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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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mexdhek-'ąą audio I found it
mexdil'ąą audio  it is found; you found it for yourself
SEE good
shinlaats'ógh' audio audio my finger
shinlaats'ógh' gáay' my pinky finger
shinlaagez  space between my fingers
shinlagę̌y' audio my fingernail
xúu' shę́ę' audio finished, that's it, all done
SEE used up
kón' audio fire
kón' mâagh audio edge of a fire
kón' ts'í' audio by the fire
kón' ndêedz audio toward the fireplace
kón' diik'ąą audio the fire started
kón' natnétdek audio the fire went out
kón' nádį́hk'aayh audio you build a fire
kón' déhk'én' audio he or she has a fire burning
SEE shoot
tl'eeł ALSO black birch fungus
kón' dak'ée audio
tsets audio ALSO wood
ch'et-ttheh audio
ch'et-ttheh nihshah audio  I came in first
ch'indaat audio fish meat
łuug eltsel freshly cut fish
má' audio audio dried fish
łuug nitsǐdl' audio sour fish
dzenax audio fermented fish
łuug xěe' fish grease
tsalkeyh audio split and dried whitefish with backbone for dogs
Included here are names of different kinds of fish and various parts of a fish.
łuug audio general term for fish, but often referring to humpback whitefish
tsaamêey audio alternate word for whitefish (but not a Tanacross word)
xełtįį' audio round whitefish
seejel audio grayling
łuug delt'el audio sockeye salmon
łuug chox audio king salmon
uljaaddh audio northern pike
ts'aan audio lingcod
tats'aht'ôl audio sucker fish
Parts of a fish
łuug gǔudh' audio fish scales
wut'ǒgh' audio adipose fin
wuk'es audio fish gills
wuchěel' audio fish tail
łuug k'ų́ų' audio fish eggs, roe
łuug ts'íig' fish guts
łuutl'ěey' audio fish slime
Dihthâad Ndiig audio
éth k'ée audio  dipnetting place
tsaa k'ée audio underground fish cache
This entry gives words describing ways to get fish out of the water. For things done with fish once out of the water see 'bale', 'scale', 'dry fish'.
nach'ekłóx audio I'm fishing (with a hook)
imperfective paradigm audio
nach'ekłóx nayts'ehłóx
nach'įhłóx nach'ahłóx
nach'ehłóx nach'exehłóx

łuug dhekłóx audio I caught a fish
tee'ehndiik audio a fishnet is set (under water)
tihgok I am spearing (fish)
éth k'ée dhíhdah audio I am fishing (with a dipnet)

éth audio dipnet
various parts of a dipnet have their own name
éth dámaadh audio frame of dipnet
éth tį̌į' audio handle of dipnet
tedenin'aay audio thin willow stick used as 'fish detector' in 'eth'
tehmíił audio fishnet, gillnet
yi'éł nách'éhłôgh fishing pole
tiigóg' audio fish spear
xtsiił audio fish weir, fish fence
tedh'aan audio fish trap
tedh'aan dzeey' audio fish trap funnel
dahdzeł audio fish drying rack
ch'e'es fish stringer
meetsel audio fish knife
SYN ulu
wu'eł ch'ettsol fish baling pole
dadhihndíik  I made a fist
meghį́hchaagh audio it fits him/her
shch'ěl' sheghį́hchaagh audio my clothes fit me
áłts'ę̂y audio

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