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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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nił'éł audio
nił'éł nats'exaldek audio we're telling each other stories
tuud audio bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
ch'eshǎan' audio golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Ttheet'oodlęy \de
łaateth Tęy audio LITERALLY 'pass trail'
sdzǎagh' audio  my ear
sdzii audio my inner ear
dziit'úudz audio ear wax
wudzíi' xuhts'iik audio  she or he has an earache
saachąą audio early in the morning
k'á tthée' xtíithé́d ts'į́' t'êey na'itshah audio he or she returned early
dzaatl'ǔul' audio
nén' étndah audio
shée' k'et'êey audio  easily
gah sh_ée' t'êey neljíit audio rabbits are easily frightened
shée' k'et'êey maa xúltsįį audio nothing bothers him
nach'ih'áał audio I am eating
imperfective paradigmaudio
nach'ih'áał nayits'e'áał
nach'in'áał nach'ah'áał
nach'e'áał nach'exen'áał

łuug ih'áał audio I am eating fish

perfective paradigmaudio
nach'ih'áatl nayts'in'áatl
nach'in'áatl nach'ah'áatl
nach'in'áatl nach'axghin'áatl

tthadegnęyh audio I am eating fast
ch'eldiił audio he, she, it is eating, browsing
wudzih ch'inshǔ' eldiił audio the caribou are eating moss
jêg ts'eneldiił audio we are eating berries

wudadehshiig an echo
tadasaaghin'ąą audio LITERALLY 'the sun came up the wrong way'
ok audio an eddy in water
SYN whirlpool
mâagh audio
menh mâagh ło'aahaał audio he's walking along the edge of the lake ALSO border
ch'exěez' audio an egg
ch'et'ox shíi súus xěez' xúnłęę audio there are robin eggs in the nest
ch'exeestthǐig' audio egg yolk
ch'exeestth'ěn' audio  eggshell
niłk'eden audio
neduuth audio it is stretchy, elastic
shmǎad' ghendah neduudh nenintl'ųų audio she sewed elastic around my sleeve
sts'és audio my elbow
xets'és'údék-'ąą audio  I am leaning on my elbow
ch'enděddh' audio
díichâagh audio elder, respected person
ts'ehłeg wuk'et audio
uníshshá' audio I'm embarrassed
Also means 'ashamed'
perfective paradigm audio
uníshshá' ts'unítshá'
unítshá' unatshá'
unítsh1a' xunítshá'

tthiit audio
díi t'êey kó́l audio  it is empty, nothing there
dahtsaa shíi díi t'êey kó́l audio  the cache is completely empty
tuutiił wushíi ch'ekôl audio the cup is empty
kón' k'ée audio ALSO campsite, abandonded (village)
kón' k'ée dón' łâanyíi níníhshaay gee!, I arrived at a completely empty house
This refers only to the end of physical objects
wuchíi audio end, tip
SYN point (of an object)
wuchíi taanduu xuu'ąą audio end of an island
shaa xníndíik audio  I am enjoying it
maa xníndíik audio she or he is enjoying it
maa xunétdíik audio she or he is enjoying it
k'ôd audioALSO already
k'ôd xúu' shęę' audio that is enough
shshíi xnét-tthet audio I am enraged
wushíi xnét-tthet audio she or he is enraged
daninshah audio she or he entered
shshíi dįhshąą audio  it is entertaining me, keeping me company
shtlęę shnidįhshąą audio my friend is entertaining me
niłxa tsądaxdetdlii audio they are entertaining each other, making each other laugh
xunelt'eh audio entire, all of it, them
nat-tlêdz' xunelt'eh ts'í nanįhts'eyh audio  pick up all the beads
uudíh entire (time)
teddh uudíh ghishndah audio  I worked the entire night
dahxultsįį deh audio
yuunit-łé' audio she or he is envious of him/her/it
xetl súu nek-'ę́ę' ch'e wunihłé'e audio  I am envious of the sled I saw
niłk'e' nel'ąą audio
niłk'e nel'ąą ts'į́' xútlajų́hchuut dé' audio make sure you give them an equal amount of food
nanin'ét audio undo it, erase it
nihmaay audio
SYN weasel (Mustela erminea)
statthinįhshah audio  she or he escaped, fled away
negjed éł tthítédhékshah audio  I was afraid so I escaped, fled
nedagh ghinshah audio he, she or it escaped
Ch'enaakeey \de
shthéeg' audio my esophagus
SYN throat
xeł tah audio
xeł ts'į́' audio toward evening, dusk
xaatêg audio
xaatêg tah ldîil ishdíix audio every now and then I drink tea
xunelt'eh audio
xunelt'eh ts'í meexushaak audio everything is lost
łą́'ą xúnsųų audio  an excellent place, weather
łą́'ą nsųų audio an excellent thing
SEE too much
SEE trade
wutsą́ą' its excrement
SYN stool
tsą́ą' audio manure
ishk'aatth audio I am exercising
imperfective paradigm audio
ishk'aatth ts'etk'aatth
itk'aatth atk'aatth
etk'aatth xetk'aatth

SEE train
wushíits shę́ę' dálílthet audio she, he or it came back exhausted
The appropriate word is based on the type of object involved, or number (if more than one). These words imply that the items are stationary and so can mean 'it is sitting or lying there'.
ee'ąą audio it (compact object, or any single object not fitting another of the categories below) is there
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e ee'aan? audio what (compact object) is on the table?
tthee gaay k'ech'ii'aadl k'et nee'ąą audio a little rock is on the table
eedlah audio they (any kind of multiple objects) are there
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e eedlaay? audio what (multiple objects) are on the table?
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et tthee needlah audio rocks are on the table
xúh éedlah audio they are there
eekąą audio it (object in a container) is there
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e eekaan? audio what (object in a container) is on the table?
ldîil k'ech'ii'aadl k'et eekąą audio a cup of tea is on the table
eetąą it (sticklike or longish object) is there
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e eetaan? audio what (sticklike object) is on the table?
dechenh k'ech'ii'aadl k'et deetąą audio a stick is on the table
ehchuut audio it (food) is there
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e ehchuud? audio what (food) is on the table?
shí' gęyh k'ech'ii'aadl k'et ehchuut audio dry meat is on the table
ehchúuth audio it (a flat, flexible object) is there
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et díi ch'e ehchúudh? audio what (flat, flexible object) is on the table?
k'ech'ii'aadl k'et eek ehchúuth audio a shirt is on the table
tixúltsįį deh audio
diitl'eddh audio it is expensive
ch'ěl' diitl'eddh shíi ét-tlųų audio  he or she is dressed in expensive clothing
teltétl audio it exploded
xá'altáł audio  it accidentally exploded, went off by itself (e.g. gun)
wuk'et audio exterior, outside surface (of something)
wuk'et shę́ę' xúhtseł audio only the exterior is wet
nayitnéhdek audio she or he extinguished it, put it out
kón' natnétdek audio  the fire went out
shdǎagh' audio my eye
shnahts'ehgěey' audio area around my eye (refers to the area around the eye socket)
mindǎagh' déhk'eyh audio  its eyes are sharp (it has good eyesight)
dhegket audio I'm wide-eyed, my eyes are wide open
shnaxdzaaxá' audio my eyebrow
shnaxts'eh xá' audio my eyelash
wudǎagh' dehk'eyh audio she or he has excellent eyesight LITERALLY 'his or her eyes are sharp'

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