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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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łii audio
łii iin audio dogs
wułǐig' audio his or her or her dog
Note the form for 'someone's dog' has a -g' at the end
łii ts'é'e audio female dog
łiigaay audio puppy
body parts of a dog that have a special name:
ch'inch'etl xú' audio fangs, canine teeth
minchědl' xá' audio whiskers
łii iin xettheyh audio the dogs are barking
łii shax audio
sų́'ų audio
sų́'ų Tok ts'į́' tunsha'a audio don't go to Tok
éna' sų́'ų xu'duu ni'ih audio no, don't say that!
éna' sų́'ų xu'dighundę'ę audio no, don't do that! ALSO no
lé'e audio  I don't know
xets'į́'ishdíig audio  I don't know it
łdadíntaan audio
kón'teg audio
Kelt'áaddh Měnn' audio LITERALLY 'Waterlily Lake'
łéets nanéltsel audio
yaashěg' audio down (from a distant)
nahshěg' audio down (close by)
naashěg' aahaał audio he is walking down (the hill)
daatthén' audio down a slope
xahshóg audio area down below
tthee xahshóg eedlah audio rocks are laying down there (on the ground)
shghahshóg audio from me down
shghahshóg daashęę tęy xuh'aa audio
chuyh audio
yanadá'a audio toward downriver (distant)
yaadáa téeshah audio he's going downriver (toward Fairbanks)
yandâadz from downriver (distant)
nahdáa naghindaał audio he's returning from downriver
xamełyeltéek audio  she or he is dozing
dzeen uudíh xáméłsheltéek audio  I was dozing all day long
naghishłuuth audio  I am dragging it back
tthedlch'ǒg audio
ná'ihté' audio I am dreaming
nághihté' audio  I dreamt
naa ná'ihté' audio  I am dreaming about you
teddh dąą díi gha lé'e ná'ihté'e audio last night I was dreaming of something
eek audio dress ALSO coat, shirt
ts'éhxeey iin eek naxdelshax, tl'âan dendeey iin dú' ch'ehtle1' shi1i xdel'i1itth audio women wear dresses, but men wear pants
na'ishtl'uh audio I am getting dressed
imperfective paradigm audio
na'ishtl'uh nats'et-tl'uh
na'it-tl'uh na'at-tl'uh
na'et-tl'uh naxet-tl'uh

naghut-tl'uh de'! audio get dressed!

Different words are used depending on whether there is one or more than one object involved and what kind of object is drifting.
tashahteeł audio I am drifting along (in water)
tayahteeł audio he or she is drifting along
natashtehteek audio I am floating around
ch'aachěnn' tadahtiił audio a stump is drifting along
tadaałeeł audio (more than one) drifting along
tsets tadaaleeł audio wood (more than one piece) is drifting along
tahdeddh audio
xnídeltâadh audio snowshoe drill
dektáath audio I am drilling
wuchaa dįhtáath audio  drill a hole through it
ishnąą audio I am drinking audio imperfective paradigm
ishnąą ts'etną
itnąą atnąą
etnąą xetnąą

tuu etnąą audio he's drinking water
ch'etnąą audio he's drinking
ts'utnaa'a gha shétth na'ekxęę' audio I am melting snow for us to drink
títs'eex audio drink it up!

perfective paradigm audio
ghishną́' ts'atną́'
ghitną́' ghatną́'
yaatną́' xiyaatną́'

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