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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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yexnílts'et audio he habituated to it
coffee exnílts'et ts'į́' k'á ldîil étdí́igh audio  coffee became a habit and he doesn't drink tea
ihdzonh audio I am hacking it (forcefully so that small pieces fly away)
Refers to using a sharp instrument to rapidly cut something
dekkeyh audio I am hacking, chopping it
ch'inłuut audio ALSO blueberry (unripe berry)
ch'inłuut e'ehchąą audio it is hailing
wuxá' audio  it's hair, fur
shtthixá' audio my hair (of my head)
tthiixá' ts'eeg xúnłęę audio long hair
shtl'exxá' audio  my pubic hair
ch'exaan audio
naa shí' ts'enh ch'exą́ą' wutl'ághų́hchuut de' audio give him or her half of the food
kelahdziimiil audio solar halo
gheldzeey nakech'etneet'eyh audio there is a lunar halo
SYN ring
ch'iitth'ed audio
shinłá' audio  my hand
shinlat'aag audio  back of my hand
ts'idint'eh audio handicapped person, animal
sháath handicapped, hobbled by old injury
shaath nłęę audio he is handicapped
SYN crippled
k'onit'êey audio
SYN bandana
wutį̌į' audio  its handle
xetl tį̌į' audio  sled handlebars
This refers specifically to 'face'. It is injih to say that someone is pretty or handsome
ninsųų audio he is handsome ALSO pretty
naghint'eyh audio it is hanging
eek dádzełdíhłeeyh audio  I am hanging up coats
nts'é' xútshaak audio  what happened?
nts'é t'ítshaak? audio what happened to you?
shaa xunsųų audio  I am happy about it
detgek audio
jah wuk'et detgek audio this surface is hard
shaa xéxúntsáath audio I am having a hard time
méxúntsaaddh audio  hardship
shaa medaxdíitsáath audio  it's difficult for me to pronounce that
gah audio
SYN rabbit (Lepus americanus)
ddheł tox dets'énn' \de (Histrionicus histrionicus)
shexdéghindíik audio  I was harmed, I got injured
łii dadíndah audio a dog is harnessed
łii keey iin daxdíndlah audio they harnessed up the dogs
kechents'êeg audio northern harrier (Circus cyaneus)
tthíishúus audio hat (general term)
tthíishúus ét-tl'uun audio knitted hat
tthíishúus mintaak'ey xunłęę hat with a visor
xaghįh'aats audio  it hatched
The same Tanacross word can used to convey the meaning of English 'get', 'haul' or 'fetch'.
shí' ka'inhá' audio go get food!
imperfective paradigm audio
ká'ihhá' káts'éhá'
ká'inhá' ká'ahhá'
ká'aahá' ká'xéhá'

tuu ká'ahá' audio she or he is hauling water
tsets ká'íhá' audio I am fetching firewood

dhihdlah audio I have (own, possess) them
perfective paradigmaudio
dhihdlah yits'eedlah
dhindlah ch'edhahdlah
ch'eedlah ch'axeedlah

tthíshúus dhíhdlah audio I have a lot of hats
taanduu k'et éeł dhíhdlah audio  I set traps on the island
sts'inkeey taag elt'eh audio I have three children

keech'otl sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus)
ch'etthaayh red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
gah daxeeł marsh hawk
nah daax audio marsh hawk
Tanacross does not have non-specific words that refer to the gender of 'that other' person. A separate word for 'he, she or it' 'is rarely used. Instead, who or what is involved is a necessary part of the verb. A separate word can be used to point out or emphasize a particular 'he' and is often translated as 'that person'.
nâan audio that one (person or thing)
nâan nt'sé miisí'? audio  what is his (that person's) name?
shtthí' audio  my head
ch'etthí' audio animal's head
tthí' ts'iik audio
tthí' ts'iik shdhéhxęę audio headache is killing me
shtthí' éhts'iik audio I have a headache
ch'etl'aa audio ALSO valley, canyon
naghishshé' audio I healed up, got better
Menhdeescheeg audio LITERALLY 'shallows mouth lake'
xatnaldók audio
tsets xatnaldók audio wood is heaped up, piled up in a heap (disorganized)
nde'ihtth'ek audio I hear you
shde'intth'ek? audio do you hear me?
de'ihtth'ek audio I hear him/her/it
xuude'ihtth'ek audio I hear them
je'ihtth'ek audio I listening, I hear something
díi lé'e de'ihtth'eg? audio what is it that I hear?
sdzii audio my hearing
sdzíi k'éxdélneyh k'eh shaa xúltsįį audio it seems like I'm losing my hearing
sdzeey' audio my heart
tuutthox audio
tuutthox shdatnénínts'iik audio  I have heartburn
nanį́hthiił audio  heat it up!
nshax naxnį́hthiił audio  heat up your house
yaak'et audio
ndaath audio it is heavy
tsets dehtsel dindaath audio green wood is heavy
shkeetétl audio heel of my foot
shxaan ts'į́' dę́'ę audio she or he is helping me (with a task)
shxaan ts'į́' yint'áath audio she or he helped me cut it up
xe'édáldek audio they rushed to help him or her (for example after an accident)
SEE she
naltl'éy audio
naltl'éy ná'al'és audio a herd (of caribou) is moving
jah audio
nts'é éł jah nínáhdeetl? audio how did you all get here?
wutsen sínt'eh audio this belongs to her, him
shdatch'iltthet audio I have the hiccups
tneedhįh'įį audio  (you) hide it!
shax nandîidz ch'etnél'įį audio he, she or it is hiding behind the house
ch'ethéth audio a hide
SYN skin, pelt
yatthiidóg audio
yatthiidóg tah kón' dí'ihdláx audio I keep matches way up there
teyh audio
teyh kedl audio hill with very few trees
xeekeeyh audio hillside
teyh k'iig audio slope of a hill
SEE he
shk'ę̌yy' audio my hip
wutsen sínt'eh audio this is his or hers
nédhekgót audio I hit him
shídhįhgót audio you hit me
shetédhįhgót audio you hit me for no reason at all
yíhgót audio he or she hit him or her
yinelshos audio he or she hit him, her or it really hard
metnedhegshos audio I hit him (in the head, face)
SEE slap
dhektl'eth audio I hit him, her or it (with a stick)
degthéek audio  I am hoarse
teełų́ų' audio she or he hoisted it up
daałų́ų' audio hoist down
u'ihtón' audio  I'm holding it
imperfective paradigmaudio
u'ihtón' ts'uutón'
u'intón' u'ahtón'
yuutón' xiyuutón'

shěg' údin'éetth audio hold it down with your foot
wudįhtl'et audio  hold it tight!

tsaak'ée audio hole in the ground
xosk'ée audio shallow hole in the ground ALSO ditch, gully
SYN pit
xdú' audio a hole in something
SEE shout
ch'ekelaagę̌y' audio hoof of moose, caribou or sheep
łox audio fishhook
sáx audio gaff hook
ehsáx audio  she or he is hooking, gaffing
naaxęy atkek audio a frog is hopping
natjehchéek audio it is hopping around (on two legs)
SEE wish
yaamâgh audio
ch'edé' audio ALSO antlers
łą́'ą éł ts'áxuntleeg audio it is really horrible, very bad
naxalxeen éł tęy łą́'ą éł ts'áxuntleeg audio  it is melting so the trail is horrible
ch'ut'aaddh audio
ts'iik shax audio
néeth audio it (object) is hot
tuu néeth audio the water is hot
tuu néethel audio hot water
xnéeth audio it (weather) is hot
nah'ôg xnéeth audio it is hot outside
elok! audio I'm hot!
shax audio house, modern house
shshax audio my house
nshax audio your house
Note that the form for 'someone's house' does not follow the usual pattern because [ -x ] at the end does not change to [ -gh' ] and the word does not have a rising pitch
SYN dwelling
Traditional houses
ch'elaats'eyh shax audio spruce bark house
dlaat shax audio moss covered house
niimaal shax audio traditional skin house
nįhtsiił audio
nts'é' audio
nts'é' tâatindaał? audio  how are you going home?
nts'é' k'eh naxúltsįį? audio  how does it look to you?
nts'é t'ínt'eh? audio
The same Tanacross word covers a range of English meanings that involve 'how much of something", such as how long, how much and how many.
ndóxk'ee audio
jâan ts'enh ndóxk'ee ch'eyninthenh audio how much do you want of this?
ndóxk'ee n'éł xátheł? audio how old are you?
Traditionally, it was impolite to ask 'how old are you?' of someone.
ndók'ee jah dhindah audio how long have you lived here?
SEE but
etsax it (dog, wolf) is howling, crying
shaxeh'ąą audio howling, making a commotion
tiikâan iin shaxeh'ąą audio the wolves are howling
tsaxdelxos audio howl, cry
tiikâan iin tsaxdelxos audio wolves are crying, howling
stá'etdzá' audio  he or she left in a huff
łeeshnintset audio  she or he gave me a hug
meghíshdek audio I hugged him or her
SEE funny
dihtsįį audio  I'm hungry
imperfective paradigmaudio
dihtsįį dzintsįį
dintsįį dahtsįį
dintsįį xdintsįį
na'elséex audio he's hunting
imperfective paradigmaudio
na'egséex nats'elséex
na'ilséex na'alséex
na'elséex naxelséex

nûun ká'ehá' he is hunting literally 'he is fetching animals'
This is a metaphorical way to referring to hunting.

xánteyy' audio hurry up
xen audio fast, quickly
xen eg'ęh audio I'm in a hurry
Different words are used for 'hurt physically' and 'hurt feelings'.
shexdéghindíik audio I got hurt
SYN injured
xenitet-tthet audio his or her feelings were hurt
xenitédhíshthet audio I got my feelings hurt
shkę́y' audio my husband, mate
wu'éł dhíhdaay audio my spouse, the one I stay with
dádhíinęy audio hush, be quiet!

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