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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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horn -musical instrument-
qalġuqtaun, dl. qalġuqtautik, pl. qalġuqtautit

2. horns, antlers -of an animal-
nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

One can have net sinkers made of antlers.
Nagruŋnik saatqutiqaġnaqtuq.

nukisaġaq, dl. nukisaqqak, pl. nukisaqqat

The horned owl is hooting.
Nukisaġaq qalġuqtuq.

hornet, wasp, yellow jacket
tuggayuuq, dl. tuggayuuk, pl. tuggayuut

The hornet stings people.
Tuggayuuq tuuġisuuruq iñuŋnik.

tuttuqpak, dl. tuttuqpaak, pl. tuttuqpaich

The horse is brown.
Tuttuqpak iliktauruq.

to have a hospitable atmosphere
tagialanait- or tukkuġiŋñaq-

it is hospitable -enjoyable atmosphere-
tagialanaitchuq, dl. tagialanaitchuk, pl. tagialanaitchut

She is very hospitable.
Tagialanaitchug. or
-lit. place for suffering or place for being sick
naŋirvik, dl. naŋirviik, pl. naŋirviich

There is a hospital in Kotzebue.
Qikiqtaġruk naŋirviqaqtuq.
tukkuq, dl. tukkuk, pl. tukkut

My hostess is friendly.
Tukkuġa attaġnaitchuq.

to be hot, warm

to become hot, very warm

it is hot

It has become hot.

hotel, inn
nullaġvik, dl. nullaġviik, pl. nullaġviich

The hotel is big.
Nullaġvik aŋiruq.

tupiq, dl. tuppak, pl. tupqich

The house is big.
Tupiq aŋiruq.

2. sod house
ivrulik, dl. ivrullak, pl. ivrulgich

The sod house is warm.
Ivrulik uunaqtuq.

3. sod house
saulik or sauligaurag

The sod house is warm in winter and cool in summer.
Sauligauraq uunaqtuq ukiumi aasrii nigliñaaqhuni auraġmi.
how, what

What were you about to say? lit., How were you going to speak?
Qanuq nipliġñiaqtuami?

2. how, by which way?
sukun or naukun

By which way did you come?
or How did you come?
Sukun aggiqpich? or
Naukun aggiqpich?

3. how many?

How many fish did you catch?
Qapsiñik qalukpich?

4. how much?

How much does this cost?
Qanutun una akiqaqpa?
to howl

it is howling -dog, wolf-
maguruq, dl. maguruk, pl. magurut

The dog is howling.
Qipmiq maguruq.

The dogs howled again last night.
Qipmich magulgitchut unnuaq.

huh, what’s that, eh?
sua?, aiy?, suva?, suvakii? suakii?
to hum
see also whine
imŋaluk-, imŋaluktuaq-

He is humming.
Imŋaluktuq. or

Hum that tune.
Imŋalugḷugu taamna atuqsiuŋ.
human being
iñuk, dl. iññuk, pl. iñuich

A human being can talk.
Iñuk uqatlaruq.

to be humble

to become humble

he is humble
atchiksuq, dl. atchiksuk, pl. atchiksut

He has become humble.

I became humble before God.
Atchiksiruŋa agaayyutim sivuġaani.

to be hunchbacked
napuŋa- or napiŋa-

he is hunchbacked
napuŋaruq, dl. napuŋaruk, pl. napuŋarut

The camel is hunchbacked.
Camel-uq napuŋaruq.
one hundred

One hundred people came.
Tallimakipiaq iñuk aggiqsuq.


to be hungry

he is hungry
niġisuktuq, dl. niġisuktuk, pl. niġisuktut

The baby is hungry.
Paipiuraq niġisuktuq.

2. to not be hungry

I am not hungry.

3. to experience great hunger, to starve

I am starving.

aŋuniaq-, sunniaq-

he is hunting
aŋuniaqtuq, dl. aŋuniaqtuk, pl. aŋuniaqtut

My son is hunting.
Iġñiġa aŋuniaqtuq.

2. hunter
aŋuniaqti, dl. aŋuniaqtik, pl. aŋuniaqtit

The hunter is shooting.
Aŋuniaqti siktaaqtuq.

3. to go to obtain, to go hunt

he is hunting caribou
tuttuliaqtuq, dl. tuttuliaqtuk, pl. tuttuliaqtut

4. hunting equipment, cutting implements, weapons
satku, dl. satkuk, pl. satkut

Hunters carry weapons whenever they go out hunting.
Satku saagaġaġigaat aŋuniaqamiŋ.

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