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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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sheg nįht'enh audio  she or he compressed it (into a container)
daxnelt'enh audio
ch'elahdzol audio
SYN spruce cone, pine cone
yit'adį́ht'êeyh audio she or he has confidence in him/her
xół xghushndéyh audio  I am conscious
xół xghutndéyh audio  you are conscious
xół xatndéyh audio  he or she is conscious
ch'etiił audio
SYN can
Tanacross has several words referring to how food is cooked, but no word that is just a general term for "heating" food. Instead, the word for 'boil' is used as the general term.
ch'įhmeets! audio cook something!
díi ch'e įhmeedz? audio what are you cooking?
yehmeets audio she or he is boiling it
yeht'éeth audio she or he is frying, roasting it
ch'ejog audio stick used to hold meat over a fire
náynehk'é' audio he's cooling it off
tuutheł nánink'é' the soup is cooled off
náxnink'é' it (weather) has cooled off
xeł t'âagh ts'į́' xaatthel éł shax nâxtnítk'e' the house finally started to cool off in the evening
tuutheł natnetk'é'e audio the soup is cooling
ttheetsą́ą' audio
Taatl'oxt'een Copper River area people
yaa'én audio in the direction of the Copper River area (from Tanacross)
yik'eh yį́htsįį audio he copied it, made it like that one
ts'axk'éetl'áa audio
ch'ethěeg' audio
ch'etl'ąą \de
t'áath audio (Populus sp.) cottonwood ALSO aspen, poplar
dahchǔuy' audio fluffy seed of the cottonwood tree (also fireweed seeds)

degkoth audio  I'm coughing

imperfective paradigmaudio
degkoth dzelkoth
dilkoth dalkoth
delkoth xdelkoth


dihtiił audio  I am counting it audio dihtiiłyidzaatiił dintiiłdahtiił yidaatiiłxiydaatiił

lsaaz dihtiił audio I am counting the money

nén' audio land, country
nén' k'et audio on the land
shtlęę audio my cousin ALSO friend
wuk'et jekchúuth audio  I covered it
ts'enîin gaay ts'ěd' wúk'et dekchúuth audio  I covered the baby with a blanket
ts'ěd' dék'et degchúuth audio  I covered myself with a blanket
wunách'udédhekchúuth audio  I covered something

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