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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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dzuug audio favored or spoiled child; traditionally a chief's child raised in a special way
There is no truly appropriate English translation word for this concept.
shaa dint'eh audio my favorite
SEE possible
t'ą̌ą' audio general term for feather, specifically wing feather
naxnetdêg wut'ą̌ą' xołeex audio flying creatures have feathers
chuyh audio down feather
łdíikeey sǎa' audio
SEE weak
nee'ech'eh'aał audio she or he is feeding us
łii ech'ek-'aał audio  I am feeding the dogs
This implies 'testing' or 'trying out' by physically touching
medegdeyh audio  I am feeling it, touching it
jâan edildeyh audio feel this
shxołtth'ěnn' audio my femur, thighbone
SYN thighbone
tthek audio caribou fence
nit-tsiidl audio something fermented
dzenax audio fermented whitefish in birchbark basket
niłk'odl Copper River style fermented fish heads
SEE haul
ntsîin audio  few
wudzih ntsîin shę́ę' nek-'ę́ę' audio  I saw just a few caribou
łets'etxąą audio we are fighting
łii iin łe'etxąą audio the dogs are fighting
ch'iik'agh audio a file
ihk'aax audio I am filing it
ninlagę̌y' ínk'aax audio  you are filing your fingernails
mindaat audio fish filet, fish meat
Different words are used depending on the type of motion involved in "filling"
datnindiił audio fill it all the way up (by pouring or other continuous motion)
tuu shíi dátníndiił audio fill it up with water (by pouring)
na'itdek audio fill it up (using repeated motion)
łéemah jâan shíi na'itdek audio fill the dirt in here
tuu shíi na'itdek audio fill it up with water (for example, by ladling)
de'egtl'ek audio I am filling it (with a scooping motion)
wut'ǒgh' audio
sâan tah audio finally, at last
sâan tah nihshah audio finally I arrived

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