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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Yałdzodl ingiłyił. KH+AJ Grab the ball.  

Nilividz ggex ngilanh ts'i q'u'iditth'ax. AJ lit. Butterfly worm is still crawling around.

Nixitth'ith. HM+ED He is caulking.  
Sringitl axa nixitth'ith. HM+ED They're caulking with moss.  

Xetlax HM+ED
Vith t'ogh getiy xetlax. HM+ED The bank is really caving in underneath.  

Diliggaq ES+AJ It is cawing.  
Yixgitsiy ngi'egh diliggaq. AJ+ES Raven is cawing outside.  

Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Up there
Ngidixi qunagh dhi'onh. HM+ED The light is on the ceiling.
Duxts'in AJ+ES Ceiling
Ngiduxts'in tlints'iyh getiy ngichox. AJThere's lots of soot on your ceiling.

See "Above"

Tthogiqay ES+AJ lit. Village of old ones
Ndagh at tthogiqay? ES+AJ Where is the cemetery?  
Tthogiqay xits'i xitathdatl. AJ+ES They went to the cemetery.  

Tth'exinedr AJ+ES
Gogide tth'exinedr. AJ+ES Here is the center.  
Xiyh tth'exinedr AJ+ES Middle of the winter. One of the names for "December".

Dangan tl'eł AJ+ES lit. Iron rope
Dangan tl'eł nda'. AJ+ES Give me the chain.  
Łek dangan tl'eł axa xithichith. AJ+ES The dog is tied with a chain.  
Łek vaxa xithichith iy. AJ+ES Dog chain lit. With it the dog is tied

Viq'iditr'athdoy AJ+ES lit. That which we sit on
Go viq'iditr'athdoy xiq'idz didhedo. Viq'idz ditrathdoy xiq'i didhedo. AJ+ES Sit on this chair here.  

Tthogiqay tthigidray LH+KH lit. Graveyard short haircut sci. Matricaria matricarioides
Tthogiqay tthigidray siyix xu'egh getiy longh. KH+LH There is lots of chamomile by my house.  

Sidon xiditsets. AJ My lips are chapped.  

Yenadhiyet iy. ES+AJ He started to chase it.  
Choghlugguy dlen enadhiyet. AJ+ES The fox is chasing the mouse.  

Q'en'dots'a' AJ+ES
Q'en'dots'a' igheqat gidiqad. AJ+ES She bought cheese at the store.  

Doghon AJ+ES
Vidoghon imo. AJ+ES His chest hurts.  
Sidoghon imo. AJ+ES My chest is sick.
Vidoghon chux xelanh. AJ+ES He has a big chest.  

Gu'oł. AJ+ES He is chewing something.  
Genoq'uth is'oł. AJ+ES I'm chewing flat fish.
Xełedz ngi'oł iy ngo genelnix.ES Chew it well or you'll choke on it.  
Xełedz ngi'oł ngo genelnix. AJ Chew it well or you'll choke on it.  

Sigiggeq AJ+ES
Ngi'egh sigiggeq yidilighusr. ES Outside, chickadees are making noise. Chickadee sees something; it's a warning for people to get out of there fast.
Sigiggeq xiyh xiq'a itrix. AJ+ES Chickadee is crying for winter. They're winter birds so they're only warm in winter. They're cold in summer.

Xunedhidon HM+KH
Diva qay xunedhidon? KH+HM Who is the village chief?  

Nq'ołonh k'idz AJ+ES Little girl
Nq'ołonh k'idz ngi'egh nixiniłghon'. AJ+ESA little girl is playing outside.
Chel k'idzAJ+ES Little boy
Chel k'idz ngi'egh xidilighusr. AJ+ES Little boys are playing outside.

See "Boy", "Girl"

Sraqay AJ+ES
Sraqay ndadz dixit'anh? AJ+ES What are the children doing?  

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