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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Yigixałdzis. Yigixałdzits. HM+RD They are dancing.  
Gixałdzis. Gixałdzits. HM+RD They are dancing an Indian dance, or jig.  
Ingoq HM+RD White man dance. Dance with a partner?
Ingoq dił'anh. HM+RDShe's dancing. 
Q'iydong ingoq daghł'an'.HM+RD Yesterday he danced.  
Xiłts'in'da' ingoq dontili'eł. HM+RD She will dance again tonight.  

Giyema dit'anh. HM+RD lit. The mask dance is happening.
Venhdida' giyema ditot'eł. HM+RD The mask dance will happen tomorrow.  
Giq'i dit'anh. HM+RD He's dancing a mask dance.  
Giq'i dixit'anh. HM+RDThey're dancing a mask dance. 
Giq'i dixoghit'an'.HM+RD They danced a mask dance.  

Vixinjit. HM+RD It's dangerous.  
Vinq'it xixinijit. HM+RD The lake is dangerous.
Vixinijit iy.HM+RD It's dangerous.  
Vixinjit iy. Inagh iy. HM+RD It's dangerous. Don't touch it. This might be said in the kashim at a mask dance to warn children not to touch the masks.

Tsaghłde'on' HM+RD It's dark.  
Tsaghłdinthitl'its. HM+RD It's pitch dark.
Tsaghłditidhi'on'.HM+RD It's getting dark.  
Tth'e tsaghłdith'oy ts'in'. HM+RD It's not dark yet.  

Siyotr'a' HM+KH My daughter Woman's daughter
Siyotr'a' Qay Xichux dhido. HM+RD My daughter lives in Anchorage. 
Sittha'JD My daughter Man's daughter

Siginigoxuq HM My daughter-in-law Woman's
Siyotr'a' ngilan HM My daughter-in-law Woman's
Siya' vi'otRD My daughter-in-law lit. My son's wife Man's
Siyozr vi'ot HM My daughter-in-law lit. My son's wife Woman's

Dran KH
Dran xighedhit. JD+KH The day is passing.  
Sittha' tohoł dran. JD My daughter is coming today.
Dranh xelanh.JD+KH It's daytime.  

Datthon'. JD+KH lit. It's dead. Animals

See "Die"

Gidithtth'iggi ts'in'. JD+KH She doesn't hear.  
Ngistl'i dong ts'i gidithtth'iggi ts'in'. JD+KH Since he was small he was deaf.  

Vinginh q'inodle chux JD+KH lit. Big prayer month
Xiyh tth'exinedr AJ+ES December lit. Middle of winter
Xiyh tth'exinedr getiy izre ngichox. JD+KH In December it's really cold.  

Nixiditl'e JD+KH It's being decorated. lit. It dresses itself.
Trałtth'e nixixitl'e. JD+KH They're decorating the kashim.
Q'idong trałtth'e nixixethtl'enh.JD+KH They already decorated the kashim.  
Nixitiditl'e. JD+KH It will be decorated. It will dress itself.
Sidag getiy dandldik; viyentasitl'enh. JD+KH My shirt is real fancy decorated; I'll put it on.  

Tegh diłngath. JD+KH It's deep under water.  
Vinq'it getiy tegh diłngath. JD+KH That lake is deep.
Getiy tegh diłngath.JD+KH It's too deep.  

Gu'onh JD+KH
Gu'onh ggaginek. JD+KH I found an bear's den.  
Gu'onh q'a'iso. JD+KH I walked into a bear den.  

Yexatthidixididhi'onh. JD+KH He is starting to destroy it.  
Q'idong xiyexatthidixine'onh. JD+KH He destroyed it already.  

Deg Xinag ałixi ni'elyoy. LH+KH lit. The local language is gathered together.

Didiyoq. JD+KH He died.
Xunh yił didiyoq. HM+ED He died suddenly.
Imo axa donxidiyoq.JD+KH Lots of them died from the sickness.

See "Happen"

Xin xidi'oyh. JD+KH He is digging a hole.  
Łek xin xidi'oyh. JD+KH The dog is digging a hole.
Xuyh oqo tr'ixi'oyh.JD+KH We're digging for roots.  
Xin xatidhi'onh. JD+KH He started to dig a hole.  

Niguqo. HM+RD He is dipping.  
Łegg oqo niguqo. HM+RD He's dipping for whitefish.  
Gitol di'ełqoyh. HM+RD He is dipping/ladeling soup.  

Ti'isr HM+RD
Ti'isr ting' iłtse. HM+RD He's making a dipnet handle.  
Ti'isr ditl'e. HM+RD She's knitting the dipnet web.  

Ggusr HM+RD
Vina ggusr yan'. HM+RD His face is dirty. lit. His face dirt only
Ke! HM+KH It's really dirty!  
Ke iy! Vogh dighenolniyh! HM+KH That's dirty. Don't touch it! 

Vanxitithinix. HM+KH It started to disappear.
Valgats anxitithinix. HM+KH The boat started to disappear.
Xivanxidinix.HM+RD They are disappearing.
Vanxithinix. JD It disappeared.
Vanxidinix. RDIt is appearing and disappearing.

See "Forget", "Lose"

Tth'ok HM+RD
Tth'ok ye gisonh. HM+RD I'm eating from a dish.  

Ton'idiyo. HM+RD It went back in the water.  
Todzing ton'idiyo. HM+RD The loon dived.
Todzing tontodoł.HM+RD The loon is going to dive.  

Digił'anh. HM+RD He is doing something with his hands.  
Chel ndadz dit'anh? HM+RD What is the boy doing?
Dinayił dingit'anh.ED+JD Do it with us.  
Digighił'an'. HM+RD He did, made something.  
Dran ndadz dangit'an'? HM+RD What did you do today? 
Ndadz ditet'eł? HM+RD What are you going to do?  

Xik'ugił'anh HM+RD lit. One who keeps you well
Xik'ugił'anh neyo. HM+RD The doctor came.  
Xik'ugił'anh sighet'otth. HM+RD The doctor operated on me. lit. The doctor cut me.
Xik'ugił'anh ts'in' gighetthiyh.HM+RD The doctor gave me a shot. lit. The doctor poked me.
Xik'ugił'anh ts'i xuxendli'an'. HM+ED+KH He's going to learn to be a nurse/doctor.  

Łek axa neyo. HM+RD He came by dogteam.  
Sileg yettha'. HM+RD My dogs are barking.
Xiday sileg? HM+RD Where's my dog?  
Vileg digaghdiniq. HM+RD Her dog got untied.  
Xungtthi ghedoy HM+RD Dog team leader  
Xungtthi ghedoy ngizren t'anh. HM+RD He has a good leader 

Łek ntidligguk. HM+RD lit. Dogs started running back.
Sinoghł łek ntidligguk. HM+RD I watched the dog race. lit. In my presence the dogs started running.

Dina' k'idz KH lit. Little person
Gidingidz dina' k'idz axa nixinaghitlghon'. KH+JD I used to play with a grass doll.  
Dineg qa' tth'in axa dina' dhitltsenh. HM+RD I made a doll out of a moose foot bone.  

Giłigg xiq'i KH+JD lit. Like 'one'
Giłigg xiq'i axa soxo xigheqat. KH+JD He paid me a dollar.  

Xidondiditey KH+JD lit. That which is closed
Xidondiditey dhitltsenh. KH+JD I made a door.  
Xidoy KH+JD Doorway  
Diva xidoy ndidhit? KH+JD Who's standing by the doorway? 

Ngido' KH+JD
Ngido' xididltth'e. JD+KH They live down there.  

Ngiyiq KH+JD
Dalik ts'in'. Yiggidhedo. HM+KH Be quiet. Sit down.  
Ting yiq xelanh. Ting yiggi xelanh. KH+JD There's a dip in the road.  

Siq'angine KH+JD lit. Protect me
Siq'angine naggad yi'eheyh. KH+JD Dragonflies eat mosquitoes. That's how they protect us.

Xan'ilił. KH+JD He dreams.  
Xan'ithdloł. KH+JD He dreamed.
Gits'i xan'ithdloł.KH+JD He had a bad dream.  

Vinoghił tr'igixine'onh. HM+KH It appeared in a dream.  

Ni'iditl'e. KH+JD She's dressing.  
Ningditl'e. HM+KH Get dressed.
Ni'ithitl'enh.KH+JD He dressed.  

See "Parka"

Ninetr'iyh. KH It's drifting.  
Ting xigganthitr'iyh. KH+JD The trail is drifting over with snow.  

Tiydoteł. KH+JD It (wood) is drifting on the water.  
Didlang tiydoteł. KH+JD A spruce log is drifting.
Siyił tigoteł.JD+KH I'm drifting. lit. With me it is drifting.

Niłtedilay, niłtiydilay RD+JD
Niłtedilay getiy longh. Niłtiydilay getiy longh. RD+JD There's lots of driftwood.  

Gizrisr. JD+KH He's sipping, drinking something. lit. If the liquid is not specified, drinking alcohol is implied as it is in English.
Chay izrisr. JD+KH She's drinking tea.
Ginthizrisr.HM+RD He is drunk.  
Gizrisr xingo te diyeloq. HM+RD When he was drunk he drowned.  
Idinenh.JD+KH He's drinking. Gulping something cold.
Te idinenh. JD+KH She's drinking water.  

Yi'edizrezr AJ+KH+ED lit. What they drink

Te dit'anh. JD+KH lit. Water is happening.
Siyix te dit'anh. JD+KH My house has a drip. As when the roof is leaking.

Goteł. JD+KH She is driving. Car or boat
Beth gitoteł. JD+KH Beth is going to drive.
Gongteł.JD You drive.  
Nginh gongteł. KH You drive.  

Te diyeloq. HM+RD She drowned. lit. Water happened to her.
Q'iydong te diyeloq. HM+RD Yesterday she drowned.  

Giłghitl. HM+RD She's drumming.  

Srosr HM+RD
Srosr iłghitl xingo gidile. RD+HM While he's drumming he's singing. lit. While he's beating the drum he's singing.

Didhiggingh. HM+RD It dried.  
Silo' qogg xidhiggingh. HM+RD The skin on my hands is dry.  

Nanhdal HM+RD
Nanhdal ginoyił. HM+RD Ducks are flying.  
Nanhdal nigindiyił. HM+RD The ducks came flying back.
Nanhdal nigenthiyił.HM+RD The ducks are starting to fly away.  

Viq'i qul RD+HM lit. On it none
Sigitavazr q'o qul. HM+RD My woman's knife is dull.

See "Sharp"

Xiyh tux iłyoth. HM+RD It snows during winter.
Xiyh tux ingoq dit'anh. RD+HM During the winter dances take place.

See "Among"

Xiłtrith. HM+RD She is dusting.  
Dits'in axa nixiłtrith. HM+RD He is dusting it with a goose wing.  

Ts'egid HM+RD
Siyix ts'egid longh. HM+RD My house has lots of dust.

See "Trash"

Viye xałtridh HM+RD lit. That which was dusted in
Viye xałtridh nda'. HM+RD Give me the dust pan.  

Xididhi'on' HM+RD It is dusty.  
Ting xididhi'on'. HM+RD The road is dusty.  

Tigidenitltl'isr. HM+RD I dyed it.  
Tigidenatltl'isr. HM+RD I'm going to dye it.
Tetth'ogg xonet tigidenatltl'isr.HM+RD I'm going to dye it for baskets.  

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