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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shexdéghindíik audio  I was harmed, I got injured
łii dadíndah audio a dog is harnessed
łii keey iin daxdíndlah audio they harnessed up the dogs
kechents'êeg audio northern harrier (Circus cyaneus)
tthíishúus audio hat (general term)
tthíishúus ét-tl'uun audio knitted hat
tthíishúus mintaak'ey xunłęę hat with a visor
xaghįh'aats audio  it hatched
The same Tanacross word can used to convey the meaning of English 'get', 'haul' or 'fetch'.
shí' ka'inhá' audio go get food!
imperfective paradigm audio
ká'ihhá' káts'éhá'
ká'inhá' ká'ahhá'
ká'aahá' ká'xéhá'

tuu ká'ahá' audio she or he is hauling water
tsets ká'íhá' audio I am fetching firewood

dhihdlah audio I have (own, possess) them
perfective paradigmaudio
dhihdlah yits'eedlah
dhindlah ch'edhahdlah
ch'eedlah ch'axeedlah

tthíshúus dhíhdlah audio I have a lot of hats
taanduu k'et éeł dhíhdlah audio  I set traps on the island
sts'inkeey taag elt'eh audio I have three children

keech'otl sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus)
ch'etthaayh red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
gah daxeeł marsh hawk
nah daax audio marsh hawk
Tanacross does not have non-specific words that refer to the gender of 'that other' person. A separate word for 'he, she or it' 'is rarely used. Instead, who or what is involved is a necessary part of the verb. A separate word can be used to point out or emphasize a particular 'he' and is often translated as 'that person'.
nâan audio that one (person or thing)
nâan nt'sé miisí'? audio  what is his (that person's) name?
shtthí' audio  my head
ch'etthí' audio animal's head
tthí' ts'iik audio
tthí' ts'iik shdhéhxęę audio headache is killing me
shtthí' éhts'iik audio I have a headache
ch'etl'aa audio ALSO valley, canyon
naghishshé' audio I healed up, got better
Menhdeescheeg audio LITERALLY 'shallows mouth lake'
xatnaldók audio
tsets xatnaldók audio wood is heaped up, piled up in a heap (disorganized)
nde'ihtth'ek audio I hear you
shde'intth'ek? audio do you hear me?
de'ihtth'ek audio I hear him/her/it
xuude'ihtth'ek audio I hear them
je'ihtth'ek audio I listening, I hear something
díi lé'e de'ihtth'eg? audio what is it that I hear?
sdzii audio my hearing
sdzíi k'éxdélneyh k'eh shaa xúltsįį audio it seems like I'm losing my hearing
sdzeey' audio my heart
tuutthox audio
tuutthox shdatnénínts'iik audio  I have heartburn
nanį́hthiił audio  heat it up!
nshax naxnį́hthiił audio  heat up your house

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