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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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medical doctor
taakti, dl. taaktik, pl. taaktit [Eng.]

A medical doctor helps sick people.
Taakti atniġñaqtuanik iłuaqsipchairaqtuq.
qipmiq, dl. qipmik, pl. qipmich

The dog is loose.
Qipmiq pituitchuq.

There are lots of dogs on the sandbar.
Qipmich iñugiaktut tirrami.
natmaun, dl. namautik, pl. natmautit

The dog is using a pack.
Qipmim atuġaa natmaun.
quŋisiġun, dl. quŋisiġutik, pl. quŋisiġutit

The dog is using a collar.
Quŋisiġun qipmim atuġaa.
alġun, dl. alġutik, pl. alġutit

Give me the dog dish.
Alġun qairruŋ uvamnun.
qipmiḷiqun, dl. qipmiḷiqutik, pl. qipmiḷiqutit

They use the dog whip when driving dogs.
Qipmiḷiqun atuġaġigaat uniaġaqamiŋ.
dogteam to drive a dogteam
uniaġaq-, uniahaaq-

he is driving a dogteam
uniaġaqtuq or uniahaaqtuq

He is driving six dogs.
Uniaġaqtuq itchaksranik qipmiñik.
iñuŋŋuaq, dl. iñuŋŋuak, pl. iñuŋŋuat

The doll is in the box.
Iñuŋŋuaq suluutmi ittuq.

to be done, to be ready for use, to be finished

It is done.

He finished it.

2. to be done

it is done, he did it already

He did it.

It has been done.

-lit., burden bearer-
natmakti, dl. natmaktik, pl. natmaktit

The donkey is tired.
Natmakti iñiqtuqtuq.

door talu, dl. taluk, pl. talut

The door of the house is open.
Tupqum talua aŋmaruq.

2. door material, bear skin door
taluksraq, dl. taluksraak, pl. taluksrat

The door material is made of lumber.
Taluksraq unaqsimiñ piḷiaŋuruq.

3. to close the door

the door has closed

She has closed the door.

Close the door!

4. to open the door

He has opened the door.

Open the door!
tuuġniq, dl. tuuġnak, pl. tuuġniġich

Mark it right on the dot.
Taamna tuuġniq nalaullaksaġlugu tuuġuŋ.

a doubt

2. to be doubtful, to be uncertain

he is doubtful, he is uncertain
nalupqisruktuq, dl. nalupqisruktuk, pl. nalupqisruktut

He is doubtful that his father will come.
Nalupqisruktuq aggiñġiññasrugalugu taatani.

3. to be doubtful, uncertain about something

he is uncertain about it, he doubts it
nalupqigigaa, dl. nalupqigigaak, pl. nalupgigigaat

He is uncertain about his brother’s arrival.
Nalupqigigaa aggiiksraŋa aniqatmi.

4. to doubt, to disbelieve

He is doubtful.

He is doubtful of him.

His father doubts her.
Taataŋan arguaqtuġaa.
muqpauraq, dl. muqpaurak, pl. muqpaurat

A doughnut is good to eat.
Muqpauraq niġiruni nakuuruq.
long-billed dowitcher
siyyukpalik, dl. siyyukpallak, pl. siyyukpalgich

A long-billed dowitcher is a bird.
Siyyukpalik tiŋmiurauruq.

down there below the speaker, downriver, in the water, near the door, motionless or confined to a small area and visible

I see it down there.
Qiñiġiga kanna.

2. the one down below the speaker, down river, in the water or near the door, motionless or confined to a small area and visible

3. located down there below the speaker, etc.

The caribou is down there.
Tuttu kanani ittuq.

4. toward down there below the speaker, etc.

I am going down there.
Aullaġniaqtuŋa kanuŋa.

5. from down there below the speaker, etc.

I climbed up from down there.
Mayuqtuŋa kanakŋa.

6. down there, down river, oceanward, downstairs, not visible
samma, tasramma

She is sewing downstairs.
Killaiyagtuq samma.

7. located down there, down river, downstairs, in the ocean, by the ocean, not visible

He is down there at the bottom of the hill.
Samani ikpium ataani ittuq.

8. down there, downriver, in the water, in the ocean, along the ocean, lengthy, in motion, visible

He sees that boat which is out there. [in the water]
Tautukkaa umiaq unna.

9. from down there, downriver, in the water, in the ocean, along the ocean, lengthy, in motion, visible

He is coming from down there.
Aggigsuq unakŋa.

10. toward down there, downriver, in the water, in the ocean, along the ocean, lengthy, in motion, visible

He is traveling down river.
Unuŋa aullaqtuq.
monstrous reptile, dragon - with four short legs, originally six, with alligator-like tail, rocky scaled skin, long neck and small head
tiritchiq, dl. tiritchik, pl. tiritchich

niulġiq, dl. niulġik, pl. niulġich

The dragonfly is black.
Niulġiq qiġñiqtuq.
to drain, to ooze

it is draining -of ear, sore, etc.-
maqiruq, dl. maqiruk, pl. maqirut

His ear is draining.
Siutaa maqiruq.

2. to drain out liguid

She is draining it.

She is draining the water from the pot.
Imġiġaa utkusrik.
to draw a likeness of

he is drawing her likeness
atriḷigaa, dl. atriḷigaak pl. atriḷigaat

The man is drawing a likeness of the photograph.
Aŋutim atriḷigaa agliutraq.

2. to draw, to pull

he is drawing it, she is pulling it
nuqitkaa, dl. nuqitkaak, pl. nuqitkaat

He is pulling the boat from the water.
Umiaq nuqitkaa imiġmiñ.

3. to draw near

he is drawing near to it
qalliyaa, dl. qalliyaak, pl. qalliyaat

The moose has come near the water.
Tiniikam qalliyaa imiq.

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