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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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del'éetl audio it dripped
chąą tú' dél'eetl audio rain water is dripping
ch'ekłeł audio I'm driving (a car, sled)
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'ekłeł yits'ahłeł
ch'įhłeł ch'ahłeł
ch'ahłeł ch'axahłeł

naxetltihtiik audio I am driving a car, sled

Different words are used depending on the kind of object that is dropped
shintl'adalneyh audio I dropped it (compact object, such as a rock) LITERALLY 'it fell out of my hands'
xúh ts'į́' dedhekneyh audio I dropped it somewhere
shintl'aghindéek audio I dropped them (multiple objects, single fabric-like object,) LITERALLY 'they fell out of my hands'
shintl'aghinx audio I dropped it (an elongated object such as a stick or gun)
naghekxel audio I dropped it (a living being, such as a puppy)
medintsiit! audio drop it!, let go of it! (any object; implies that rapid motion is more important than the kind of object involved)
SEE fall
For water level drops see 'water'
łanintthet audio she or he drowned
ch'elxěl audio LITERALLY 'that which is struck'
neexel audio  a drunk person
nex audio  she or he is drunk
The -geyh stem is the most general word for 'dry' and the primary word 'people causing something to dry'.
nelgęyh audio it is dry
ekgęyh audio I am drying it
ts'éhxeh má' éhgęyh audio the woman is drying fish
imperfective paradigmaudio
ekgęyh ts'ehgęyh
įhgęyh ahgęyh
yehgęyh xiyehgęyh

nadeltthayh audio it is drying (clothes, a tent)
ch'ěl' nadeltthayh audio the clothes are drying
tuu natet-tseth audio water dried up, receded, evaporated
xdéeshaak audio the ground is completely dry
dlaat deshaak audio the moss is really dry (crunchy underfoot)
ch'et'ą̌ą deshaag dried out leaves (in autumn)
nah'og xdet-tsets it's drying up outside

Gah Tsoghk'ah Ndiig
má' audio audio dry fish
łuug ekmá' audio I am making dry fish
shí' gęyh audio
SYN jerky
dahdzeł audio
bed, rack
dets'ên audio general term
chetth molting ducks
etchot molting duck
Specific kinds of ducks
daałeeł northern shoveller
tuhtsêdl audio green-winged teal
shahsęy audio American wigeon
naltthogh audio lesser scaup
dzehndeedh audio northern pintail
ndzel canvasback
tsoth audio red-breasted merganser
hąháalá' audio oldsquaw
ddheł tox dets'énn' harlequin
t'aay chox audio mallard
tthí'k'ą̂ąy audio goldeneye
k'éłttheel audio bufflehead
ndêl audio white-winged scoter
taatsą́ą' ndêl surf scoter
k'á dihk'é́y audio it's dull LITERALLY 'it's not sharp'
wuk'á' kó́l audio it's dull LITERALLY 'it has no edge'
tah audio  during
dzeen tah eetęę audio he sleeps during the day
łéemah audio ALSO glacial silt, flour
ehts'eyh mâay audio
xaghints'eyh mâay
SYN whirlwind
shax audio
SYN house
See 'house' for various kinds of dwellings.

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