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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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isiŋnaq, dl. isiŋnak, pl. isiŋnat

Jade is expensive.
Isiŋnaq akisuruq.
long-tailed jaeger
isruŋŋaq, dl. isruŋŋaak, pl. isruŋŋaich

The jaeger has a long tail.
Isruŋŋaq papikpaqaqtuq.

2. parasitic jaeger
miġiaqsaayuk, dl. miġiaqsaayuuk, pl. miġiaqsaayuich

The jaeger landed on top of the rock.
Miġiaqsaayuk mitchuq iyaġaum qaaŋanun.

3. pomarine jaeger
isruŋŋaġluk, dl. isruŋŋaġluuk, pl. isruŋŋaġluich

The pomarine jaeger is a bird.
Isruŋŋaġluk tiŋmiurauruq.

isiqtauvik, dl. isiqtauviik, pl. isiqtauviich

He is in jail.
Isiqtauviŋmi ittuq.

jam lit., something to spread with
miñuun, nanuun

Please put jam on my bread.
Miñuutmiktuq miñullauŋ qaqquutiga.
-new sunshine-

When January comes, the sun begins to appear.
Siqiñiq nuiḷḷaasruusriraqtuq Siqiñaasrugruk nuikman.
jar, bottle
nakasruŋŋuaq, dl. nakasruŋŋuak, pl. nakasruŋŋuat

I save jars.
Nakasruŋŋuanik tuvvaqsisuuruŋa.

lower jawbone
-one side- agliġuq, dl. both sides, entire mandible agliqquk, pl. agliqqut

The jawbone moves when chewing.
Agliġuq iḷiqsraġuuruq tamuqtuni.

lower jawbones--used for chewing when eating.
Agliqquk--tamuutik niġiruni.
Canada jay, camp robber
kiiriq, dl. kiirik, pl. kiirich

The camp robber is gray.
Kiiriq qirġiaqtuq.

to be jealous of someone of the same sex regarding a person of the opposite sex

he is jealous
saŋiaktuq, dl. saŋiaktuk, pl. saŋiaktut

The woman is jealous over her husband.
Saŋiaktuq aġnaq aŋutmiktigun.

2. to be jealous, envious

he is jealous, envious
siqñaruq, dl. siqñaruk, pl. siqñarut

She is jealous of her younger sibling’s new coat.
Siqñaruq nukatchiani quppiġaatchiaqman.

see also fish, hook

to jig for mudshark with a multi-pronged hook

he is jigging, is hooking for mudshark
iqaktuqtuq, dl. iqaktuqtuk, pl. iqaktuqtut

He is hooking for mudshark.
Iqaktuqtuq tittaaliñun.
jigging stick
aulasraun, dl. aulasrautik, pl. aulasrautit

The jigging stick is long.
Aulasraun takiruq.

to join a group, to become a member of a group

She joined them.

She joined the singers.
Iḷaliutiruq atuqtuanun.

body joint
napyaaq, dl. napyaak, pl. napyaat

My joints are aching.
Napyaatka atniġñaqtut.

to joke, he is joking
mitaaqtuq, dl. mitaaqtuk, pl. mitaaqtut

The man is making people laugh by telling jokes.
Iñuk mitaaqhuni, iglaqtitchiruq.

to be joyful
qaamasraaq-, quviasruk-

she is buoyantly joyful
qaamasraaqtuq, dl. qaamasraaqtuk, pl. qaamasraaqtut

The woman is buoyantly joyful because she is happy.
Aġnaq qaamasraaqtuq quviasrukhuni.

Make a joyful noise.
Quvianaqtaamik nipinigusri.

judge, boss, king
ataniq, dl. atannak, pl. atanġich

I respect the judge.
Taluġigiga ataniq.

atanniiiq, atanniun

Judgment is supposed to come.
Atanniiiq tikitchaġumaruq.

to juggle

she is juggling
igḷukisaaqtuq, dl. igḷukisaaqtuk, pl. igḷukisaaqtut

He is juggling with two rocks.
Igḷukisaaqtuq malġuŋnik iyaqqaŋnik.

2. juggling pebble
igḷukisaaksraq, dl. igḷukisaaksrak, pl. igḷukisaaksrat

The juggling pebble is round.
Igḷukisaaksraq aqsravaluqtuq.

juice juice, kool aid, wine
misruġuq, dl. misruqquk, pl. misruqqut

Cranberry juice is good to drink.
Kikmiññam misruġua imiqtuni nakuuruq.
-molting time-

When July comes, the geese and ducks molt.
Itchavik tikitman, tiŋmiallu tiŋmiagruiḷḷu israraqtut.

to jump

he jumped
misiksuq, dl. misiksuk, pl. misiksut

He jumped from the bank.
Qipaluamiñ misiksuq.

2. to jump across, to leap

he leaped
nutiktuq, dl. nutiktuk, pl. nutiktut

He jumped across there.
Nutiktuq taichuŋa.

3. to repeatedly jump across; to repeatedly leap across, to jump up and down

He is leaping across to the other side.
Nuttagaqtuq taaganiaŋanun.

She is jumping up and down on the bed.
Siñigviŋñi nuttagaqtuq.

-birth time-

I got married to him in June.
Iġñiviŋmi ilaanun iḷiruŋa.

just recently
-qqammiq-, qqamiq- [v-v]

He just came.

He just left.

I just got up.

They just got done eating.

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