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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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maa yínindíik audio it was delivered to him/her
mech'axdekdiix audio  I am demonstrating something to him or her
ch'e'enh audio
SYN cave
yunítnalch'ų́ųtl audio it is dented
ch'ink'ón' audio dentalium necklace
SEE rely
wuch'aa yudhihdiik audio I took it away from him, her or it
wuch'aa stáyídhihdlah audio I took it away from him, her or it
xdaghinshah audio she or he descended (came down)
ya'andêdz xdaghinshah audio she or he descended from inland
wuts'enh xáts'áltsį́į audio we are descended from them
SEE tell
SEE want
ttheedząą audio
thayaldeek audio she or he devoured it, ate it all quickly
tth'áatl audio
Different Tanacross words are used for one or more than one. The words for "dead" or died" are not usually used as it is injih.
ehtęę audio she or he died
perfective paradigm
dhektęę tsinłaak
dhįntęę ghahłaak
ehtęę xghinłaak
ch'ítshuuy audio a different thing
ch'ít-shûuy nâadalshah audio she or he changed clothes
ch'ítduug audio a different direction or place
ch'ít-tsedz audio a different manner
niłch'ítsédz xélts'įį audio they look different
ch'ítshuun audio a different person
tsadaxudít'eh audio
shaa tsadaxudínt'eh audio  it's difficult, uncomfortable for me
mexuntsaath audio difficult to handle, cope with
xaxuhłeeyh audio I am digging
xáyełé' audio he or she dug it out of the ground
ihgot audio I am digging
imperfective paradigm audio
ihgot ts'egot
ingot ahgot
egot xegot

nén' egot audio she's digging in the ground

SEE ladle
éth audio
parts of the dipnet have their own name
éth dámaadh audio round "hoop" of dipnet
éth tį̌į' audio handle of dipnet
tedenin'aay audio willow stick used as a fish detector (wiggles when fish swims by)
éth k'ée audio platform used for fishing or a place along the bank.

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