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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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suŋaq, dl. suŋŋak, pl. suŋŋat

The gall bladder is inside of a person’s abdominal cavity.
Suŋaq iñuum iḷuani ittuq.

to run, gallop, of any animal that runs on four legs

it is galloping
paŋaliktuq, dl. paŋaliktuk, pl. paŋaliktut

The horse is galloping.
Tuttuqpak paŋaliktuq.

The dog is running.
Qipmiq paŋaliktuq.

game, something to play with
aġiunaun, dl. aġiunautik, pl. aġiunautit

The string game is something to play.
Ayahaaq aġiunautauruq.

Let’s play a game.
aŋŋun, dl. aŋŋutik, pl. aŋŋutit

He is shooting at the animal.
Siktaaġaa aŋŋun.

2. smaller game animal
aŋŋugauraq, dl. aŋŋugaurak, pl. aŋŋugaurat

One must not make fun of animals.
Aŋŋugaurat makua qitkutiginaitchut.
garbage pailigitchivik, dl. igitchiviik, pl. igitchiviich

The garbage pail is full.
Igitchivik immiqsuq.
garden, field
nautchiaġvik, dl. nautchiaġviik, pl. nautchiaġviich

The garden is large.
Nautchiaġvik aŋiruq.

2. garden, field
nautchiivik, dl. nautchiiviik, pl. nautchiiviich

His garden is small.
Nautchiivia mikiruq.

3. my garden, my plants

many plants, garden

atnuġaaq, dl. atnuġaak, pl. atnuġaat

He had ordered some clothes.
Atnuġaanik qanniqsuaq.

to gather, to collect
katit-, katitchi-

she is gathering
katitchiruq, dl. katitchiruk, pl. katitchirut

The boy is collecting stamps.
Nukatpiaġruk katitchirug stampanik.

2. she has gathered them

The girl has gathered the fish.
Aġnauram katitkai qaluich.

3. to gather together

They have gathered together.

The people have gathered together.
Iñuich katirut.

4. to gather a garment, to form a gather on a calico parka

She is gathering the skirt of her calico parka.
Uŋiraġaa atikłuksrautmi sipigraŋa.

to be gay, to be joyful

she is gay

The little girl is gay.
Niviaqsialugruaq quviatchuaġiksuq.

to gaze
qiñiqtuaq- or qiñiqtuaġataq-

He is gazing.

She is gazing into the water.
Qiñiqtuaqtuq imiġmun.

He gazed at her.


the generation after one; one’s children

The people in the generation after me are many.
Kiñuviatka iñugiaktut.

2. people of about the same age

to be of about the same age

They two are of the same age group.

he is generous -not stingy-

My grandmother is generous.
Siqñataitchuq aanaruaġa.

to be gentle

he is gentle, kind
aggaŋaitchuq, dl. aggaŋaitchuk, pl. aggaŋaitchut

My dog is gentle.
Qipmiġa aggaŋaitchuq.

a gentleman
iñuniqtaq, dl. iñuniqtak, pl. iñuniqtat

The gentleman is gone.
Iñuniqtaq aŋun aullaqtuq.

to gesticulate

she is gesticulating
urraaqtuq, dl. urraaqtuk, pl. urraaqtut

She gesticulates as she talks.
Urraaġutigalugu uqaġaqtuq.

to get, to obtain, to choose
piksraq-, suksraq-, -ksraq- [n-v]

He has gotten something.

Get one from there.
Piksraġiñ tarakŋa.

What did you get?

I got a pencil.

2. to fetch, to go and get
ai-, aikiq-

she went to get something, she is fetching
aikiqsuq, dl. aikiqsuk, pl. aikiqsut

He went to get fish.
Aikiqsuq qaluŋnik.

he went to get her
aigaa or aiyaa dl. obj. aigik, pl. obj. aigai

I came to get you.
ghost, haunting spirit of a departed one -one who is not-
piuŋŋiḷaq, dl. piuŋŋiḷak, pl. piuŋŋiḷat

Do you believe in the ghost?
Piuŋŋiḷaq ukpiġiviuŋ?

2. to see a ghost, to hear voices, to have an encounter with a ghost, to be haunted

I had an encounter with a ghost.

iñukpasrugruk, dl. iñukpasrugruuk, pl. iñukpasrugruich

The giant is tall.
Iñukpasrugruk iñugaqturuq.

aatchuun, dl. aatchuutik, pl. aatchuutit

It is good to receive a gift.
Aatchuun akuqtuqtuni nakuuruq.

2. a gift -received-
aatchuusriaq, dl. aatchuusriak, pl. aatchuusriat

That is my gift.
Aatchuusriaġa taamna.

3. a gift to give

That is my gift for him.
Aatchuutiksraġa tara.

masrik, dl. masriik, pl. masriich

Fish have gills.
Qaluich masriqaqtut.

girl girl lit. little woman
aġnauraq, dl. aġnaurak, pl. aġnaurat

She gave birth to a girl.
Iġñiḷḷaktuq aġnauramik.

2. girl--after puberty; young woman
niviaqsiaq, dl. niviaqsiak, pl. niviaqsiat

The orphan saw a beautiful young lady.
Iḷi appaum qiñiġniġaa niviaqsiałaniaq.

3. girl -before puberty-
niviaqsiaġruk, dl. niviaqsiaġruuk, pl. niviaqsiaġruich

The girl is visiting her grandmother.
Niviaqsiaġruk aanaruaġmiñuqattaaqtuq.

4. little girl
niviaqsialugruaq, dl. niviaqsialugruak, pl. niviaqsialugruich

5. my girlfriend -female to female of same age-
uumaaġa, dl. uumaaka, pl. uumaatka

My girl friend is of the same age as I am.
Uumaaġa ukiuqatigigiga.

6. my girlfriend -male to female, my female partner-
aġnauniġa, dl. aġnauniika, pl. aġnauniitka
qaummałuk, dl. qaummałuuk, pl. qaummałuich

The glass breaks easily.
Qaummałuk uliyaruq.

SL. qaummaluk, dl. qaummaluuk, pl. qaummaluich

I have a glass.

see eyeglasses
argaaq, dl. argaak, pl. argaat

The gloves are made from canvas.
Argaat iñiqtaurut nukihaamiñ.
kirgaviatchauraq, dl. kirgaviatchaurak, pl. kirgaviatchaurat

The gnat came in through the window.
Kirgaviatchauraq isiqtuq igalikun.

to go, to leave, to depart

she has left, she goes

There she goes.
Taavva aullaqtuq.

I am going to leave.

2. to go from one place to another, to visit

he is going about from one place to another
siñiqsraqtuq, dl. siñiqsraqtuk, pl. siñiqsraqtut

The doctor is making home visits among those that are sick.
Taakti siñiqsraqtuq atniġñaqtuani.

3. to go to bed

she has gone to bed
nallaqtuq, dl. nallaqtuk, pl. nallaqtut

My father has gone to bed because he is tired.
Taataga nallaqtuq takku iñiqtuqhuni.

4. to go out, to be extinguished

it has gone out, it is extinguished
qamiruq, dl. qamiruk, pl. qamirut

The gas light has gone out.
Naniq qaminiqsuq.

5. to go to someone

She went to see her sick grandmother.
Aanarui utlakkaa sakniuqtuaq.
Aŋaayyun or Agaayyun

God is great.
Aŋaayyun kamanaqtuq.

God is Love.
Agaayyun nagliktauruq.

good! fine!

2. to be good, to be fine, well behaved or good in taste of food

it is good
nakuuruq, dl. nakuuruk, pl. nakuurut

It is good to eat blueberries.
Nakuuruq niġiruni asriaviŋñik.

3. to be a good person, to be handsome -said of a male

he is a good person, he is handsome
iñugiksuq, dl. iñugiksuk, pl. iñugiksut

The man is good. or
The man is handsome.
Iñugiksuq aŋun.

4. to do good, to do well, to do a good job
-lluataq-, -ḷḷuataq- after strong I -[v-v)

She sewed it well.

She gave him a good piece of something.

She did a good job.

She did it well.

5. to be good, to be fine

It is fine. It is good.

You two, be good to each other!

6. to be good, to be fine -of character-
-lluatau-, -ḷḷuatau after strong I - [n-v]

She is a good woman.

It is a good dog.

tiŋmiaq, dl. tiŋmiak, pl. tiŋmiat

2. Canada goose
iqsraġutilik, dl. iqsraġutillak, pl. iqsraġutilgich

The Canada goose makes good stew.
Iqsraġutilik suugiksuq.

3. emperor goose
mitiligruaq, dl. mitiligruak, pl. mitiligruich

He has caught an emperor goose.
Mitiligrauġmik tiŋmiġniqsuq.

4. snow goose
kaŋuq, dl. kaŋŋuk, pl. kaŋŋut

Snow geese are not seen as commonly as before.
Kaŋŋut tautuŋnapiatlaiqsut.

5. white-fronted goose
tiŋmiaq kigiyuk, dl. kigiyyuk, pl. kigiyuich

The white-fronted goose is bigger than the Canada goose.
Tiŋmiaq kigiyuk aŋitluktuq iqsraġutiliŋmiñ.

goshawk, peregrine falcon
kirgavik, dl. kirgaviik, pl. kirgaviich

The goshawk eats ptarmigan.
Kirgavik niġisuuruq aqargiñik.

-lit. that which is good to hear-

The preacher preached the gospel.
Tusraayugaalluatamik quliaqtuaqtuq aŋaayyuliqsi.

to gossip
saŋut-, saŋutchi-

she is gossiping about someone or others
saŋutchiruq, dl. saŋutchiruk, pl. saŋutchirut

They are gossiping about him.
Saŋutchirut ilaanik.

he is gossiping about her
saŋutkaa, dl. saŋutkaak, pl. saŋutkaat

The girl is gossiping about her girlfriend.
Aġnauram saŋutkaa uumaani.

2. she is a gossip
saŋutchiḷguruq or uqqaqturuq

3. Gossip can ruin a person.
Uqqam qiłhutlagaa iñuk.

to grab, to quickly take hold of, to snatch
tigusriḷiq-, tiguliq-

She has grabbed -something-
tigusriḷiqtuq, dl. tigusriḷiqtuk, pl. tigusriḷiqtut

He has grabbed a pencil.
Tigusriḷiqtuq aglautmik.

he grabbed her
tiguliġaa,dl. tiguliġaak, pl. tiguliġaat

She grabbed the ball.
Aqsraaq tiguliġaa.

2. to grab, to grasp, to seize
qisruk-, qisrui-

he has grabbed someone or something
qisruiruq, dl. qisruiruk, pl. qisruirut

she has grabbed it
qisrukkaa, dl. qisrukkaak, pl. qisrukkaat

They jumped and grabbed him as he was going out.
Qisrukkaat anisaqmiuġlu.

my grandchild
tutitchiaġa, dl. tutitchiaka, pl. tutitchiatka

My grandchild is three years old.
Tutitchiaġa piñasrunik ukiuniktuq.

2. great grandchild

My great grandchild
tutitchiatqiutiga, dl. tutitchiatqiutika, pl. tutitchiatqiutitka

3. a short form for all grandchildren or grandchildren of relatives

my grandchild

my dear child or my dear grandchild -often used as a word of endearment-

4. grandchild and grandmother
aanaruaġiik or aanaruuraġiik

The grandmother and her grandchild are staying alone.
Aanaruaġiik kisimik ittuk.

-also means father-in-law-

my grandfather

My grandfather is disabled.
Taataruaġa piḷguitchuq.
-also means mother-in-law-

my grandmother

My grandmother is my mother’s mother.
Aanaruaġa aanaa aanagigaa.
ivik, dl. ivvak, pl. ivgich

There is a lot of grass.
Ivgich iñugiaktut.

iḷuviq, dl. iḷuvvak,pl. iḷuvġich

2. to put into a grave, to bury

They buried him.

qirġiaqtaaq, dl. qirġiaqtaak, pl. qirġiaqtaat

I have a gray coat.
Qirġiaqtaamik quppiġaaqaqtuŋa.

2. to be gray
qirġiaqtaaŋu- or qirġiaq-

it is gray
or qirġiaqtuq

The camp robber is gray.
Kiiriq qirġiaqtuq.

3. mottled gray, silverish, as the color of a gray wolf

He had caught a gray wolf.
Amaġuŋattuamik amaġuġniqsuaq.
qirġiq, dl. qirġik, pl. qirġich

2. to grow gray hair

He has grown gray hair.

suluppaugaq or sulukpaugaq, dl. suluppaukkak, pl. suluppaukkat

I hooked a grayling.
Suluppaugaq niksikkiga.
to be great, exalted

he is great, he is honored
kamanaqtuq, dl. kamanaqtuk, pl. kamanaqtut

God is great.
Aŋaayyun kamanaqtuq.

amaułuk or amauq

my great grandparent
amauługa or amauġa

My great grandmother is my mother’s grandmother.
Amauługa aanaa aanaruaġigaa.
qaqłuqpalik, dl. qaqłuqpallak, pl. qaqłuqpalgich

The scaup duck landed.
Qaqłuqpalik mitchuq.

Holboell’s grebe
suġlisugruk, dl. suġlisugruuk, pl. suġlisugruich

The Holboell’s grebe has a loud call.
Suġlisugruk qalġulguruq.

2. horned grebe
suġliq, dl. suġlik, pl. suġliġich

The horned grebe lays eggs by the lake.
Suġliq ivaraqtuq narvam siñaani.

3. red-necked grebe
suġlitchauraq, dl. suġlitchaurak, pl. suġlitchaurat

Herd is a red-necked grebe.
Suġlitchauraq uvva.

to be greedy

he is greedy
kimiruq, dl. kimiruk, pl. kimirut

She is greedy for food.
Kimiruq niqimun.

2. to be greedy, to want more

she is greedy
samiuqtuq, dl. samiuqtuk, pl. samiuqtut

He is greedy for money.
Samiuqtuq maniŋmun.

suŋaaqtaaq, dl. suŋaaqtaak, pl. suŋaaqtaat

This is a green leaf.
Uvva una suŋaaqtaaq akutuqpalik.

2. to be green
suŋaaq-, suŋaaqtaaŋu-

it is green
suŋaaqtuq, dl. suŋaaqtuk, pl. suŋaaqtut

The leaf is green.
Suŋaaqtuq akutuqpalik.

a greeting sent via another person

she greets him, sends him greetings via another person
Nayaaŋŋaġmik tuyuġaa.

My mother sends greetings to her sister.
Aanaa nayaaŋŋaġmik tuyuġaa aniqatni.

to groan

he groaned
imŋiqsaqtuq, dl. imŋiqsaqtuk, pl. imŋiqsaqtut

He groaned when he accidentally shot himself.
Imŋiqsaqtuq sikami iŋmiñun.

2. to groan, to moan

she is groaning
qinaalaruq, dl. qinaalaruk, pl. qinaalarut

He is groaning with pain.
Qinaalaruq atniqhuni.

pine grosbeak
qayuuttaaq, dl. qayuuttaak, pl. qayuuttaat

A pine grosbeak is a bird.
Qayuuttaaq tiŋmiurauruq.

It is said that Qayaqtuaġuŋniqtuuq turned into a grosbeak and flew away. Qayaqtuaġuŋniqtuuq uqautigiraġigaat qayuuttaaġuqhuni tiŋinipḷugu.

the ground, the land, earth, soil

The ground has frozen.
Nuna qiqitkaa.

2. solid ground

Solid ground is good.
Tutviatchiaq nunagiksaaŋuruq.

Hudsonian spruce grouse -lit. spruce ptarmigan-
napaaqtum aqargiq, dl. napaaqtum aqargik, pl. napaaqtum aqargich

Spruce ptarmigan is good to eat.
Napaaqtum aqargiq niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. sharp-tailed grouse -lit. birch ptarmigan-
urgiiḷim aqargia

The sharp-tailed grouse is white.
Urgiiḷim aqargia qatiqtuq.
to grow -of a plant or population-

it has grown
nauruq, dl. nauruk, pl. naurut

The birch tree has grown outside of our house.
Urgiiḷiq nauruq tupipta siḷataani.

2. to grow up, to become big

she has grown
agliruq, dl. agliruk, pl. aglirut

The boy has grown.
Aŋugauraq agliruq.

3. to mature, to become an adult, to be raised

he has matured, she grew up -lit. she, he has become a person-
iñuguqtuq, dl. iñuguqtuk, pl. iñuguqtut

She grew up in Kiana.
Iñuguqtuq Katyaaŋni.
to hold a grudge

he is holding a grudge
isrumanŋuruq, dl. isrumanŋuruk, pl. isrumanŋurut

He is holding a grudge because they have crossed him.
Isrumanŋuruq paaqsaaqługu.
to guess, to gamble, to buy a raffle ticket

he is guessing
nalautchaqtuq, dl. nalautchaqtuk, pl. nalautchaqtut

He made a guess when answering his teacher.
Nalautchaqhuni kiusritñiḷigitchuq aglaktimiñun.

2. to guess at

I am guessing at the date.
Miksraaġiga uvlua.

tuyuġmiaq, dl. tuyuġmiak, pl. tuyuġmiat

A guest stays with people.
Tuyuġmiaq tukkumasruuruq iñuŋni.

2. to stay overnight as a guest, to settle in as a guest

he is staying overnight as guest, he has settled in as a visitor
tukkuruq, dl. tukkuruk, pl. tukkurut

He has settled down for the night with us.
Tukkuruq uvaptitnun.

to be guilty

he is guilty
patchisauruq, dl. patchisauruk, pl. patchisaurut

He is guilty of stealing.
Patchisauruq tigliktuqhuni.

nauyaq, dl. nauyak, pl. nauyat

A gull can fly.
Nauyaq tiŋmitḷaruq.

2. glaucous-winged gull
nauyavasrugruk, dl. nauyavasrugruuk, pl. nauyavasrugruich

The glaucous-winged gull is bigger than all the gulls.
Nauyavasrugruk aŋitluktuq atlaniñ nauyaniñ.

3. herring gull
taġium nauyaq, dl. taġium nauyak, pl. taġium nauyat

4. young gull or short billed gull
nauyatchiaq, dl. nauyatchiak, pl. nauyatchiat

The young gull can fly.
Nauyatchiaq tiŋmitḷaruq.

5. Sabine’s gull
aqargigiaq, dl. aqargigiak, pl. aqargigiat

A Sabine’s gull is as big as an arctic tern.
Aqargigiaq mitqutaiḷatun aktilaaqaqtuq.
gullet, esophagus
ikauraaq, dl. ikauraak, pl. ikauraat

When his esophagus is hurt, a person cannot breathe.
Ikauraaq atniqman iñuk aniqsaatlaiġaqtuq.

resin, spruce gum, chewing gum
kutchuq, dl. kutchuk, pl. kutchut

Spruce gum can be used for caulking boats.
Kutchuq umiiyuuġutautlaruq.

2. to chew gum

I chew gum a lot.

Don’t chew gum!


The gums are where the teeth are attached.
Kigusriñiq kigutit attavigigaat.

gun gun, rifle
suppun, dl. supputik, pl. supputit

The gun or rifle is dangerous.
Suppun nuyuaġnaqtuq.
nalautirrun, dl. nalautirrutik, pl. nalautirrutit

The gunsight is very useful on a gun.
Nalautirrun atutlapiaqtuq supputmi.

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