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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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she is friendly, not bashful -of toddler-
atlayuatlaitchuq, dl. atlayuatlaitchuk, pl. atlayuatlaitchut

My baby is not bashful.
Paipiuraġa atlayuatlaitchuq.

2. he is friendly, kind, communicative, a person not to be afraid of
taluġnaitchuq, dl. taluġnaitchuk, pl. taluġnaitchut
attaġnaitchuq, dl. attaġnaitchuk, pl. attaġnaitchut

The pastor is very kind.
Agaayyuliqsi taluġnaitchuq.

3. to be friendly, cordial, amiable

She is friendly.

to frighten someone

he is frightening -someone-
iqsisaaġiruq, dl. iqsisaaġiruk, pl. iqsisaaġirut

He is frightening the bear which came near.
Iqsisaaġiruq pisruktuamik qalliruamik.

2. to frighten

He is frightening her.

3. to become frightened

She has become frightened.

fancy fringe of parka, parka fur trimming -skirt-
akuq, dl. akkuk, pl. akkut

Otter skin makes good fur fringe for parkas.
Pamiuqtuuq akuġiksuq atiginun.
wood frog -Rana sylvatica-
naaġaayiq, dl. naaġaayik, pl. naaġaayich

Our land also has some frogs.
Nunavut naaġaayiqaqmiuq.

2. a small wood frog

from afar off, from over there

The airplane came from far away.
Tiŋmisuun avakŋa aggiqsuq uŋavaniñ.

2. from around here

Take some from around here.
Maakŋa piksraġiñ.

3. from back there

He came from back there.
Pavakŋa aggiqsaaqtuq.

4. from down there, downstairs, not visible
samakŋa, tasramakŋa

5. from here, hence

He left from here.
Aullaqtuq uvakŋa.

6. from over there [e.g. another person’s house, fish racks, not visible]

Go fetch your mitten from over there.
Aatqatin aigguuŋ amakŋa.

7. from this
uumakŋa, dl. ukuŋnakŋa, pl. ukunakŋa

I learned it from him.
Iḷitchuŋa uumakŋa.

I learned it from them. -2-
Iḷitchuŋa ukuŋnakŋa.

I learned it from them. -3-
Iḷitchuŋa ukunakŋa.

8. from up there [non-specific, any area above the speaker e.g. ceiling, hilltop, sky, may be visible or not visible]

He came down from up the mountain.
Paakŋa iñġimiñ atqaqtuq.

9. from these [around here]

I got it from these.
Makunakŋa piksraqtaaġa.

10. from where?
sumiñ?, nakiñ?

Where did you get this?
Sumiñ taamna piviuŋ?

11. from time immemorial

That person has been there from time immemorial.
Taimakŋa taamna iñuk inniqsuaq tarani.

front -bow of boat-
sivu, dl. sivuk, pl. sivut

2. the bow of a boat
umiam sivua

3. bow frame of boat or sled
sivuġun, dl. sivuġutik, pl. sivuġutit

The bow frame of the boat has broken.
Sivuġutaa umiam piiyaqtuq.

4. body front, front of

The front of your garment is dirty.
Saan puyauniqsuq.


Frost is cold.
Kaniq alappaaŋuruq.

2. frost on the ground, tree, etc.

The frost has melted.
Kaniġaaġruk aukkaa.


Frostbite is painful.
Qiqitiqtuqtinnik atniġñaġuuruq.

2. to be frost bitten

Don’t get frostbitten now!

to fry, lit., to cook on a skillet
saqaniqtaq-, siqaniqtaq-

he is frying meat
saqaniqtaqtuq, dl. saqaniqtaqtuk, pl. saqaniqtaqtut

A woman is frying some meat.
Aġnaq saqaniqtaqtuq niqimik.

He is cooking food by frying it.
Siqanġutikun niqniaqtuq.

2. fried food
saqaniqtaq or siqaniqtaq

stove oilikniġvium uqsrua or uqsruaġruk

2. fuel oil, lubricating oil
uqsruaġruk, dl. ugsruaġruuk, pl. uqsruaġruich

Fuel oil is expensive in the villages.
Uqsruaġruk or Ikniġvium uqsrua akisuruq nunaaqqiurani.

3. kerosene
qimaktuaq, dl. qimaktuak, pl. qimaktuat

A person who did something wrong and got away is called a fugitive.
Iñuk sułłuqqaaqhuni aullaqtuaq, qimaktuamik piraġigaat.

to fulfill

it has been fulfilled
immiumaruq, dl. immiumaruk, pl. immiumarut

It is fulfilled as it was told.
Immiumaruq uqautaułiġmigun.
to fill, to become full
immiq -

it is full
immiqsuq, dl. immiqsuk, pl. immiqsut

The bathtub is full of water.
Iġġuġvik immiqsuq imiġmik.

2. to have a full stomach, belly

I am full.
Tiŋŋatittuŋa uvva.
to be fun

it is fun

We had a fun day. or We had a happy day.
Quvianaqtaamik uvlirugut.

2. to have fun

We are having fun.
Quvianniqirugut uvva.

We had fun today.
Quvianniqirugut uvluvak.
fur ruff of parka
siñi, dl. siñik, pl. siñit

Parkas have ruffs on them.
Atigit siñiqaġaqtut.

2. fur breeches made of sealskin
qaġliaġruuk or natchiaġruuk

The man uses fur breeches in the winter.
Aŋutim atuġik qaġliaġruuk ukiumi.

3. fur, skin, hide, pelt
amiq, dl. ammik, pl. ammich

it’s fur, it’s skin -of an animal-


The future is unknown.
Sivuniq nalunaqtuq.

2. future

my future

your future

our future

I do not know my future.
Nalugiga sivuniksraġa.

3. indistinct future, someday
iḷaatn igun, aippaagun

Come again in the future.
Iḷaatnigun aggiḷgitña.

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