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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to escape

he is escaping, he is fleeing
qimaktuq, dl. qimaktuk, pl. qimaktut

The woman is escaping from the fire.
Qimaktuq aġnaq ikniġmiñ.

2. to escape from danger

She has escaped.

He has escaped from the bear.
Annaktuq akłamiñ.

-lit. real person-
Iñupiaq, dl. Iñupiak, pl. Iñupiat

An Eskimo knows how to survive in cold weather.
Iñupiaq iḷisimaruq itrilliułiġmik.
Eskimo ice cream -of melted fats, meats and berries-; creamed fat
akutuq, dl. akutuk, pl. akutut

Eskimo ice cream is good to eat.
Akutumik niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. mashed fish eggs and cranberries, sometimes mixed with fish liver and stirred with oil

3. whipped fresh white fish eggs with snow

4. creamed animal fat mixed with berries and oil but without any shredded fish
qivi or qamaamak [aanaiḷaq, amilik]

5. the shredded fish is
-lit. like an Eskimo-

He is talking in Eskimo.
Iñupiatun uqaqtuq.

2. to speak Iñupiaq -lit. to really speak-
Iñupiaraaq- or uqapiaraaq-

I am speaking Eskimo.
Uqapiaraaqtuŋa. or Iñupiaraaqtuŋa.
masru, dl. masruk, pl. masrut

Eskimo potatoes are good to eat.
Masru nakuuruq niġiruni.

mamilik, dl. mamillak, pl. mamilgich

In the spring the hunters use waterproof mukluks.
Upinġaksrami aŋuniaqtuat mamiliktuġaqtut.

2. to wear waterproof boots

She is wearing waterproof mukluks.


They talk a lot, especially him.
Uqałallagaqtut, suvaluk ilaa.

2. to overdo

he is overdoing it

The speaker is overdoing it.
Apai suvaluktuq uqaqtuaq.
to be eternal

it is eternal, endless

Do you want eternal life?
Isruitchuamik iñuusrukpich?

tiŋmiaqpaurag, dl. tiŋmiaqpaurak, pl. tiŋmiaqpaurat


to become evening

it is evening
unnuktuq or unnukkaa

The early evening is beautiful.
Unnuksaaq aarigaa.
everyone, subj.

Everyone is happy.
Iluqatiŋ quviasruktut.

iluqaisa or iluqaitñik.

He took everything.
Iluqaisa piñiġai.

evil magic-working song

The shaman sang the evil song.
Atuutiġluk aŋatkum atuġaa.

2. to be bad, evil

The devil is evil.
Tuunġaq pigiitchuq.

Is she evil?

evil spirit
iḷitqusriquk, dl. iḷitqusriquuk, pl. iḷitqusriquich

The evil spirit causes evil.
Iḷitqusriquk killuqsautauruq.
to examine
isivġiq-, isivġiiq -

she is examining him
isivġiiġaa, dl. isivġiiġaak, pl. isivġiiġaat

He is examining it to see if it is good.
Isivġiiġaa nakuupmaŋaan.

an example, a demonstration
urriqsuun or urrakusraun

He followed her example.
Tuvraġaa urrakusrautaa. or
Tuvraġaa urriqsuutaa.
to go to excess, to be excessive

he is going to excess

2. to go to excess, to be excessive
-vaałłak- [v-v]

She is talking excessively.

Don’t eat excessively!

to exchange
simmiq-, simmiusriq-, or simmiḷiq

he has exchanged something

She has exchanged a pair of mukluks.
Kammaŋnik simmiusriqsuq.

She exchanged them for another pair.
Atlaŋnik simmiḷiġik.
exclamation of pain, sorrow or disappointment
annaa, annii, arrii!

2. exclamation of sorrow, Alas!

It is too bad.
Aḷakkaa piḷḷuatanġiññiqsuq.

3. exclamation of surprise

4. exclamation of surprise, gee

Gee! It’s really big.
Allia! Aŋiłallaŋniqsuq.

5. exclamation of admiration of something beautiful, pretty or attractive

That is pretty!
Allia piññaqnaġniqsuq.

6. exclamation of frustration, impatience or pain

Oh! I don’t want to go.
Arii! Aullaġunġitchuŋa.

used as a base for excuse me, I am sorry, -lit. to not mean to do-

excuse me
pisanġitchikpiñ, dl.[obj.] pisanġitchiptik, pl. [obj.] pisanġitchipsi

Excuse me for hitting your boat.
Pisanġitchikpiñ apuqapku umian.
to exist, to be

it exists, is alive, stays, it is

He is in the house.
Ittuq tupiġmi. or
Tupiġmi ittuq.

Is it in the house?
Itpa tupiġmi? or
Tupiġmi itpa?

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