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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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annagvik or qamannirvik, dl. annagviik, pl. annagviich

It is good to have a haven.
Annagviqaqtuni nakuuruq.
niaquqtuaġruk, dl. niaquqtuaġruuk, pl. niaquqtuaġruich

The hawk owl can fly and it is smaller than a regular owl.
Niaquqtuaġruk tiŋmitḷaruq suli mikitlukhuni naatamiñ.

2. marsh hawk
papiktuuq, dl. papiktuuk, pl. papiktuut

The marsh hawk has a long tail.
Papiktuuq papikpaqaqtuq.

3. pigeon hawk
tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia, dl. tiŋmiaġruum kirgaviik, pl. tiŋmiaġruum kirgaviich

4. rough-legged hawk
qiḷġiq, dl. qiḷġik, pl. qiḷġich

The rough-legged hawk eats ptarmigan.
Qiḷġiq aqargiqsuġuuruq.

5. osprey

6. goshawk, peregrine falcon
kirgavik, dl. kirgaviik, pl. kirgaviich

to be hazy -of weather-

it is hazy

The weather is hazy today.
Uviuvak siḷa niptaitchuq.

2. to be hazy, murky, not clear

it is hazy

The weather is hazy.
Isruqtuq siḷa.

he, she, it
plus tuq [used with verb stems with no strong I in semifinal position]
plus ruq [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]
plus suq [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in a ‘k’ or ‘q’]
plus chuq [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in t]

to sleep

He, she, it is sleeping.

to eat

He, she, it is eating.

to no longer have water

It is out of water.

to be empty

It is empty.

2. he/she

He/she slept alone last night.
Ilaa kisimi siñiktuaq unnuaq.

head, skull
niaquq, dl. niaqquk, pl. niaqqut

His head is now bald.
Niaqua utiruq.

2. head hair
nuyaq, dl. nutchak, pl. nutchat

The color of my hair is black.
Nutchatka qiġñiqtut.

to have a headache

she has a headache
niaqunŋuruq, dl. niaqunŋuruk, pl. niaqunŋurut

My mother has a headache today.
Aanaga niaqunŋuruq uvluvak.

2. he has headaches repeatedly or he has something wrong with his head
niaquġiitchuq, dl. niaquġiitchuk, pl. niaquġiitchut

That man seems to have a short temper. Something must be wrong with his head.
Isrumaitmatun tamanna iñuk. Niaquġiitchuknaqtuq.
to heal

it has healed
mamittuq, dl. mamittuk, pl. mamittut

His sore healed.
Kiḷḷia mamittuq.

2. it caused him to heal, she healed him
mamititkaa, dl. mamititkaak, pl. mamititkaat

The doctor healed his disease.
Taaktim mamititkaa atniġñaŋa.

to hear

he hears, he is hearing, he heard
tusraaruq, dl. tusraaruk, pl. tusraarut

He hears the plane.
Tusraaruq tiŋmisuutmik.

he hears it
tusraagaa, dl. tusraagaak, pl. tusraagaat

Do you hear it?

2. to be audible

The plane can be heard.
Tiŋmisuun tusraġnaqtuq.

uumman, dl. uummatik, pl. uummatit

The heart is in the body.
Uumman timimi ittuq.

2. to experience a rapid heart beat, to panic, to be startled, lit. to have a new heart

He startled me so.

I was very excited and panicky during the fire.
Uummatitchauraqtuŋa ikikman.
to heat, to warm
uunaqsiq- or uunaqsiurallak-

Heat the soup.
Uunaqsiurallauŋ imiġauraq.

The stove is now heated.
Uunaqsiḷiqtuq ikniġvik.

2. heat

Some people can barely stand heat.
Uunnaq iḷaŋisa iñuich igḷutulguitchaat.

3. for there to be heat waves

There are heat waves on hot days.
Uunaqman siḷa uyumiġaqtuq.

heateruunnaksaun, dl. uunnaksautik, pl. uunnaksautit

A heater is handy to own when the weather is cold.
Itriliqman uunnaksautiqaqtuni nakuuruq.
-lit. up there-
pakma, pakimna

Your girlfriend is in heaven.
Pakma uumaan pakmani. or
Pakmaniittuq uumaan.
to be heavy

it is heavy
uqumaitchuq, dl. uqumaitchuk, pl. uqumaitchut

The rock is heavy.
Iyaġak uqumaitchuq.

heelkikmik, dl. kikmiik, pl. kikmiich

I scraped my heel.
Kikmiga amiiqsiġniġiga.
hell -place of loss-

The Bible tells about hell.
Tammaġvik Bible-lut uqautigigaat.

to help

she is helping
ikayuqtuq, dl. ikayuqtuk, pl. ikayuqtut

He is helping to unload the plane.
Ikayuqtuq niuriruani tiŋmisuutmik.

she is helping him
ikayuġaa, dl. ikayuġaak, pl. ikayuġaat

She is helping her own grandma.
Ikayuġaa aanaruani.

2. to need help

he needs help
ikayuġnaqtuq, dl. ikayuġnaqtuk, pl. ikayuġnaqtut

Do you need help?

3. it can’t be helped, too bad -that he died, is mortally ill, etc., to accept fate- qanuġviitchuq, dl. qanuġviitchuk, pl. qanuġviitchut

There is nothing anyone can do about the death of a person.
Qanuġviitchuq tara tuqu’ami iñuk.

kipalukti or ikayuati, dl. kipaluktik or
, pl. kipaluktit, or ikayuqtit

His helpers have come.
Kipaluktai aggiġñiqsut.

Let us help each other to complete it.
Ikayugtigiiksillunuk pianiktiqsaġlakpuk.

qugluŋniq, dl. qugluŋnaak, pl. qugluŋniġich

The hem on the dress has unraveled.
Qugluŋniq aŋivraqtuq atarami or -ataraami-.


Who is shorter?
Kiña mikitlukpa?


2. to her/him

Show it to her/him.
Ilaanun qiñiqtirruŋ.

3. with her, him

Follow her/him.
Ilaagun malguraġiñ.

4. located with her/him

I am going to spend the night with her/him.
Siñiktaġniaqtuŋa ilaani.

5. from her/him

I got some from her/him.
Ilaaniñ piksraqtuami.

I am younger than her/him.
Ilaaniñ nukaqłiuruŋa.


Here is my house.
Uvva tupiġa.

2. around here

There are rabbits around here.
Maani ukalliqaqtuq.

3. around here -specifically-

She is living around here. -in a specific area-
Tamaani iñuuniaqtuq.

4. located here

The boat is here.
Umiaq uvani ittuq.

5. to come here

it has come here
uvuŋaqtuq, dl. uvuŋaqtuk, pl. uvuŋaqtut

The dog has come here.
Uvva qipmiq uvuŋaqtuq.

6. here -take this-

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