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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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nadhektsįį audio  I fixed it
niłk'etah nadhektsįį audio I fixed it the way it was
shaa tth'iitaxdénínłeeyh audio she fixed it, straightened it out for me
kón' tthúul' audio
kón' dét-tthuuł audio fire is flaming
ts'enh détxaat audio  it (bird) flapped its wings
ch'etmets audio  it is flat and wide
téeł xédétmets audio carpet, blanket is spread out flat
wuké' étmedz audio one with a wide, flat foot
SEE meadow
wutl'ěg' audio its fleas
shétth kadel audio  snow fleas
SEE escape
Different words are used for 'flesh of an animal' and the action of removing flesh. Also listed here are tools used in fleshing a skin.
wutthį́į' audio its flesh
yehttheyh audio she or he is fleshing it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekttheyh yits'ehttheyh
įhttheyh ahttheyh
yehttheyh xiyehttheyh

tools used in fleshing
náhttheł audio tool for removing flesh from skin
ch'ejeeyh audio pole that skin is held on while fleshing the skin
SEE tan, skin
ntsiił audio northern flicker (Colaptes auratus)
dzet-łon audio  it is flimsy, thin
mehts'eyh audio ALSO obsidian
Different words are used for floating, not sinking, and floating, going downstream.
dataya'aał audio it is floating (not sinking)
ch'achěnn' tadaatiił audio a tree stump is floating downriver
see [downriver] for more examples of 'floating downriver'.
tuu níihąą audio  it flooded
sheen dą́'ą tuu níihąą audio  last summer it flooded
chenhteeł audio
łéets audio
ninłęyh audio  it is flowing
łeeke'udit-łęyh audio  the streams all flow together
natnet-t'ax audio it is flying
stâanet-t'ak audio it flew away
dets'ên xâanit-t'ax audio the duck is flying around
tsuugaay stanínínt'ek audio the bird flew away
naadóg tsúgaay yaníshąą audio a flock of birds flew up
dę̌y' audio  fly
nindáa  fly eggs
xunxos audio  foam
tuu k'et xunxos xúnłęę audio there is foam on the water
xatnalxots audio it foamed up

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