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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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yaak'et audio
ndaath audio it is heavy
tsets dehtsel dindaath audio green wood is heavy
shkeetétl audio heel of my foot
shxaan ts'į́' dę́'ę audio she or he is helping me (with a task)
shxaan ts'į́' yint'áath audio she or he helped me cut it up
xe'édáldek audio they rushed to help him or her (for example after an accident)
SEE she
naltl'éy audio
naltl'éy ná'al'és audio a herd (of caribou) is moving
jah audio
nts'é éł jah nínáhdeetl? audio how did you all get here?
wutsen sínt'eh audio this belongs to her, him
shdatch'iltthet audio I have the hiccups
tneedhįh'įį audio  (you) hide it!
shax nandîidz ch'etnél'įį audio he, she or it is hiding behind the house
ch'ethéth audio a hide
SYN skin, pelt
yatthiidóg audio
yatthiidóg tah kón' dí'ihdláx audio I keep matches way up there
teyh audio
teyh kedl audio hill with very few trees
xeekeeyh audio hillside
teyh k'iig audio slope of a hill
SEE he
shk'ę̌yy' audio my hip
wutsen sínt'eh audio this is his or hers
nédhekgót audio I hit him
shídhįhgót audio you hit me
shetédhįhgót audio you hit me for no reason at all
yíhgót audio he or she hit him or her
yinelshos audio he or she hit him, her or it really hard
metnedhegshos audio I hit him (in the head, face)
SEE slap
dhektl'eth audio I hit him, her or it (with a stick)
degthéek audio  I am hoarse
teełų́ų' audio she or he hoisted it up
daałų́ų' audio hoist down
u'ihtón' audio  I'm holding it
imperfective paradigmaudio
u'ihtón' ts'uutón'
u'intón' u'ahtón'
yuutón' xiyuutón'

shěg' údin'éetth audio hold it down with your foot
wudįhtl'et audio  hold it tight!

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