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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Denhch'e AJ+ES
Denhch'e sraqay ist'anh. AJ+ES I have 4 children.  

Choghlugguy AJ+ES Red fox Anvik word
Choghlugguy idhitlanh. AJ+ES I caught a red fox. 
Niq'asrt'ay AJ+ES Red fox Shageluk word
Niq'asrt'ay itltthal ts'in'. AJ+ES I didn't see a red fox.  

Srixno' dithitinh. AJ+ES The creek is frozen.  
Ngi'egh nixitithitinh. AJ+ES It' starting to freeze outside.
Tonxadithitinh. AJ+ES The river is freezing.  
Ngan' ithitinh. JD+RD The ground is frozen hard.  

Nelang tr'ithondi dranh HM+ED lit. The day we don't eat meat

Siyił nadhiyon. HM+ED Childhood friend lit. One who grew up with me

See "Cousin", "Grow", "Partner"

Xiłghiy AJ+ES
Xiłghiy di'ne. AJ+ES Frog is making noise.  

Xits'in' HM+KH
Ndagh xits'iningiyo. AJ+ES Where did you come from?

See "To"

Vinotthi AJ+ES In front of him
Vinotthi ghisoł. AJ+ES I am walking in front of him.
Diva dinanotthi ghiholinh? AJ Who is the person walking in front of us?
Diva dinanotthi ghihol? ES Who is walking in front of us?

See "Ahead", "First"

Vinaghilzrix. AJ It frosted.  
Yolq'a xinigholzrix. Yolq'a xinighilizrix. HM+ED The window is frosty.  

Ginathjit. HM+ED She's ready to cry. She's being a sourpuss. She's whining. Its face is bad.
Gog ginathjit. HM+ED The baby is frowning.  

Engan xigigag ES lit. Outside some kind of berries
Engan xigigag q'adist'a. AJ+ES I like fruit.  

Yiłt'ath. AJ+ES She is frying it.  
Xiq'idz ngiłt'ath iy. AJ+ES Fry it on top (of the stove).  

Viye gałt'adh AJ lit. In it something is fried
Viye gałt'adh nda'. AJ+ES Give me the frying pan.  

Didinevinh. AJ+ES It's full.  
Sigivitazringidl didinevinh. AJ+ES My cup is full. My cup is running over.

Tsondiłt'a AJ+ES
Gan'a tsondiłt'a hiy? AJ+ES What's so funny?
Tsondiłt'ahinh ghonigidhuxdluq. AJ+ES Don't laugh at anyone even if he is funny.

See "Joke"

Gidhith AJ+ES
Nigughun dhith getiy ngizrenh. Nigughun vidhith getiy ngizrenh. AJ+ES That's a nice wolf fur.  
Gidhith niłtodhist'oth. HM+KH I cut up the hide into pieces.  

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