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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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sóx audio frost
dahsógh' audio ice crystals in the air (as during very cold weather)
naxúlsóx audio it is frosty
k'áhmén' tah naxúlsóx audio it is frosty this morning
dahxotl'uh audio frost on trees, bushes
Traditionally this was a sign that very cold weather was coming
naxnetk'aatth gha ch'e dahxotl'uuy the frost on the trees indicates that it is going to get cold
SEE freeze
SEE foam
nanelch'éex audio he's frowning
Tanacross uses the same word for cooking something in an oven as for frying in grease.
ekt'éeth audio I'm frying it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekt'éeth yits'eht'éeth
įht'éeth aht'éeth
yeht'éeth xiyeht'éeth
łéets éet'eey audio
SYN bannock
ch'ikemen audio
datnel'ąą audio  it is full
datneldok audio  it is packed, full
dahtsaa shíi dách'étnéldok audio  the cache is packed full of stuff
ts'anedhegtek audio  I'm full, satisfied (had enough to eat)
tsąą etnel'ęę' audio he's making fun of himself
tl'eeł ALSO firedrill
tsąą dadįht'eh audio  you sound funny (e.g. telling a joke)
shaa tsąą dadindlih audio you sound funny to me
tsąą t'etshaak
audio he did something funny
maa tsąą xal'ęh audio  something funny is happening
ch'exá' animal hair
ch'exá' dinsųų good quality fur in autumn
The following words refer to old time fur clothing where the fur is on the inside
dąą eek audio fur coat
dąą thetl audio  fur pants
detshos audio  it is furry
xtéetthet dé' audio  in the future, after a time
xtéetthet dé' tah nataadaał audio  he will return in the future, after a while

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