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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shnę́ę' audio my face
wu'éł nátl'ets dálneyh audio she or he fainted, blacked out LITERALLY 'darkness fell upon him/her'
shéł nátl'ets dálneyh audio I fainted, blacked out
ninsųų audio he, she or it is pretty
ttheetsen small falcon that flies fast
jîiz chox audio  gyrfalcon
Different words are used depending on the kind of object that falls, the number involved and how the object or objects falls
na'altth'et audio he, she or it (living being) fell
xughegtth'et audio I fell down
Different words are used for one or more than one living being
perfective paradigm audio
xughegtth'et xuts'indéek
xughiltth'et xughahdéek
xu'altth'et xuxghindéek

xededhishmets audio I fell down flat
nadalneyh audio it (compact object, such as a rock) fell off, fell down
xudalneyh audio it (compact object) fell over
tuu shíi tádálneyh audio it (compact object) fell in the water
nághindéek audio it (multiple objects or single fabric-like object, a piece food) fell
xúninxéets audio it (elongated object like a stick or gun) fell over
ts'ôgh xúninxées audio a tree fell over
tnéekáatl audio it collapsed, fell over
náninkáatl audio it collapsed from top to bottom
dahshêddh na'ál'uuk audio snow on trees fell off (in bits and pieces)
SEE spill

noxłuu audio
noxłuu xúnłęę audio it is fall time
noxłuu tah dendîig de'ukah nats'elsíix audio in the fall we hunt for moose
SYN autumn
nén' tenh k'ědz' audio falltime
SYN shooting star, meteor
sén' tsáan' audio
shehłâad audio my family, relatives ALSO relative
detsenh audio
SYN starvation
łą́'ą t'êey dihtsįį audio  I am famished
ch'inch'etl xú' audio fangs (on a dog or wolf)
xnithaat audio  it is far away
xnintháat deh audio  distant, far away place
xnintháat deh ts'enh ninshah audio she or he came from far away
xnihk'ôdl audio a little farther
jah ts'enh xnihk'ôdl deh ninindah audio she or he is camped a little farther from here
xen audio
xen ghegtthet audio I am running fast
SYN quickly
ch'ek'ah audio fat (food)
ch'echǎadz' audio rendered fat
elk'aax audio it is fat
imperfective paradigm audio
egk'aax ts'elk'aax
ilk'aax alk'aax
elk'aax xelk'aax

generally only used for 'he, she or it'
shtá' audio my father
tá' audio  daddy
stsêey audio my father-in-law ALSO grandfather
SEE tired
SEE gain
dzuug audio favored or spoiled child; traditionally a chief's child raised in a special way
There is no truly appropriate English translation word for this concept.
shaa dint'eh audio my favorite
SEE possible
t'ą̌ą' audio general term for feather, specifically wing feather
naxnetdêg wut'ą̌ą' xołeex audio flying creatures have feathers
chuyh audio down feather
łdíikeey sǎa' audio
SEE weak
nee'ech'eh'aał audio she or he is feeding us
łii ech'ek-'aał audio  I am feeding the dogs
This implies 'testing' or 'trying out' by physically touching
medegdeyh audio  I am feeling it, touching it
jâan edildeyh audio feel this
shxołtth'ěnn' audio my femur, thighbone
SYN thighbone
tthek audio caribou fence
nit-tsiidl audio something fermented
dzenax audio fermented whitefish in birchbark basket
niłk'odl Copper River style fermented fish heads
SEE haul
ntsîin audio  few
wudzih ntsîin shę́ę' nek-'ę́ę' audio  I saw just a few caribou
łets'etxąą audio we are fighting
łii iin łe'etxąą audio the dogs are fighting
ch'iik'agh audio a file
ihk'aax audio I am filing it
ninlagę̌y' ínk'aax audio  you are filing your fingernails
mindaat audio fish filet, fish meat
Different words are used depending on the type of motion involved in "filling"
datnindiił audio fill it all the way up (by pouring or other continuous motion)
tuu shíi dátníndiił audio fill it up with water (by pouring)
na'itdek audio fill it up (using repeated motion)
łéemah jâan shíi na'itdek audio fill the dirt in here
tuu shíi na'itdek audio fill it up with water (for example, by ladling)
de'egtl'ek audio I am filling it (with a scooping motion)
wut'ǒgh' audio
sâan tah audio finally, at last
sâan tah nihshah audio finally I arrived
mexdhek-'ąą audio I found it
mexdil'ąą audio  it is found; you found it for yourself
SEE good
shinlaats'ógh' audio audio my finger
shinlaats'ógh' gáay' my pinky finger
shinlaagez  space between my fingers
shinlagę̌y' audio my fingernail
xúu' shę́ę' audio finished, that's it, all done
SEE used up
kón' audio fire
kón' mâagh audio edge of a fire
kón' ts'í' audio by the fire
kón' ndêedz audio toward the fireplace
kón' diik'ąą audio the fire started
kón' natnétdek audio the fire went out
kón' nádį́hk'aayh audio you build a fire
kón' déhk'én' audio he or she has a fire burning
SEE shoot
tl'eeł ALSO black birch fungus
kón' dak'ée audio
tsets audio ALSO wood
ch'et-ttheh audio
ch'et-ttheh nihshah audio  I came in first
ch'indaat audio fish meat
łuug eltsel freshly cut fish
má' audio audio dried fish
łuug nitsǐdl' audio sour fish
dzenax audio fermented fish
łuug xěe' fish grease
tsalkeyh audio split and dried whitefish with backbone for dogs
Included here are names of different kinds of fish and various parts of a fish.
łuug audio general term for fish, but often referring to humpback whitefish
tsaamêey audio alternate word for whitefish (but not a Tanacross word)
xełtįį' audio round whitefish
seejel audio grayling
łuug delt'el audio sockeye salmon
łuug chox audio king salmon
uljaaddh audio northern pike
ts'aan audio lingcod
tats'aht'ôl audio sucker fish
Parts of a fish
łuug gǔudh' audio fish scales
wut'ǒgh' audio adipose fin
wuk'es audio fish gills
wuchěel' audio fish tail
łuug k'ų́ų' audio fish eggs, roe
łuug ts'íig' fish guts
łuutl'ěey' audio fish slime
Dihthâad Ndiig audio
éth k'ée audio  dipnetting place
tsaa k'ée audio underground fish cache
This entry gives words describing ways to get fish out of the water. For things done with fish once out of the water see 'bale', 'scale', 'dry fish'.
nach'ekłóx audio I'm fishing (with a hook)
imperfective paradigm audio
nach'ekłóx nayts'ehłóx
nach'įhłóx nach'ahłóx
nach'ehłóx nach'exehłóx

łuug dhekłóx audio I caught a fish
tee'ehndiik audio a fishnet is set (under water)
tihgok I am spearing (fish)
éth k'ée dhíhdah audio I am fishing (with a dipnet)

éth audio dipnet
various parts of a dipnet have their own name
éth dámaadh audio frame of dipnet
éth tį̌į' audio handle of dipnet
tedenin'aay audio thin willow stick used as 'fish detector' in 'eth'
tehmíił audio fishnet, gillnet
yi'éł nách'éhłôgh fishing pole
tiigóg' audio fish spear
xtsiił audio fish weir, fish fence
tedh'aan audio fish trap
tedh'aan dzeey' audio fish trap funnel
dahdzeł audio fish drying rack
ch'e'es fish stringer
meetsel audio fish knife
SYN ulu
wu'eł ch'ettsol fish baling pole
dadhihndíik  I made a fist
meghį́hchaagh audio it fits him/her
shch'ěl' sheghį́hchaagh audio my clothes fit me
áłts'ę̂y audio
nadhektsįį audio  I fixed it
niłk'etah nadhektsįį audio I fixed it the way it was
shaa tth'iitaxdénínłeeyh audio she fixed it, straightened it out for me
kón' tthúul' audio
kón' dét-tthuuł audio fire is flaming
ts'enh détxaat audio  it (bird) flapped its wings
ch'etmets audio  it is flat and wide
téeł xédétmets audio carpet, blanket is spread out flat
wuké' étmedz audio one with a wide, flat foot
SEE meadow
wutl'ěg' audio its fleas
shétth kadel audio  snow fleas
SEE escape
Different words are used for 'flesh of an animal' and the action of removing flesh. Also listed here are tools used in fleshing a skin.
wutthį́į' audio its flesh
yehttheyh audio she or he is fleshing it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekttheyh yits'ehttheyh
įhttheyh ahttheyh
yehttheyh xiyehttheyh

tools used in fleshing
náhttheł audio tool for removing flesh from skin
ch'ejeeyh audio pole that skin is held on while fleshing the skin
SEE tan, skin
ntsiił audio northern flicker (Colaptes auratus)
dzet-łon audio  it is flimsy, thin
mehts'eyh audio ALSO obsidian
Different words are used for floating, not sinking, and floating, going downstream.
dataya'aał audio it is floating (not sinking)
ch'achěnn' tadaatiił audio a tree stump is floating downriver
see [downriver] for more examples of 'floating downriver'.
tuu níihąą audio  it flooded
sheen dą́'ą tuu níihąą audio  last summer it flooded
chenhteeł audio
łéets audio
ninłęyh audio  it is flowing
łeeke'udit-łęyh audio  the streams all flow together
natnet-t'ax audio it is flying
stâanet-t'ak audio it flew away
dets'ên xâanit-t'ax audio the duck is flying around
tsuugaay stanínínt'ek audio the bird flew away
naadóg tsúgaay yaníshąą audio a flock of birds flew up
dę̌y' audio  fly
nindáa  fly eggs
xunxos audio  foam
tuu k'et xunxos xúnłęę audio there is foam on the water
xatnalxots audio it foamed up
nátsí'áldox audio it's foggy
taashíits audio patchy fog over water
ehxoł audio she or he is folding it
wutéel' nádhékxoł audio  I folded his or her bedding
elx audio  it is folded
łe'elxôl audio something folded together
nantnihdaak audio I am following you
yik'eh aahaał audio she or he is following behind him/her
SEE after
shí' audio ALSO meat
xkéen' audio snacks, rations
ch'ekéen' ég'ęh audio my rations
wutsǎag' audio
SEE rennet
nashtnin'aayh audio  he fooled me
shké' audio my foot ALSO paw
shkeet'aag top of my foot
shkeetl'áa' audio sole of my foot
shkeetétl audio heel of my foot
ch'eké' k'ee audio its footprint
Several different Tanacross words can translate as "for".
êy gha audio
jeyh êy gha ehtsįį audio she or he made gloves for him/her
xúu' gha' eshěg' ts'į́' tíhhaał audio I'll go there for that
shaa audio for me
shaa ch'įhłeł audio drive for me
naa audio for you
xuugha audio for them
de'ukah audio for the purpose of, in search of
wudzih de'ukah nats'elséex audio we're hunting for caribou
injih audio
SYN taboo
łą́'ą ch'e injih xendiix audio it true that they say it is forbidden
sú'u xú' duníi, injih ha' audio don't say that, it's taboo
tsíyûul audio
SYN ancestors
shintaagez audio my forehead
shints'etadaag audio my forehead
nduu audio woods, forest
taachěnn' audio woods, forest
taachěnn' tah tanetshah audio  she or he got lost in the woods
nén' díik'ąą audio there is forest fire
dandědh' uud1ih audio forever, from here on out
xedhegndax audio  I forgot
medhegndax audio  I forgot it
wuts'į́' xtédhíh'ąą audio I forgave him or her
ch'iigod audio
xú' nínalk'áas audio it formed into that shape
maa nitjelneyh audio she or he was fortunate, lucked out
shaa nítjélnęyh audio  I was fortunate
Ch'edzǎagh' Ndîig audio
tth'iinděddh' audio
tth'iinděddh' áahaał audio  she or he is walking forward
den audio
naageddh audio red fox
naageddh sęy audio  black fox
wumét ts'edet-sęy cross fox (Vulpes fulva)
łii ché' audio LITERALLY 'dog's tail'
SEE brittle
et-tenh audio it is frozen
menh neltenh audio the lake is frozen
xtét-tenh audio it is starting to freeze
shintsįį et-tenh audio my nose is frozen, has frostbite
nelts'į́į' audio it is frozen solid
shí' nelts'į́į'i audio frozen meat
shí' nelts'į́į' audio the meat is frozen solid
SEE often
k'ah dú'u sínt'eh audio it is fresh
shtlęę audio my friend ALSO cousin
súxúht'eey audio  she or he is a friendly person
yech'enehjet audio she or he is frightening him or her
SEE afraid
nat-'êl audio
ch'etheth nat-'êl audio fringe on clothing, boots
ch'eníhtthek audio  I am cutting fringe (cutting strips of hide)
naaxęy audio wood frog (Rana sylvatica)
naaxęy jêg audio
SYN nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus)
ts'enh audio
deshax ts'enh ninshah audio he came from his house
neets'enh audio  from us
nandêddh audio in front
shnandeddh audio in front of me
neenandeddh k'étl'adíidaay k'et didhindah audio you are sitting on a chair in front of us
This is used to refer to the front portion or in front of a house or other building. See 'front' for the more general term.
kón'teg audio toward or in front of a house or at the doorway of a house
sóx audio frost
dahsógh' audio ice crystals in the air (as during very cold weather)
naxúlsóx audio it is frosty
k'áhmén' tah naxúlsóx audio it is frosty this morning
dahxotl'uh audio frost on trees, bushes
Traditionally this was a sign that very cold weather was coming
naxnetk'aatth gha ch'e dahxotl'uuy the frost on the trees indicates that it is going to get cold
SEE freeze
SEE foam
nanelch'éex audio he's frowning
Tanacross uses the same word for cooking something in an oven as for frying in grease.
ekt'éeth audio I'm frying it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekt'éeth yits'eht'éeth
įht'éeth aht'éeth
yeht'éeth xiyeht'éeth
łéets éet'eey audio
SYN bannock
ch'ikemen audio
datnel'ąą audio  it is full
datneldok audio  it is packed, full
dahtsaa shíi dách'étnéldok audio  the cache is packed full of stuff
ts'anedhegtek audio  I'm full, satisfied (had enough to eat)
tsąą etnel'ęę' audio he's making fun of himself
tl'eeł ALSO firedrill
tsąą dadįht'eh audio  you sound funny (e.g. telling a joke)
shaa tsąą dadindlih audio you sound funny to me
tsąą t'etshaak
audio he did something funny
maa tsąą xal'ęh audio  something funny is happening
ch'exá' animal hair
ch'exá' dinsųų good quality fur in autumn
The following words refer to old time fur clothing where the fur is on the inside
dąą eek audio fur coat
dąą thetl audio  fur pants
detshos audio  it is furry
xtéetthet dé' audio  in the future, after a time
xtéetthet dé' tah nataadaał audio  he will return in the future, after a while

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