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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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kigiñaq, dl. kigiññak, pl. kigiññat

My face has become flushed.
Uunnaġluktittuq kigiñaġa.

2. face mask
kigiñaġun, dl. kigiñaġutik, pl. kigiñaġutit

One wears a face mask when it is cold.
Kigiñaġutituġnaqtuq alappaaŋukman.

3. to face toward a person, to turn around to face another direction

he turned to face -another-
saattuq, dl. saattuk, pl. saattut

My mother turned to face my father when he spoke.
Aanaga saattuq uqaqman Taataga.

He turned and faced her as he spoke.
Saatlugu uqaġvigigaa.

4. to make a funny face

He is making faces.

She is making faces at me.

to fade, to change color and brightness due to weather -also meaning to become tanned of skin-

it has faded, it is fading
siḷaliruq, dl. siḷaliruk, pl. siḷalirut

The blankets are fading out on the clothesline.
Siḷalirut ulitchiat qakma paniqsiutami.

to faint

he has fainted
taaqtukkaqtuq, dl. taaqtukkaqtuk, pl. taaqtukkaqtut

The woman has fainted.
Aġnaq taaqtukkaqtuq.


Faith in God is essential to them.
Ukpiqqun aŋaayyutikun inuġigaat.

2. to be faithful

he is faithful, he is true
tuniqsimaruq, dl. tuniqsimaruk, pl. tuniqsimarut
to fall landing on one’s back

he has fallen backward
niġvalaqsraaqtuq, dl. niġvalaqsraaqtuk, pl. niġvalaqsraaqtut

2. to fall forward

he fell forward

She accidentally made him fall forward.

3. to fall from a higher elevation, to drop -of an object-

he has fallen, it has dropped
kataktuq, dl. kataktuk, pl. kataktut

He fell from the top of the house.
Kataktuq qaaŋaniñ tupqum.

4. to step into a hole, to sink into snow or water

he has stepped into a hole, he has sunk into snow

She has stepped into a hole on the ice.
Sikumi mauruq.

5. to fall and land on one’s seat

she fell on her seat

She fell down on her seat on the mud.
Aquvriktuq maġġaġmun.

autumn, fall
ukiaq or ukiaksraq, dl. ukiaksraak, pl. ukiaksrat

The trees are pretty in the fall.
Napaaqtut piññaqnaqtut ukiaġmi.

2. early autumn, early fall
ukiaksraq, ukiaksraaq

It is beautiful during early autumn.
Piññaqnaqtuq ukiaksraaġuraagaqsikman.

3. last autumn, last fall

We left last fall.
Ukiaq aullaqtuaŋni.

to be false

it is false
taŋiġitchuq, dl. taŋiġitchuk, pl. taŋiġitchut

The liar’s words are false.
Sagluturuam uqautaa taŋiġitchuq.

a family
qitunġaġiich or aŋayuqaaġiich

That family was large.
Taapkua qitunġaġiich iñugiaktut.

my family, my children

The families are meeting.
Aŋayuqaaġiich katimarut.

The famine is heard of in far away cities.
Niġisuŋnaq tusraġnaqtuq avani.

fancy trim
qupak, dl. qupaak, pl. qupaich

The parka’s fancy trim is very pretty.
Atigim qupai piññaqnaqtut.
to be far

it is far
uŋasriksuq, dl. uŋasriksuk, pl. uŋasriksut

The sky is far away.
Uŋasriksuq qiḷak.

2. to be farther away

it is farther away

Her house is farther away.
Tupqa uŋasritḷuktuq.

3. to be the farthest

it is the farthest

His house is the farthest.
Tupqa uŋasritñiqtauruq.

4. over there in the distance, in motion or covers a large area, visible
avva, taavva

The birds are over there flying.
Taavva tiŋmiurat tiŋmirut.

5. the farthest over

The house farthest over has burned.
Avalliq tupiq ikiliġniqsuq.

fare, sum paid for a journey

How much was his fare?
Qanutuġniqpa ikkutaa?

2. fare to be paid

My fare will not be much.
Ikkutiksraġa mikiniaġniqsuq.

3. to pay the fare

she has paid his fare or she is paying his fare
ikkusriġaa, dl. ikkusriġaak, pl. ikkusriġaat

He has paid her fare to Ambler.
Ikkusriġaa Ivisaappaanun.

He has paid his fare.

to be fast

it is fast
sukattuq, dl. sukattuk, pl. sukattut

The airplane is fast when flying.
Tiŋmisuun sukattuq tiŋmi’ami.

2. to be very fast

it is very fast

The boat traveled very fast.
Umiaq sukałallaktuq.

fat qaunnaq, dl. qaunnaak, pl. qaunnaich

Animal fat is made into Eskimo ice cream.
Aŋŋugauram qaunnaŋa akutchiraġigaat.

2. to be fat

he is fat
uqsruuruq, dl. uqsruuruk, pl. uqsruurut

The caribou is fat.
Tuttu uqsruuruq.

Is he fat?
taata or aapa

my father

your father

his father

My father is getting older.
Taataga utuqqaġutmuktuq.

to be at fault

It is your fault.

to be faultless

it is faultless

He is faultless for he is a good person.
Patchisaitchuq, iñulluatauruq.

fawn nuġġaq, dl. nuġġaak, pl. nuġġaich

This is a caribou’s fawn.
Una tuttum nuġġaġigaa.

2. newborn caribou fawn
nuġġauraq, dl. nuġġaurak, pl. nuġġaurat

This is a newborn fawn.
Uvva nuġġauraq anivaaluktuaq.
to fear, to be afraid

he is fearful, he is scared
iqsiruq, dl. iqsiruk, pl. iqsirut

My aunt is scared.
Atchaga iqsiruq.

2. to be afraid of, to fear someone or something

He fears it.

She fears the man.
Iqsigigaa aŋun.

to be fearful, to be easily frightened

He is easily frightened.

That man is easily frightened.
Taamna aŋun iqsisuruq.
mitquq, dl. mitquk, pl. mitqut

There are many feathers around here.
Apai marra mitqut.

2. wing feather
suluk, dl. sulluk, pl. suluich

Birds have wing feathers.
Tiŋmiurat suluqaqtut.

3. down feathers, musk ox wool
qiviuq, dl. qiviuk, pl. qiviut

Down feathers are soft.
Qiviut niġummaqtuq.

I have a down jacket.
Qiviumik quppiġaaqaqtuŋa.

February -icicle time-

When February comes, the snow on top of the house melts and forms icicles.
Kusrugaqtuġvik nuikman, tupiġmi auktaliġaġigaa apun, sikuġuqhuni aasriiñ.
to feed someone or an animal

she is feeding -someone or something-

She is feeding the dogs.
Niġipchairuq qipmiñik.

2. to feed

He is feeding it.

She is feeding them. -two-

He is feeding them. -three or more-

She is feeding the dogs.
Niġipchaġai qipmich.

He is feeding the two children.
Niġipchaġik iyaalugruak.

to feel an emotion, to sense

he is feeling it
ikpigigaa, dl. ikpigigaak, pl. ikpigigaat

She feels his love.
Nakuaqsriha ikpigigaa.

2. to feel bad

he is feeling bad
iłuitchuq, dl. iłuitchuk, pl. iłuitchut

He felt bad when his son got hurt.
Iłuitchuq iġñi atniqman.

3. to feel, to touch

he is feeling

He is feeling that one.
Savittuq taavrumiŋa.

he is feeling it, he is touching it
savitkaa, dl. savitkaak, pl. savitkaat

The doctor is feeling the child’s stomach.
Taaktim savitkaa iyaalugruaq narraakkun.
see foot
aġnasraluq, dl. aġnasraluk, pl. aġnasralut

The female moose is big.
Aġnasraluq tiniika aŋiruq.

2. female person



3. female dog, bitch
aġnasuk, dl. aġnasuuk, pl. aġnasuich

Female dogs make good dogteam leaders.
Aġnasuich sivulliqsrigiksut.
thighbone; marrow of thighbone [of animals]
kiniġniq, dl. kiniġnaak, pl. kiniġniġich

The femur is a bone in the body.
Kiniġniq saunġuruq timimi.

to ferment
siiġñaqsii-, siiġñaqsirriq-

She is putting away the caribou stomach mixed with raw liver and ligament pieces for fermentation.
Siiġñaqsirriqsuq niġukkaġmik.

2. fermented walrus meat rolled in walrus skin
tuktaq, dl. tuktak, pl. tuktat

to fetch
aikiq-, ai-

she went to fetch -something or someone-
aikiqsuq, dl. aikiqsuk, pl. aikiqsut

He went to fetch fish.
Aikiqsuq qaluŋnik.

2. he went to fetch her
aigaa, dl. aigaak, pl. aigaat

She went to fetch the dog.
Aigaa qipmiq.

Go and fetch your older sister.
Aigguuŋ aakauran.
iḷummiq, dl. iḷummiik, pl. iḷummiich

The female moose was carrying a fetus.
Aġnasraluq tiniikaq iḷummiqaġniqsuaq.

to have a fever
uunnaġluk- or uunnaqłuk-, uunnaqłuktit-

he has a fever
uunnaġluktuq, dl. uunnaġluktuk, pl. uunnaġluktut

The baby is sick and has a fever.
Iyaalugruaq sakniuqhuni uunnaġluktuq.

The baby has a fever.
Miġaruuraq uunnaqłuktuq. or
Miġaruuraq uunnaqłuktittuq.
to be few -of objects or people-

There are a few things.
Suurat iñuġiakitchut.

2. to be few -of people-

it has or contains few people
iñukitchuq, dl. iñukitchuk, pl. iñukitchut

The small village has few people.
Iñukitchuq nunaaqqiuraq.

Fifteen people have left.
Akimiaq iñuk aullaqtuq.

malġukipiaq qulit

Fifty people are eating.
Malġukipiaq qulit iñuich niġirut.

to fight

he is fighting
aŋuyaktuq, dl. aŋuyaktuk, pl. aŋuyaktut

He is fighting her.

He is fighting others.
Aŋuyaktuq atlanik.

He is fighting the girl.
Aŋuyakkaa aġnauraq.

2. he is fighting, he is playing roughly, he is angry
qinnaktuq, dl. qinnaktuk, pl. qinnaktut

The boy played roughly when he wrestled.
Nukatpialugruaq qinnaktuq.

agiaq, dl. agiak, pl. agiat

The file can be a sharpener.
Agiaq ipiksautautlaruq.

to fill

she is filling -a container-
immiiruq, dl. immiiruk, pl. immiirut

She is filling her berry basket.
Immiiruq aimmaġmiñik.

2. to fill

she has filled it
immiġaa, dl. immiġaak, pl. immiġaat

They have filled the bucket.
Immiġaat qattaq.

to be filthy

it is filthy

The dog’s area is filthy.
Qipmim inaa qaayuġnaqtuq.

fin caudal fin, fishtail
sipik, dl. sippak, pl. sipkich

Fish have fins.
Qaluich makua sipiqaqtut.

2. dorsal fin
suluun, dl. suluutik, pl. suluutit

The dorsal fin of a grayling is long.
Suluun sulukpaukkami takiruq.
finally, at last

Finally, he came on the plane.
Kiisaimma, aggiqpuq tiŋmisuutikun.

to find

to find something or someone

he has found something
paqittuq or paqitchiruq

He has found a watch.
Paqittuq tuqtuqtauramik. or
Paqitchiruq sassauramik.

He has found it.

He has found the girl.
Paqitkaa aġnauraq.

2. a find, that which has been found
to be fine, to be good, to be well

She is fine.

I am fine.

How are you? I am fine.
Qanuq itpich? Nakuuruŋa.

How is he? He is fine.
Qanuq itpa? Nakuuruq.

argak, pl. argaich

2. fingernail; toenail; hoof
kukik, dl. kukkik, pl. kukiich

That fingernail is long.
Taamna kukik takiruq.

3. to break one’s finger

he broke his own finger

He fell forward and broke his finger.
Paallakhuni argaaqtuq.

4. index finger
tikiq, dl. tikkik, pl. tikiġich

My index finger is longer than my thumb.
Tikiġa takitluktuq kuvlumniñ.

5. middle finger
qitiqłiġmik, dl. qitiqłiġmiik, qitiqłiġmiich

The middle finger is on a hand.
Qitiqłiġmik ittuq argaŋni.

6. ring finger
mikilġaq or mikiliġaq

7. the little finger
iqitquuraq, dl. iqitquurak, pl. iqitquurat

The ring fits on his little finger.
Iqitquuraŋan naammagigaa qitiqłiġun.
to finish, to complete

she has finished, she has completed

He has finished his work.
Naatchiruq savaaġmiñik.

2. to finish, to complete

she is finished with it, she has completed it
naatkaa, dl. naatkaak, pl. naatkaat

She is finished with the book she was reading.
Naatkaa agliqiani.

3. to finish, to complete, to be ready

She has finished making the parka.
Itqanaiġiruq atikłiaġmiñik.

ikniq, dl. iknik or iknak, pl. ikniġich

The fire is red.
Ikniq kaviqsuq.

2. to light a fire, be it a campfire or a stove

He has lit the stove.

3. campfire

4. dry firewood
qirupiaq, dl. qirupiak, pl. qirupiat

Dry wood is good for firewood.
Qirupiaq ikniqautigiksuq.

5. fire

The fire is spreading.
Iki siamittuq.

6. to burn

It is burning.
Ikiruq. or Ikigaa.

The ground is burning.
Nuna ikigaa.
fireweed fireweed plant
quppiqutaq, dl. quppiqutak, pl. quppiqutat

Fireweed shoots are edible.
Nuivaaluktuat quppiqutat niġiñaqtut.
the first one, foremost one
sivulliq, dl. sivullik or sivulliik, pl. sivulliich

The first one to arrive is the winner.
Sivulliq aggiqqaaqtuaq akimaruq.

2. to be the first

The girl came in first in the foot race.
Aġnauraq sivulliuruq aqpaliutraqtuani.

Don’t try to be first.

3. to do first [question]

What did she do first?

4. to be first, to do first
-qqaaq- [v-v]

I stood up first.
I’m out of bed first.

Sew this one first.
Una killaiyaqqaaġuŋ.
fish qaluk, dl. qalluk, pl. qaluich

The fish lives in the water.
Qaluk imiġmi itchuuruq.

2. fish egg
suvak, dl. suvaak, pl. suvaich

Fish eggs are down there in the water.
Suvaich unna imiġmi.

3. to fish

he is fishing
qaluŋniaqtuq, dl. qaluŋniaqtuk, pl. qaluŋniaqtut

My mother is fishing for winter food.
Aanaga qaluŋniaqtuq ukiusaksranik.

4. fishing or seal hole
alluaq, dl. alluak, pl. alluat

The fishing hole is big.
Alluaq aŋiruq.

5. fish hook
niksik, dl. niksiik, pl. niksiich

Where is my fish hook?
Naami niksiga?

6. fishline
ipiutaq, dl. ipiutak, pl. ipiutat

The fishline is attached to the hook.
Ipiutaq ataruq niksiŋmun.

jig7. to fish with a hook

He is fishing.

8. to jig for burbot -mudshark- with special, pronged burbot hook

They are fishing for burbots.

9. to fish for tomcod

They are fishing for tomcod.
Manaqtuqtut uuganun.

10. to fish with a net

She is fishing with a net.
to make a fist

He makes a fist.
Argaŋni iqitkai.

to fit

it fits
naammaktuq, dl. naammaktuk, pl. naammaktut

The jacket my mother made is just right.
Aanaa quppiġarriaŋa naammaktuq.

2. to fit in a space

it fits

It fits where it should be.
Iviqtuq iniksraġmiñi.

Fit it in!


Five people are talking.
Tallimat iñuich uqaqtut.
to fix, to make right

to fix something

he is fixing -something-

he is fixing it

He is fixing the chair.
Iłuaqsaġaa aquppiutaq.

to flap back and forth

it is flapping
ivukutaqtuq, dl. ivukutaqtuk, pl. ivukutaqtut

It is flapping in the wind.
Ivukutaqtuq anuqłiqman.

2. to make a flapping sound, to flap

it is making a flapping sound, it is flapping

The flapping sound kept me awake last night.
Ivulularuam siñiktinġiḷḷakkaaŋa unnuavak.

naniġuun, dl. naniġuutik, pl. naniġuutit

The flashlight is used when it is dark.
Naniġuun atuġaqtuq taaqsipman.

2. flashlight
qauraġaun, dl. qauraġautik, pl. qauraġautit

Hand me the flashlight.
Qauraġaun qairruŋ uvamnun.

flat tundra
natiġnaq, dl. natiġnak, pl. natiġnat

Flat tundra has few trees.
Natiġnaq napaaqtukitchuq.

to expel flatus, to fart

2. he has expeled flatus -gas-, fart

My uncle has farted.
Aŋatchiaġa niliqtuq.

to flee

he is fleeing
pigruqtuq, dl. pigruqtuk, pl. pigruqtut

The man is fleeing from inside the house.
Aŋun pigruqtuq tupqum iḷuaniñ.

2. to flee

she is fleeing

The child is fleeing.
Iḷaalugruaq aullaqiuraqtuq.

3. to flee, to escape

it is fleeing

The animal is fleeing.
Aŋŋugauraq qimaktuq.

to flesh a sea mammal
qatvak- or qaprak-

she is fleshing a sea mammal
qatvaktuq, dl. qatvaktuk, pl. qatvaktut

My mother is fleshing a seal skin.
Aanaga qatvaktuq natchium amianik.

2. flesh, meat, food

Separate the flesh from the bone.
Niqaa piiġuŋ saunġaniñ.
to flex one’s fingers

She is flexing her fingers.

He is flexing his muscles or biceps.

yellow-shafted flicker
tuuyusrugruk, dl. tuuyusrugruuk, pl. tuuyusrugruich

The yellow-shafted flicker is sitting on the tree.
Tuuyusrugruk miñŋaruq napaaqtumi.

flint, shert, firestone
akmaaq, dl. akmaak, pl. akmaat
ikniñ, dl. iknisik, pl. iknisit

Flint is used for arrow heads.
Akmaaq qaġrupiani sikuuraqtuq.

2. he starts a fire with flint
ikniruq, dl. ikniruk, pl. iknirut

He started a fire with his flint.
Ikniruq iknitmiñik.

fermented walrus flipper
utraq, dl. utrak, pl. utraich

The fermented flipper of a walrus can be eaten.
Utraq niġiñaqtuq.

2. foreflipper
taliġuq, dl. taliqquk, pl. taliqqut

The foreflipper is very delicious.
Taliġuq tipraġiksuq niġiruni.

3. hind flipper of a whale, fluke

I like to chew on beluga flipper.
Tamuġuguugiga sisuam avatraŋa.

4. fermented bearded seal flipper
utniq, dl. utniik, pl. utniġich
to float

it is floating
puptaruq, dl. puptaruk, pl. puptarut

The wood is floating on the water.
Qiruk puptaruq imiġmi.

2. floating moss, melted permafrost
puptaaq, dl. puptaak, pl. puptaat

The floating moss is not a place to walk, it is dangerous.
Puptaaq pisrugviksraunġitchuq, iqsiñaqtuq.
to flood

it is flooding, there is a flood

It has flooded from the rain.
Siḷalukhuni ulittuq.

The river is flooded.
Kuuk ulittuq.

floor -lake bottom, valley floor-
natiq, dl. nattak, pl. natqich

I wash the floor all the time.
Natiq iġġuġaġigiga ataramik.

2. to put flooring

he puts flooring on it
natchitchiġaa, dl. natchitchiġaak, pl. natchitchiġaat

My father is putting flooring in our new house.
Taataa natchitchiġaa tupitchiaksrautvut.

nataaġnaq, dl. nataaġnak, pl. nataaġnat

The flounder lives in the ocean.
Nataaġnaq iñuuniaqtuq taġiumi.

mukkaaq, dl. mukkaak, pl. mukkaat

Flour is used to make breads, hotcakes, and biscuits.
Mukkaaq atuġaqtuq qaqquliuqtuni.

to flow -of current-

it is flowing
saġvaqtuq, dl. saġvaqtuk, pl. saġvaqtut

The river is flowing downriver.
Saġvaqtuq kuuk unuŋatmun.

2. to flow swiftly

it flows swiftly -when water current is swift-
saġvaġiksuq, dl. saġvaġiksuk, pl. saġvaġiksut

The descending stream flows swiftly.
Saġvaġriksuq kuuġuq atmuŋaruaq.

flower one small flower, one tiny flower
nauriuraq, nauriaŋuraq

She gave me a flower.
Nauriaŋuramik aatchullakkaaŋa.

2. flower, plant
nauriaq, nautchiaq, dl. nauriak, pl. nauriat

There are many flowers this summer.
Nauriat iñugiaktut auravak.
fluke, hind flipper of a whale
avatraq, dl. avatraak, pl. avatraich

The fluke is a part of the beluga.
Avatraq iḷaviñiġigaa sisuam.

to become flushed

His face has become flushed.

After playing out, his face became flushed.
Aniiqqaaqhuni kavviġḷuktittuq.
to flutter, of a young bird, butterfly, etc.

it is fluttering

The butterfly is fluttering about.
Qalukisaq tiŋmiraqatauraqtuq.

fly, blow fly
nuviuvak, dl. nuviuvaak, pl. nuviuvaich

The color of the fly is black.
Nuviuvak qiġñiqtaaŋuruq.

2. dung fly
anaqsiuġayuk, dl. anaqsiuġayuuk, pl. anaqsiuġayuich

The dung fly is smaller than the bumble bee.
Anaqsiuġayuk mikitluktuq igutchaġmiñ.

3. caribou bot fly

to fly

It is flying
tiŋmiruq, dl. tiŋmiruk, pl. tiŋmirut

The airplane is flying.
Tiŋmisuun tiŋmiruq.

2. to fly away, to take off

it has flown away or it is taking off
tiŋiruq, dl. tiŋiruk, pl. tiŋirut

The goose has flown away.
Tiŋmiaq tirjiruq.


to be foggy

it is foggy

The weather is foggy, there is no visibility.
Taktuktuq siḷa, qiñiġnaitchuq.

2. to become foggy

It has become foggy.

3. to still be foggy

The weather is still foggy.
Siḷa taktugugaaqtuq.
see also curl

to fold

she folded it
imugaa, dl. -obj.- imugik, pl. -obj.- imugai

She folded the clothes.
Imugai atnuġaat.

Here, fold this.
Uvva, immuuŋ una.

2. to fold arms inside of parka or to put something inside in the front of parka

he has folded his arms inside of his parka
qumiksuq, dl. qumiksuk, pl. qumiksut

The old woman has folded her arms inside of her parka.
Qumiksuq aaquaksraatchiaq.

She put the item that she was to take in the front of her jacket.
Qumikkaa saagaksrautni.
to follow

he followed
maliktuq, dl. maliktuk, pl. maliktut

The dog followed along.
Qipmiq maliktuq.

she follows him, she accompanies him
malikkaa, dl. malikkaak, pl. malikkaat

He follows his dad.
Taatani malikkaa.

2. she follows a trail or pattern, follows him, tracks him, imitates him

meat, food
niqi, dl. niqik, pl. niqit

There is a lot of food on the table.
Niqi iñugiaktuq niġiñiaġviŋmi.

2. food cooked rare
uupasułaaq, uupasulaaq or uupałaaqtaq

Rare caribou meat is delicious.
Uupasułaaq tuttum niqaa niġiruni nakuuruq.

3. to store food

Food is stored in summer.
Niqausriñaqtuq auraġmi.

The mouse is storing food.
Aviññaq niqausriruq.

kinnaq, dl. kinnaak, pl. kinnaich

The fool is in the village.
Kinnaq nunaaqqimi ittuq.

to be foolish
kinnaŋaaq-, kinnau-

he is foolish, unwise
kinnaŋaaqtuq or kinnauruq

The man is foolish.
Aŋun kinnauruq.
foot isigak


The foot can be seen.
Isigak tautuŋnaqtuq.

2. to have cold feet

My feet are cold.

3. bones of foot -metatarsals-
sauniŋich isigaich
akuaq, dl. akuak, pl. akuat

The foothill is located below the mountain.
Akuaq iñġim ataani ittuq.

qauq, dl. qauk, pl. qaut

She has a large forehead.

tikiġaq, dl. tikiqqak, pl. tikiqqat

The forest has lots of trees.
Tikiġaq napaaqtuaġiksuq.

taimuŋa, qaŋavak taimuŋa

Do you want to live forever?
Iñuusrukpich qaŋavak taimuŋa?
to forget

she has forgotten
puuyuqtuq, dl. puuyuqtuk, pl. puuyuqtut

The woman has forgotten what she was going to buy.
Aġnaq puuyuqtuq tauqsiaksraġmiñik.

he has forgotten it

He has forgotten his dog.
Puuyuġaa qipmiñi.

2. he can’t recall a word or a name, forgets, lit, lets sink -in memory-
kiviriruq, dl. kiviriruk, pl. kivirirut

She can’t recall his name, which she was going to say.
Kiviriyaa atqa taisakkani.

to forgive

he has forgiven -lit., corrects him-
natqigutigaa, dl. natqigutigaak, pl. natqigutigaat

The man has forgiven the person who fought him.
Iñuum natqigutigaa aŋuyaktini.

Please forgive me. -speaking humbly to a group of people-

2. to confess so one can be forgiven

He confessed to the group of people.
Natqiutriruq iñuŋnik.

3. she forgives, ignores, overlooks, doesn’t care for
suginġiġaa, dl. suginġiġaak, pl. suginġiġaat

He doesn’t care about carrying water up the hill.
Suginġiġaa imiqtaqtułłi ikpium qaaŋanun.
fork kakiurat

The fork is used for eating.
Kaiurat niġġisaurut.

2. serving fork, lit., big fork pl.

Forty people are writing.
Malġukipiaq iñuk aglaktuq.

that which is found

That is what he found.
Paqitaŋa tara.
-lit. place where something lands or rests-
turvik, dl. turviik, pl. turviich,

The foundation of the house is made from spruce trees.
Tupqum turvii napaaqtuurut.

2. place for foundation, place for trusting
tunŋaviksraq, dl. tunŋaviksrak, pl. tunŋaviksrat

The foundation for the house should be sturdy.
Tupqum tunŋaviksraŋa atchuitchuksrauruq.

-lit., that which is dipped with-

The fountain pen is good to write with.
Misruktaun aglautigiksuq.


Here are four balls.
Uvva sisamat aqsraat.

Fourteen people have come.
Akimiaġuutaiḷaq iñuk aggiqsuq.
fox kayuqtuq, dl. kayuqtuk, pl. kayuqtut

The fox has a long tail.
Kayuqtuq pamiuqpaqaqtuq.

2. black or silver fox
qiġñiqtaq, dl. qiġñiqtak, pl. qiġñiqtat

Black or silver foxes are hard to find.
Qiġñiqtat paqitchiġiitchut.

3. red fox
kavviaq, dl. kavviak, pl. kavviat

The red fox is red.
Kavviaq kaviqsuq.

4. arctic fox

Arctic fox pelts make pretty parka trimming.
Qusrkhaaq atigimi akuġiksuq.

5. blue fox, cross fox

The cross fox pelt is expensive.
Qianġaq akisuruq.
tent frame
qanak, dl. qanaak, pl. qanaich

A frame is used in a temporary shelter.
Qanak atuqtuq quliġutmi.

2. framing lumber

The trees which are made into framing lumber are few.
Napaaqtut avattaaqtat iñugiakitchut.

to free

she has freed him
patchisaiġaa, dl. patchisaiġaak, pl. patchisaiġaat

The judge has freed the man.
Atanġum patchisaiġaa aŋun.

2. to free, to let go

He has freed the bird.
Aullaqtitkaa tiŋmiuraq.

to freeze

to freeze -quickly-

It froze.

2. to freeze -of water, to turn to ice-

it has frozen

The lake froze during the night.
Narvaq sikurug unnuavak.

3. He is cold.
Qiqittuq. or Qiqitkaa.

The person’s foot is frozen.
Qiqitkai iñuum isigai.

4. to be in a frozen state

The meat is frozen.
Qiqsrauruq niqi.

5. frozen meat or fish
quaq, dl. quak, pl. quat

Fresh frozen fish is good to eat.
Aiparuq quaq niġiruni nakuuruq.
fresh, young, new

It is good to eat fresh caribou.
Nutaamik tuttumik niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. to be fresh, young, new

it is fresh

The fish is fresh.
Qaluk nutauruq.

3. fresh, raw, uncooked, -as fish-
aiparuq, dl. aiparuk, pl. aiparut

Come and get some fresh fish.
Aikigiñ aiparunik.
iḷannaq, dl. iḷannak, pl. iḷannat

It is good to see a friend.
Iḷannaq tautuktuni nakuuruq.

2. friend -male to male, same age group-

my male friend -said of another male-
suunaaġa, dl. suunaaka, pl. suunaatka

I shook hands with my friend when I met him.
Suunaaġa iḷaligiga nalautnapku.

They are friends.

3. friend -female to female, same age group-

to be friends -of two girls or women-

my girlfriend

We two are close friends.

Friend! [direct address]
Uumaa! or Uumaaŋ!

4. friend, partner -typically used of male friends, but meaning partners regardless of sex
paatnaq or part [Eng.]
she is friendly, not bashful -of toddler-
atlayuatlaitchuq, dl. atlayuatlaitchuk, pl. atlayuatlaitchut

My baby is not bashful.
Paipiuraġa atlayuatlaitchuq.

2. he is friendly, kind, communicative, a person not to be afraid of
taluġnaitchuq, dl. taluġnaitchuk, pl. taluġnaitchut
attaġnaitchuq, dl. attaġnaitchuk, pl. attaġnaitchut

The pastor is very kind.
Agaayyuliqsi taluġnaitchuq.

3. to be friendly, cordial, amiable

She is friendly.

to frighten someone

he is frightening -someone-
iqsisaaġiruq, dl. iqsisaaġiruk, pl. iqsisaaġirut

He is frightening the bear which came near.
Iqsisaaġiruq pisruktuamik qalliruamik.

2. to frighten

He is frightening her.

3. to become frightened

She has become frightened.

fancy fringe of parka, parka fur trimming -skirt-
akuq, dl. akkuk, pl. akkut

Otter skin makes good fur fringe for parkas.
Pamiuqtuuq akuġiksuq atiginun.
wood frog -Rana sylvatica-
naaġaayiq, dl. naaġaayik, pl. naaġaayich

Our land also has some frogs.
Nunavut naaġaayiqaqmiuq.

2. a small wood frog

from afar off, from over there

The airplane came from far away.
Tiŋmisuun avakŋa aggiqsuq uŋavaniñ.

2. from around here

Take some from around here.
Maakŋa piksraġiñ.

3. from back there

He came from back there.
Pavakŋa aggiqsaaqtuq.

4. from down there, downstairs, not visible
samakŋa, tasramakŋa

5. from here, hence

He left from here.
Aullaqtuq uvakŋa.

6. from over there [e.g. another person’s house, fish racks, not visible]

Go fetch your mitten from over there.
Aatqatin aigguuŋ amakŋa.

7. from this
uumakŋa, dl. ukuŋnakŋa, pl. ukunakŋa

I learned it from him.
Iḷitchuŋa uumakŋa.

I learned it from them. -2-
Iḷitchuŋa ukuŋnakŋa.

I learned it from them. -3-
Iḷitchuŋa ukunakŋa.

8. from up there [non-specific, any area above the speaker e.g. ceiling, hilltop, sky, may be visible or not visible]

He came down from up the mountain.
Paakŋa iñġimiñ atqaqtuq.

9. from these [around here]

I got it from these.
Makunakŋa piksraqtaaġa.

10. from where?
sumiñ?, nakiñ?

Where did you get this?
Sumiñ taamna piviuŋ?

11. from time immemorial

That person has been there from time immemorial.
Taimakŋa taamna iñuk inniqsuaq tarani.

front -bow of boat-
sivu, dl. sivuk, pl. sivut

2. the bow of a boat
umiam sivua

3. bow frame of boat or sled
sivuġun, dl. sivuġutik, pl. sivuġutit

The bow frame of the boat has broken.
Sivuġutaa umiam piiyaqtuq.

4. body front, front of

The front of your garment is dirty.
Saan puyauniqsuq.


Frost is cold.
Kaniq alappaaŋuruq.

2. frost on the ground, tree, etc.

The frost has melted.
Kaniġaaġruk aukkaa.


Frostbite is painful.
Qiqitiqtuqtinnik atniġñaġuuruq.

2. to be frost bitten

Don’t get frostbitten now!

to fry, lit., to cook on a skillet
saqaniqtaq-, siqaniqtaq-

he is frying meat
saqaniqtaqtuq, dl. saqaniqtaqtuk, pl. saqaniqtaqtut

A woman is frying some meat.
Aġnaq saqaniqtaqtuq niqimik.

He is cooking food by frying it.
Siqanġutikun niqniaqtuq.

2. fried food
saqaniqtaq or siqaniqtaq

stove oilikniġvium uqsrua or uqsruaġruk

2. fuel oil, lubricating oil
uqsruaġruk, dl. ugsruaġruuk, pl. uqsruaġruich

Fuel oil is expensive in the villages.
Uqsruaġruk or Ikniġvium uqsrua akisuruq nunaaqqiurani.

3. kerosene
qimaktuaq, dl. qimaktuak, pl. qimaktuat

A person who did something wrong and got away is called a fugitive.
Iñuk sułłuqqaaqhuni aullaqtuaq, qimaktuamik piraġigaat.

to fulfill

it has been fulfilled
immiumaruq, dl. immiumaruk, pl. immiumarut

It is fulfilled as it was told.
Immiumaruq uqautaułiġmigun.
to fill, to become full
immiq -

it is full
immiqsuq, dl. immiqsuk, pl. immiqsut

The bathtub is full of water.
Iġġuġvik immiqsuq imiġmik.

2. to have a full stomach, belly

I am full.
Tiŋŋatittuŋa uvva.
to be fun

it is fun

We had a fun day. or We had a happy day.
Quvianaqtaamik uvlirugut.

2. to have fun

We are having fun.
Quvianniqirugut uvva.

We had fun today.
Quvianniqirugut uvluvak.
fur ruff of parka
siñi, dl. siñik, pl. siñit

Parkas have ruffs on them.
Atigit siñiqaġaqtut.

2. fur breeches made of sealskin
qaġliaġruuk or natchiaġruuk

The man uses fur breeches in the winter.
Aŋutim atuġik qaġliaġruuk ukiumi.

3. fur, skin, hide, pelt
amiq, dl. ammik, pl. ammich

it’s fur, it’s skin -of an animal-


The future is unknown.
Sivuniq nalunaqtuq.

2. future

my future

your future

our future

I do not know my future.
Nalugiga sivuniksraġa.

3. indistinct future, someday
iḷaatn igun, aippaagun

Come again in the future.
Iḷaatnigun aggiḷgitña.

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