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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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habit, happening, experience
iḷitqusriq, dl. iḷitqutchik, pl. iḷitqutchich

A habit can be changed.
Iḷitgusriq simmitḷaruq.

2. habit, unconscious habit, instinct

His habitual movements are recognizable.
Aulaalułha iḷisagnaqtuq.

to hail by waving arms, as to hail a cab
nuluqtuq- or nulutġaq-

He hailed her to come.
Nuluqtuġaa aggiquplugu.

He is hailing me.

2. to hail by calling

he is hailing her by shouting

He called to her to come across.
Tuqłulagaa ikaaquplugu.

natatquġnaq, dl. natatquġnak, pl. natatquġnat

The hailstone is harder than falling snow.
Natatquġnaq siqqutluktug qanigruamiñ.

body hair, feather, animal hair

There is a caribou hair on the floor.
Tuttum mitqua kanna natiġmi ittuq.

2. human hair
nuyaq, dl. nutchak, pl. nutchat

Her hair was long.
Nuyai takiniqsuat.

3. to wash hair, to curl hair, to style or fix hairdo

she is washing her hair
nutchiqiruq, dl. nutchiqiruk, pl. nutchiqirut

She loves to do her hair.

one half
avvaq, dl. avvaak, pl. avvaich

half of it

half of an egg
avvaŋa mannium

Here is one half of a bar of soap.
Uvva avvaq miillaq.

2. to become half

There is a half moon.
Tatqiq avvaġuqtuq.

hammerkarruutaq, dl. karruutak, pl. karruutat

Give me the hammer.
Karruutaq mauŋaġuŋ.

2. to hammer

he is hammering

he is hammering it

He is hammering the nail.
Karukkaa kikiak.

3. to hammer, to pound

she is hammering
kauktuq, dl. kauktuk, pl. kauktut

He is hammering a nail.
Kauktuq kikiaŋmik.

4. hammering sound
kauksrula- or karuksrula-
handargak, pl. argaich

Your hands are tanned.
Argaktin siḷaliñiġai.

2. to hand to another person , to give away

he hands it over, he gave it away
qaitchaa, dl. obj. qaitchik, pl. obj. qaitchai

Hand it over to me. Give it to me.
Qairruŋ uvamnun.

3. to have cold hands

My hands are cold!
kakkiiyaun, dl. kakkiiyautik, pl. kakkiiyautit

A handkerchief is used for blowing one’s nose.
Kakkiiyaun kakkiksuutauruq.
kakkiksuun, dl. kakkiksuutik, pl. kakkiksuutit

Where is my handkerchief?
Naami kakkiksuutiga?

handle of a spear, a cup, a dipper
ipu, dl. ipuk, pl. iput

It’s handle is made of wood.
Ipua qiruŋmiñ piḷiaŋuruq.

2. to handle, to manipulate

he is handling something, directing, manipulating someone or others
aŋalatchiruq, dl. aŋalatchiruk, pl. aŋalatchirut

he is handling it, directing him
aŋalatkaa, dl. aŋalatkaak, pl. aŋalatkaat

Don’t handle the breakable items!
Aŋalatnagich piyayaruat.

handlebar on the sled
kaivḷuutaq, dl. kaivḷuutak, pl. kaivḷuutat

The handlebar is broken.
Kaivḷuutaq piiyaqsimaruq.

to hang fish, meat or net on rack, to hang something up to dry
iñi-, iñiri-

he is hanging something
iñiriruq, dl. iñiriruk, pl. iñirirut

She is hanging fish.
Iñiriruq qaluŋnik.

he is hanging it
iñiyaa, dl. iñiyaak, pl. iñiyaat

She is hanging the net on the fish rack.
Iñiyaa kuvraq iññisanun.

2. to hang up, to be hanging, to dangle
niviŋŋaq-, niviññaq-

it is hanging
niviŋŋaqtuq, dl. niviŋŋaqtuk, pl. niviŋŋaqtut

The rope hangs down from the boat.
Akłunaaq niviŋŋaqtuq umiamiñ.

he has hung it up
niviŋŋaġaa, dl. niviŋŋaġaak, pl. niviŋŋaġaat

3. to hang, as on a wall or a line

she is hanging -something-

She is hanging clothes on the line.
Naktitchiruq atnuġaanik paniqsiutanun.

she has hung it
naktitkaa, dl. obj. naktitkik, pl. obj. naktitkai

He hung the picture there.
Naktitkaa agliutraq tamauŋa.

to have a hangover

he has a hangover
iminŋuruq, dl. iminŋuruk, pl. iminŋurut

He got a hangover after he drank.
Iminŋuruq imiqqaaqhuni.

to be happy, to have fun

he is happy
quviasruktuq, dl. quviasruktuk, pl. quviasruktut

The father was happy when he came home.
Quviasruktuq taataga aŋiḷaaqami.

2. to be fun, to be a happy experience

Have a happy birthday.
Quvianaġli anniviḷihiñ.

It is fun.
to be difficult, hard; to be aggressive

It is difficult.

2. to be hard, of an object; to be stiff

It is hard.

Alaska hare
ukallisugruk, dl. ukallisugruuk, pl. ukallisugruich

The Alaska hare is bigger than the snowshoe rabbit.
Ukallisugruk aŋitluktuq ukalliuramiñ.

saġvam tiŋmiaq, dl. saġvam tiŋmiak, pl. saġvam tiŋmiat

The harlequin duck stays on the swift current in the river.
Saġvam tiŋmiaq saġvamiitchuuruq.

anu, dl. anuk, pl. anut

There are many harnesses in the cache.
Anut iñugiaktut uŋaluni.

2. harness webbing
anuksraq, dl. anuksrak, pl. anuksrat

My father bought some harness webbing.
Taataga tauqsiqsuq anuksramik.

3. to harness an animal

he is harnessing it
anugaa, dl. anugaak, pl. anugaat

I harnessed the dog.
Anugiga qipmiq.

Harness the dog.
Annuuŋ qipmiq.


cap, hat
nasraun, dl. nasrautik, pl. nasrautit

Where is my hat?
Nasrautiga naami?


to hate

he hates
uumiksriruq, dl. uumiksriruk, pl. uumiksrirut

to hate another person

he hates it
uumigigaa, dl. uumigigaak, pl. uumigigaat
to have
-qaq- [n-v]

I have a pencil.

He has five children.
Qitunġaqaqtuq tallimanik.

2. to have

he has
piqaqtuq, dl. piqaqtuk, pl. piqaqtut

I have a dog.
Piqaqtuŋa qipmimik or qipmiqaqtuŋa.

3. to have -question-

What do you have?
annagvik or qamannirvik, dl. annagviik, pl. annagviich

It is good to have a haven.
Annagviqaqtuni nakuuruq.
niaquqtuaġruk, dl. niaquqtuaġruuk, pl. niaquqtuaġruich

The hawk owl can fly and it is smaller than a regular owl.
Niaquqtuaġruk tiŋmitḷaruq suli mikitlukhuni naatamiñ.

2. marsh hawk
papiktuuq, dl. papiktuuk, pl. papiktuut

The marsh hawk has a long tail.
Papiktuuq papikpaqaqtuq.

3. pigeon hawk
tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia, dl. tiŋmiaġruum kirgaviik, pl. tiŋmiaġruum kirgaviich

4. rough-legged hawk
qiḷġiq, dl. qiḷġik, pl. qiḷġich

The rough-legged hawk eats ptarmigan.
Qiḷġiq aqargiqsuġuuruq.

5. osprey

6. goshawk, peregrine falcon
kirgavik, dl. kirgaviik, pl. kirgaviich

to be hazy -of weather-

it is hazy

The weather is hazy today.
Uviuvak siḷa niptaitchuq.

2. to be hazy, murky, not clear

it is hazy

The weather is hazy.
Isruqtuq siḷa.

he, she, it
plus tuq [used with verb stems with no strong I in semifinal position]
plus ruq [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]
plus suq [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in a ‘k’ or ‘q’]
plus chuq [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in t]

to sleep

He, she, it is sleeping.

to eat

He, she, it is eating.

to no longer have water

It is out of water.

to be empty

It is empty.

2. he/she

He/she slept alone last night.
Ilaa kisimi siñiktuaq unnuaq.

head, skull
niaquq, dl. niaqquk, pl. niaqqut

His head is now bald.
Niaqua utiruq.

2. head hair
nuyaq, dl. nutchak, pl. nutchat

The color of my hair is black.
Nutchatka qiġñiqtut.

to have a headache

she has a headache
niaqunŋuruq, dl. niaqunŋuruk, pl. niaqunŋurut

My mother has a headache today.
Aanaga niaqunŋuruq uvluvak.

2. he has headaches repeatedly or he has something wrong with his head
niaquġiitchuq, dl. niaquġiitchuk, pl. niaquġiitchut

That man seems to have a short temper. Something must be wrong with his head.
Isrumaitmatun tamanna iñuk. Niaquġiitchuknaqtuq.
to heal

it has healed
mamittuq, dl. mamittuk, pl. mamittut

His sore healed.
Kiḷḷia mamittuq.

2. it caused him to heal, she healed him
mamititkaa, dl. mamititkaak, pl. mamititkaat

The doctor healed his disease.
Taaktim mamititkaa atniġñaŋa.

to hear

he hears, he is hearing, he heard
tusraaruq, dl. tusraaruk, pl. tusraarut

He hears the plane.
Tusraaruq tiŋmisuutmik.

he hears it
tusraagaa, dl. tusraagaak, pl. tusraagaat

Do you hear it?

2. to be audible

The plane can be heard.
Tiŋmisuun tusraġnaqtuq.

uumman, dl. uummatik, pl. uummatit

The heart is in the body.
Uumman timimi ittuq.

2. to experience a rapid heart beat, to panic, to be startled, lit. to have a new heart

He startled me so.

I was very excited and panicky during the fire.
Uummatitchauraqtuŋa ikikman.
to heat, to warm
uunaqsiq- or uunaqsiurallak-

Heat the soup.
Uunaqsiurallauŋ imiġauraq.

The stove is now heated.
Uunaqsiḷiqtuq ikniġvik.

2. heat

Some people can barely stand heat.
Uunnaq iḷaŋisa iñuich igḷutulguitchaat.

3. for there to be heat waves

There are heat waves on hot days.
Uunaqman siḷa uyumiġaqtuq.

heateruunnaksaun, dl. uunnaksautik, pl. uunnaksautit

A heater is handy to own when the weather is cold.
Itriliqman uunnaksautiqaqtuni nakuuruq.
-lit. up there-
pakma, pakimna

Your girlfriend is in heaven.
Pakma uumaan pakmani. or
Pakmaniittuq uumaan.
to be heavy

it is heavy
uqumaitchuq, dl. uqumaitchuk, pl. uqumaitchut

The rock is heavy.
Iyaġak uqumaitchuq.

heelkikmik, dl. kikmiik, pl. kikmiich

I scraped my heel.
Kikmiga amiiqsiġniġiga.
hell -place of loss-

The Bible tells about hell.
Tammaġvik Bible-lut uqautigigaat.

to help

she is helping
ikayuqtuq, dl. ikayuqtuk, pl. ikayuqtut

He is helping to unload the plane.
Ikayuqtuq niuriruani tiŋmisuutmik.

she is helping him
ikayuġaa, dl. ikayuġaak, pl. ikayuġaat

She is helping her own grandma.
Ikayuġaa aanaruani.

2. to need help

he needs help
ikayuġnaqtuq, dl. ikayuġnaqtuk, pl. ikayuġnaqtut

Do you need help?

3. it can’t be helped, too bad -that he died, is mortally ill, etc., to accept fate- qanuġviitchuq, dl. qanuġviitchuk, pl. qanuġviitchut

There is nothing anyone can do about the death of a person.
Qanuġviitchuq tara tuqu’ami iñuk.

kipalukti or ikayuati, dl. kipaluktik or
, pl. kipaluktit, or ikayuqtit

His helpers have come.
Kipaluktai aggiġñiqsut.

Let us help each other to complete it.
Ikayugtigiiksillunuk pianiktiqsaġlakpuk.

qugluŋniq, dl. qugluŋnaak, pl. qugluŋniġich

The hem on the dress has unraveled.
Qugluŋniq aŋivraqtuq atarami or -ataraami-.


Who is shorter?
Kiña mikitlukpa?


2. to her/him

Show it to her/him.
Ilaanun qiñiqtirruŋ.

3. with her, him

Follow her/him.
Ilaagun malguraġiñ.

4. located with her/him

I am going to spend the night with her/him.
Siñiktaġniaqtuŋa ilaani.

5. from her/him

I got some from her/him.
Ilaaniñ piksraqtuami.

I am younger than her/him.
Ilaaniñ nukaqłiuruŋa.


Here is my house.
Uvva tupiġa.

2. around here

There are rabbits around here.
Maani ukalliqaqtuq.

3. around here -specifically-

She is living around here. -in a specific area-
Tamaani iñuuniaqtuq.

4. located here

The boat is here.
Umiaq uvani ittuq.

5. to come here

it has come here
uvuŋaqtuq, dl. uvuŋaqtuk, pl. uvuŋaqtut

The dog has come here.
Uvva qipmiq uvuŋaqtuq.

6. here -take this-

uqsruqtuuq, dl. uqsrugtuuk, pl. ugsrugtuut

The herring-a fish from the sea.
Taġium qalua-uqsruqtuuq.

hide, skin
amiq, dl. ammik, pl. ammich

The skin is thick.
Amiq mapturuq.

2. to be hidden from view

it is hidden

The caribou is hidden behind the bushes.
Tuttu taliñŋaruq avraurani.

3. to become hidden from view

it cannot be seen now
talitchuq, dl. talitchuk, pl. talitchut

4. to hide

he is hiding
iriqtuq, dl. iriqtuk, pl. iriqtut

He hid behind the door.
Iriqtuq talum tunuanun.

he hides it
iriġaa, dl. obj. iriġik, pl. obj. iriġai

Don’t hide it.

to be high up, out of reach

it is high
qutchiksuq, dl. qutchiksuk, pl. qutchiksut

The mountain is high.
Iñġiq qutchiksuq.

to kick a high-kick ball

he is kicking a high-kick ball
aqsraatchiaqtuq, dl. aqsraatchiaqtuk, pl. aqsraatchiaqtut

Kicking a high-kick ball is a part of Eskimo Games.
Anaktaqamiŋ aaqsraatchiaġaqtut.
ikpik, dl. ikpiik, pl. ikpiich

The hill is far away.
Ikpik uŋasriksuq.

2. individual round hill -swelling-

The round hill is on the tundra.
Piŋuqsraq ittuq natiġnami.

see her
hind leg, hind quarter
mumiq, dl. mummak, pl. mumġich

I will skin the hind leg of the caribou.
Amiiġisigiga tuttum mumġa.

hip joint
sipyaaq, dl. sipyaak, pl. sipyaat

The hip joint is located at the upper end of the leg.
Sipyaaq nium kaŋiani ittuq.

The person’s hips are in pain.
Iñuum sipyaak atniġñaqtuk.

to make a hissing sound
siiġruk- or siila-

it is hissing, whistling -of wind, gas stove or lantern-
siiġruktuq, dl. siiġruktuk, pl. siiġruktut

The wind is making a hissing sound.
Anuġi siiġruktuamik nipiqaqtuq.

it is hissing

to hit with side of fist

he hits it
tiglukkaa, dl. tiglukkaak, pl. tiglukkaat

She hit him on his back when he started choking.
Tiglukkaa tunuagun niġḷigaqsiḷiqman.

2. to hit with something, to club

she hit it

He hit it with the stick.
Anaugaa qiruuramik.


Put it here.
Mauŋa iḷḷiuŋ.
hold to hold on lap

he is holding it on his own lap
saġliaqtuq, dl. saġliaqtuk, pl. saġliaqtut

A mother is holding the baby on her lap.
Saġliaqtuq iyaalugruaġmik aana.

He is holding it on his own lap.

2. to take hold of
tigu-, tigusri-

he took hold of it

he took hold of something

3. to be holding or to be holding on to

he is holding something
tigummiruq, dl. tigummiruk, pl. tigummirut

he is holding it
tigummigaa, dl. tigummigaak, pl. tigummigaat
a hole drilled through something
putu, dl. putuk, pl. putut

The hole is big.
Putu aŋiruq.

2. to drill a hole

he made a hole, drilled a hole
puturiruq, dl. puturiruk, pl. puturirut

The man drilled a hole in a piece of lumber.
Aŋun puturiruq unaqsimik.

3. torn hole
allaq, dl. allaak, pl. allaich

My pants are full of holes.
Kamikłuuka allauruk.

to be holy, innocent, pure

He is holy.
She is innocent.

that which is holy

We saw one who was holy.
Ipqitchuaq qiñiġikput.

Holy Spirit
Ipqitchuaq Irrusriq

The Holy Spirit is for everyone.
Ipqitchuaq Irrusriq iñupayaam piksraŋa.
home home, household
kiñuniq, dl. kiñunnak, pl. kiñunġich

The home is safe.
Kiñuniq annaummiviginaqtuq.

2. to come home, to go home

He went home.
nasraq, dl. natchak, pl. natchat

to put one’s hood on

He puts his own hood on.

She puts his hood on.

Put your hood on!

aki, dl. akik, pl. akit

The hook is hanging on the wall.
Aki naktisrimaruq katchimi.

2. hook
niksik, dl. niksiik, pl. niksiich

The hook is sharp.
Niksik ipiktuq.

3. to hook for fish

he is hooking for fish
niksiksuqtuq, dl. niksiksuqtuk, pl. niksiksuqtut

The boy is hooking for fish.
Nukatpialugruaq niksiksuqtuq qaluŋnun.
4. multipronged fishhook
iqak, dl. iqaak, pl. iqat

to jig for mudshark

They are hooking for mudshark.

The multipronged fishhook is used for mudsharks.
Iqak tittaaliñun atuġnaqtuq.

5. he is making a hook
to hop

he is hopping
nuttaktuq, dl. nuttaktuk, pl. nuttaktut

The rabbit is hopping.
Ukalliatchiaq nuttaktuq.

horn -musical instrument-
qalġuqtaun, dl. qalġuqtautik, pl. qalġuqtautit

2. horns, antlers -of an animal-
nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

One can have net sinkers made of antlers.
Nagruŋnik saatqutiqaġnaqtuq.

nukisaġaq, dl. nukisaqqak, pl. nukisaqqat

The horned owl is hooting.
Nukisaġaq qalġuqtuq.

hornet, wasp, yellow jacket
tuggayuuq, dl. tuggayuuk, pl. tuggayuut

The hornet stings people.
Tuggayuuq tuuġisuuruq iñuŋnik.

tuttuqpak, dl. tuttuqpaak, pl. tuttuqpaich

The horse is brown.
Tuttuqpak iliktauruq.

to have a hospitable atmosphere
tagialanait- or tukkuġiŋñaq-

it is hospitable -enjoyable atmosphere-
tagialanaitchuq, dl. tagialanaitchuk, pl. tagialanaitchut

She is very hospitable.
Tagialanaitchug. or
-lit. place for suffering or place for being sick
naŋirvik, dl. naŋirviik, pl. naŋirviich

There is a hospital in Kotzebue.
Qikiqtaġruk naŋirviqaqtuq.
tukkuq, dl. tukkuk, pl. tukkut

My hostess is friendly.
Tukkuġa attaġnaitchuq.

to be hot, warm

to become hot, very warm

it is hot

It has become hot.

hotel, inn
nullaġvik, dl. nullaġviik, pl. nullaġviich

The hotel is big.
Nullaġvik aŋiruq.

tupiq, dl. tuppak, pl. tupqich

The house is big.
Tupiq aŋiruq.

2. sod house
ivrulik, dl. ivrullak, pl. ivrulgich

The sod house is warm.
Ivrulik uunaqtuq.

3. sod house
saulik or sauligaurag

The sod house is warm in winter and cool in summer.
Sauligauraq uunaqtuq ukiumi aasrii nigliñaaqhuni auraġmi.
how, what

What were you about to say? lit., How were you going to speak?
Qanuq nipliġñiaqtuami?

2. how, by which way?
sukun or naukun

By which way did you come?
or How did you come?
Sukun aggiqpich? or
Naukun aggiqpich?

3. how many?

How many fish did you catch?
Qapsiñik qalukpich?

4. how much?

How much does this cost?
Qanutun una akiqaqpa?
to howl

it is howling -dog, wolf-
maguruq, dl. maguruk, pl. magurut

The dog is howling.
Qipmiq maguruq.

The dogs howled again last night.
Qipmich magulgitchut unnuaq.

huh, what’s that, eh?
sua?, aiy?, suva?, suvakii? suakii?
to hum
see also whine
imŋaluk-, imŋaluktuaq-

He is humming.
Imŋaluktuq. or

Hum that tune.
Imŋalugḷugu taamna atuqsiuŋ.
human being
iñuk, dl. iññuk, pl. iñuich

A human being can talk.
Iñuk uqatlaruq.

to be humble

to become humble

he is humble
atchiksuq, dl. atchiksuk, pl. atchiksut

He has become humble.

I became humble before God.
Atchiksiruŋa agaayyutim sivuġaani.

to be hunchbacked
napuŋa- or napiŋa-

he is hunchbacked
napuŋaruq, dl. napuŋaruk, pl. napuŋarut

The camel is hunchbacked.
Camel-uq napuŋaruq.
one hundred

One hundred people came.
Tallimakipiaq iñuk aggiqsuq.


to be hungry

he is hungry
niġisuktuq, dl. niġisuktuk, pl. niġisuktut

The baby is hungry.
Paipiuraq niġisuktuq.

2. to not be hungry

I am not hungry.

3. to experience great hunger, to starve

I am starving.

aŋuniaq-, sunniaq-

he is hunting
aŋuniaqtuq, dl. aŋuniaqtuk, pl. aŋuniaqtut

My son is hunting.
Iġñiġa aŋuniaqtuq.

2. hunter
aŋuniaqti, dl. aŋuniaqtik, pl. aŋuniaqtit

The hunter is shooting.
Aŋuniaqti siktaaqtuq.

3. to go to obtain, to go hunt

he is hunting caribou
tuttuliaqtuq, dl. tuttuliaqtuk, pl. tuttuliaqtut

4. hunting equipment, cutting implements, weapons
satku, dl. satkuk, pl. satkut

Hunters carry weapons whenever they go out hunting.
Satku saagaġaġigaat aŋuniaqamiŋ.
to be sick, to be hurting, to be in pain

he is hurting, she is sick with pain
atniġñaqtuq, dl. atniġñaqtuk, pl. atniġñaqtut

The person is sick.
Iñuk atniġñaqtuq.

2. to hurt

he is hurt
atniqsuq, dl. atniqsuk, pl. atniqsut

she hurt him
atniġaa, dl. atniġaak, pl. atniġaat

3. to get hurt

I got hurt at work.
Atniqsittuŋa savakama.
ui, iḷaqan

husband or wife, spouse
iḷaqan, dl. iḷaqatik, pl. iḷaqatit

My husband left on the airplane.
Iḷaqatiga aullaqtuq tiŋmisuutikun.

2. my husband

I love my husband.
Piqpagigiga uiga.

her husband

Her husband is okay.
Uiŋa nakuuruq.
hush! be quiet!

Hush, there are caribou across there!
Ataa, tuttut agga!

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