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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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k'oth xúnłęę audio it is cloudy
xá'xuh k'oth xúnłęę audio it is partly cloudy
tsąą dįht'eey audio  funny person
tsąą el'ęh audio he is clowning around
xéł audio
dechenh xěl' audio wooden club
SYN bat
wudzih dé' xéł audio caribou antler club (hit)
dechenh xěl' éł yéhxeł audio she or he clubbed it with a club
xuu'éch'éhtl'eth audio he clubbed, beat them
mintl'ách'étdaagh audio things fall out of his hand, he has "butterfingers"
SYN butterfingers
eek audio a coat ALSO dress, shirt
eek nádédhégshah audio I'm wearing a coat
xey eek audio winter coat, parka
dąą eek audio old time fur coat
kelahdzeey gǎal' audio
SYN spider web
goheey audio
chenhtiił audio
SYN casket ALSO box
tl'uuł nétxots audio rope is coiled
néek'etth audio it (object) is cold
tuu néek'etth audio the water is cold
xnéek'etth audio it (weather) is cold
nah'ǒg' xnéek'etth audio it's cold outside
k'etth cold
tuu k'etth etnaa audio she or he is drinking cold water
naxtnétk'etth audio it is getting colder (fall time)
xníik'aatth audio it turned cold
elih! audio cold!
shax elíh xúnłęę audio the house feels cold
dhihdlih audio I am cold
dlih ts'enh detndiyh audio she or he or it is shaking from the cold
koth t'ishíłáak audio  I have a cold
koth t'iníłáak audio you have a cold
koth t'iyíłáak audio  she or he has a cold
naninkaatl audio it collapsed
sht'ek tth'ěn' audio my collarbone
xnihmenh audio I colored it (an area)
yitnemenh audio she or he is coloring it
na'etnetmenh audio she is putting on make-up LITERALLY 'she is coloring her face'
shdaamel natnihmenh audio  I put on lipstick LITERALLY 'I colored my lips'
tthixuuseel audio  a comb
yenehseeł audio she's combing it
imperfective paradigmaudio
nekseeł ts'enehseeł
nįhseeł nahseeł
yenehseeł xiynehseeł

aan audio come on!
dánínhaay audio come in!
nâan sudé'égthenh audio I am comfortable with him, her
xiyk'ée táaxáhthed audio commander, someone who orders people around
shehłěg' audio
shehłěg' éł łóníhshah audio I traveled with my companion
xunihshok audio
tsets ts'į́' xúníhshok audio I made them haul wood

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