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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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foot isigak


The foot can be seen.
Isigak tautuŋnaqtuq.

2. to have cold feet

My feet are cold.

3. bones of foot -metatarsals-
sauniŋich isigaich
akuaq, dl. akuak, pl. akuat

The foothill is located below the mountain.
Akuaq iñġim ataani ittuq.

qauq, dl. qauk, pl. qaut

She has a large forehead.

tikiġaq, dl. tikiqqak, pl. tikiqqat

The forest has lots of trees.
Tikiġaq napaaqtuaġiksuq.

taimuŋa, qaŋavak taimuŋa

Do you want to live forever?
Iñuusrukpich qaŋavak taimuŋa?
to forget

she has forgotten
puuyuqtuq, dl. puuyuqtuk, pl. puuyuqtut

The woman has forgotten what she was going to buy.
Aġnaq puuyuqtuq tauqsiaksraġmiñik.

he has forgotten it

He has forgotten his dog.
Puuyuġaa qipmiñi.

2. he can’t recall a word or a name, forgets, lit, lets sink -in memory-
kiviriruq, dl. kiviriruk, pl. kivirirut

She can’t recall his name, which she was going to say.
Kiviriyaa atqa taisakkani.

to forgive

he has forgiven -lit., corrects him-
natqigutigaa, dl. natqigutigaak, pl. natqigutigaat

The man has forgiven the person who fought him.
Iñuum natqigutigaa aŋuyaktini.

Please forgive me. -speaking humbly to a group of people-

2. to confess so one can be forgiven

He confessed to the group of people.
Natqiutriruq iñuŋnik.

3. she forgives, ignores, overlooks, doesn’t care for
suginġiġaa, dl. suginġiġaak, pl. suginġiġaat

He doesn’t care about carrying water up the hill.
Suginġiġaa imiqtaqtułłi ikpium qaaŋanun.
fork kakiurat

The fork is used for eating.
Kaiurat niġġisaurut.

2. serving fork, lit., big fork pl.

Forty people are writing.
Malġukipiaq iñuk aglaktuq.

that which is found

That is what he found.
Paqitaŋa tara.
-lit. place where something lands or rests-
turvik, dl. turviik, pl. turviich,

The foundation of the house is made from spruce trees.
Tupqum turvii napaaqtuurut.

2. place for foundation, place for trusting
tunŋaviksraq, dl. tunŋaviksrak, pl. tunŋaviksrat

The foundation for the house should be sturdy.
Tupqum tunŋaviksraŋa atchuitchuksrauruq.

-lit., that which is dipped with-

The fountain pen is good to write with.
Misruktaun aglautigiksuq.


Here are four balls.
Uvva sisamat aqsraat.

Fourteen people have come.
Akimiaġuutaiḷaq iñuk aggiqsuq.
fox kayuqtuq, dl. kayuqtuk, pl. kayuqtut

The fox has a long tail.
Kayuqtuq pamiuqpaqaqtuq.

2. black or silver fox
qiġñiqtaq, dl. qiġñiqtak, pl. qiġñiqtat

Black or silver foxes are hard to find.
Qiġñiqtat paqitchiġiitchut.

3. red fox
kavviaq, dl. kavviak, pl. kavviat

The red fox is red.
Kavviaq kaviqsuq.

4. arctic fox

Arctic fox pelts make pretty parka trimming.
Qusrkhaaq atigimi akuġiksuq.

5. blue fox, cross fox

The cross fox pelt is expensive.
Qianġaq akisuruq.
tent frame
qanak, dl. qanaak, pl. qanaich

A frame is used in a temporary shelter.
Qanak atuqtuq quliġutmi.

2. framing lumber

The trees which are made into framing lumber are few.
Napaaqtut avattaaqtat iñugiakitchut.

to free

she has freed him
patchisaiġaa, dl. patchisaiġaak, pl. patchisaiġaat

The judge has freed the man.
Atanġum patchisaiġaa aŋun.

2. to free, to let go

He has freed the bird.
Aullaqtitkaa tiŋmiuraq.

to freeze

to freeze -quickly-

It froze.

2. to freeze -of water, to turn to ice-

it has frozen

The lake froze during the night.
Narvaq sikurug unnuavak.

3. He is cold.
Qiqittuq. or Qiqitkaa.

The person’s foot is frozen.
Qiqitkai iñuum isigai.

4. to be in a frozen state

The meat is frozen.
Qiqsrauruq niqi.

5. frozen meat or fish
quaq, dl. quak, pl. quat

Fresh frozen fish is good to eat.
Aiparuq quaq niġiruni nakuuruq.
fresh, young, new

It is good to eat fresh caribou.
Nutaamik tuttumik niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. to be fresh, young, new

it is fresh

The fish is fresh.
Qaluk nutauruq.

3. fresh, raw, uncooked, -as fish-
aiparuq, dl. aiparuk, pl. aiparut

Come and get some fresh fish.
Aikigiñ aiparunik.
iḷannaq, dl. iḷannak, pl. iḷannat

It is good to see a friend.
Iḷannaq tautuktuni nakuuruq.

2. friend -male to male, same age group-

my male friend -said of another male-
suunaaġa, dl. suunaaka, pl. suunaatka

I shook hands with my friend when I met him.
Suunaaġa iḷaligiga nalautnapku.

They are friends.

3. friend -female to female, same age group-

to be friends -of two girls or women-

my girlfriend

We two are close friends.

Friend! [direct address]
Uumaa! or Uumaaŋ!

4. friend, partner -typically used of male friends, but meaning partners regardless of sex
paatnaq or part [Eng.]

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