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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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ikusrik, dl. ikusriik, pl. ikusriich

My elbow is itchy.
Ikusriga kumaksruktuq.
elderly to become elderly, to grow old -of a man-

He has become elderly. He is nearing old age.

2. to become elderly, to grow old -of a woman-

She has grown old.

Gee! You are getting old.
Attai! Aaquagaqsiñiqsutin.
qulit atausriq

There are eleven pencils on the table.
Qulit atausriq aglautit niġiñiaġviŋñi ittut.

to embark, get into a vehicle or vessel
iku- or iki-

he has embarked
ikuruq, dl. ikuruk, pl. ikurut or ikiruq, dl. ikiruk, pl. ikirut

He gets on the plane.
Ikuruq tiŋmisuutmun.

She gets into the boat.
Ikiruq umiamun.

to become embarrassed
kanŋukkiak- or kanŋutchak-

he is embarrassed
kanŋukkiaktuq, dl. kanŋukkiaktuk, pl. kanŋukkiaktut

She was embarrassed after she told a lie.
Kanŋukkiaktuq sagluqqaaqhuni.

2. to look embarrassed, to look guilty

He looks embarrassed.

The robber looked embarrassed when they talked of the stolen article.
Tigliktuaq kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq uqaaqsikmata tigligamik.
to embrace

She is embracing him.

He is embracing his older sister.
Iqitkaa aakaurani.

2. they [two] embrace

They embraced upon seeing each other.
Iqirrutiruk qiñġutliqamik.
to emerge

The girl emerged from her room.
Aġnauraq nuiḷḷaktuq inauraġmiñiñ.

to be empty

it is empty
imaitchuq, dl. imaitchuk, pl. imaitchut

The kettle is empty.
Imaitchuq uunaqsiivik.

2. to become empty

It is now empty.

Empty it!

to encourage

she is encouraging him
pitchuksaaġaa, dl. pitchuksaaġaak, pl. pitchuksaaġaat

He is encouraging him to go.
Pitchuksaaġaa aullaquplugu.
the end -of a story-

2. end or ending

it’s end

Hold the end of the rope.
Tigummiuŋ akłunaam isrua.

The ending of the word is long.
Isrua taggisim takiruq.
to be endless

it is endless, eternal

The road is endless.
Tumitchiaq tamanna isruitchuq.

The work seems endless.
Savaaq isruitmatun ittuq.
to endure
igḷutui-, igḷutuq-

he is enduring; he has endured
igḷutuiruq, dl. igḷutuiruk, pl. igḷutuirut

She is enduring the pain.
Igḷutuiruq atniġñamik.

2. she endures it
igḷutuġaa, dl. igḷutuġaak, pl. igḷutuġaat

She endures the sickness.
Igḷutuġaa naŋirrun.

3. to be enduring

she is enduring
qapiqtanġitchuq, dl. qapiqtanġitchuk, pl. qapiqtanġitchut

The person is enduring and keeps on going.
Taamna iñuk qapiqtanġitchuq, sivutmuusruuruq.

4. to be enduring
isiqsu- or siqsu-

he is enduring
isiqsuruq or siqsuruq

The man is enduring in spite of his problems.
Aŋun -i-siqsuruq sakiqniuġaluaŋŋaġmi.
equipment for giving enema -traditionally of ugruk intestines-
immiġaun, dl. immiġautik, pl. immiġautit

An enema is used when a person is constipated.
Immiġaun atuġaqtuq iñuk anatlaiqman.
to enlarge, lit. to cause to grow

She enlarged the photographs.
Aglipchaġai agliutrat.
to be enough, sufficient, fit in size

it is enough
naamaruq, dl. naamaruk, pl. naamarut

The house material that my father ordered is enough.
Taataa qanniaŋa tupiksraun naamaruq.

to enter

he has entered
isiqtuq, dl. isiqtuk, pl. isiqtut

He has entered the church.
Isiqtuq aŋaayyuviŋmun.

2. to enter, of a group one by one or in groups

they enter

they keep entering, as children do during the course of the day

to enter over and over

She kept entering today.
Isaaġaqtuq uvluvak.

entry, door opening, river mouth
paa, dl. paak, pl. paat

There is fishing at the mouth of the river.
Kuugum paaŋani niksiksuġniaġaqtut.

envelope envelope, wrapper
puuksraq, dl. puuksrak, pl. puuksrat

Envelopes come in varied sizes.
Puuksrat aŋilaaġiiksut.
to envy

he is envious
tusruruq, dl. tusruruk, pl. tusrurut

My daughter is envious because her friend has a new parka.
Paniga tusruruq uumaani atikłutchiaqman.

she is envious of him
tusrugaa, dl. tusrugaak, pl. tusrugaat

She is envious of the one who left.
Tusrugaa aullaqtuaq.

2. to envy

He is envious.

She is envious because she wants one like that.
Piŋaruq taatnasriqaġukhuni.

3. to become envious, to become jealous

He has become envious.

When his neighbor got a new sled, he became envious.
Siḷalliuni qiḷġitchiaqman piŋaliqsuq.

to erect
nappaq-, nappai-

They are erecting a large building.
Nappairut tupiqpaŋmik.

He is erecting it.

She is erecting her own tent.
Nappaġaa palapkaani.

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