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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be sick, to be hurting, to be in pain

he is hurting, she is sick with pain
atniġñaqtuq, dl. atniġñaqtuk, pl. atniġñaqtut

The person is sick.
Iñuk atniġñaqtuq.

2. to hurt

he is hurt
atniqsuq, dl. atniqsuk, pl. atniqsut

she hurt him
atniġaa, dl. atniġaak, pl. atniġaat

3. to get hurt

I got hurt at work.
Atniqsittuŋa savakama.
ui, iḷaqan

husband or wife, spouse
iḷaqan, dl. iḷaqatik, pl. iḷaqatit

My husband left on the airplane.
Iḷaqatiga aullaqtuq tiŋmisuutikun.

2. my husband

I love my husband.
Piqpagigiga uiga.

her husband

Her husband is okay.
Uiŋa nakuuruq.
hush! be quiet!

Hush, there are caribou across there!
Ataa, tuttut agga!

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