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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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sáx audio gaff hook
ehsáx audio she or he is hooking, gaffing
SYN hook
SEE choke
na'alk'ax audio she or he gained weight
shtl'éts audio my gall bladder
ch'etl'éts audio an animal's gall bladder
nachihłeek audio  I am gambling
niłk'ée xúu'ąą audio  a gap in something
niłk'ée dálneyh audio  something fell in a gap
SEE stare
shiits úkah etsheyh audio she or he is gasping for breath
SEE pick
niłshíixatdeetl audio people are gathered together
Nxaal Ndiig LITERALLY 'whitefish creek'
Ts'iitsiiy Ndiig \de
SEE haul
én' audio get away, go away
tîinindaayh audio  get out, leave!
én' tîinindaayh audio get out of here!
dég déníltsiit audio get up (lift yourself up)
dég ni'idhinhaayh audio rise!, get up! (from sitting or laying down)
mink'âadz audio ghost, spirit of someone deceased
ch'eshǐig' audio ghost ALSO reflection, photograph
kǎay' audio memento, gift
jâan dú' kǎay' íl'ee audio this is just a memento
SYN present ALSO souvenir, keepsake
nadlokdach'etnel'iik audio  she or he is giggling
nadlokdach'etnel'iik ts'į́' me'ishdeyh audio I know they're laughing (at me)
wuk'es audio fish gills
ts'éxeh gaay audio young girl
t'êd audio  adolescent girl (teenager)
wu'éł natihdaag audio my girlfriend, boyfriend, companion LITERALLY 'the one I usually go around with' ALSO boyfriend
ntl'á'ih'aayh audio I am giving it to you
Different words are used depending on the type of object or if more than one object is being handled. The same basic set of Tanacross words are used in slightly different forms for English action words "give", "there is", "carry", "pick up", "put down"
More than one of any object
eek shtl'á'indlah audio you give me the coats
eek ntl'á'ghíhdlah audio I gave you the coats
One compact object
tthee gaay shtl'ánín'aayh audio give me the small rock
tthee gaay ntl'á'ghíh'ąą audio I gave you the little rock
One long and skinny object (like a pencil)
k'á' shtl'á'íntiiyh audio give me the gun
k'á' n1tl'ághíhtąą audio I gave you the gun
One pourable object (in a container)
tuu shtl'á'ínkaayh audio give me the water (in a cup)
tuu ntl'ághíhkąą audio I gave you the water
One flat, flexible object
eek shtl'á'į́hchuuth audio give me the shirt
eek ntl'ághékchuuth audio I gave you the shirt
One (ready to eat) chunk of food
má' shtl'á'į́hchuut audio give me the dry fish
má' n1tl'ághekchúut audio I gave you the dry fish
One living object (like a puppy or baby)
ts'enîin gaay shtl'á'į́hteeyh audio give me the baby
ts'enîin gaay ntl'ághéktęę audio I gave you the baby
Since 'giving' includes a 'giver' and a 'receiver', the number of possible combinations is large. Below are examples using the 'gave one compact object' word.
tthee gaay wutl'á'níhdlah audio I gave him/her the small rocks
tthee gaay yitl'áníndlah audio she or he gave him or her the small rocks
tthee gaay wutl'áts'enindlah audio we gave him/her the small rocks
tthee gaay shtl'áxníndlah audio they gave me the small rocks
tthee gaay xuutl'áníhdlah audio I gave them the small rocks
tthee gaay neetl'áníndlah audio you gave us the small rock
A different word can be used to emphasize handing something quickly
shtl'adintsiit audio hand it (something long, like a pencil) to me fast
Implies the desire for someone to physically hand something to the speaker.
nde' audio  give it to me
seey nde' audio give me the knife
tth'áak n1de' audio  give me the plate
łuut ddheł audio
shaa sųų́' delsháak audio I glad she or he did that, I'm proud of what she or he did
Dlaa Měnn' audio LITERALLY 'algae lake'
łdatédhék-'ęę audio  I glanced at him or her
SEE stare
SEE soar
tdédhék-'ęę audio I got a glimpse of him, her or it
yitdéh-'ęę audio he got a glimpse of him, her or it
aatthúug dáshee tashaay yitdeh'ęę audio I just got a glimpse of it down there
laajeyh audio modern gloves with fingers
jeyh audio  mittens
deshoz jeyh audio old time mittens with fur inside
xetnelt'etth audio  it is stuck, glued on
wumét maa dint'eh audio she or he is a glutton, eats too much
xołgodz audio
yidehk'on audio he, she or it is gnawing on it
tth'enh dehk'on audio he, she or it is gnawing a bone
dexú' déhchiits audio it is gnawing its teeth
There are many words used for talking about "coming and going" Words listed here do not specifically refer to the manner or form of transportation.
Dihthâad ts'į́' ghíhhaał audio I'm going (right now) to Mansfield
imperfective paradigm audio
ghihhaał ts'aadéł
ghinhaał ghahdéł
aahaał xaadéł

ch'utkeet shax ts'į́' ts'aadéł audio we are going to the store

perfective paradigm audio
tedhihshah ts'eedeetl
tedhinshah tedhahdeetl
teeshah xteedeetl

Fairbanks ts'į́' téeshah audio she or he went to Fairbanks
tâatétshah audio he went home

fut audio
tihhaał ts'aadeł
tinhaał tahdeł
taahaał xtaadeł

dzeen Fairbanks ts'į́' tíhhaał, tl'âan teddh dé' natihdaał audio today I'm going to go to Fairbanks, then I'll return tonight
tâatihdaał audio I'm going home
natihdaał I'll be leaving here
in forms where 'returning' is implied, the 'h' in the final syllable of this verb changes to 'd'

tâaghindaał audio  you go home!
natnétdek audio it went out (on its own)
kón' natnétdek audio the fire went out (by itself)
yeltthúux  she or he gobbled it, stuffed it in
T'axdį́ht'eey audio
delmeets audio it is golden colored
tthí'k'ą̂ąy audio \de
The Tanacross words can translate into English as 'well, good', 'nice' depending on what is being described.
ihsųų audio I'm well
imperfective paradigmaudio
ihsųų ts'insųų
insųų ahsųų
nsųų xinsųų

nsųų audio it (a thing) is good
xunsųų audio it (a place, weather) is good
nah'ôg xunsųų audio it's nice outside
mesuuxų́ht'eey audio a nice person

SEE lucky
nendiig audio
Jîiz Ndiig audio LITERALLY 'camprobber river'
tsąą'el'ęę audio she or he is goofy, clowning around
xah audio  lesser Canada goose (Branta canadensis parvipes)
dąąxed audio  cackling Canada goose (Branta canadensis minima)
taaguuth audio grass growing out of water around the edge of lakes
jîiz chox audio (Accipiter gentilis)
ch'aghaxunheeyh audio they are gossiping about someone
yihchúut audio she or he grabbed it
perfective paradigmaudio
ídhekchúut ts'íhchúut
ídhįhchúut ídhahchúut
yíhchúut xiyíhchúut

shch'ěl' ídhekchúut audio  I grabbed my clothes

Tanacross has different words for referring to a man's grandchild or a women's grandchild. The word to use is that appropriate for the grandparent, not the speaker.
shchâay audio my grandchild (women's)
shtthûuy audio my grandchild (man's)
stsêey audio my grandfather
stsųų audio my grandmother
łaan éł stsųų audio audio my mother's mother
The term for 'mother's mother' is a more respectful term.
tl'ox audio  grass
taagúuth audio  goose grass
nahtên gaay audio LITERALLY 'little thunder'
tsíná'ęę de'ishłęę audio  I am grateful
tth'enh k'ée audio
thaayh audio ALSO sand
thaayh ts'enin'ah audio
delmaay audio the gray one
delmaa audio  it is gray audio
tthí' gęyh audio
tthiitnitgaay audio
seejel audio (Thymallus arcticus)
xee audio grease
SYN lard, shortening
elxęę audio it is greasy, rich
ch'ekaa elxęę audio fat is greasy
xee tlok audio it is soaked through with grease
diichâagh audio
SYN respect
stsêey audio my maternal great uncle (grandmother's brother)
shchaay wuts'3níin' chíh shchaay nłęę audio my great-grandchild (women's)
shtthuuy wuts'eníin' chíh shtthuuy nłęę audio my great-grandchild (man's)
ts'el audio red necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena) red necked
then horned
The same Tanacross word covers the colors blue through green.
deldlêedz audio green, blue
sheen tah tl'ox deldléets audio in summer the grass is green
ALSO blue
tsets dehtsel audio
tuhtsêdl audio (Anas crecca)
SEE gray
jîiz audio (Perisoreous canadensis)
SYN jay, camprobber
ch'eliitthogh' audio (Urus arctos)
kelahtuud audio (Pinicola enucleator)
SYN pine grosbeak
nén' audio
k'ąąy audio (Marmaota caligata)
SYN marmot
tthel audio
SYN arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)
dendeey iin audio
deyh audio spruce grouse (Falcipennis canadensis)
SYN spruce hen
ch'ehtêeg audio sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus)
tsą́ą' ts'uug audio ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbelllus)
nesheex audio
tl'ox nesheegh audio  plants are growing
nédhíhshąą audio I grew up
néeshąą audio she or he grew up
łii ch'utnehxonh audio a dog is growling
yets'ídél'ah audio  she or he has a grudge against him or her
SEE mumble
nach'udah'ę́'ę audio ALSO police
nayudah'ę́ę' audio she or he is guarding him/her/it
soojee audio  invited potlatch guest
nayitne'aax audio she or he is guiding him/her around
mehk'ą̂ąy audio mew gull (Larus canus)
SYN seagull
mehk'ą̂ąy chox herring gull (Larus argentatus)
tthí' tsaan Bonaparte's gull
xosk'ée audio ALSO pit, hole
SYN ditch
dzéex audio
SYN pitch
dzéex nekk'éts audio I am popping, snapping gum (as I chew)
shxutthěn' my gums
k'á' audio
SYN rifle
k'á' k'iig audio gunsite
tl'ox théth
tl'ox saak audio
xá'átshos audio it gushed, spewed out
xâa'elts'eyh audio it is gusty, wind comes and goes
ch'ets'ǐig' audio
tilgóts audio you are guzzling it, drinking it quickly
natnatk'êddh tth'eh tilgots! audio drink it up before it cools down!
tédheggóts audio  I gulped it, drank it quickly
tédhilgóts audio  you gulped it, drank it quickly
tantsiił (Falco rusticolus)
jîiz chox audio  gyrfalcon

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