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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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mitquq, dl. mitquk, pl. mitqut

There are many feathers around here.
Apai marra mitqut.

2. wing feather
suluk, dl. sulluk, pl. suluich

Birds have wing feathers.
Tiŋmiurat suluqaqtut.

3. down feathers, musk ox wool
qiviuq, dl. qiviuk, pl. qiviut

Down feathers are soft.
Qiviut niġummaqtuq.

I have a down jacket.
Qiviumik quppiġaaqaqtuŋa.

February -icicle time-

When February comes, the snow on top of the house melts and forms icicles.
Kusrugaqtuġvik nuikman, tupiġmi auktaliġaġigaa apun, sikuġuqhuni aasriiñ.
to feed someone or an animal

she is feeding -someone or something-

She is feeding the dogs.
Niġipchairuq qipmiñik.

2. to feed

He is feeding it.

She is feeding them. -two-

He is feeding them. -three or more-

She is feeding the dogs.
Niġipchaġai qipmich.

He is feeding the two children.
Niġipchaġik iyaalugruak.

to feel an emotion, to sense

he is feeling it
ikpigigaa, dl. ikpigigaak, pl. ikpigigaat

She feels his love.
Nakuaqsriha ikpigigaa.

2. to feel bad

he is feeling bad
iłuitchuq, dl. iłuitchuk, pl. iłuitchut

He felt bad when his son got hurt.
Iłuitchuq iġñi atniqman.

3. to feel, to touch

he is feeling

He is feeling that one.
Savittuq taavrumiŋa.

he is feeling it, he is touching it
savitkaa, dl. savitkaak, pl. savitkaat

The doctor is feeling the child’s stomach.
Taaktim savitkaa iyaalugruaq narraakkun.
see foot
aġnasraluq, dl. aġnasraluk, pl. aġnasralut

The female moose is big.
Aġnasraluq tiniika aŋiruq.

2. female person



3. female dog, bitch
aġnasuk, dl. aġnasuuk, pl. aġnasuich

Female dogs make good dogteam leaders.
Aġnasuich sivulliqsrigiksut.
thighbone; marrow of thighbone [of animals]
kiniġniq, dl. kiniġnaak, pl. kiniġniġich

The femur is a bone in the body.
Kiniġniq saunġuruq timimi.

to ferment
siiġñaqsii-, siiġñaqsirriq-

She is putting away the caribou stomach mixed with raw liver and ligament pieces for fermentation.
Siiġñaqsirriqsuq niġukkaġmik.

2. fermented walrus meat rolled in walrus skin
tuktaq, dl. tuktak, pl. tuktat

to fetch
aikiq-, ai-

she went to fetch -something or someone-
aikiqsuq, dl. aikiqsuk, pl. aikiqsut

He went to fetch fish.
Aikiqsuq qaluŋnik.

2. he went to fetch her
aigaa, dl. aigaak, pl. aigaat

She went to fetch the dog.
Aigaa qipmiq.

Go and fetch your older sister.
Aigguuŋ aakauran.
iḷummiq, dl. iḷummiik, pl. iḷummiich

The female moose was carrying a fetus.
Aġnasraluq tiniikaq iḷummiqaġniqsuaq.

to have a fever
uunnaġluk- or uunnaqłuk-, uunnaqłuktit-

he has a fever
uunnaġluktuq, dl. uunnaġluktuk, pl. uunnaġluktut

The baby is sick and has a fever.
Iyaalugruaq sakniuqhuni uunnaġluktuq.

The baby has a fever.
Miġaruuraq uunnaqłuktuq. or
Miġaruuraq uunnaqłuktittuq.
to be few -of objects or people-

There are a few things.
Suurat iñuġiakitchut.

2. to be few -of people-

it has or contains few people
iñukitchuq, dl. iñukitchuk, pl. iñukitchut

The small village has few people.
Iñukitchuq nunaaqqiuraq.

Fifteen people have left.
Akimiaq iñuk aullaqtuq.

malġukipiaq qulit

Fifty people are eating.
Malġukipiaq qulit iñuich niġirut.

to fight

he is fighting
aŋuyaktuq, dl. aŋuyaktuk, pl. aŋuyaktut

He is fighting her.

He is fighting others.
Aŋuyaktuq atlanik.

He is fighting the girl.
Aŋuyakkaa aġnauraq.

2. he is fighting, he is playing roughly, he is angry
qinnaktuq, dl. qinnaktuk, pl. qinnaktut

The boy played roughly when he wrestled.
Nukatpialugruaq qinnaktuq.

agiaq, dl. agiak, pl. agiat

The file can be a sharpener.
Agiaq ipiksautautlaruq.

to fill

she is filling -a container-
immiiruq, dl. immiiruk, pl. immiirut

She is filling her berry basket.
Immiiruq aimmaġmiñik.

2. to fill

she has filled it
immiġaa, dl. immiġaak, pl. immiġaat

They have filled the bucket.
Immiġaat qattaq.

to be filthy

it is filthy

The dog’s area is filthy.
Qipmim inaa qaayuġnaqtuq.

fin caudal fin, fishtail
sipik, dl. sippak, pl. sipkich

Fish have fins.
Qaluich makua sipiqaqtut.

2. dorsal fin
suluun, dl. suluutik, pl. suluutit

The dorsal fin of a grayling is long.
Suluun sulukpaukkami takiruq.
finally, at last

Finally, he came on the plane.
Kiisaimma, aggiqpuq tiŋmisuutikun.

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