitnelndék audio she or he choked on it (on something solid)
perfective paradigmaudio
tnédhegdék yits'etnelndék
tnédhildék tnédhaldék
yitnelndék xiytnelndék

ch'etnédhegshíits audio I choked (on liquid)

ch'etah xayį́htęę audio he chose him (from a group)
ch'etah ts'enh xaghíhdlah audio I chose these from among them
ihddheł audio I am chopping it (into chunks)
imperfective paradigm audio
ihddheł ts'eddheł
inddheł ahddheł
yeddheł xiyeddheł

nén' íhddheł tsaath xaghúhłêel gha audio I chopping at the ground to get roots
ihtthéeł audio I am chopping it
chín'êy éł tsets etthéeł audio he is chopping wood with an axe
SEE cut, hack

wut'axdį́ht'eey ts'eníin' exúnłęę dzěen' audio audio Christmas Day
nach'imaal audio traditional stick used to give and receive gifts audio
dek'ěnn' audio
dayudétdíik audio she or he claimed it
tl'aas audio lake clam
Commonly found in Mansfield Creek. ALSO snail
SYN mussel
wu'éł ch'údeltl'êd audio
the following are some common clan names in Tanacross
Ch'echeelyu audio
Ch'aadz audio
Ałts'į́' Dendeey audio
Dik'aagyu audio
Niisaas audio
Taandîidz Altsiil audio
Tsesyu audio
Naltsiin audio
lach'ihkét audio  I am clapping
imperfective paradigmaudio
lach'ihkét layts'ekét
lach'inkét lach'ahkét
lach'ekét lach'axekét

maa lach'ihkét audio I clapping for him or her, applauding him or her

wukelagę̌y' audio its claw
xuudzek audio it (bird) is gripping with its claw
łéech'aak audio
xasaxo'aayh audio she or he is cleaning up
naxahsú' audio clean it up, straighten up
shax naxoksú' audio I'm cleaning the house
tuu thų́ų' audio clear water
tuu nįhkón' audio the water is clear
tuu kón' audio  clear water
nacheltsonh audio
shaa k'et cheltsonh audio  the sky is clear
xunshąą audio clever
naagêddh xunshąą audio foxes are clever ALSO wise
dzendaax audio a steep river bank or a sharp drop-off in the mountains
sų́'ų dzendaax ghultthiid audio don't fall off the cliff
SYN bluff
xdáag audio edge of a cliff
xdáag dídhíndah audio sit by the edge of the cliff
ké'íhhaał audio  I am climbing
ké'ídhíhshah audio I climbed
ddheł ké'ídhíhshah audio  I climbed the mountain
ts'ôgh ké'ídhíhshah audio  I climbed up a tree
SEE attach
aaxá' audio
SEE near
nelts'étl audio  he closed his eyes audio nedhegts'étlts'enelts'étl nedhilts'étlnedhalts'étl nelts'étlxnelts'étl

niłdátníntąą audio the door is closed
sits'enal'iin niłdâatnintiiyh audio close the window

deł łót audio
ch'ěl' audio
k'oth audio  cloud
k'oth xeta'ułęę audio clouds are floating by
k'oth dat-sęy audio dark clouds
ch'ets'étl audio low clouds along mountains
k'oth xúnłęę audio it is cloudy
xá'xuh k'oth xúnłęę audio it is partly cloudy
tsąą dįht'eey audio  funny person
tsąą el'ęh audio he is clowning around
xéł audio
dechenh xěl' audio wooden club
SYN bat
wudzih dé' xéł audio caribou antler club (hit)
dechenh xěl' éł yéhxeł audio she or he clubbed it with a club
xuu'éch'éhtl'eth audio he clubbed, beat them
mintl'ách'étdaagh audio things fall out of his hand, he has "butterfingers"
SYN butterfingers
eek audio a coat ALSO dress, shirt
eek nádédhégshah audio I'm wearing a coat
xey eek audio winter coat, parka
dąą eek audio old time fur coat
kelahdzeey gǎal' audio
SYN spider web
goheey audio
chenhtiił audio
SYN casket ALSO box
tl'uuł nétxots audio rope is coiled
néek'etth audio it (object) is cold
tuu néek'etth audio the water is cold
xnéek'etth audio it (weather) is cold
nah'ǒg' xnéek'etth audio it's cold outside
k'etth cold
tuu k'etth etnaa audio she or he is drinking cold water
naxtnétk'etth audio it is getting colder (fall time)
xníik'aatth audio it turned cold
elih! audio cold!
shax elíh xúnłęę audio the house feels cold
dhihdlih audio I am cold
dlih ts'enh detndiyh audio she or he or it is shaking from the cold
koth t'ishíłáak audio  I have a cold
koth t'iníłáak audio you have a cold
koth t'iyíłáak audio  she or he has a cold
naninkaatl audio it collapsed
sht'ek tth'ěn' audio my collarbone
xnihmenh audio I colored it (an area)
yitnemenh audio she or he is coloring it
na'etnetmenh audio she is putting on make-up LITERALLY 'she is coloring her face'
shdaamel natnihmenh audio  I put on lipstick LITERALLY 'I colored my lips'
tthixuuseel audio  a comb
yenehseeł audio she's combing it
imperfective paradigmaudio
nekseeł ts'enehseeł
nįhseeł nahseeł
yenehseeł xiynehseeł

aan audio come on!
dánínhaay audio come in!
nâan sudé'égthenh audio I am comfortable with him, her
xiyk'ée táaxáhthed audio commander, someone who orders people around
shehłěg' audio
shehłěg' éł łóníhshah audio I traveled with my companion
xunihshok audio
tsets ts'į́' xúníhshok audio I made them haul wood
sheg nįht'enh audio  she or he compressed it (into a container)
daxnelt'enh audio
ch'elahdzol audio
SYN spruce cone, pine cone
yit'adį́ht'êeyh audio she or he has confidence in him/her
xół xghushndéyh audio  I am conscious
xół xghutndéyh audio  you are conscious
xół xatndéyh audio  he or she is conscious
ch'etiił audio
SYN can
Tanacross has several words referring to how food is cooked, but no word that is just a general term for "heating" food. Instead, the word for 'boil' is used as the general term.
ch'įhmeets! audio cook something!
díi ch'e įhmeedz? audio what are you cooking?
yehmeets audio she or he is boiling it
yeht'éeth audio she or he is frying, roasting it
ch'ejog audio stick used to hold meat over a fire
náynehk'é' audio he's cooling it off
tuutheł nánink'é' the soup is cooled off
náxnink'é' it (weather) has cooled off
xeł t'âagh ts'į́' xaatthel éł shax nâxtnítk'e' the house finally started to cool off in the evening
tuutheł natnetk'é'e audio the soup is cooling
ttheetsą́ą' audio
Taatl'oxt'een Copper River area people
yaa'én audio in the direction of the Copper River area (from Tanacross)
yik'eh yį́htsįį audio he copied it, made it like that one
ts'axk'éetl'áa audio
ch'ethěeg' audio
ch'etl'ąą \de
t'áath audio (Populus sp.) cottonwood ALSO aspen, poplar
dahchǔuy' audio fluffy seed of the cottonwood tree (also fireweed seeds)

degkoth audio  I'm coughing

imperfective paradigmaudio
degkoth dzelkoth
dilkoth dalkoth
delkoth xdelkoth


dihtiił audio  I am counting it audio dihtiiłyidzaatiił dintiiłdahtiił yidaatiiłxiydaatiił

lsaaz dihtiił audio I am counting the money

nén' audio land, country
nén' k'et audio on the land
shtlęę audio my cousin ALSO friend
wuk'et jekchúuth audio  I covered it
ts'enîin gaay ts'ěd' wúk'et dekchúuth audio  I covered the baby with a blanket
ts'ěd' dék'et degchúuth audio  I covered myself with a blanket
wunách'udédhekchúuth audio  I covered something
meth théth audio
deltétl audio it cracked, popped
sits'enal'iin dlii ts'enh deltétl the window cracked from the cold
łéegęyh audio
SYN pilot bread
kón' deltl'ét squeaking, hissing noise of fire
SEE baby basket
níxeełdégneyh audio I cramped up
shké' níxeełdélneyh audio  my foot cramped up
ntl'ét audio low bush cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
tsaanttheetl audio high bush cranberry (Viburnum edule)
deeł audio
SYN sandhill crane (Grus canadensis)
tth'êy chox audio cranefly, mosquito hawk
tnetgetth audio she or he is cranky, not in a good mood
SEE break
The particular thing craved must be specified. This is indicated below by COMP.
COMP edektląą I crave COMP, have taste for COMP
má' edektląą audio  I have a taste for dry fish

Different words are used depending in part on whether the crawling motion is 'slow, creeping' or 'fast'.
ghihduuth audio I am crawling (slowly)

imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihduuth ts'aaduuth
ghinduuth ghahduuth
aaduuth xaaduuth

xághíhduuth audio I crawled out
natetges audio she or he (baby) is crawling (fast)

sh'éł stadaxdénín'ąą audio  she drove me crazy, mixed me up
degk'ek my bones are creaking
nedhegk'aaz éł dégk'ek audio  I am stiff so my bones are creaking
T'axdį́ht'êey audio
hên audio a small creek, especially a creek on or coming down from hills or mountains.
ch'endá' a creek
ndîig audio  a creek
tlandíig audio a creek
ndá' audio  small creek
The word nda' and especially
ndîig occur in many river and creek names.
ts'idint'eh audio a crippled person
shaatth audio crippled
shaatth nłęę audio he is crippled, handicapped, hobbled by old injury
SYN handicapped
ekts'étl audio I am crisping, scorching it
kón' keddh įhtsétl audio crisp it by the fire
xútgétth audio it is crooked
tsets détgétth audio  the wood is crooked
net-tth'aagh audio  something really crooked
k'ę́y' net-tth'aagh audio crooked willow
jeliis audio religious cross
tth'iináan' ts'į́' éhts'eyh audio
tsidaanbiidh (Loxia leucoptera)
ch'exeesdhek-'ąą audio  I am squatting down, crouching
taatsą́ą' audio
SYN raven (Corvus corax)
naht'êez audio
SYN blackberry (Empetrum nigrum)
xaltl'ét audio it (area) is crowded
shax shíi xaltl'ét audio the house is crowded
daxnet-t'ots audio they are crowded in
shí' dǔul' audio crumbs, scraps of food
yidehk'on audio  she or he is crunching it
ch'etnelk'on audio  there is a crunching sound
xátnalch'ų́ųtl audio it (for instance, a can) is crushed
xłuu audio

ihtsax audio I am crying

imperfective paradigmaudio
ihtsax ts'etsax
intsax ahtsax
etsax xetsax

ts'enîin gaay etsax audio the baby is crying
shíineltséex he or she is sobbing, crying uncontrollably
nedhiltú' audio you are crying and crying, cry all the time

tuutiił audio
łą'ą díht'eh curious person
wutth'í' tth'eg audio his or her hair is curly
daníhdûuy audio red currant (berry) (Ribes triste)
deninłęęyh audio
tth'iitú' na'ahtthug dashe' deninłęęyh audio the Tanana River flows by here
nanughalgót audio  it is curved
ch'eexót audio it is curved, bent
wutį́į' ch'eexót audio the handle is curved
dihtsíix audio  I am cussing
dektsíix audio  I cussed at him/her

Different Tanacross words are used depending on the overall motion involved in the cutting. See also 'hack' and 'chop' and 'slice'.
cut (general term)
et-t'aatth audio it is being cut

imperfective paradigm audio
iht'aatth ts'eht'aatth
int'aatth aht'aatth
yet'aatth xiyeht'aatth

łuug et'aatth audio he or she cuts the fish
ektsaat audio I am slicing it
wuk'enektset audio I sliced it in half
łuug ehk'aayh audio she or he cut fish
łuug ehk'áayh ts'į́' maa exąą audio she or he cut fish and then made dry fish
cut (with scissors)
ekdóts audio I'm cutting it (with scissors)

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