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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Yith ndlduq. JD+RD lit. Snow ball
Yith ndlduq iłyoth. JD+RD It's hailing.  

Tthex JD+RD
Vitthegh getiy ngingath. JD+RD Her hair is long.  

See "Part"

Ngi'egh gidiłning'. JD+RD He's outside hammering.  

Vaxa gidalning JD+RD lit. With it something is pounded
Vaxa gidalning axa q'u'idineyh. JD+RD He's working with a hammer.  

Vilo' JD+RD His hand  
Dilo' axa q'u'idineyh. JD+RD She is working with her hands.
Niłq'odz dilo' axa q'u'idineyh. JD+RD She is working with both her hands.  
Tl'ogh ts'in JD Left hand Left side
Niłne ts'in HM+ED Right hand Right side

Giting' JD+RD
Viting' ngith xelanh. JD+RD It has a long handle.  

Doghdelo. JD+RD It's hanging. Clothlike object, including fish, meat, coat, etc.
Dinadeloy xoghdelo. JD+RD Clothes are hanging.
Doghdingiłcheth. JD+RD Hang it up.  
Lighan doghdhiłcheth. JD+RD Silver salmon is hanging up. 

Didiyoq. HM+ED It happened.
Ndadz didiyoq? HM+ED What happened to him?
Imk'i didiyoq. HM+ED He almost died.

See "Die"

Xoneł JD+RD
Viya xoneł. JD+RD He is happy.  
Siya xoneł. RD I'm happy.
Sidigits'eyh. JD+RD I'm happy.  
Sidingałts'eyh. RD Be happy. 

To the touch
Xiditth'inh. JD+RD It's hard.
Ngan' ditth'inh. JD+RD The ground is hard.

See "Freeze"

Vixetroth. RD It's hard to do.  
Getiy vixetroth. RD It's too hard.
Ididhix tux vixetroth. HM+KH Scraping skins is hard work.  
Nodich'it iy. HM+ED It's hard to do.  

Łeg dondelayh. JD+RD Harness up the dogs.  

Łedinaloy. RD lit. Dogs, their clothes
Łedinaloy nditlggingh. JD+RD I'm drying dog harness.  

Ts'ix JD+RD
Sits'igh ixudhitlnix. JD+RD I lost my hat.  
Vits'igh getiy ngichox. JD+RD His hat is too big.  

Ndilighik. JD+RD He is hauling.  
Tritr ndilighik. JD+RD He's hauling wood.
Soxo te yi'odz ni'ilighux. JD+RD He hauled water for me.  
Soxo tritr dindilighit. RD He is hauling wood for me.  

Łek it'anh. RD He has a dog.  
Łek ingit'anh, he? RD+JD Do you have a dog?
Gan ine' iy idiniso. JD+RD I don't have anything.  

Vitthe' RD Her/his head.  
Sitthe' xinezraghtlningh. JD I bumped my head.
Sitthe' xinedaghtlningh. RD I bumped my head.  

Tthe nesrin HM
Tthe nesrin neg axa dit'anh. JD+RD She is wearing a nice headband.  

Ntithinek JD+RD It's starting to heal.  
Silo' ntithinek. RD My hand is healing.  

Gidistth'onh RD I hear something.  
Gan idingitth'onh? JD+RD What do you hear?
Ginondidoy idistth'onh. HM+ED I hear a robin.  
Beth ididhistth'igg ts'in'. HM+ED I can't hear Beth.  

Viyeq'id JD+RD Her heart  
Viyeq'id gelanh. JD There is someone close to her heart.
Siyeq'id xełedz q'u'idineyh. JD+RD My heart is working good.  
Giyeq'id HM+ED Animal heart Something's heart

Tthagg HM+KH
Chaynik tthagg ne'oyh. HM+KH Put the kettle on the heat.  
Vits'i xigidet'anh. RD It's throwing heat.  

Yoyet RD lit. In the sky
Diniyhdi xinihił ts'i yoye xits'in'. JD It takes four nights to get to heaven.
Diniyhdi xinihił yoyet xits'in'. RD It takes four nights to get to heaven.

See "Stamp"

Ngidoth. JD+RD It's heavy.  
Vinołchidl ngidoth. JD+RD Her bag is heavy.  

Viqałtitl JD+RD His heel  
Chel diqałtitl idinithdo'. RD The boy hurt his heel.  

Vitthiłt'ogh gits'angiliqil RD lit. The top of its head is turning.
Vitthiłt'ogh gits'angiliqil not'ux. JD+RD A helicopter is coming (flying).  

Ade' HM+ED
Ade', yi'odz ningiyo. HM+ED Hello, you came over. When a visitor arrives.

Sits'i ene. HM+KH She's helping me.  
Yits'i itone. HM+KH He's going to help her.
Sits'i ingine! HM+ED Help me!  

Gughon ineneyh HM+KH lit. A helpful person

Tl'on q'ondiłqon'. HM+KH She's hemming it. lit. She's sewing the bottom up.
Da'ak tl'on q'onxidiłqon'. HM+ED She's hemming the parka. lit. She's sewing the parka bottom up.

Deg KH+AJ Of this area
Deg vav KH + AJ Native food lit. Local food
Deg yith ixididinek. KH+LH Snow is gone around here.
Got HM+KH Here In this place
Go dhi'onh. HM+ED It's right here. 
Gogidet iy.HM+KH It's right here.  

Yiłyiq HM+KH
Q'odet getiy yiłyiq. HM+KH A while ago he had bad hiccups.  

See "Fur"

Sriłti neyo. HM+KH He's hiding. lit. He went where we have to call him (to find him).
Yik'u sriłti neyo. Yik'u niłtri neyo. HM+KH He hid from him.  

Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Way up
Dits'in chux ngidixi not'ux. HM+KH An eagle is flying high.

See "Above", "Up"

See "Mountain"

Gighuth HM+KH lit. Something's hindquarter
Dineg ghuth xoghdetonh. HM+KH A moose hindquarter is hanging.  

Engthidong HM+KH lit. Long time ago
Engthidong gixudhoy HM+KH A story of long ago

See "Ago"

Yitlchith. KH He's hitting it.  
Ine tr'aghłchith. HM He got hit by accident.
Ine tr'aghłchitth. KH He got hit by accident.  
Yinaghiłchith. HM+KH He hit him in the face.  

See "Harness"

Getingh'. KH He's holding something.  
Geting'. HM He's holding something.
Xutl etingh'. KH He's holding a sled.  
Xutl eting'. HM He's holding a sled.  
Ngoxo tasting'. HM I'll hold it for you. 

Vogh yot'an'. HM+ED It has a hole.  
Vitil vogh yot'an'. HM+ED His sock has a hole.
Xinedot'an'. HM+ED The area (ground or ice) has a hole.  
Xinedot'andi xiye dighet'adhin. HM+ED Don't step in a hole. lit. Place with a hole, in there don't step.

Xiyeghelinghdi HM+RD+JD lit. The place where the water is running in

See "Current"

Izrił. HM+KH She's hollering.
Gan oqo ngizrił? HM+KH What are you hollering for?
Łek yi'ezreł. HM+KH Dogs are howling.

See "Howl"

Deloy Chet HM+KH lit. Up against the mountain

Miyok HM+KH From Yup'ik "piivaq" from Russian "pivo", 'beer'
Miyok ni'itltsenh. HM+KH He made another batch of home brew.  

See "Really", "Truth"

Vits'i xitidl'o. HM+ED He honors him.  
Donh ts'i xititl-'o. HM+ED She's honoring her mother.  

Tthigits'ix HM+KH
Tthigits'ix ndili'onh. HM+KH He's wearing his hood.

See "Parka"

Giqandili'adh HM+ED lit. What it steps with
Dineg giqandili'adh chux t'anh. HM+ED Moose have big hooves.  

Ntr'edizrix. HM+KH He's hooking.  
Łegg oqo niłtredizrix. łegg oqo ntre'dizrix. HM+KH He's hooking for fish.
Gilqoy oqo niłtre'dizrix. Giliqoy oqo ntre'dizrix. HM+KH He's hooking for pike.  

Srix HM+KH
Srix xoghdingiłchith. HM Hang it on the hook. Cloth-like object

Divało. HM+KH I hope.  
Divało dist'anh da'. HM+KH I hope I go.  

Vidiggiy. HM+ED lit. They are on top.
Vidiggiy yadz tathdatl. HM+ED Its horns came off.  

Xik'ugili'anhdi HM+KH lit. The place where they cure people
Xik'ugili'anhdi nidhiso. HM+KH I went to the hospital.  

Nadhił HM+KH It is hot.  
Toł nadhił. HM+KH The soup is hot.
Getiy isdheł. HM+ED I'm really hot.  
Xedhił JD+KH It's hot out.  
Ngi'egh getiy xedhił. HM+KH It's really hot outside.   

Ngiyix nidhiso. HM+KH I went to your house.
Xiyh yix LH+KH Winter house
Gitadlividz yix HM+ED Frame house

See "Tent", "Smokehouse"

Ndadz HM+KH
Ndadz dengit'a? HM+KH How are you?
Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a? HM+KH How's the weather? lit. Outside, what is it doing?

See "What", "Many"

Xitrixdi'oyh. HM+ED He's howling. lit. He's blowing out tears.
Łek xitrixdi'oyh. HM+ED A dog is howling.
Nigughun xitrixidilayh. HM+ED Wolves are howling.  
Q'iydong xiłts'in' nigughun xitrixdilayh. HM+RD+JD Wolves were howling last night.  

Nchiyath HM+KH
Vinq'it tux nchiyath xelanh. HM+KH There are hummocks in the lake.  

Dets'an'. ES+AJ He is hungry.  
Sileg detsan'. HM+KH My dog is hungry.
Sileg dighetsan'. HM+KH My dog was hungry.  
Nt'ux tr'atotsan'. HM+KH After a while we'll be hungry .  

Gits'i'in HM+KH
Gits'i'in q'u'ithiyo. HM+KH He went hunting.  
Gits'i'in q'udhisiyo. HM+KH I went hunting.
Iłt'e gits'i'in q'u'edoyh. HM+KH He goes hunting all the time.  

Gits'i'in q'u'edoyinh KH lit. One who goes walking around hunting

Uxidiniy HM+KH
Uxidiniy gehonh. HM+KH Hurry up and eat.  
Uxidiniy dingit'a. HM Hurry and be fast.
Uxidiniy tth'ok tongilax. HM+KH Hurry up and wash dishes.  

Idinithdo'. HM+ED He got hurt.  
Idinasdo'. HM+ED I'm hurt.
Idinado', he'? HM+ED Are you hurt?  
Idinasdo' qul. HM+ED I'm not hurt.  

Viqing' HM+KH lit. Her husband
Viqing' ni'idiyo. HM+KH Her husband came back.  
Siqing' q'adhist'a. HM+KH I loved my husband.  

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