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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tsaak'ée audio hole in the ground
xosk'ée audio shallow hole in the ground ALSO ditch, gully
SYN pit
xdú' audio a hole in something
SEE shout
ch'ekelaagę̌y' audio hoof of moose, caribou or sheep
łox audio fishhook
sáx audio gaff hook
ehsáx audio  she or he is hooking, gaffing
naaxęy atkek audio a frog is hopping
natjehchéek audio it is hopping around (on two legs)
SEE wish
yaamâgh audio
ch'edé' audio ALSO antlers
łą́'ą éł ts'áxuntleeg audio it is really horrible, very bad
naxalxeen éł tęy łą́'ą éł ts'áxuntleeg audio  it is melting so the trail is horrible
ch'ut'aaddh audio
ts'iik shax audio
néeth audio it (object) is hot
tuu néeth audio the water is hot
tuu néethel audio hot water
xnéeth audio it (weather) is hot
nah'ôg xnéeth audio it is hot outside
elok! audio I'm hot!
shax audio house, modern house
shshax audio my house
nshax audio your house
Note that the form for 'someone's house' does not follow the usual pattern because [ -x ] at the end does not change to [ -gh' ] and the word does not have a rising pitch
SYN dwelling
Traditional houses
ch'elaats'eyh shax audio spruce bark house
dlaat shax audio moss covered house
niimaal shax audio traditional skin house
nįhtsiił audio
nts'é' audio
nts'é' tâatindaał? audio  how are you going home?
nts'é' k'eh naxúltsįį? audio  how does it look to you?
nts'é t'ínt'eh? audio
The same Tanacross word covers a range of English meanings that involve 'how much of something", such as how long, how much and how many.
ndóxk'ee audio
jâan ts'enh ndóxk'ee ch'eyninthenh audio how much do you want of this?
ndóxk'ee n'éł xátheł? audio how old are you?
Traditionally, it was impolite to ask 'how old are you?' of someone.
ndók'ee jah dhindah audio how long have you lived here?
SEE but
etsax it (dog, wolf) is howling, crying
shaxeh'ąą audio howling, making a commotion
tiikâan iin shaxeh'ąą audio the wolves are howling
tsaxdelxos audio howl, cry
tiikâan iin tsaxdelxos audio wolves are crying, howling
stá'etdzá' audio  he or she left in a huff

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