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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tuu ch'iish audio (Cinclus mexicanus)
ndíig audio
xuhndíig ch'e ts'enindedl audio that's the way we came
nén' audio soil, ground
ch'edǔul' audio dirt in the house
gés nłęę audio it is dirty
shinłá' gés nłęę audio my hands are dirty
xnetjak audio it (table, floor) is dirty, messy
mextehkôtl audio it is disappearing
łéets extehkôtl audio flour is disappearing
wuk'exdalneyh audio it disappeared
shjěyy' k'éxdálneyh audio my gloves disappeared
tuu natét-tsetth audio water disappeared, dried up
nídét-'įį audio he or she disappeared
xuts'į́' téeshaay nídét-'įį audio he or she went to a place and has disappeared
SEE find
xighaxunhéeyh audio it is being discussed
ts'iik audio
SYN ailment, sickness
tth'áak audio
ts'íitsiy tth'áak audio ALSO pot
shaa ts'į́' néet'ey audio someone or something is disliked
k'á shaa ihsú́uy audio  it is not good for me
niłghadalket audio it is dislocated
shgáan' niłghadalket audio my arm is dislocated
The same Tanacross word is used for 'melt'
ta'udeełet audio it dissolved, melted
łuut shthaa ta'udeełet audio the ice dissolved in my mouth
SEE far
ts'adaxdintleg audio distasteful, unpleasant manner
ts'adaxdintleg ts'í née'éł náxúldek audio  she or he is telling us a story in a distasteful manner
xosk'ée audio ditch ALSO hole, pit
SYN gully
xosk'ée xu'éddh éł xu'althet audio she or he stepped in the ditch and fell down
teenishdetth audio  I dove
tetishdetth audio  I am going to dive
niłk'édzálsh_ah audio we divided them (more than one)
niłdze'alshaay audio something which is divided
niłdze'elsheek audio it is divided
niłdze'elsheeg audio that which is divided
shí' niłdze'elsheeg síxúnt'eh audio food is customarily divided (shared)
wu'éł náxdéltheeyh audio she or he is dizzy
tdę'ę audio she or he is doing
nts'é tdę'ę audio what is he, she or it doing
nts'é t'indę'ę? audio what are you doing?
imperfective paradigmaudio
t'ihdę'ę xodę'ę
t'indę'ę t'ahdę'ę
tdę'ę xetdę'ę

nts'é' t'índę' audio what were you doing
nts'é' tedhindę́'? audio what are you going to do?
nts'é' tindiił? audio what are your plans?
nts'é' tedhįh'ę'? audio what are you going to do with that?

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