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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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flint, shert, firestone
akmaaq, dl. akmaak, pl. akmaat
ikniñ, dl. iknisik, pl. iknisit

Flint is used for arrow heads.
Akmaaq qaġrupiani sikuuraqtuq.

2. he starts a fire with flint
ikniruq, dl. ikniruk, pl. iknirut

He started a fire with his flint.
Ikniruq iknitmiñik.

fermented walrus flipper
utraq, dl. utrak, pl. utraich

The fermented flipper of a walrus can be eaten.
Utraq niġiñaqtuq.

2. foreflipper
taliġuq, dl. taliqquk, pl. taliqqut

The foreflipper is very delicious.
Taliġuq tipraġiksuq niġiruni.

3. hind flipper of a whale, fluke

I like to chew on beluga flipper.
Tamuġuguugiga sisuam avatraŋa.

4. fermented bearded seal flipper
utniq, dl. utniik, pl. utniġich
to float

it is floating
puptaruq, dl. puptaruk, pl. puptarut

The wood is floating on the water.
Qiruk puptaruq imiġmi.

2. floating moss, melted permafrost
puptaaq, dl. puptaak, pl. puptaat

The floating moss is not a place to walk, it is dangerous.
Puptaaq pisrugviksraunġitchuq, iqsiñaqtuq.
to flood

it is flooding, there is a flood

It has flooded from the rain.
Siḷalukhuni ulittuq.

The river is flooded.
Kuuk ulittuq.

floor -lake bottom, valley floor-
natiq, dl. nattak, pl. natqich

I wash the floor all the time.
Natiq iġġuġaġigiga ataramik.

2. to put flooring

he puts flooring on it
natchitchiġaa, dl. natchitchiġaak, pl. natchitchiġaat

My father is putting flooring in our new house.
Taataa natchitchiġaa tupitchiaksrautvut.

nataaġnaq, dl. nataaġnak, pl. nataaġnat

The flounder lives in the ocean.
Nataaġnaq iñuuniaqtuq taġiumi.

mukkaaq, dl. mukkaak, pl. mukkaat

Flour is used to make breads, hotcakes, and biscuits.
Mukkaaq atuġaqtuq qaqquliuqtuni.

to flow -of current-

it is flowing
saġvaqtuq, dl. saġvaqtuk, pl. saġvaqtut

The river is flowing downriver.
Saġvaqtuq kuuk unuŋatmun.

2. to flow swiftly

it flows swiftly -when water current is swift-
saġvaġiksuq, dl. saġvaġiksuk, pl. saġvaġiksut

The descending stream flows swiftly.
Saġvaġriksuq kuuġuq atmuŋaruaq.

flower one small flower, one tiny flower
nauriuraq, nauriaŋuraq

She gave me a flower.
Nauriaŋuramik aatchullakkaaŋa.

2. flower, plant
nauriaq, nautchiaq, dl. nauriak, pl. nauriat

There are many flowers this summer.
Nauriat iñugiaktut auravak.
fluke, hind flipper of a whale
avatraq, dl. avatraak, pl. avatraich

The fluke is a part of the beluga.
Avatraq iḷaviñiġigaa sisuam.

to become flushed

His face has become flushed.

After playing out, his face became flushed.
Aniiqqaaqhuni kavviġḷuktittuq.
to flutter, of a young bird, butterfly, etc.

it is fluttering

The butterfly is fluttering about.
Qalukisaq tiŋmiraqatauraqtuq.

fly, blow fly
nuviuvak, dl. nuviuvaak, pl. nuviuvaich

The color of the fly is black.
Nuviuvak qiġñiqtaaŋuruq.

2. dung fly
anaqsiuġayuk, dl. anaqsiuġayuuk, pl. anaqsiuġayuich

The dung fly is smaller than the bumble bee.
Anaqsiuġayuk mikitluktuq igutchaġmiñ.

3. caribou bot fly

to fly

It is flying
tiŋmiruq, dl. tiŋmiruk, pl. tiŋmirut

The airplane is flying.
Tiŋmisuun tiŋmiruq.

2. to fly away, to take off

it has flown away or it is taking off
tiŋiruq, dl. tiŋiruk, pl. tiŋirut

The goose has flown away.
Tiŋmiaq tirjiruq.


to be foggy

it is foggy

The weather is foggy, there is no visibility.
Taktuktuq siḷa, qiñiġnaitchuq.

2. to become foggy

It has become foggy.

3. to still be foggy

The weather is still foggy.
Siḷa taktugugaaqtuq.
see also curl

to fold

she folded it
imugaa, dl. -obj.- imugik, pl. -obj.- imugai

She folded the clothes.
Imugai atnuġaat.

Here, fold this.
Uvva, immuuŋ una.

2. to fold arms inside of parka or to put something inside in the front of parka

he has folded his arms inside of his parka
qumiksuq, dl. qumiksuk, pl. qumiksut

The old woman has folded her arms inside of her parka.
Qumiksuq aaquaksraatchiaq.

She put the item that she was to take in the front of her jacket.
Qumikkaa saagaksrautni.
to follow

he followed
maliktuq, dl. maliktuk, pl. maliktut

The dog followed along.
Qipmiq maliktuq.

she follows him, she accompanies him
malikkaa, dl. malikkaak, pl. malikkaat

He follows his dad.
Taatani malikkaa.

2. she follows a trail or pattern, follows him, tracks him, imitates him

meat, food
niqi, dl. niqik, pl. niqit

There is a lot of food on the table.
Niqi iñugiaktuq niġiñiaġviŋmi.

2. food cooked rare
uupasułaaq, uupasulaaq or uupałaaqtaq

Rare caribou meat is delicious.
Uupasułaaq tuttum niqaa niġiruni nakuuruq.

3. to store food

Food is stored in summer.
Niqausriñaqtuq auraġmi.

The mouse is storing food.
Aviññaq niqausriruq.

kinnaq, dl. kinnaak, pl. kinnaich

The fool is in the village.
Kinnaq nunaaqqimi ittuq.

to be foolish
kinnaŋaaq-, kinnau-

he is foolish, unwise
kinnaŋaaqtuq or kinnauruq

The man is foolish.
Aŋun kinnauruq.

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